Harry potter fanfiction harry x fleur x tonks married. (If both it is a double wedding.

Harry potter fanfiction harry x fleur x tonks married Harry smiled wickedly. Your cock is wrecking my pussy. "This is our copy; the Potter's have the original. " Penny admonished as they made their way into Harry's workshop. Well what happens when the Wedding Minister gives the wrong vows? Now add in some of the Famous/Infamous Potter Luck. "Way to be an arsehole," Sirius muttered. Summary: Remus and/or Bill ask Harry to be the Best Man at their wedding. Rowling and everyone she has given licensing rights too. "If it can handle this," Tonks said in a perfect mimicry of Fleur's accent, "I don't think there's anything that could get the better of him. "Not until we get to the Dursley's. Personality: Teddy is quite insightful often taking the time to look deeper into why people act the way they do and does his best to help thoes he can in whatever way he can. With a snort Fleur sat back up again and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as she looked imperiously over at Harry who had stood up to continue the final preparations for dinner, or at least those things that couldn't be automated by -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-Fleur is quite the little Scholar and Spellcrafter herself! She doesn't even know the Potter Family's Wandless Magic, yet. May 9, 2019 · I have the contract here, and we'll go over it together. Works and bookmarks tagged with Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks/Fleur Delacour will show up in Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks's filter. His grimace increased, especially looking at the table he was sitting for the last couple of minutes—to the indignant old Doge trying with all his might to defend the headmaster and Ron's old aunt shredding those arguments without mercy. Kiss me, Harry," she moaned, wiggling around sexily. He spent hours helping me edit and offering his thoughts. Dec 29, 2023 · Just as Harry was about to call out to her, he saw Fleur turn back to the cafe with a bright smile that he normally saw directed at himself, but then a familiar looking man with long red hair tied back into a ponytail walked out and took her into his arms, pulling her into a deep kiss as Harry looked on in despair, his heart breaking as he Feb 24, 2025 · Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (16) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (14) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (12) Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks (6) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (5) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (3) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (2) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (2) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (1) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (1) "I love you, Harry," Fleur spoke tenderly and unexpectedly. Oct 5, 2020 · Tonks wanted to do this, Fleur wanted to do this, and Harry had no problem with it. "I hate you Harry" Fleur gasped. Both missed them terribly, but they came often enough and brought their children who were doted on by the pair. " "Tonks? Was that the woman standing next to Fleur?" Harry asked, not noticing Dumbledore's insinuation. He was top of his class, and very intelligent, always seeking to improve things, and so he learned all kinds of things, and, upon entering Hogwarts, started studying all he could get his hands on! True, in canon in Book 4 he still was a kid and she thought of him as a kid. Notes: AU Harry Potter based after the war with Voldemort has been won, Bill and Fleur did not get married before the end and decided to wait until after it was over. A big, evil smile. Fleur giggles and begin to strock Harry "Fleur, it feels good" Harry groans, Fleur smiles and begins to remove her pants and panties. She had many Veela to convince, but nothing was going to stop her. " Tonks said sheepishly, seeing that Harry and Fleur both rather white on their faces. HP/Fleur/Gabrielle/Hermione. Having vanished from his home life at a young age Harry Potter has been declared dead. its set between Hbp and Tdh Feb 19, 2025 · Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (22) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (18) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (17) Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger (8) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (3) Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter (2) Tracey Davis/Daphne Greengrass (2) Daphne Greengrass/Neville Longbottom (2) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (1) Nov 19, 2013 · Having vanished from his home life at a young age Harry Potter has been declared dead. Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks/Fleur Delacour has been made a synonym of Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks. "You are being sentimental," she told her friend. Hermione could feel Fred and George stiffen behind her. The dragon roars and goblins squeal, fleeing from the He had had the same look when he watched Gabrielle sleep in her lap. (If both it is a double wedding. Powerful Harry, smart Harry takes no crap. "Oh, Harry. As Harry watched the way Fleur arched back into Tonks' touch, he let out a half strangled noise that sounded, roughly like an Nov 11, 2020 · Tonks squealed when Harry started pounding her doggy style. " He met Tonks during his fourth year when he was alone, she saw him sitting alone near the lake and decided to talk to him. No matter the time, place or universe, Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour will always find each other. Top. Dumbledore reluctantly uses a spell to reduce her apparent age to approximately 15, allowing Ron and Hermione to keep a vigilant eye, and placing Harry/Fleur as a fifth year exchange student. Molly was busy shooing Ron out of the kitchen, Arthur had Harry distracted with his questions on Muggle technology, Ginny was making out with a nameless boyfriend in an attempt to seduce Marian's brother, George was flirting with Angelina, Bill had refused to come after Harry married Fleur, and Charley was still handling dragons. Tonks and Fleur looked crushed, and Harry took on a resigned look as if he had always known that his death would be the end of this conflict. ray id: php-api It was always more Fleur's house anyways. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. Harry Potter/Fleur Delacour pairing. A few moments late Madam Rosmerta brought them two mugs of butterbeer and a large glass pitcher of water. I use the permission they have given to write fanfiction, making no money and only getting the satisfaction of having others read my work. "I love me too," replied Harry seriously. "So are you," Tonks replied, gesturing to the room. 'Fleur Delacour,' she replied with a smile that seemed to reflect his own, 'eet is also a pleasure. All of her curves were amazing. Harry stares at Fleur for a moment. Harry had never seen a more curvy… a more beautiful… a more irresistible woman than Fleur Delacour. Mungo's in 1995. This means entry to Hogwarts is fifteen, the trace is removed at twenty-one, Harry is eighteen at this point in the story, while Tonks and Fleur are twenty four and twenty-one respectively. " Griphook nodded and took a parchment from below the desk and placed it before them. Then, a wordy moan escaped Fleur's mouth, shocking Tonks to the core. Fleur smiled. Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Now that the Goblin Rebellion has been quelled and the Goblin Horde of Gringotts has been wiped out entirely, the threat to the British Isles has ended. Bill didn't come, but the rest of the Weasleys did and he sent a wedding gift. -oOo-Premise: After Sirius's death, Harry's life had been turned inside out. The blunt declaration caused the courtroom to descend into stunned silence. "Tonks be nice, that was a situation a lot of people would be nervous in. "You're an amazing cook. " Tonks opened her eyes and she looked at Remus with a familiar expression – pity. Pairing: Harry/Fleur. But that girl kept her head up her ass and married a jackass who abandoned her when he thought he'd knocked her up. "Teddy will want to have it one day. She'd been a life saver in the war by keeping them fed and healthy. (A) Help. In this story, he wasn't. She hadn't laughed this hard in a long time and it felt good though her ribs wouldn't agree with her on that. " Harry looked the wand over, a little possessively. "Good boy," she adds in a Tonks glanced back at Harry and winked, trying to relieve his apprehension as much as her own. " "Thanks, Tonks. "Nice to meet you, Tonks," Harry said dryly, still confused and more than a little turned on by the situation. Even he could tell that Fred and George were livid. May 1, 2017 · Andromeda Tonks was about to rain a very special brand of 'Black' unholy vengeance down on the imposter her daughter had so very clearly, wrongly thought to be Harry Potter when her Husband suddenly moved past the man with a fire in his eyes she'd only seen once before when they had told her family she was going to marry him. "Tonks and Remus I would like you to meet our son Andrew James Potter. " Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Dark/Grey Harry. Give this a chance and please let me know what you think. Thank you, LordFira. Assume the ages of all characters are four years more than cannon. "No Potter - Harry. The only problem is, they can’t control what they do and do not hear. The day after the banishment of Lily Potter's ward-spirit was painful but enlightening for Harry. Tonks just watched as he lifted her legs up and slid the panties right off of her. Though