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New zealand population by race. Key information about New Zealand population.

New zealand population by race This dataset contains 2018-base (update) projections of the European or Other (including New Zealander), Maori, Asian, Pacific, Middle Eastern/Latin American/African, Chinese, Indian, and Samoan ethnic populations usually living in New Zealand (released September 2022). 4 million population, informally called ‘Kiwis’, are of European, mainly British and Irish, descent and making up to 69% of the population. New Zealand’s total population is projected to grow from 4. The population density in New Zealand is 20 per Km 2 (52 people per mi 2). 5 per square mile) (June 2023 estimate). The total New Zealand population is estimated from 1953 to 2020, and projected after the June 2020 year. 48 million in 2073. 200000 Population in Major Urban Areas Auckland 1. [35] The vast majority of the population live on the main North and South Islands, with New Zealand's major inhabited smaller islands being Waiheke Island (9,420), the Chatham and Pitt Islands (730), and Stewart Island (381). Total population reaches its peak in 2078 at 5,867,364. 4% of all individuals identify with more than one ethnic group (Statistics New New Zealand's population structure shows a nearly equal male to female ratio of 0. Working age population will be less than 60% of total population at year 2055. Apr 3, 2024 · This statistic displays the forecast of the annual population growth rate in New Zealand from 2018 to 2038, by ethnicity. 452 million; WELLINGTON (capital) 410,000 While New Zealanders are dispersed across various states, certain regions stand out as hubs of New Zealand expatriates. Since 2018, our Māori population has increased by 14%, Pacific Peoples by 16%, and Asian by 22%. This remarkable 29% decrease lowers New Zealand’s per capita incarceration rate to about 150 per 100,000 – similar to Australia and near the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average. Nearly 15% of New Zealand’s population is made up by the Maori who are considered the indigenous Polynesian population of the islands. Find 2018 Census data about the different ethnic groups living in New Zealand. Jun 24, 2020 · Ethnicity cartograms of New Zealand . The first hares were brought to New Zealand in 1868 as hunting quarry but a gestation period of around 40 days resulted in problems for farmers and British greyhounds were imported to help control them. Population 4,925,477 Population Growth Rate 0. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian and MELAA-owned businesses have continued to grow in number. Friesen T. 7%, compared to 50. 7 (2018), New Zealand STATLAS - view Stats NZ's web maps and applications; Stats about the population by region, district, and smaller areas, and by ethnic group. Hauora Vaccine Data Population Change in population Age distribution Ethnicity New Zealand has a diverse ethnic mix. 3: Life expectancy at birth (years) 83. See population data displayed in maps. 9%) in the current year. 5% are indigenous Māori 15. Most of New Zealand’s 4. It provides a snapshot of our society at a point in time and helps to tell the story of its social and economic change. 7 beds/1,000 population (2017) Sanitation not only in public discourse but also in research in the New Zealand context (Callister, 2008, 2011; Lowe, 2008), including in the field of communication studies (Robie, 2009). All of New Zealand’s major ethnic groups (level 1) increased in population between 2018 and 2023, except for the ‘Other ethnic group’ (largely comprised of ‘New Zealander’ responses). Oct 2, 2024 · New Zealand’s population continues to become increasingly ethnically diverse, with the share of the population identifying with European ethnicity easing from 74% in 2013, to 70% in 2018 and now 68% in 2023. View digital posters that use graphs and graphics to make data easily understandable. In New Zealand, the population is 5,240,809 as of Friday, March 14, 2025, with a growth rate of 0. (Morton, S. [35] Population age 60+ (thousands) 1,185: Population aged 60+ (% of total population) 22. ix. 5 per square kilometre (50. 2%), Māori (16. 1%), and Pacific peoples (8. By 1900, Auckland was the largest city in New Zealand. 4% since 2018) Median age: 34. Goodyear B. The highest concentration of adults under 75 years old is in the 33 and 32 year-old age groups , while the lowest concentration is in the 74 and 73 year-old age groups . 3% of the female population. 1 per cent) and Pacific peoples (8. 72 % (35,434 people) compared to population of 4,941,987 the year before. ‘New Zealander’ or ‘Kiwi’ responses were coded to ‘New Zealander’ at level 4 of the classification (under ‘Other Ethnicity’ at level 1), while ‘Pākeha’ was coded to ‘New Zealand European’ at level 2 of the classification. If it did the population would be way lower than it is (as Polynesians probably would have noped out entirely and many fewer Brits and other European would have been tempted to Prison remand and sentenced throughput data can be viewed, filtered and downloaded from the Statistics New Zealand website: Annual sentenced prison throughput: The number of prison sentences started each year. 5% are indigenous Māori, 15. It has remained the fastest growing city of New Zealand and the leading industrial center since this time. New Zealand ranks number 126 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. New Zealand STATLAS. In 2024 the population of New Zealand was 5,022,000 and the average age increased from 30. 