Texas public records search. To search County Clerk Court Records, Click Here.
Texas public records search Sharon, was appointed County Clerk on September 2, 2008. Order birth or death The public record search of the Civil system will costs $5 per name. Online Document Search Lubbock County Clerk Search across all 254 Texas counties at once. Requestors can search records and purchase certified copies using a valid credit card by clicking the following link: Job Openings: Look here for employment opportunities with Williamson County. (LGC 195. ) Official Public Records Search. Please be as specific as possible on what you are looking for. See below for information to include in the request. You can request a copy of the instrument(s) here. Copies of marriage records can be obtained from the County Clerk’s Office. Texas, situated in the south central part of the United States, is the second largest state in the country. These records are scanned daily and ready for viewing images. This is in accordance with the Texas We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. org) This article provides information on Electronically Certified Records – Available Now. To search County Clerk Real Property Records, Click Here. Request Driver Records; Order Vital Records; All Services; Related Sites. A probate record search provides information on wills, estate distributions, heirs, surviving dependents, creditors, court ordered distributions, probate petitions, estate accounts, estate inventories, and genealogical information. With UniCourt, you can look up Texas State Court cases, find latest docket information, view case Odessa, TX 79761 Phone: (432) 498-4290 : INFORMATION ON PUBLIC PORTAL ACCESS TO COURT RECORD INDEX AND IMAGES Introduction, Helpful Hints, Tips & Tricks (Click to view PowerPoint Slides from initial effective july 1, 2022. Lubbock County Clerk 904 Broadway, Room 207 Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 775-1048 . Locate court records via our website. search instructions Official Public Records Search. – 4:30 p. From arrest records and property records to business licenses and death records, Land Records and more: Contact the County Clerk for deeds, foreclosures, liens, public notices, marriage licenses, birth certificates and other vital records, beer & wine applications, cattle brands, and business registrations (DBA's/Assumed Names). FILING FEES. You can use our convenient search tool in order to find details from Texas court cases. , Monday – Friday (except for court approved holidays) The Coryell County Clerk’s office has a wide range of responsibilities including the filing and preservation of real property records, and the management of civil, probate, guardianship, and The following documents are available electronically on public workstations in our office, or by visiting our Online Records Search: All OPR documents recorded in the McLennan County Clerk's office from January 1, 1996 forward ; Older hard copy documents recorded in our: DEED book volumes from December 1968 through December 1995 Welcome from County Clerk Sharon Ferguson and the staff of the Brown County Clerk’s Office, located in Brown County, Texas at 200 South Broadway, Suite 101, Brownwood, Texas 76801. You can search for 1,000 searches per day for any person or entity. Criminal Filing (Felony Cases) 210-335-2591. texas. John F. Information available on this web site is collected, maintained, and provided solely for the convenience of the public users. The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. Inmates: Look here to search for jail records. They often include entries from publicly available court records and arrests. If you want to search by other means, use the advanced search listed on the County Clerk & District Clerk Court Records Search website. Office of Attorney General. Texas Property Records. . History of Texas Records Laws. Criminal. San Antonio, Texas 78205: Vital Real Property Records: This search is not offered by Employees of the County Clerk's Office. Amphitheater & Event Center; (Includes Property Records, Plats, Marriages, Foreclosures, Miscellaneous, Commissioners Court, Public Notice, Assumed Names, Marks & Brands) (Apply for Permits or Plans, Building and Development Guides, Search for Existing Permits, Plans, or The Records Division of the Hays County Clerk's Office is respon sible for recording and maintaining official public records from 1848 to present, including deeds, deeds of trust, assumed names, liens, and more. Dallas County, Texas Courts Portal To request a record search or order copies online, e-mail us at distclerk@hayscountytx. Phone: 830-393-7308 Fax SEARCH WILSON COUNTY OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS. Adobe Reader or compatible. USER: Anonymous (0,0) SERVER: DPSWEB2 DATE:3/20/2025 2:08:55 AM LANG:ENGLISH (UNITED STATES) ORIG:SecureSite To perform a criminal history record search you must create a CRD Secure Website Account and purchase credits for each search you will perform. 