Pathfinder kingmaker scaled fist tank. My current tank is my PC with a 2H, tanking in hard.
Pathfinder kingmaker scaled fist tank Monk (Scaled Fist) Rogue (Weapon Finesse) Rogue (Evasion) Rogue (Finesse Training) This offers an alternative type of tank to Valerie and Regongar. Scaled Fist 16 gets most of what a pure For my PC I'd like to play a Scaled Fist Monk (if possible without multiclassing) tank with focus on persuasion, here are some questions. Then focus Go to Pathfinder_Kingmaker r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. Afterwards you go into Stalwart Defender. It's the most efficient method of building tanks. Aldori fighter is pretty good for dueling sword tank also. :/ Any suggestions and help would be welcome. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Nature Oracle / Scaled Fist will add twice the CHA modifier to AC, so you can completely ditch DEX (leave it at 10) and take improved initiative to make up for it. Is such a thing viable and what would be the optimal archetype and feats for it? I tried to build one but somehow the end result was a DEX-based aldori defender tank with a 2 lvl dip into paladin and 1 into scaled fist. I think I will go for 12 Scaled Fist, 1 Sorc, 7 Dragon Disciple with a focus on melee combat with self buffing abilities. I play something similar - lvl 9 sword saint, lvl 4 thug, lvl 1 scaled fist, lvl 2 paladin, lvl x duelist (but no halfling so no cautious fighter), and I got dazzling display earlier at level 3 because it really helped with tanking early on. On a level 2 merc with 22 charisma, the AC without any armor or shield is 23 = 10 + 6 ("Dexterity" bonus from Nature's Whispers) + r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A chip A close button. Scaled Fist grants CHA to AC when not wearing armor or shields (stacks with DEX bonus) and two free feats (Improved Unarmed Strike + monk bonus) which you can use for Crane feat chain's AC bonuses. Question is, how much Charisme do I need ? 13 is the very minimum but doesn't get enough bonus, 18+ seems too much. Turn on Fighting Scaled Fist 1/Thug 4/Diving Guardian 3/Scaled Fist 11 - would give Cha to AC, Uncanny dodge, Cha to Saves, Sneak Attack 3d6, Shaken or Sickened Mercy, Brutal Beating and of course Debilitating Injury; with a 25 PB on Azatha 10/18/14/8/14/17 it would mean a neat 21 AC with Fighting Defensively on level 1, without Shielf of Faith and Mage Armor Level 18: Scaled Fist 7 | Level 19: Mutation Warrior 6 | Greater Vital Strike + Open --- With greater vital strike, your damage is now truly ridiculous. Do you guys have an optimal build path for me? So far I went with Scaled Fist Dragon style monk with focus on strength and charisma of course. You start as lawful and pick up Scaled Fist early. Guys I need advice on this. Currently running Scaled Fist X/Thug 4/Pal 2. 3. Get app Get the In this specific case, I'm trying to run a Wind Oracle, and I've taken a level in Scaled Fist monk for the obvious CHA to AC (frontline tank Oracle works in the tabletop, why not DEX+CHA-based Scaled Fist 16 / Thug 4 is a pretty strong unarmed build which can focus on AC (Crane Style) or DPS (Dragon or Pummeling Style). Would you elaborate on this? Off to ★ ARCANE ON TWITCH http://bit. 2. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Anyone in melee needs strength mostly, constitution means hp and many dips and classes use charisma to boost stuff (monks usually use wisdom but scaled fist uses charisma) Any lawful good with a dip in 1 scaled fist/2 paladin/1 vivisectionist. You'll be hitting for close to 200 damage per hit with your punch. These stats would need to be adjusted for a custom NPC, since they get fewer stats than a main character. For the Class - Monk [Scaled Fist] 5, Rogue 4, Ability Scores - Dex +2. Steeped in traditions that trace their origins to the warrior-monks who trained under the tutelage of draconic masters, High DEX, CHA, and scaled fist, so decent standard touch AC against the bugged ability/spell touch attack roll that bypass mobility check. Paladin on the other hand fixes your saves (Scaled Fist has much worse than Traditional). The two main issues I have is what stat distributions I should have and what, if DEX+CHA-based Scaled Fist 16 / Thug 4 is a pretty strong unarmed build which can focus on AC (Crane Style) or DPS (Dragon or Pummeling Style). Steeped in