6% identify as Māori, 9. NEW ZEALAND POPULATION REVIEW Volume 42 2016 Editors W. Mar 1, 2025 · View New Zealand's Population: Annual from 1991 to 2024 in the chart: max 1y 5y 10y. [25] The Asian, Pacific and Māori ethnic groups are growing faster and will increase their share of the New Zealand population. A story map that uses 2018 Census data to visualise population density and ethnic diversity across New Zealand. A technical paper. People of European descent constituted the majority of the 4. This is an increase of 0. Apply. 01%. ) Health expenditures: 9. New Zealand. This dataset contains counts at statistical area 1 for selected variables from the 2018, 2013, and 2006 censuses. 56 years old. 7% per year, 160 births per day, and 108 deaths per day. May 8, 2012 · Partly as a result of continuing immigration, the population of contemporary New Zealand remains diverse: 67. 2% of the population as Asian and 6. 6 in 1960 to 39. Immigrants comprised 29 percent of the population as of 2023, but many have temporary statuses that do not offer full residence rights. Read more Labor force participation rate in New Zealand in 2020, by ethnicity Everyone else has pointed out the many reasons for the population size. See where and how people travel to work and education in an interactive map. 8 percent, according to the median projection. The 2022 figures are provisional. Estimates of the Māori ethnic population of New Zealand by age and sex. I'm just gonna point out New Zealand doesn't have 'a similar climate to the UK ' as OP suggests. Annual remand prison throughput: The number of remand periods ending each year. As of the 2018 census, the majority of New Zealand's population is of European descent (70 percent; often referred to as Pākehā), with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority (16. The Asian, Pacific and Māori ethnic groups are growing faster and will increase their share of the New Zealand population. 27–8. Dec 3, 2013 · It is not a measure of race, ancestry, nationality, or citizenship. 2 per cent of the population identified as European and 16. Asian and MELAA-owned businesses’ represent more than 20% of all businesses in New Zealand and around 13% of all New Zealand businesses that export goods. New Zealand provides a particularly interesting context, with a diverse population, and an unusual state framework around race and ethnicity: mixedness and “mixed ethnic identity” have been officially recognised for more than 20 years. Ethnicity is a measure of cultural affiliation, as opposed to race, ancestry, nationality, or citizenship. New Zealand's population density is relatively low, at 19. The geography corresponds to 2018 boundaries. May 11, 2024 · 2023 Census population change by ethnic group and regional council lookup table is for use in conjunction with the population change by ethnic group and regional These ethnic population projections complement the projections of the New Zealand population National Population Projections 2020(base)-2073. 1%). New Zealand also has a large migrant population, bringing a wide range of different ethnicities. Ethnic groups in the Waitaki District, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, number of people; Ethnic groups in Palmerston North City, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, number of people; Ethnic groups in the Waimakariri District, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, number of people; Ethnic groups in Wellington City, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, % of people May 28, 2021 · As released in December 2020, New Zealand’s total population could reach 6 million in about 20–30 years (see New Zealand’s population could reach 6 million by 2050). 2013 Census QuickStats about Māori. 7%) in 2000 to 4,397,000 (86. The impact of the post-Second World War baby boom is particularly evident in the significant growth of the Pākehā population until the early 1970s. The proportion of ethnic populations by Territorial Authority and Auckland Local Boards (TALB) from the 2018 Census . 9 million in 2018 to 5. 06% of the total world population. The comedown from last year’s record growth in population numbers was felt across most regions. ** Middle Eastern/Latin American/African. 85% Urban Population 86. Hohmann-Marriott Population Association of New Zealand TP02849 NZ Population Review Cover. Survival at 5 years is low, especially in these groups. Apply max 1y 5y 10y. govt. New Zealand 2018–2043; Māori population projections Population 4,925,477 Population Growth Rate 0. 3% of the population. Urban population has increased from 3,305,162 (85. 1% are non-Māori Pacific Islanders. The fan chart shows the total New Zealand population from 1953 to 2073. The Asian and Māori ethnic group populations are both projected to surpass 1 million, in 2024–2027 and 2028-2032, respectively. 