101 W Nueva St, San Antonio, TX, 78205. Public Information Office. With a population of about 28 million, Texas is the second most populated sate in the United States, with 254 counties. Kerr County, Texas, is committed to serving its citizens with accuracy The District Clerks Office observes the recommendations from The Texas State Library Archive Commission for preservation of historical records. These duties include preserving those records for future generations to access and serve the county historically for many years to come. Phone: 409-267-2400. Online Non-County Records. HOURS: Monday - Friday: 8am - 5:00pm, Closed: Weekends, Holidays. Search online public court records from Texas state courts for free. A verification letter indicates if a birth or death is on file in Texas. Purchasing Search Credits by The County Clerk’s Office records and maintains the records of the Commissioners Court, the Probate Courts, and the County Civil Courts at Law. Public Information requests for the Pasadena Police Department must be submitted IN WRITING via: Online: Public Records Center (To submit an open records request, click on the link above. TX, 78205. Skip to Main Content. proper custodian of record as follows: Lubbock County District Clerk 904 Broadway, Room 105 Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 775-1322 dcarchives@lubbockcounty. Ste. Belton, TX 76513 254-933-5197. Texas Veterans Access county records, deeds, oil and gas leases, assignments, liens, and more from across the state. You may also consider contacting the department you need directly for guidance about accessing publicly-available information relevant to their department or office. gov . Houston, TX 77002 713-274-8600. Access deeds, tax info, zoning details, and more through official links. Find birth records via an online search. County Holidays. Parker County Judicial Record Search. Select the desired documents from the "Change department" dropdown next to the search bar, enter the search terms desired, and then set a start date and an end date for a period of time to search. Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. All e-filed cases and documents from 2016 through today. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government Records Search. Find and access publicly accessible data from Texas state agencies on data. 00 Document Filing Fee authorized by Local Government Code 291. We'll help you find the government services, information, and resources you need. Find Services; Explore Texas It features tools to search, filter, map, and visualize official State agency data sets. Texas State Public Records Search Online. The entire State is computerized, and certified copies can be order over the Internet in less than five minutes. Expunctions Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure contains provisions for the expunction of arrest records, court records and criminal history record information. However, in any case where legal Official Public Records Search; Judicial Records Information; Link to Veterans Affairs Military Discharge Records; Appointment Fee Reports. City Hall. 00 for any document 1-10 pages in length and then $. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email © 2025 Texas Department of Public Safety. That's every Texas county. Box 10536 Lubbock, TX 79408 Phone: (806) 775-1076 The County Clerk's Office, Lubbock County, Texas provides this web site as a public service. Court records are documents generated during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. Death Records. We will mail a record search certificate (if required) or e-mail results of the record Oaths & Deputations - Search all Oaths & Deputations records available on our online database (County Clerk) Official Public Records - Deeds of Trust, Liens and other public ADA Coordinator. Seguin Ave. thank you. Request vital records you need online, including birth certificates, death certificates, marriage and divorce verification letters, and more. Expunction of criminal history record information & related issues. Once any property is purchased or ownership is transferred, the local county records office will modify the document on file and update the online databases with new information. Our records are computerized from 1960 to the present. Texas Department of Criminal Justice . Welcome to the Jefferson County Clerk’s home page. LEE HAIDUSEK CHAMBERS. Search for Texas probate records. They contain information about these legal proceedings, including names of the parties involved, dates of hearings, testimony and evidence, and rulings in cases. O. Press Releases. Home; Public Records HEIDI EASLEY, County Clerk. The clerks of this office are recorders and are not qualified examiners of the Official Public Records. City of Texas City. Overland El Paso, Texas 79901 (915) 273-3520; Fax (915) 273-3858 www. Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. epcounty. Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. You may search here for the Official Public Records or come to the East Annex at 1524 East Mulberry, Angleton, TX 77515 to use public computers provided for your convenience. This site also provides quick access to available forms you may need, such as Henderson, Texas 75653-0758 Phone: 903-657-0330 Main Line Fax: 903-657-2387 Main Office. If you cannot locate a record, you can request records through the specific Plain copies and certified copies can be obtained by using the Official Public Records Search and selecting “Property Records” or; by sending an email to: officialpublicrecords@co. Attn: Public Records; P. Liberty Office: Liberty County Courthouse 1923 Sam Houston, Room 209 Liberty, Texas 77575 Entrance on the West side (Travis This article will show how to do a public records search in Texas. PDF files require Adobe Reader or compatible. Huntsville, Texas 77342-0099 Request vital records from the Vital Statis Office. Public Records for Texas include 7,700,199 properties with a median sale price of $100,000, the average home typically offers 3-4 bedrooms and 2-3 bathrooms. . TexasFile County Clerk Records Search The Vital Statistics Section of the County Clerk’s office maintains public records of El Paso County marriages and the District Clerk maintains the records of divorces. Texas Prison Inmate Search Texas property records by county. However, death certificates are only available for those who have died in Lubbock County. The County Clerk is also the Chief Election Official for Harris County. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. New fee change for instruments to be recorded or issued in the Official Public Records; Effective January 1, 2024 Senate Bill 1612 has repealed the $1. The record, if available, will include the name, date of birth or death, and county of birth or death. If you need certified copies of property records, once you search our records please take note of the document number and the amount of pages (Costs are $1. 00). Physical Address 405 Martin Luther King St. First Name. Directions. Phone: 409-948-3111 Contact Us Office Information 150 N. Unlike the general public, attorneys and law enforcement need to register to use the portal. Website Sign In Online Record Search. TX 77902. com. Foreclosures. Use BUREAU CODE #5779509. We do not handle record search requests by phone or by fax. 10/page thereafter. Paul Elizondo Tower. Law Enforcement. Start your search today and uncover valuable property, mineral, and historical information. Main Street, Gatesville, TX 76528; Phone: (254) 865-5911| Fax: (254) 865-8631 Hours: 8:00 a. Return to District Clerk Home. Rusk County Real Property Records Search ; Property records are available online at texaslandrecords. gov. Public Information; Texas 811; Johnson County ARES; Weather; CASA Radar; Sexual Assault Response Team - SART; AMR Johnson County; Services. Transparency. The County Clerk is the county recorder. Commissioners Court. Georgetown, TX 78626-4901: Phone: 512-943-1515 Driving Directions: Click Here Mailing Address PO Box 647 Jarrell, TX 76537-0647 Lubbock, TX 79401 P. Every effort is made to ensure that information provided is correct. Court Records. Search for death records online. This will help the clerk identify whether there is an instrument filed on the case that meets your needs. Guadalupe County Clerk, Teresa Kiel is now offering electronic certified copies of Court Records, Marriage License and all Official Public Records for purchase online. Financials Dashboard. Birth Records. Bridge Street Room 103 Victoria, Texas 77901 Phone: 361-575-1478 Fax: 361-575-6276 Explore the official website of the State of Texas. The Texas Public Information Act is actually known in law as the Texas Government Code Chapter 552 and Public Search Public Search Now Available from 1983 to Present Official Public Records-Commissioners' Court Minutes and Exhibit Sovereignty to 2018 Click Link Below: San Patricio County Courthouse | 400 W Sinton St | Sinton, TX 78387 | Phone: (361) 364-9300. Records on criminal court matters search entails listing the last and first names of the person whose case you are trying to locate. Court Records These records in Texas are frequently revised by county officials involved in collecting and estimating property taxes. Anahuac, Texas 77514. Learn how to publish your agency's data and use the portal for research, collaboration, and innovation. 2 How to Find Texas Court Records Online. Shelley Coston Bell County Clerk Bell County Justice Center There is a portal through the county website to search most records online. cameron. Division. All records can be accessed through the Online Case Records Search. After locating the document, add it to your shopping cart and complete the purchasing process. 1801 9th Avenue North. County Hours. 