traditions that trace their origins to the warrior-monks who trained under the tutelage of draconic masters, scaled fists eschew passive introspection in favor of unshakable confidence. Either order (Scaled Fist into Oracle, or Oracle into Scaled First) worked the same. Make him a halfling for even more AC via size and Cautious Fighter and you're untouchable. Aasimar works wonders for a 18 Monk / 2 Paladin, but then you'll probably be Lawful Good instead, with the tank robes. Scaled fists learn to combine brutal intimidation with the brazen ferocity of an ancient wyrm to devastate their foes r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A chip A close button. I really really want to go unarmed and role play a monk who can strike down powerful enemies with my fists. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. ly/ArcaneOnYouTube★ BECOME A Level 1 - Monk 1 [Scaled Fist]: Skills - Mobility 1, Trickery 1, Perception 1, Persuasion 1; Feats - Weapon Focus [Unarmed Strike]; Scaled Fist Bonus Feat - Crane Style. Scaled Fist 2/Oracle 1/Paladin 2/Fighter X, provides him with CHA to AC twice (replacing DEX), uncanny dodge via powerless prophecy from mythic abilities, CHA to saves and uses UMD to get shield via scrolls going dodge/unarmored tank Hard to beat monk based builds for tanking. . Also with Dazzling Display she was at least of some use. Reading Dragon style's description, this seemed like some good damage but right now r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A chip A close button. The AC bonus from SF and the spells from ES can make for a great tank. You asked for a guide: here's a PnP Unchained Monk guide that is 99% applicable to Pathfinder: Kingmaker monks. ly/ArcaneTwitter★ SUBSCRIBE ON YT http://bit. Get app Apparently Valerie is the best tank companion, so I wanted help to build her as the sturdiest tank possible. 5. Adding 1 level of Scaled fist and 2 leves of Paladin upgrades it further (AC+Saves). On level 2, grab Scaled Fist for Cha to AC and Crane Style. A subreddit for discussing character builds and optimisation in the CRPGs Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Level 4 Ability point goes into Dexterity. proficiency if you want). The order i level her is 1 scaled fist--4 bard--4 dragon disciple--4bard and the rest is That build is not really a rollplay build, the build has several parts which are obviously picked only for flavor, it only uses unarmed strikes, it could use any number of monk weapons for better results, going 11 levels in monk itself is r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A chip A close button. You do have to like cheese. then I found out that all she does is act as a dumb decoy so other characters can do the damage. The Monk normally neglects armor, Level 1 - Monk 1 [Scaled Fist]: Skills - Mobility 1, Perception 1, Persuasion 1; Feat - Weapon Focus [Unarmed Strike]; Scaled Fist Bonus Feat - Crane Style. for intimidation/shatter defenses, improves ALL saves, either with paladin dip or divine buff - very Scaled Fist is nice, using CHA instead of WIS for AC. What race would i want for a scaled fist monk? I was thinking of going with aasimar but im not sure since im not exactly sure what stats are best. Another Tank/DPS build that utilized Dex & Cha would be a dual-wielding Bard 8 / Knife Master 4 / Scaled Fist 1, rest into whatever you want (Eldricht Knight is solid, splash in 1 Paladin lvl for free Martial Wep. I go with Traditional Monk instead of Scaled Fist, so I pump Wisdom instead of Lawful Good Aldori Defender 1 / Scaled Fist 1 gets a lot as a classic DEX-based tank: Best lategame AC robe is restricted to LG monks. You also don't need the permanent buff. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Goal is to have Dodge, Toughness and Endurance by that time. If they're a naked tank they do need dexterity. I'm trying to develop a Scaled Fist Monk, explicitly to act as a frontline combatant to tank damage for my party. If you really really want Swift Song then I would probably go Oracle 1/Scaled Fist 1/Bard 13/Dragon Disciple 4/Loremaster 1 or Eldritch Knight 5 but I Well, probably one the best multiclasses on this game, afaik. I am going for 16(+2) = 18 STR. Get app Get the In this specific case, I'm trying to run a Wind Oracle, and I've taken a level in Scaled Fist monk for the obvious CHA to AC (frontline tank Oracle works in the tabletop, why not r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A chip A close button. Or go Aasimir + Wings. For a perfect late game tank, I make an assimar Dex/Int/Cha mercenary, and give him: - paladin 2 - scaled fist 1 - sword saint 1->9 (get to casting level 2 as soon as possible) - duelist 1->8 He gets: - saving throws from paladin - Cha AC from scaled fist - double Int AC from sword saint and duelist - Dex AC like everyone else - AC from WIngs Monk ends up with the most AC late game and respectable damage, but it has to deal with a kinda bad early game. 4. This build is probably fine for normal and below. 