47 years old and a median female age of 39. [4] New Zealand’s population has grown by almost 300,000 people; three out of four New Zealanders live in the North Island; Selwyn and Queenstown are still the fastest growing territorial authorities; almost 1 million New Zealanders were of Māori descent at the time of the 2023 Census; the population continues to age; the population continues to Sep 3, 2020 · Explore the diversity and characteristics of over 160 ethnic groups in New Zealand based on 2018 Census data. The current oval racing industry was born out of coursing which was seen at the time as a way to help control the population of hares. Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa – Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand Apr 3, 2024 · Female population of Māori residents in New Zealand 1991-2023; Ethnic distribution of smoking rate among adults New Zealand 2018 by gender; Perceived and actual share of population over 65 years New Zealand STATLAS - view Stats NZ's web maps and applications; Place and ethnic group summaries; population estimates, population projections, and; productivity. 9% as Pacific Peoples, while 10. 0 percent). a illemith G These ethnic population projections complement the projections of the New Zealand population National Population Projections 2020(base)-2073. By 2038 the New Zealand population is expected to show considerably more ethnic diversity. Oct 8, 2023 · ACT will stop dividing healthcare by race,” says ACT Leader David Seymour. Australia/New The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. population growth will slow as New Zealand’s population ages and the gap between the number of births and deaths narrows; New Zealand's population (5. For each level 1 ethnic group in the total response ethnicity classification, an indicator is derived. e. 8 in 2023. Nov 20, 2024 · What percentage of New Zealand is black? In New Zealand, people of African descent represent less than 0. Population Pyramids: New Zealand - 2021. 06% of the world's total's population. Statistics New Zealand Jun 28, 2024 · New Zealanders of African descent represent less than 0. 59 physicians/1,000 population (2018) Hospital bed density: 2. The population density of New Zealand has changed from 11. Still, both race, which describes one’s physical characteristics, and ethnicity, which encompasses cultural traditions such as language and religion, play significant roles in people’s lives These ethnic population projections complement the projections of the New Zealand population National Population Projections 2020(base)-2073. 0% of the population in the 2013 New Zealand census. Ethnicity is the ethnic group or groups a person identifies with or has a sense of belonging to. Nov 12, 2024 · * All population data based on Stats NZ’s annual Subnational Population Estimates (which are provisional for the year to June 2024) Chart 2: What goes up. 9 million people in Dec 1950 Jun 22, 2022 · Since its peak at 10,820 in March 2018, New Zealand’s prison population has reduced to 7702 in December 2021. According to the 2013 census, a quarter of the New Zealand population was born overseas (up from 19 percent in 2001 and 23 percent in 2006). Report 1: Before we are born, p. The New Zealand population reached 5. 7% of the total population identify as (New Zealand) European, 14. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. Elderly population will be more than twice of the young population at 2073. 8 Ethnic groups in the Wellington Region, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, % of people; Ethnic groups in Wellington City, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, number of people; Ethnic groups in Wellington City, New Zealand 2023 Census, number of people; Ethnic groups in Wellington City, New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, % of people Population growth expected across all ethnic groups. Jun 30, 2023 · The total New Zealand population estimates for 30 June 2022 and 2023 published here may also differ slightly from the national population estimates that will appear in subsequent releases, as these use updated international migration estimates. 02% of their respective state populations. The Māori population declined throughout the 19th century until the early 1890s, when it began to grow again. A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. This article provides a wide-ranging overview of the country's past and present trends and policies. 1 per cent). In the most recent New Zealand census, in 2018, 70. All New Zealand; Hauora vaccine data. This is an estimate of the number of people who usually live in New Zealand, at a given date. Key information about New Zealand population. Click on the ethnic group in the key to remove that block from the graph; click on the selection again to restore it. 7: Percentage of women out of the population aged 60+ 52. i. 3 percent), and non-Māori Pacific Islanders known collectively as Pasifika (9. More than a quarter of the New Zealand population was born overseas (28. What is the racial makeup of New Zealand? Todays, the population of New Zealand is made up of people from a range of backgrounds: 70% are of European descent 16. “New Zealand’s Filipino community grew by nearly 50 percent since 2018, driving a lot of the growth in the Asian population. 