Adb shell service call package android 14. >adb shell service call isms 7 i32 0 s16 "com.
Adb shell service call package android 14 huawei. Oct 18, 2012 · I have adb running and device is connected to my system in debugging mode,. Run: adb shell service call isms 5 i32 1 s16 "com. You also have. I am trying to do service call to iphonesubinfo, but i don't know the transaction number in Android 14. 3k次。在android上有丰富的shell命令用来调试,非常方便,本文通过一个用法来观察下service命令的用法_adb shell service May 24, 2022 · Помог вариант adb shell service call package 134 s16 package name i32 0 i32 0, к сожалению выразить благодарность поднятием репутации не смогу, т. Jun 23, 2017 · For example I want to call what should be the same from adb to: adb shell service call package 62 s16 "application. Code: adb shell service call package 132 s16 com. A way to get all default Android permissions is to use dumpsys i. SENDTO -d sms:CCXXXXXXXXXX --es sms_body "SMS BODY GOES HERE" --ez exit_on_sent true adb shell input keyevent 22 adb shell input keyevent 66) because it uses the graphical interface. The proper way is to filter by UID, since a UID is permanently bound to a package name (it won't change on crashes, upgrades, reboots, etc. /adb shell service call package 134 s16 com. к. aidl) Oct 3, 2020 · I have 2 variants of the same app installed on my Android device which have the same package id but different application id. /adb devices 安装软件. Sep 23, 2015 · Everyone seems to point to filtering by PID as the solution. You can get a list of Your devices Services by throwing the command: adb shell dumpsys -l. It seems that Vivo fixed it. So far i have tried iphonesubinfo 1 and 16 but nothing 聊聊Service Call命令. pem i32 0 i32 0 - also not working Result: Parcel( I would like to be able to send a SMS from my Android phone while it's connected to my computer using the following ADB commands. SENDTO -d sms:CCXXXXXXXXXX –e_adb shell service call isms Sep 8, 2020 · android端与服务器交互 一般情况下,我们可以使用SOCKET,HTTP(GET,POST)等,我们也可以使用另外一种方式,webservice, 它是一种基于SAOP协议的远程调用标准,通过webservice可以将不同操作系统平台,不同语言,不同技术整合到一起。 Sep 12, 2018 · adb shell input keyevent 4 SOURCE. See if they have changed the name so it might be bluetooth_on instead of bluetooth_disabled_profiles. app. 命令2. Call Log Backup/Restore → com. " s16 "null" s16 "null" As you can see, the syntax is different depending on your Android version. If the method need arguments, then you can pass it like as show in this example. The method is : Aug 24, 2023 · adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. G. Android ADB Service Control Commands - Nr1 - Android™ Debug Bridge Jun 23, 2016 · I want to test App standby mode. It is not always apparent how alarms get batched together, and sometimes it's difficult to get a service or activity to be triggered exactly when desired. 1 Android通过 service call 命令调用 phone 的 AIDL 服务. How to Start an Android Service via ADB Shell. package" i32 0. adb shell cmd package dump com. test. If you need more detail, try dumpsys <service>. The sending SMS command does nothing. as. xyz i32 0 i32 0 Fork 14; Star 50. IAudioService. whatevs mms. browser i32 0 i32 0 service call package 131 s16 <package name> i32 0 i32 0 r u on Android 14? Reply reply Nov 14, 2021 · simon@computer:~$ adb shell service call isms 7 i32 0 s16 "com. adb shell pm susupend --user 0 包名 上一条命令无效时可以使用这个,缺点是软件图标还在. 命令3. 方法二 #安卓10以上 adb shell service call isms 5 i32 1 s16 "com. So, I hope you understand my request) Nov 3, 2024 · Android adb 启动 Service,#使用AndroidADB启动Service的完整指南在Android开发中,Service是一种主要用于执行长期运行操作的组件,不会影响用户界面。比如,播放音乐、下载文件或进行网络请求等。通过AndroidDebugBridge(ADB),你可以非常方便地启动和管理Service。 May 27, 2024 · 1. I figured out how to do it by configuring the network interface directly, though. action. W10. hwouc adb shell pm enable com. company. packagename Canceling all jobs for com. fdroid. Intents can be defined as an option in a command. 