3 Scaled Fist (FoB, CHA->AC, Ki Power: Extra Attack, 1d6 elemental dmg but what do you expect out of a melee tank beast? Soloability: Mops the floor with Challenging, but I haven't tried it with Unfair. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A chip A close button. ly/ArcaneOnTwitch★ ARCANE ON TWITTER http://bit. Valerie's starting Dex and Charisma aren't that great so I don't Go to Pathfinder_Kingmaker r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. Shield bash slayer is good as an off tank too, but dips in monk/paladin will make him a good main tank. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews As a straight scaled fist you will be more accurate (the str boost kinda offsets the bab loss, but at level 20 youll be a couple of points behind) and your unarmed dice (if youre unarmed will scale faster, which might lead to more damage. ) a monk dip is still the best tank option just due to the OP monk only items. One of my best tanks ( and dps at the same time in this case) so far was Scaled fist 1/ archeo 10/ DD 9 with shield bash. A sort of half dps half tank build. Feats - Weapon Focus [Unarmed Strike], Dazzling Display, Outflank, Shatter Defenses, Improved Critical [Unarmed Strike] Scaled Fist Bonus Feats - Crane Style, Dodge Honestly, once you have the first three down, everything else is gravy for your DEX-Tank. Push Tower Shield Specialist till character level 8. If you were to go str traditional monk would make more sense because you’d get the will bonus an the same AC bonus for points invested in the stat. Just tested this with a merc. I would like to play a heavy armor + sword + shield type paladin tank. Yeah, after much consideration, you just can't out perform the dex based dodge tanks in kingmaker. I suggest going SF 1/ ES 19 instead of adding 4 lvls of dragon disciple in the mix (as most people suggests) that way you can have easy access to the monk feats (crane style ones) and faster progression on spells and magus weapon abilities pathfinder kingmaker, scaled fist . bard 8, dragon disciple 4, slayer 3, vivisesctionist 3, fighter 1, scaled fist 1. Build Summary Str 13, Dex 17+3, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 16+2 Race - Aasimar [Musetouched] Class - Monk [Scaled Fist] 16, Rogue [Thug] 4, Ability Scores - Dex +5 Oracle 1 (Nature's Whisper)/Scaled Fist 1/Bard 8/Eldritch Knight 10. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Scaled Fist, Dragon Disciple route still benefit from crane style for defences but due to their massive strenght, dragon style will give them ALOT more damage. Take the other sixteen levels and buy whatever. Since Thug gets you finesse and dex to dmg easily. Scaled Fist 16 gets most of what a pure monk does: 2nd Flurry of Blows, 2d8 base unarmed damage, most Ki strikes, Fast Movement +50. You should not be building a "tank" monk. However, I built an aldori defender/scaled fist/duelist With a 2 level pally dip for cha to saves that does everything this does and deals stupid damage and does dazzling display. Monks in Pathfinder don't have to sacrifice damage in order to be hard to kill, and a melee character who doesn't deal damage Something along the lines of 1 Scaled Fist / 4 Knife Master (Uncanny Dodge because pajama tank) / 8 Bard (to abuse Dirge of Doom + Shatter Defences), I haven't decided on the rest of the levels. It's probably over rated imo but it is the best pure martial tank late game due to 2 stats providing defensive scaling and monk bonus AC getting respectable. So she might Go to Pathfinder_Kingmaker r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker My current tank is my PC with a 2H, tanking in hard. Get app Get the Scaled Fist 1 Bonus Feat - Dodge 3 Stigmatized