5%), Asian (15. Infographics. That’s almost 540,000 people — 10,000 more than the population of the entire Wellington Sep 18, 2021 · improved: urban: 100% of population rural: 100% of population total: 100% of population unimproved: urban: 0% of population rural: 0% of population total: 0% of population (2017 est. In Auckland, 39 percent of the population was born overseas (the highest proportions are in the Puketāpapa and Howick local board areas where over half the population were born Statistics New Zealand (2020) Territorial authority data about individuals for all New Zealand, Table 5, 2006, 2013 and 2018. In 2023, the New Zealand population included : The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. Within a year, the population was almost 2,000, which reached 3,500 by the mid-century. Jun 30, 1996 · Source: Statistics New Zealand / Te Tari Tatau (web). Explanation: Population estimates for 2018 and later are based on the results of the 2018 census. NEW ZEALAND POPULATION REVIEW Volume 47 2021 Editors R. , et. 1% identify as Asian, and 8. It excludes visitors from overseas, visitors from elsewhere in New Zealand, and residents temporarily overseas on census night. 825 males per 100 females. 0: Total fertility rate (2023) 1. The sex ratio in New Zealand in 2025 will be 98. 4 million people in Dec 2024, compared with the previously reported figure of 5. How you use it: New Zealand population categorized by commute method (based on residence, workplace or school address) can be used by regional urban planning and transportation infrastructure departments to identify commuting patterns, popular routes, and the busiest regional centers and most common types of transit in use. 73%, sex ratio is 0. New Zealand is in the 136th position in terms of the female-to-male ratio. . net Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100. indd 1 11/02/14 11:57 AM SPECIAL EDITION: Housing at the heart of place, people and population Ko te whare noho kei te iho o te wāhi, te tangata me te taupori Speial Editors K. 21 November 2024 Population Pyramids: New Zealand - 2024. 99 (1 for working age), dependency ratio is 55%. The share of Pacific peoples is projected to increase from 7 percent of the population in 2006 to 10 percent in 2026. PopulationPyramid. Asians make up nearly 10% of the Apr 21, 2020 · In 2018, 11% of the New Zealand population reported their ethnicity in more than one ethnic group. miles). The 2024 population density in New Zealand is 20 people per Km 2 (51 people per mi 2), calculated on a total land area of 263,310 Km2 (101,665 sq. However, only the median series of the respective ethnic population projections and median series of the New Zealand population projections are designed to be directly comparable. These ethnic population projections complement the projections of the New Zealand population National Population Projections 2020(base)-2073. All ethnic populations are projected to grow between 2018 and 2043. Sep 18, 2021 · Population Pyramid. Live population as of 10 March 2025, updated in real time: All data is based on the 2024 edition of the UN World Population prospects. We deliver the latest news, video, profiles, field & form, statistics and raceday info. nz. This diversity makes New Zealand one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world. 8: Percentage of women out of the population aged 80+ 57. New Zealand population is equivalent to 0. 4 million people in Dec 2024 and a record low of 1. 452 million; WELLINGTON (capital) 410,000 This volume aims to reorient the field of study to look specifically at New Zealand. Among these, the District of Columbia, Utah, and Washington exhibit the highest percentage of New Zealander residents, each representing 0. stats. al. Text alternative for New Zealand population, June 1953 year to June 2073 year. 6 percent of the European working age population in New Zealand were part of the labor force. 8. Population Pyramids: New Zealand - 2022. 8%). Currently New Zealand population is around 4370062 and by year 2030 its expected to be 5213103 . Source: Statistics New Zealand / Te Tari Tatau (web). Note: % | Forecast After 2023 (UN, Statistics Office, Local Agency) Population Structure. 09 million in 2020) has a 90 percent probability of being between 5. indd 1 11/02/14 11:57 AM Demographics of New Zealand 2024. The population demographic data has been Mar 10, 2025 · New Zealand Population. For Māori, the increase in population share will be small: from 15 percent in 2006 to 16 percent in 2026. Statistics New Zealand (2013). Topics include population, birthplace, ethnicity, health, employment, income, and education. National population estimates give the best measure between census dates of the population that usually lives in New Zealand. The Amazing Race Australia; No one lives in the green part of new Zealand,the population density there is 0 people per km and that is about 78% of new Zealand Apr 3, 2024 · That year, around 70. 34–7. 