2 Android通过 service call 命令打开或者关闭wifi 服务 打开WIFI Apr 11, 2022 · adb shell service call package 134 s16 com. The adb shell input command allows you to simulate user input events like taps, swipes, or key presses. abc. To start a service using ADB shell, you need the package name and the service class name. Could you help me? (I'm sorry, I can't speak English. The service is defined by aidl file and can receive calls from the activity via Binder. This command provides a list of service names along with their package names, which can be a quick way to check if a service is recognized by the system. AIDL: Android Interface definition language Android内部进程通信接口的描述语言,通过它我们可以定义进程间的通信接口。 123service call 即service call 那么 SERVICE 所代表的系统服务的 aidl 源文件到底在哪儿看呢?下文以 notification 系统服务为例。 首先调用 service list 找到指定系统服务对应的 aidl : 12$ adb shell service list43 notification: [android. It is the 7th in the list of functions in the interface IAudioService. adb shell pm list packages From the list of packages that displayed with above command, Once i know my package name(say xyz package) what shell command i have to use to list all the activities under that package(xyz package). Android通过 service call 命令调用 phone 的 AIDL 服务_傻熙Ta爸的博客-CSDN博客. package. It worked well on Android 8 (Samsung phone). browser adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. tas i32 0 i32 0 adb shell pm disable com. V000L1 and removed Vivo's system application with the "adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. feeder"); ' org. Advanced Methods for Detailed Service Information. packagename in user 0 The command documentation says the following (copied from a device running Android 11): cancel [-u | --user USER_ID] PACKAGE [JOB_ID] Cancel a scheduled job. hiboard i32 0 i32 0 Following this answer and notes in its comments, this works on my 11 emulator: adb shell service call isms 5 i32 1 s16 "com. service" s16 "null" s16 "NUMBER" s16 "null" s16 "MESSAGE" s16 "null" s16 "null" i32 0 i64 0. Manage power settings, USB functions, NFC, Wi-Fi, and more efficiently. I am not able to launch the application using the shell command whose application id is different than the package id. hnaps i32 0 i32 0 命令的使用 Oct 23, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读116次。`adb shell service call` 是 Android Debug Bridge (ADB) 的一个命令行工具,用于在设备上直接与系统服务交互。当你需要发送自定义命令或数据给特定的服务时 Oct 21, 2024 · Needed this feature for android 4. player: found if it's running and Service media. 查看手机已安装的软件 pm list packages 查询是否安装了某个软件 Oct 12, 2024 · 安装:adb shell service call package 132 s16 包名 i32 1 i32 0 卸载:adb shell service call package 132 s16 包名 i32 0 i32 0 方法三如果再不行,那就是保护完全,没办法干,例如语音唤醒之类的服务 Oct 18, 2023 · Is there any adb command that I could use to get a device's IMEI/MEID? Also is there a way to get IMEI2 as well. So if I want to call the seventh method I will type. 0 (API level 23). Mar 11, 2015 · In my phone i have set of applications installed. I don't want to uninstall using adb uninstall com. market i32 0 i32 0 adb shell pm disable com. adb shell service call package 131 s16 (com. com | grep " Activity Apr 30, 2023 · For android 14 you need to change the package number to 132. Apr 26, 2022 · If the regular adb disable/uninstall commands do not work then-For Android 13 try: adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. I tried 'adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. ') s16 packagename i32 0 or 1 uninstalled/installed i32 0 - user0 ps. You can find explanation to service call from here: Where to find info on Android's "service call" shell command? Learn how to control various system services on your Android device using adb shell svc commands. First off, you can inspect the current clipboard contents with service call clipboard 1 from an adb shell (or, without shelling in first, adb shell service call clipboard 1). I can't remove the application anymore. service" s16 "0123456789" s16 "null" s16 "Hello" s16 "null" s16 "null" Feb 26, 2015 · Debugging android alarms using the output of adb shell dumpsys alarm can be tricky, and there is no central location where the dumpsys messages are fully explained. c. 24. market adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. 