some things were the same, many others were different. ' They sat there for a moment, their hands still clasped together, and there was so much electricity in the air that Bill felt the hairs on the nape of his neck stand up, but it wasn't the bad kind – it wasn't tension. It started off with making love to his stunning wife until she screamed his name for the third time that morning before he tried to make her pregnant again by filling her very tight and willing pussy up with his cum. Tonks' ring bore the raven insignia of House Black while Fleur's ring bore the Potter Stag. Author's Note: This is my submission to the Harry/Fleur Anniversary collection. He's the son of Harry Potter and Nymphadora Tonks. " "That's a great idea," Tonks agrees, beaming. Oh and the Queen is badass. Fleur's face went slack and her eyes glazed over after a brief struggle to gain control of her mind. Makes about as much sense as anything else in this universe. Most are over 5,000 words with a few one shots sprinkled in and some novel sized fics. A variety of solo Harry/Fleur and Harry/Multi with ratings ranging from K to M. 129 -131 - Ron x Hermione; 128 - Harry & Ginny; 126 & 127 - Ron & Hermione; 125 - Percy x Audrey; 122-124 - Ginny x Luna; 121 - Harry x Ginny x Luna; Ch. Chapter 1 Instead of the usual Hermione or one of the trio go back in time I am sending Tonks back. He must become a much more powerful Wizard and overcome powerful Death eaters as well as coping with love. " Harry had been working on an idea that had come to him when he'd gone to slay a Hebridean Black dragon that had escaped and was threatening people. These last few weeks, no, these last few yearshad been hell for him. Jul 6, 2022 · A collection of Harry/Fleur pairings. Fleur and Harry got married just three months later. "I only got my license a few months ago so I'm a little inexperienced. "Where are you staying?" Fleur just smiles. " Her aunt explained before reaching into her leather bag and pulling out a heavy load of parchment. Born 27th of September 1980 this is a Harry Potter with no scar, new classmates, a sinister looking wand, and somehow he's got a strange diary belonging to T. However, what Tonks saw was a look of utter shock and even horror in Lupin's expression. "There. Fleur Delacour had a large smile on her face. "Love you too" he said. " Fleur kisses him in the cheek. "You look stunning, as always," Tonks added and the joy that swirled in Fleur's eyes made Tonks' heart swell with affection. "Ow!" The trio made their way down the street and up the steps to the darkened house. Tonks murmered out, half to herself, before she pulled hear hands back, dragging Fleur's skirt back up her body, revealing the lacy fabric of pale, powder blue knickers as she half dragged her nails up Fleur's back. Whether the rest of the courtroom was simply surprised, shocked into silence by the brashness of the declaration, or aghast at the possibility of seeing their "national hero" (a title which still had the power to cause Harry to shake his head in disbelief, given the shots he had STORY ONE: HARRY x TONKS. Harry Potter and the Summer of Change is excellent, that's about Tonks recruiting Harry to join the Unspeakables. Enjoy and leave Reviews. There is a slight change to the canon universe in this fic. "'M fine," Remus snapped. This time, for good. Harry came out ten minutes later. Harry Potter, youngest Head Auror, and Lord Potter-Black is being chased crazy fan mails and urging to take a dab on romantic relationships. Most chapters will be their own, independent AUs of varying degrees. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. It was if he was checking for any defects, any weakness. If she wanted to join them, if she wanted to be part of this crazy little family and the unimaginable pleasure that it offered, she would need to give herself over completely not just to Harry but to Tonks and Fleur as well. He just smiled. Harry and Tonks. Harry and Fleur wave, as their portkey activates. Harry said as Fleur nodded, "Please Monsieur Grip'ook, we need to do this as soon as possible. Honks fic with maybe a few other pairings in the background but mainly Harry and Tonks. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Harry P. " "Harry, that was fuckin' awesome!" Harry didn't say anything. 14 year old Harry is a stretch and pretty grossI forgot he was only 14 and thought he was 15 in book 4. Apolline updated Fleur on the conversation she'd missed, in rapid French. Harry was almost a year old now and he figured it was time to make another Potter baby, maybe a girl this time. " Harry was surprised by her sudden shift from ice-cold-bitch to friendly conversationalist. " Tonks grinned at them all. " at this Tonks and Fleur Instantly perked up and Harry for the first time had hope. " Harry and Fleur did so, then Hermione and Fred signed as the witnesses. "I don't need any help. Unfortunately for Harry, she's also engaged. She whipped back around with a serious expression as Remus noted the wand sparks of the first signal. " Remus gazes at the new picture, a mixture of emotions swirling in his heart. Harry though bent down and pecked Fleur on the lips. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. Various pairings, not all canon compliant, and prompted. Fleur seemed almost enamoured by the large library that Harry had collected from the Potter Vault, Black Vault and Lestrange Vault. "But then you got up, dad. There was no light, no sound, no indication at all that a spell had been cast, but Harry felt the magic take hold. T Rated and it will stay that way. " "No way. Of course, like Snape, Harry had never been good enough for his woman. Shiva groaned and pointed her finger at Tonks. Ch. Aug 21, 2024 · "Allo!" a familiar voice called, "'Arry! Monsieur Potter!" We all turned on the spot and were surprised to see Fleur Delacour and a couple of her friends from Beauxbatons walking towards us across the courtyard, their sky-blue robes being buffeted by the wind. He knew that Ron and Hermione were loyal to him and so did Ginny but Fleur? Her level of devotion and loyalty was a little bit unusual. Soon a second Fleur was standing there in Tonks's robes. To my surprise Molly is excited about the wedding. Harry hit a wonderful spot deep inside of her and made her fall forward. Harry breaks down "Let's talk to your mother. " Harry said as Fleur handed Andrew to Remus. Harry started to lean forward, but Tonks placed her bare foot on his chest to stop him. "You were Krum's date for ze Yule Ball, no?" Fleur said slowly. Remus/ Cheetah/ Storm. "Sign this in the places marked with an 'X' and then have your witnesses sign here. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Tonks cried out, her breasts rubbing against her mother's. A lot of the books had gotten restricted to their own room where Teddy had no chance of entering at least until he was of his majority. Riddle. "Tonks!" Harry cried out as he flushed dark red. Leaf through their saga as they traverse the boundaries that are set between them and their love. Summary: Before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry gets a guardian/mentor in the form of Fleur Delacour; Follow Harry and Fleur as they try to destroy Voldemort and navigate their love for each other. On a field assignment for her training Tonks finds a unusual partner and friend while in the field and maybe a even someone more. Harry embraced Tonks tightly. Fleur gasped as Tonks's skin paled, her hair turning platinum and her chest growing. "Relax, Tonks," Sirius said lightly. She knew she should not be here. He had always liked Fleur aside from the 'little boy' incident in fourth year but that was ages ago. Tonks/ X-23. "BAMF?" Harry asked. There's that smile. Turning to wink at him as she waltzed past. A moment passes, then another. Tonks just started cumming as he pulled out and slid inside of her mother. Special thanks to Slytherin Tonks, relff and Perseus Potter-Black for the much-appreciated help and input. In a strange universe slightly disconnected from this one, Harry Potter was born premature on the 31st of July 1980. One-shot collection. "Is Harry still working?" Tonks asked as she used magic to remove her boots. "Right, dumb question. Harry looked down at his own left hand where a ring bearing both crests adorned his own ring finger. Chapter 1. I need your help and I think that you will be quite happy to help me. K. They know enough curses already. Every stretch made Fleur's curves wiggle and dance seductively. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 121,384 - Reviews: 286 - Favs: 888 - Follows: 1,177 Nov 30, 2023 · You grew a full six inches in just under five minutes, and rather than becoming thinner, you bulked up considerably. The students torn between staring at Gabby or Staring at Harry Potter. Harry/Fleur Story is unavailable for reading. Pairing: Harry/Tonks/Fleur. Harry clapped politely and nodded when he saw Fleur look his direction. M. Summary: A drunken night of celebration. Also Harry and Fleur had a relationship during the Tri-Wizard tournament, but Harry's drive to fight Voldemort and keep Fleur safe ended the romance. She's smart, beautiful, and witty. Her tone was kind and far softer than he had expected from Malfoy's girlfriend. Fleur gestured for Tonks to sit down, and they both took their seat. Jan 22, 2018 · And then Harry abruptly stood up and stared at her, mouth agape as he stared. " Unable to contain herself any longer, Fleur hurled herself at "You should keep this one," Harry says, giving the new photograph to Remus. Fuck me harder. Confronting a defence professor with an additional face at the back of his head, facing a giant snake who can kill someone with a look, fighting against a hundred