501 16th Street Suite 305 Canyon, TX 79015 (806) 468-5500 Toll Free (833) 793-1470 Email County Judge; County Directory To successfully locate an inmate or lookup someone’s past, have some basic identifiable information available and figure out which state they might have served in or, in the case of jails, which county they were booked in. Reasons for needing a marriage record include insurance purposes and documenting name changes. Find accurate property data easily. re Texas Department of Public Safety Criminal History Search. These records are available to view and purchase online through our Self-Service portal as well in the office using the computers in our lobby. Provide as much information for the search as possible. About the Victoria Police Department Records Section, the services and records they provide, and how to obtain said records. The statute specifically details the requirements and procedures to properly expunge records in Texas. Jail Records / Inmates. Helpful Links. Texas City, TX 77590. m. we do not issue marriage license after 4:30pm. we do not file after 4:45pm. Court case records are not subject to the Texas Public Information Act or the federal Freedom of Information Act. Civil / Probate E-filing. Court Records: Look here to search for court records or dockets. Each request goes through different government agencies with unique filing processes and fees. 1 904 Broadway, Room 110 Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 775-1547 . Amanda Manning, RAS 1391 HR-ADAAccessibility@epcountytx. Find reliable, up-to-date information from various government services and entities. If the Texas birth record that you are interested in is less than 75 years after the event, then the birth record is considered protected. gov for a quote on the cost of the request. Users can access these data sets to meet their unique information needs for research, collaboration Efficiently search through Texas’s public records using our official portal. As county recorder, the County Clerk is responsible for: processing, filing, and recording most of the official county documents (i. Straightforward, user-friendly, and designed with the aim to provide seamless access to public records in Texas. $1. 110 Floresville, TX 78114 COURIER SERVICE ONLY; NO USPS DELIVERY AT THIS ADDRESS. Public Records: Look here to search for things like certificates of birth/death, marriage licenses or Commissioners Court minutes. Elections:VoteLCTX. Texas has internal rules governing public records created in the Texas Public Information Act (PIA) and Rule 12 in the Rule of Judicial Administration. ) real and personal property records, liens, assumed names, abstracts, bonds, livestock marks and brands, city, county and school district budgets, subdivision plats, military discharges, marriage licenses, Search all 254 Texas Counties Stay organized to save time Track existing and potential clients Research and track opposing counsel Research and track expert witnesses Track cases and get case alerts The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. ) Fax: (713) 477-4976 (Include your postal mailing address. Kerr County Open Records Requests. Scanning and Records Management The County Clerk scans real property records, public records, probate, criminal and commissioner's court minutes; manages and preserves these records. County Courts at Law Cases Defined. Our goal is to provide our citizens access to county records, fees, election information, and legal resources. FAQs. Discover a wealth of public records resources in Texas, offering easy access to a wide array of information. To look up public Texas inmate records, you must provide some details related to the inmate, such as the inmate's name (first and last), the inmate's TDCJ number, the inmate's SID number, and gender. Each court is responsible for keeping their own records. Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property County Court records, recording and maintaining minutes for the Commissioners Court, and is the custodian for official public records for the county. With comprehensive data and intuitive search tools, TexasFile is your trusted resource for online Texas land records. To search County Clerk Court Records, Click Here. com Public Records. Floresville, TX 78114 Physical Address: 1420 3rd St. Please contact the clerk Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. Constitutional Amendments. This section lists several criminal history records databases, with a focus on Texas Texas doesn’t have a single database where you can search all court records for the state. The office of the County Clerk is the official record keeper for all Real Property, Vital Statistic, Civil Court, Misdemeanor Court, Probate Court, and Juvenile Court records in Denton County. Beware of Public Scams. The records include deeds, land patent records, mortgages, judgments and tax liens. Weatherford, TX 76086 Employee Portal; Quick Links. For public information inquires; call 361-485-3700. It also records vital documents such as property records, marriage licenses, assumed name certificates, birth and death certificates, miscellaneous personal records, DD-214 military discharge records Official Public Record Fees as of January 1st, 2025 Overview The County Clerk's office maintains Official Public Records beginning in 1836. You may search from any computer or come to the East Annex at 1524 East Mulberry, Angleton, TX 77515 to use public computers provided for your Case Search Case Search. Bexar County Holidays. E-recording We offer e-recording of real property records for those who this statute applies. Victoria County Courthouse 115 N. Birth or death certificates. Courts DIvision. 003) Keep in Touch. 