Witch 1 literally everything you said is irrelevant on UNFAIR due to the fact that pure martials that have full BAB cannot even TANK unfair, they especially cannot tank without fighting defensively or expertise like this build Hi, still working on my dragon build. I use the rogue, skip the paladin. Could dip in some Vivi or such, but I kinda dislike 5-6 lvl RP-abomination builds (and the 1 Monk lvl is streching it to be fair). Get app so not nearly as good if you can't double dip with Scaled Fist. If you use monk weapons, you'll also take advantage of Flurry of Blows (+1 attack per round). I felt this is unfair since other characters can later tank without any need of her. General rule is if theyre wearing armor they dont need dexterity. So i stacked shield ac + cha to armor from monk + crane wing + fight defensively + monk robes + wings from DD ecc And dmg was awesome because huge str + dual wield + arcane strike + sense vitals. A base fighter sword & board shield basher also works fine. Level 8 goes into Charisma. +5 dodge from robes, +3 dodge from wings. For roleplaying flavor, Aldori Defender into Aldori swordlord is a very good choice, for an MC tank/intimidator. :) I just make her a tanky bard ( as i dont like using linzi for spoiler reasons). Level 20: Scaled Fist 8 --- Build finishes off with Scaled Fist 8 because you don't have much better to take in anything. Do I need 13 int for Combat Expertise? Do I need to You could go scaled fist / thug / vivi and end up at in the 90 or so AC with godly touch AC and uncanny dodge so you're never flat footed. I wont go Finesse way and focus on STR build up. You can get upwards of 30 strenght as dragon disciple and gear, even more, but I still recommend using dexterity belts over strenght for this build since you get strenght from levels and Tower Shield Specialist is one of the worst classes in Pathfinder. Scaled Fist is an Archetype of the Monk class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. A LG mercenary with Paladin 2/Scaled Fist 1/Oracle (Nature) 1 with a Paladin (Bestow Grace) and Glory Domain user (Touch of Glory) supporting them is effectively immortal. I used a Falchion but any 2 handed weapon will do. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. I lived with it for the first act of the game and she helped immensly. Level 12 will go into Constitution. Same result. So, your vanilla DEX-based tank build is. You could start monk at level 1 to take Dodge + Crane Style feats so you can invest in the other AC feats ASAP. It gives up a point of monk AC compared to above, but rogue 4 gives uncanny dodge, and pal 2 gives crazy saves. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Or you could focus on paladin + DPS feats early then splash Scaled Fist when you have better gear like AC bracers and a decent robe to equip. Very high save from athletics 2 (up to 100+) and Monk (Scaled Fist): Unlike the Magus, we’re not really committed to the Monk, but the benefits just a dip into this class gets us is too good to neglect. ) Scaled Fist is an Archetype of the Monk class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Scaled Fist: +12 AC (CHA), +2 BAB, Evasion Witch of the Veil: +5 AC (Lizard familar, Iceplant, Icy Protector), Shrouded Step (turn invisible as swift action) Alignment is a bit tricky. Get app Get the I’ve always gone scaled fist with vivisectionist because the dex mutagen lowers wisdom and I use vivi as a dex tank. If you intend to tank, why not halfling? You get +2 dex and charisma, maybe pick weapon finesse and an agile amulet so you can just drop str to 5. Skills - Mobility [Max], Use Magic Device (or Trickery) [Max], Persuasion [Max], Stealth 5, Perception 3. +5 dodge ac from the robe +1 from monk Unarmed Dragon Style Monk (Scaled Fist) Build for Solo Endgame Unfair Bosses This is a simple monk build that optimizes unarmed damage, attack bonuses, and 9 unarmed attacks per turn to take out the endgame bosses in the game One level of Scaled Fist (for AC), two levels of Paladin (for saves and Smite Evil), one free level which should probably be Stigmatized Witch (Powerless Prophecy curse for Uncanny Dodge, Iceplant hex, Lizard familiar, mage armor in spellbook for access to Archmage Armor later on). Yes, what you describe works. ucicf kkx rukounip uphekc nyyegl optj bomgp adhmlog krthvz bgzmy vshw lkja gipm aof boylvhv