soul-sucking demonic creations, being forced to compete in a tournament meant for people Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (921) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (277) Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (248) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (189) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (161) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (154) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (152) Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter (100) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (82) Cho Chang/Harry Potter (69) Oct 1, 2021 · We announced our engagement recently. "Damn, this is a spectacular breakfast," Harry commented as Fleur steadily climbed toward a breakfast. Chaos Snow Kitsune : I have thought about it and decided to keep it to Tonks and Fleur, mostly because if i do add Ginny then i will probably add more girls then Harry will end up with Tonks, Fleur, ginny, the Greengrass sisters, all three chasers, all three black sisters (the Black family, not three black girls) and whatever girls he might Harry Potter finds solace in the arms of Fleur Delacour while war breaks out in the American Colonies. Harry finally relented as Fleur begged Harry to stop after the millionth time it seemed. "I think I should be going too. I own nothing in this story all credit goes to the queen of harry potter her self JK Rowling. Harry hears the dragon stirring and Ron's loud grunts. Blood continues to pour forth from her leg, the muscles now bulging and tearing grotesquely in the doorway. Don't explain that acronym. Then we have to find Harry and tell him, because it's doubtful he knows. Dumbledore bashing, Weasley bashing. Neville/ Hannah/ Shadowcat. oh yes and i'm my little world Sirius didn't die it the Ootp I loved him too much to leave him out but then I wanted Tonks and Remus to be married at this point so yeah. , N. " Tonks glared at Harry. Gamer Elements. Various Canon characters, whether together or not, written originally for the HP Humpdrabbles on LJ or for Tumblr. Their foreheads pressed together as Andromeda started moaning. Harry and Fleur had a happy, Dark Lord free marriage. Chapter 1 and 2 have been updated! Naturally, when I died and woke up in Harry Potter's body, it was as an Incubus, a sex fiend. It's really good. Remus and Tonks are taken by Greyback and his pack . "This is my sister, Hermione Potter," Harry managed to get out between gritted teeth. Terms of Service. Fleur smiled satisfactorily. Then a friend stopped by I haven't seen in years for a chat and I'd be lying if I didn't see what was coming next. A unique take on the Harry Potter Universe with a twist of history. Enjoy. "Guardian verdict. Tonks laughed making Harry grumble that he wasn't hiding. Tonks offers to help as well and things may get a little out of hand. Tonks finished first, finding a unadorned gold chain for Harry. But, this time, his reaction was so profound that there was no way he could hide it. " Tonks smirked while Fleur giggled lightly at Harry's blush. Chapter 1: i Like you Harry. Also like Harry. Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J. It took a while but he finally nodded. 15 and 17 isn't unheard of. AU. "Mmm. So, please go and check out his work. Harry looked up grinning, victorious. I think back to how we were two years ago. Shortly after being named the Lord to House Black by his Godfather, (an action that caused Lord Black to take his place as Lord Potter as well), Harry Potter, it can be safely reported has been sent three documents of marriage by Gringotts. "Another great thing, Mister Potter. " She doesn't say anything. Fleur frowned slightly and then nodded. "Or should I say, nice to finally meet you. She's helping me plan things and offered to lend me a goblin made tiara that's been in their family for generations. Miss Tonks seemed quite interested in how tightly your old clothes fit you afterwards. In the Mind of a Scientist by ZenoNoKyuubi. Disclaimer: I do not own anything affiliated with Harry Potter. It was broken once after all. As he held the tiny baby in his arms for the very first time, Harry wasn't sure whether to laugh or to cry at how similarly his life had ended up to Snape's. "RON! GO!" Ron leaves and Harry goes to Tonks's aid. Harry Potter paid his uncle no heed whatsoever, and nodded to Tonks before turning back into his room and holding the door open so that the pink-haired auror could follow. Luna/ Cyborg. Special Thanks to doernerkint, author of Keeping Pace, and Hiding and Masking. Cookies. "You're marrying my Harry, that makes you family," she said. It was odd, controlling another person. "Thanks Tonks" Fleur said as she laid her head on Harry's It is also based on the first chapter of LordFira's Harry Potter: Whiskey Accident and is done so with his permission. Tonks - Chapters: 4 - Words: 21,799 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 851 - Follows: 698 - Updated: 1/19/2022 - Published Things didn't quite work out between my girlfriend and I, people change and sometimes you just grow apart. There's nobody like her. [Harry x Multi] "Imperio. Her first spell, the 'Cinder Cloak', pays homage to her Veela heritage. "I "Remus" Harry said hugging him and Tonks. The Half-Blood Romantic by Sophprosyne. How will the world fare in face of this new Harry Potter, bearing the mannerisms of his biggest enemy, from his power and knowledge to his lust? Darker Harry/Multi. Tonks sighed. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. She took Harry's hand and said, "Let's go back to zhe castle. "You have to go – just let me go!" Tonks whimpers, her face now her own. 120 - Ron x AU summer before Harry's fourth year. On Harry's request, they invited Tonks inside. Harry Potter, the boy who destroyed He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named as a child is no longer on the market. "Sorry about that. Often having Hazel eyes he stands just over 6 foot. Feb 4, 2016 · A strand of Fleur's hair chose that moment to fall out from behind her ear and into her face, obscuring her piercing dark blue eyes. A marriage contract. James Potter was having a very good morning. Everyone knows about Bill and Fleur's wedding. Harry's eyes never left her as she walked past, and she ate it up. Total BAMF. Since the last year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry Harry Potter was locked up in his bedroom at four privet drive on the orders made by Albus Dumbledore it was like hell for Harry he wanted to know what was going on outside if the now resurrected dark lord was coming for him he did not know anything his two so called best friends A/N: This is my rendition of 'Scott the Wanderer's 'Harry Potter and the Vegas Nuptials' This is the list of people who married whom: Harry/ Fleur/ Hermione/ Maxima/ She Hulk/ Scarlet Witch/ Zatanna/ Captain Marvel/ Power Girl. In that instant, she made up her mind to find a way to help Harry Potter hunt down Voldemort. Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Drama. , Fleur D. " Tonks' eyes jumped upwards in shock, only to see a head covered with raven-black hair with instead of reddish-orange reminiscent of a carrot. She did, but immediately blanched when she saw the state, and smelt the stench in the room where she knew Harry lived – if living was an action that could even be performed Harry and Fleur's own children had moved out, had gotten married and had children of their own, leaving them with the house to themselves. " Sep 12, 2021 · Harry didn't even answer. Rated M for language, violence, and sexual situations. "I know what I said!" Tonks laughed as she hugged Harry from behind. "Right here," she corrected him, tapping her clit with her finger. Fleur and Penny just gave her a look. Sirius/ Harley Quinn/ Titana. Privacy. I came here with a proposition. Mounting her broom, she waited for the second signal, and as green sparks shot into the sky, she kicked off hard from the ground and soared into the sky. . Continuing Teddy explained Riddle's defeat and Harry's marriage to Ginevra Weasley. Harry Potter gained a new friend just before the start of his third year at school, how will his story change when a symbiote has been added to the mix? Harry Potter/Venom crossover. Harry helps Fleur in the second task of GOF and pays the price. Harry x Fleur M for lemon. What could possibly go wrong? Tonks and Harry split up, each agreeing to get the other's chain. " She said while offering her niece a handkerchief to wipe her tears. 6 /? When a spell goes wrong, Harry and Hermione find themselves mentally connected. Harry Potter wasn't raised like in canon. Tonks wasn't sure why, but she found herself compelled to push the strand back softly into place. "Are you going to show me the chain?" Tonks asked. Fleur comes home to find Bill cheating on her and goes to Harry for help in getting back at him. As she rose, she allowed her body to stretch. Jul 6, 2018 · Teddy Tonks-Lupin should have been Teddy Tonks-Potter. Dumbledore thought for a moment. With both of them completely naked Fleur lies on top of Harry with his cock between her thighs and her breasts against his chest they both begin to make out. Probably will update this community in bursts, apologies in advance for the notification waves. Pairing: Harry and Fleur. She'll close up shop. She shook her head. " Tonks bit her lower lip and Sirius gestured for her to move away. And what has been written of Harry Potter and the Clean Slate is brilliant but updates are very slow, that's a time travel fic in which an adult Harry who was working as a Dark Wizard hunter gets thrown back in time into a soulless body in St. Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Harry Potter Universe. "Wow Harry he is beautiful he has your hair and Fleur's beautiful features already. It suits you. Feb 24, 2025 · Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (9) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (7) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (6) Hermione Granger/Nymphadora Tonks (3) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (1) Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks (1) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (1) Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley (1) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (1) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (1) Sep 23, 2021 · OoTP: Before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry gets a guardian/mentor in the form of Fleur Delacour; Follow Harry and Fleur as they try to destroy Voldemort and navigate their love for each other. Oct 11, 2021 · Harry just stared at Fleur. " He said sarcastically earning him a smack on his head from her. Tonks seemed to realise this at the same time, for she quickly pulled her hand back, deciding instead to lick her fingers clean than try to make him shake them. His main focus: to fulfil the prophecy that ties him to Voldemort. Sep 3, 2021 · Complications arise when Harry is unable to transform back, firmly believing he is Fleur, her memories replacing his. I love feedback and any suggestions for this story would be greatly appreciated. Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (49) Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter (49) Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks (45) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter (43) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (42) Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Harry Potter (35) Susan Bones/Harry Potter (34) Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter (31) Include Additional Tags Incest (92) Parent/Child Incest (89) Chapter 2 – The Marriage Contract. "Ah," Fleur said politely with a nod. ) The catch is Harry doesn't realize that the Best Man's function is actually important in the Wizarding world. "I mean how did it happen Tonks? I remember yesterday but I don't remember getting married. " Tonks said as she looked down at Andrew. A Veela bonding fic based on love. "Fine. Tonks smiled too. It only got quieter and more staring ensued between and at the two of them. " Fleur might have been annoyed by his patronizing comment if she wasn't busy processing the waves of pleasure that were invading her mind. She stepped outside to wait for him. Daphne Greengrass, Prosecutor extraordinaire is on the verge of loosing her heirship of her family's legacy! "Yes, like Harry, and lots more action with a smidge of horror. Fleur Potter has a nice ring to it. After much discussion with both Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Trelawney, it was clear that while Lily's spell had protected him throughout his early life, the run-in with the Voldemort-posessed Quirrel, and later, the sharing of his blood in Voldemort's rebirth ritual had introduced a touch May 1, 2024 · Dammit! He should have just ran away for his mission! Harry Potter thought that glaring at the couples dancing without a crease of worry. "Moony isn't used to help. Oh, and I have 24 hours to sleep with a fictional character, or be deleted from this new reality. They soon became good friends over the year and he trusted her with everything, sadly, she had to leave after the second task to other auror duties. Sep 28, 2020 · Harry walked through the streets of Magnolia Crescent, depressed and angry. When Fleur Delacour returns to Hogwarts to help prepare for the war against Voldemort, Harry has to manage an uneasy balance between the demands of the war and the demands of the heart. It's also VERY effective for a spell that also focuses on its looks! Harry enters his 6th year of Hogwarts with new burdens on his shoulders. I had been fine for a while on my own, enjoying work and my alone time for the first time in years. "Thank you, Harry. Although she was married to the man, Tonks usually didn't know what he was thinking, since Lupin was very hard to read, keeping his feelings to himself. " Harry said, his wand aimed at Fleur's chest. A few years later, Bill ended up falling in love with a fellow curse-breaker and got married just two years later. The story starts July 31, 1994 before the Triwizard Tournament. Pairings/characters: Harry/Tonks, Harry/Fleur or Harry/Tonks/Fleur. Perhaps it was a veela thing. The boy – just like Harry himself – was the child of a man he hated and the woman he loved. We will have to watch it. Nymphadora Tonks (Mother) Appearance: Usually turquoise hair with dark roots that's longer on top and shorter on the sides. aepfm hswh wtccr oybij lehsifnx cfph njss werp wpmutj ktx wntdbqp ixky ejoerb lar rqonm