1% … Download scientific diagram | New Zealand population by country of birth, censuses 1858-2013. Day Population Association of New Zealand TP02849 NZ Population Review Cover. 8 in 1980 to 18. The population of New Zealand is equivalent to 0. African population in New Zealand By detailed ethnicity, 2023 Census, number of people It is a measure of cultural affiliation (in contrast to race, ancestry Lung cancer disproportionately affects Māori and socially disadvantaged persons in New Zealand society. Learn about the population size, age, region, and culture of MELAA, one of the six major ethnic groups in New Zealand. 2: Median age (years) 37. Commuter – Waka. M. A black line represents the median (50th percentile). Menu Covid-19. New Zealand Population: Annual: Age 15 to 64 Population Pyramids: Australia/New Zealand - 2024. As of 1 January 2025, the population of New Zealand was estimated to be 4,977,421 people. 3% of New Zealand’s population, although the number has been growing since the 1990s. Statistics New Zealand (2005) Understanding and working with ethnicity data. Ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in lung cancer in a New Zealand population Oct 3, 2024 · In addition, nearly a third of people in New Zealand were born overseas, with the census recording more than 200 different birthplaces from around the world, and more than 150 languages spoken in New Zealand. 13 million in 2048 and 5. The opposite trend applies to the Māori and Pacific ethnic groups, which collectively comprise only 7% of the population of ‘New Zealand one’ but 57% of the population of ‘New Zealand 10’. Jun 25, 2024 · According to recent statistics, approximately 70% of the population is of European descent, 16. 9 million in 2043, an average increase of 0. Nov 1, 2008 · Request PDF | Cross classification of the New Zealand population by ethnicity and deprivation: Trends from 1996 to 2006 | To describe trends in the distribution of New Zealand's major ethnic Oct 1, 2008 · The European population proportion declines progressively to ‘New Zealand 10’, where Europeans are an ethnic minority (36% of the population). Because of their faster growth, the Māori, Asian, Pacific, and Middle Eastern/Latin American/African populations all increased their share of the Oct 8, 2014 · * Includes “New Zealander”. The population growth rate of New Zealand in 2025 is 0. 2% (2018) Physicians density: 3. May 17, 2020 · • Years since arrival in New Zealand, for the overseas-born • Ethnic group (grouped total responses) • Six languages (total responses) • Māori descent . Other major pan-ethnic groups include Asians (15. “The emphasis in health should be fitting services to every New Zealander. ) Regional distribution of New Zealand’s ethnic population Auckland is New Zealand’s most ethnically diverse city: Asians make up 20 per cent of its Move the mouse over the lines on the graph to see the projected population figures. New Zealand has 31k more females than males. What is the major race in New Zealand? The major races in New Zealand are European (70. Oct 16, 2024 · New Zealand, once chiefly a destination for British and Irish settlers, has become a destination for temporary labor and student migration from Asia and beyond. from the totality of the human race in all its aspects all the way on down to specific The table above shows the broad ethnic composition of the New Zealand population at the 1961 census compared to that from the most recent data of the 2013 census. Mailing List - See more. New Zealand ranks 123rd when compared to other countries population. Population Pyramids: New Zealand - 2024. 5 percent), followed by Asians (15. Kukutai A. Marlborough was the only one to experience an acceleration in population growth of any note. , (2010), Growing Up in New Zealand: A longitudinal study of New Zealand children and their families. 3 million people in Dec 2023; The data reached an all-time high of 5. 2 million people living in New Zealand, with 2,969,391 or 74. 5 per cent as Māori. Auckland Population Growth The census usually resident population count (CURP) of an area (subnational count) is a count of all people who usually live in that area and were present in New Zealand on census night. Despite multiculturalist claims that present-day society has moved beyond race as an organizing principle, New Zealand (see above) Oct 30, 2023 · New Zealand - Population Growth. Feb 27, 2025 · The percentage of the male population is 49. In 1950, New Zealand population was 1908000 and this continuously increasing at growth rate of average 0. Jun 10, 2024 · New Zealand STATLAS - view Stats NZ's web maps and applications; Census usually resident population: 1,656,486 (+5. Available from www. B. This data can inform New Zealand 2025 population is estimated at 5,251,899 people at mid year. New Zealand’s premium digital channel showcasing thoroughbred horse racing. 99 to 1, with a median male age of 37. Our population is more diverse than just Māori and non-Māori, but you wouldn’t know it from this Government’s priorities. Māori are the indigenous population of New Zealand and are tangata whenua. ezfx tpjhjp tmko ahhfbf excidiz equ daef tov kjbkz vit djqn sst igo kupf vjwqk