00 per page and Texas Department of Public Safety Criminal History Search. Records Search Our court records portal offers comprehensive access to Chambers County court records, spanning across the District, County, and Justice of the Peace courts. Birth certificates can be remotely accessed from other parts of Texas. Office Location– 620 E. Sensitive Data (TexasLawHelp. Records Search. Vital Statistics. Please contact the clerk to obtain an official copy of a document. You are Besides looking at court records discussed on the Texas Court Records and Federal Court Records pages, you can also find information about a person's criminal history in specialized databases. org) This article provides information on Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. This commitment is a CONTINUING effort that will continue to expand into the past. 008(d). Access public information and data sets through the Texas Open Data Portal, an open data platform available to all. Search Public Records Resources in Texas. Box 2178, Brownsville,Texas 78522-2178. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County and District Court Case Information and Documents Registration to this site is not required for public access Civil District Courts Family District Courts Current Criminal Records. Box 2086 Kerr County maintains records for access by any member of the public. These policies give citizens insight into government actions. Normal hours- 8-4:55 Monday through Thursday 8-4:30 Fridays. e. Our preservation efforts focus on records dating from 1837-1951. The New Public Case Search tool is online and available for public use. Property Records. Once you receive a return message with the price quote, you may enter credit card information on our certified payments website. Fax: 903-657-0062 Vital Records . Last Name Marriage records in Texas are public records and are available to anyone who requests them. Juror Information Official Public Records Official Public Records (OPR) consist of all publicly accessible documents recorded by the County Clerk's Office and may include deeds, mortgage documents, easements, assumed name certificates (DBA), powers of attorney, bills of sale, and liens. TX 78205 Phone: 210-335-2011; Weather Line: 210-335 Public Information Request; Public Meetings; Departments A-C. Inexpensive, consistent document fees. Case records and calendars for all County Courts at Law, Probate Courts, and Justice of the Peace Courts are searchable by going to the following page: Tarrant County provides the information contained in this website as a public service. USER: Anonymous (0,0) SERVER: DPSWEB4 DATE:3/20/2025 7:23:40 AM LANG:ENGLISH (UNITED STATES) ORIG:SecureSite open record request, legal name change, domestic or international adoptions, immigration, or how to Each time you search you are charged one credit ($1. Requests can be made via email or in person. tx. We do not fax or email responsive documents. Check out online foreclosure information. Inquire about online jail records and Texas doesn’t have a single database where you can search all court records for the state. Court, Criminal To purchase certified copies, create an account thru our website Document Search Portal and log-in. PO Box 99. The mission of Texas State Records is to provide the general public with an easy and straightforward method to search for, examine, and obtain public records, arrest records, court records, and more. Note that certified copies of marriage licenses are only available from the El Paso County Clerk if that is where you were married. Justice of the Peace, Pct. gov 500 E. To request a certified copy by mail, send the request to: County Clerk’s Office P. us. We are also in the process of digitizing these records to make them easily accessible online. Texas birth records might possibly be the easiest to get. The case data used by this feature includes: Active Cases held in any of the Collin County District, County Court at Law, including Probate, or Justice Courts. Only active members of the State Bar of Texas who are in good standing to practice law and are subject to the disciplinary rules of the State Bar of Texas and Licensed Texas Certified Peace Officers are allowed to The District Clerk has committed to EXPANDING access which will give the public immediate access to records that pre-date the state mandate to E-File. The County Clerk's Official Public Records Search hosts a variety of records to be searched. Archived books are Search for assumed names with a new version of Vanguard Public Search. Mailing Address P. You can also look up many of these records online under Deed Searches on the County Clerk's page. Box 1525; Houston, Search for court or jail records. This Case Search feature has a single search screen interface and can be used to search and view information for all case types simultaneously. Our phone number is 325-643-2594 or 643-2595. UniCourt allows you to lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other cases from Texas Superior Courts, Justice Courts, Circuit Courts, & more. Website Sign In; Search. Find Public Records. Texas Birth Records.