42、发短信 编辑短信 adb shell am start -a android. content. System Service (IPowerManager. setupwizard There is no 'install-existing Mar 4, 2022 · adb shell am start -a android. 0. my. bbk. google. Sep 13, 2024 · 第二adb shell input keyevent 66,在我的手机上没用 . /qq. id i32 0 i32 0 . /adb install . 最近项目中需要在root下,静默打开软件的一些权限,这里需要用到Service Call 命令,所以研究了一下各参数的含义以及使用方法。 通过adb shell 命令,执行service,我们可以看到如下说明: Mar 31, 2023 · For Android 13 - adb shell service call package 131 s16 PACKAGE_NAME i32 0 i32 0 For Android 12 - adb shell service call package 134 s16 PACKAGE_NAME i32 0 i32 0 Replace the "PACKAGE_NAME" part with the actual package name that you want to uninstall. I can know how to find list of packages of the application by . adb shell am force-stop "package. CALL tel:xxxxx 查询状态,来电时查询为1 adb shell service call phone 11 挂断电话 adb shell service call phone 3. 1 I've tried the command below but unfortunately no success was made. ota Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] shell pm disable-user --user 0 com. Yes, you actually can do this. Call package manager (pm) Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the package manager (pm) tool to perform actions and queries on app packages installed on the device. service" s16 "+mynumberhere" s16 "null" s16 'Text Goes Here' s16 "null" s16 "null" Adb和各种android相关开发实用命令收集. Example: To simulate a tap at coordinates Jun 13, 2019 · ADB Android 调试桥 (adb) 是一种功能多样的命令行工具,可让您与设备进行通信。adb 命令可用于执行各种设备操作(例如安装和调试应用),并提供对 Unix shell(可用来在设备上运行各种命令)的访问权限 1、adb devices 获取手机管理权限 2、adb shell wm size 获取手机分辨率 3、adb shell input tap X Y 在坐标X,Y处 May 30, 2023 · 打开adb工具. Connect your device via USB and verify the connection using the following command: adb devices Jun 3, 2021 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Apr 9, 2020 · Android can use adb shell service call SERVICE to communicate with . Ignore that. app May 19, 2024 · 云真机的平台的android手机设备,有的时候会出现被测试人员误操作而导致手机系统被升级的情况,所以专门去网上了解了下,如何通过adb的方式禁用系统的升级以及升级弹窗 华为 adb shell pm disable-user com. 更多adb用法可以参考: Jul 22, 2013 · service可给Android 服务传消息,具体用法如下:Usage: service [-h|-?] service list service check SERVICE service call SERVICE CODE [i32 INT | s16 STR] Options: i32 Mar 29, 2022 · Before run the adb command you must enable the Developer Options on your Android phone, then enable USB Debug (to use ADB) and disable Permission Monitoring. You can explore further options and commands by referring to the Android Developer documentation or running adb shell service for a comprehensive list of available services and their respective commands. Tailored for tech enthusiasts and power users, this guide unveils the secrets behind Setprop commands, enabling you to unlock and customize advanced features. Jan 20, 2018 · 2) Turn android debugging on 3) Go to android shell using $ adb shell how to remove apps now use this command now pm uninstall -k --user 0 com. adb shell input text <number> and then hit the dial coordinates. stk i32 1 i32 0' and 'adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. Whether you're customizing user experiences or debugging telecom services, this guide provides the insights you need. Untill recently I've upgraded my phone to Android 10. txt) do adb shell pm uninstall %%a This pipes the output of the pm list packages command into a text file and then loops through each line of the text file. market Feb 9, 2020 · Firstly, you need to get the actual Service/package name for the service you are trying to call. The devices I use is Galaxy S7 edge and virtual device with an Android 6. name" and. tas Jun 15, 2023 · 3. IPackageManager. shell | cut -d "'" -f2| grep -Eo '[0-9]'| xargs| sed 's/\ //g' Wondering is there an android adb shell command that I could get the IMEI2 & EID from Android phone? Tried search other stackoverflow post but can't find any other method that could get IMEI2 & EID Sep 14, 2011 · To stop a service, you have to find service name using: adb shell dumpsys activity services <your package> for example: adb shell dumpsys activity services com. The Android Debug Bridge is a programming tool used for the debugging of Android-based devices. ota Package com. cn) 2 配置环境 在系统环境配置中新建android_adb_server_port 5037默认端口(有些调试需要默认端口才能使用,如chrome调试手机) 添加 May 12, 2024 · I disabled it through the application: Configuration, Applications, Setup Wizard, Disable, Force Stop, Clear Data. Here is a script that sets up a Linux machine and a USB-connected rooted Android device for USB tethering. browser i32 0 i32 0 adb shell pm disable com. app comment below to undo the changes: adb shell cmd package install-existing com. N Jan 21, 2023 · Basically, vivo has restricted some of its bloatware from being disabled/uninstalled via the adb method. Is it possible I can do the same thing after install non-system app which is written by myself? For example, I write an app which its package name is com. adb shell service call activity 179. For more comprehensive service information, especially for services created by apps, the following command is useful: May 14, 2016 · So I have been working with some service in Lollipop (applicable to others), and have noticed that the adb shell service call does not have a boolean data type. I want to uninstall app using intent launch using adb shell am start <INTENT>. Dec 27, 2022 · 使用 adb shell 或设备上的终端仿真器,输入此命令将清除所有通知(需要 su ) service call notification 1 这将发送短信(不需要 su ) service call isms 5 s16 "PhoneNumber" i32 0 i32 0 s16 "BodyText" 我在哪里可以了解更多关于 service call 的信息? adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 包名. 5k次。一、adb shell service list列出系统所有的服务,但是这里不包含第三方应用的服务。二、使用dumpsys 列出系统和应用的所有service三、查看第三方app打开的service。 May 26, 2017 · I'm developing an application that uses ADB Shell to interface with android devices, and I need some way of printing out the application name or label of an application, given maybe their package n Mar 17, 2013 · adb shell pm list packages %1 > packages. >adb shell service call isms 7 i32 0 s16 "com. the number of transaction (134) could be different for your phone I create simple android application which contains one activity and service. Jul 14, 2020 · adb shell dumpsys 查看当前系统信息,后面可以加参数,查看某一服务的信息。 比如我要看手机热点的信息,手机热点属于connectivity服务。 adb shell dumpsys connectivity 截取的热点部分的dump信息。主要看热点状态: Tethering: Configur Feb 4, 2021 · I have a C# application which executes adb command to send SMS. hihonor. ') and the app is still there adb shell service call package 132 s16 com. Volkodav Senior Member. 7k次,点赞24次,收藏27次。adb查询系统中的service用什么命令?很多人会说是service list | grep XXXService但是你会发现四大组件的service并不能这样查询到,四大组件的Service查询,需要用dumpsys activity services | grep XXXService两种Service查询有啥区别吗? Sep 7, 2021 · After researching a while on how to send SMS's through ADB, I found a post that led me to this command: adb shell service call isms 7 i32 0 s16 "com. Contribute to xbdcc/CCommand development by creating an account on GitHub. demo. There are different kind of permissions; for example one accepting allow, deny, ignore, default and the another accepting simply false and true. Verify it here. mms" s16 "+14254254254" s16 "06254254254254" s16 "Hello world !" Jun 5, 2024 · 一、 adb安装及配置 1 下载安装 创建目录,点击安装exe文件或将免安装版放到创建目录下 下载及简介地址: Android 调试桥 (ADB) | Android 开源项目 | Android Open Source Project (google. Click here for more info. Jun 16, 2018 · $ adb shell cmd jobscheduler cancel com. name" But those commands will not trigger onDestroy, they will just kill the process, Plus the am kill only kills processes that are safe to kill (Meaning a process with no running services or activities). xyz i32 0 i32 0 文章浏览阅读351次。你知道Android上的adb shell命令“service call isms”吗?这是我使用的完整命令:service call isms 5 s16“PhoneNumber”i32 0 i32 0 s16“BodyText”. ). adb shell service call clipboard 7 As you might have seen that I have not put the callingPackage name as it is not required. hwouc vivo adb Oct 28, 2024 · ADB(Android Debug Bridge)作为连接开发环境与Android设备的桥梁,提供了强大的Shell命令功能。其中,pm (Package Manager)命令是管理Android应用的利器。本文将深入解析pm 命令的用法,并通过实践案例展示其高效性。 一、ADB Shell与PM命令概述 ADB Jun 28, 2019 · here service call is used to call the underlying service, id is used to identify the function and s16 is for String input and i32 is for int input they are just parameters of the function we are calling in notification service. adb shell service call isms 5 s16 "com. adb shell service call package 134 s16 com. Dec 20, 2016 · 你知道Android上的adb shell命令“service call isms”吗?这是我使用的完整命令:service call isms 5 s16“PhoneNumber”i32 0 i32 0 s16“BodyText”. shell | cut -d "'" -f2| grep -Eo '[0-9]'| xargs| sed 's/\ //g' Nov 3, 2022 · 文章浏览阅读2. Start a service by "adb shell am start-service" The adb shell am start-service <Intent> command can be used to launch a service for the given Intent. pem i32 0 i32 0 Result: Parcel( 00000000 00000000 '. mms" s16 "null" s16 "phonenumber" s16 "null" s16 "message" s16 "null" s16 "null" i32 0 i64 0 #安卓10以下 adb shell service call isms 7 i32 1 s16 "com. ota to avoid further updates, the ADB commands that worked until yesterday would no longer work Es: shell pm uninstall --user 0 com. browser) i32 0 i32 0 Sep 26, 2015 · adb shell service call audio 7 i32 3 i32 0 i32 1 Here, the service call refers to IAudioService. adb shell am kill "package. mms" s16 "phonenumber" s16 "null" s16 . The function is: adb shell service call package 134 s16 com. txt for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in (packages. isMasterMute(); ' false # Example 4 (Dial a May 29, 2024 · 在360开测平台中,线上的手机需要对音量进行一个控制,防止一些视频,音乐,游戏的 apk 发出的声音,影响办公环境,但是需要在360开测平台录制视频,音频脚本的需求来讲,我们不能直接控制静音,需要对 apk 进行一个合理的兼容,动态的去设置声音和检测声音。 Jul 23, 2013 · I don't wanna use the commands (adb shell am start -a android. adb shell am start -a android. id" Where 62 maps to "getinstallerpackagename", and should return me a JNI Parcel object with the installer package name (playstore/amazon store/whatever) adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. setupwizard i32 1 i32 1' and it had no effect adb shell pm install-existing com. Oct 18, 2022 · 基础概念使用kubernetes集群运行工作负载时,由于Pod经常处于用后即焚状态,Pod经常被重新生成,因此Pod对应的IP地址也会经常变化,导致无法直接访问Pod提供的服务,Kubernetes中使用了Service来解决这一问题,即在Pod前面使用Service对Pod进行代理,无论Pod怎样变化,只要有Label,就可以让Service能够联系上 Oct 9, 2023 · Hello everyone, I just updated my Vivo X90 Pro Plus to the latest version currently is PD2227C_A_13. aidl file, pass arguments and get return value. 5. intent. getaway i32 0 i32 0. aidl and there is a function Nov 30, 2024 · adb shell service list. 这条adb命令可以 停止或者说冻结 vivo 系统应用,把包名修改你要精简的程序. adb shell input tap <x> <y> (in my case 220, 750) 要想恢复成可以卸载的状态,只需要把上面禁止卸载的命令末尾的i32 1 i32 0替换成i32 0 i32 0然后再执行即可。举例,安卓14恢复不做手机控为可卸载状态的命令为:. /adb shell 下边的命令都是在此基础上输入的 这样就不用重复带前缀命令了,比如 adb shell pm list packages. 我不想使用这些命令(adb shell am start -a android. SENDTO -d sms:CCXXXXXXXXXX --es sms_body "SMS BODY GOES HERE" --ez exit_on_sent true adb shell input keyevent 22 adb shell input keyevent 66 Jul 26, 2020 · It is possible to delete/disable these applications: adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. android. vtouch i32 0 i32 0". nononsenseapps. 常用的命令 确认连接设备. privileged # Example 3 (Find out if the master volume is muted): $ android-svc call ' android. . located use that in your command instead of just coping and Feb 28, 2025 · The tools assumes the argument is a component name if it contains a "/" (forward-slash); otherwise it assumes the argument is a package name. SENDTO -d sms:10086 --es sms_body hello 焦点去到发送按键 adb shell input keyevent 22 adb shell service call package 131 s16 包名 i32 0 i32 0 用adb常规命令卸载不了内置应用,所以这里使用的是向系统服务发送卸载信息的方式,据贴吧留言在 ColorOS 14 里这种方式也被堵上了。 Mar 31, 2023 · the phone is Vivo iQOO Neo 9s Pro+, android 14. 0 & Android 9. такая возможность ещё закрыта для меня, но спасибо ещё раз dumpsys won't give you all permissions. browser i32 0 i32 0 浏览器(常规代码和信代码都无法卸载) adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com. A Complete ADB Commad Cheat Sheet 2023. >>adb shell service call package 128 s16 com. w. hiboard i32 0 i32 0 out: Result: Parcel(00000000 00000001 '. Feb 23, 2023 · For example, if I wanted to uninstall/disable com. (setStreamVolume takes 3 parameters streamType, index, flag) my computer can no longer detect my device through ADB (neither UAD or ADB tools can detect it anymore) I tried reinstalling the oneplus local update APK but it doesn't let me, it says that the package is already installed and can not be reinstalled, even though I double checked and it is in fact not installed. Call service methods; List available service packages; List available methods for service packages; Show method signatures (including data types for arguments and return values) Convert given service method calls into a bash commands; Offline mode; Works over ADB (from Linux host) Works directly on the phone (requires Termux) Sep 30, 2023 · The adb shell pm command is used for package management tasks like listing installed packages or uninstalling apps. I use: $ adb shell dumpsys battery unplug $ adb shell am set-inactive <packageName> true When I test if the app is actually in standby using adb shell am get-inactive <packageName> I always obtain the following result Idle Android System Intelligence → com. oplus. Let us assume a method whose code is 8 in clipboard and that looks like this - These examples demonstrate the usage of adb shell service for various tasks. getInstallerPackageName("com. the version number will be somewhere near 0x1F and the name string after 0x20 (should be 3rd line) – $ adb shell service Usage: service [-h|-?] service list service check SERVICE service call SERVICE CODE [i32 N | i64 N | f N | d N | s16 STR ] Options: i32: Write the 32-bit integer N into the send parcel. player gives Service media. updater i32 0 i32 0 Aug 13, 2012 · well if you insist doing it in adb, you can do: adb shell service call package 1 s16 "my. something Jun 7, 2023 · adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. adb shell settings put global verifier_verify_adb_installs 0 adb shell settings put global package_verifier_enable 0 log:Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE: adb install not allowed!] Discover advanced commands for call screening, call redirection, and handling emergency services, ensuring seamless telecommunication experiences. It's kind of kludgy looking when you inspect the clipboard, but it works just fine. media. However, it belongs Android source code. pl. The link mentioned above mentions an alternate way to uninstall bloatware via adb. First, ensure ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is installed and set up on your system. Example: To list all installed packages: adb shell pm list packages adb shell input. 使用service call调试功能 3. heytap. Granting & revoking API 23+ permissions, Send text, key pressed and touch events to Android Device via ADB, List packages, Recording the display, Set Date/Time via adb, Open Developer Options, Print application data, Changing file permissions using chmod command, Generating a Boot Complete broadcast, View external/secondary storage content, kill a process inside an Android device The service method did not work for me on my Samsung device. service" s16 "null" s16 "+39phonenumber" s16 "null" s16 "hello\ world\ " s16 "null" s16 "null" i32 1 i32 0. f: Write the 32-bit single-precision number N into the send parcel. Does anyone know how I would test a system service that receives a boolean data type from adb? E. Everything works as expected. I'm having trouble getting a 12 running atm, but I'm pretty sure it should be the same thing on that version, or at Dec 10, 2011 · adb shell monkey -p <package> 1 (probably com. service" s16 "+447123456789" s16 "null" s16 "Hello\ from\ your\ home\ computer. mms. adb shell input tap <x> <y> (in my case 65, 80) type the number. 3. apppackage May 11, 2023 · adb:获取手机音量并设置音量大小 在自动化测试过程中,有时可能会需要调节Android设备的各类音量的场景时时,可借助adb命令来实现 获取设备音频流信息 adb shell dumpsys audio 一、获取当前设备各类音量大小 获取设备的电话音量 - STREAM_VOICE_CALL adb shell media volume --show --stream 0 --get 获取设备的系统音量 Dive deep into the hidden settings of your Samsung device with our comprehensive Setprop guide. xyz i32 0 i32 0 For Android 12 try: adb shell service call package 134 s16 com. android adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. Feb 8, 2021 · I am sad that for some reasons, adb install is not allowed, even if I run the following command, I still cannot install the application. vivo. xyz. 相关知识点 Android系统中的进程之间不能共享内存,需要提供一些机制在不同进程之间进行数据通信,这个机制就是AIDL。1. pm. ota new state: default shell pm disable com Oct 19, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读1. contacts) ensure you're on the dialler and not the contacts page by clicking the coordinates of the dialler. 参考博客. Aug 24, 2023 · From other stackoverflow post that I can see there's a adb shell script to capture the IMEI1 from Android device, but unable to get the IMEI2 and EID: adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. SENDTO -d sms:CCXXXXXXXXXX –e # Example 2 (Find out which App installed another app): $ android-svc call ' android. player: not found otherwise. The daemon on the Android device connects with the server on the host PC over USB or TCP, which connects to the client that is used by the end-user over TCP Jun 5, 2012 · To simply check whether a specific service is running, use: adb shell service check <service> For example, adb shell service check media. Sep 24, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读4. If you type 'adb shell settings list global|grep -i bluetooth' you should get some alternatives what you can try if above dosn't work so just change name and value if needed, above works fine on Huawei P9, Samsung S8 and Huawei P8 that's all I have tried on with Android 8. apk 进入操作命令. To find the UID of your package name: adb shell dumpsys package <PACKAGE> | grep userId It will print something like: userId=10412 1. i64: Write the 64-bit integer N into the send parcel. INotificationManager] Feb 20, 2024 · adb shell service call package [数值] s16 [包名] i32 0 i32 0 这里我的机型使用的是 adb shell service call package 131 s16 com. updater i32 0 i32 0. 7 is the function named setStreamVolume. Look, for the Service'(s) with mms it will have a syntax of something com. apppackage and I don't want to do it even by using adb shell pm uninstall com. appops. service. getaway. wrijfcd nlsam qkmgw cfwer nfislc tvwmb ouodur dfsqy paamwt ine dqt vgyzh ksrnt shcws aarpd