Lying about weight on zwift. Unfortunately, they can barely get their avatar to move.

Lying about weight on zwift Remember that the 90kg rider is putting 300w to go up, whereas Similar situation on Zwift. Contact zwiftpower@zwift. Hi, has anyone done the calculation to figure out what number Zwift uses for the weight of equipment that is not bike/wheels? I. 3: 985: July 12, 2022 Certifying height and weight of riders. Having these lies pointed out to them exacerbates their mental issues. James_Zwift (James) May 17, 2023, 8:43am 2. Should I update my height in Zwift to my actual height? Does 1 cm make a difference to cda in Zwift? Also, I would expect that If you take part in races in Zwift you should weigh yourself However the difference here is that on Zwift specifically the performance of low weight w/kg are enhanced more than outside. Once Zwift auto assigned racing categories is based on performance weight doping will be less significant in the B,C and D groups. Does anyone know if the 120kg includes bike weight? Also if anyone has any resources they can point me to relating to new zwift usage or specifically the Zwift Hub One I'd appreciate it. Outside of my 13,000 km on Zwift over the past 3 years, I get almost zero exercise in a typical week. Even over on zwiftpower. So because a bunch of cheaters took Question: How do Zwifters feel about a race series where entering ones weight via verifiable method (Video upload, sync with smart scales etc) is mandatory in order to be able to compete? Context With 36% (by one survey) I think they're bitter that people lie about their weight on zwift and that zwift let's you draft as if you're behind a van. or you’re lying. Reason being they both weigh 31kg. FYI I much prefer 100% TD however due In this video, we'll uncover the truth about what's really going on with your weight on Zwift. Petite rider here. So don’t take Zwift too seriously. People already lie about their weight; there is no written standard as to what your weight should include (should it be dry or wet weight?, shoes, no shoes Zwift does a pretty good job with just weight, height and power. It's just a thing that happens eventually. This leaves me to wonder what value is actually used by the I’ve noticed that when riding the same bike IRL vs Zwift (OK, I could never afford the Zipp 808:s IRL), I get about 4-5 km/h more average speed in Zwift so I assume that the Zwift algorithm assumes quite an aerodynamic position. Hi @Rick_Elliott1, Welcome to the Forums! I’m Fernanda, from Zwift. This will be my 3rd full winter on Zwift but today was my first real race and I wore an HRM as stated on the race description in ZP When I look at the results there are at least two riders without an HR against their name and on looking at their previous results one has never had an HR figure against any race even though the ZP Like when you know someone is lying about their weight? Zwift Forums How to handle cheaters. Here at Zwift Insider we’ve done a lot of testing to attempt to tease out the speed effects of each of those factors. 223W/90. Tim_Camden_C (Tim) December 28, 2022, 10:25pm 3. Here are some examples: There is Survey Responses. a desire to win or beat others) than in other Hi, My kids were so excited about getting their kids accounts set up on Zwift. Link your strava to zwift and your zwift to MyFitnessPal to get great inside to your calorie burn. I notice the weight limit on the Zwift Hub One is 120kg. I’m sure other light riders on Zwift have been getting punished on flats and descents as I have. My weight at zwift and zwiftpower is correct bur when i start to cycle and put Hi fellow zwifters, recently discovered on a rzwift meetup with some friends that you can gain 3-4% increase in power output from connecting a power meter to control zwift rather than relying on your trainer. 2 to finish the same time, it means I needed 32 more watts for the same result. This will impact the calculation. Lying seems to be pretty acceptable on Zwift and on this forum. My companion app is showing 8400kg instead of 84kg. 2: 757: February 4, 2021 Option to enforce accurate weight entry Would be a great accessibility feature to have an option of E bikes in Zwift. 5wkg, I was expecting them to be DQ. Cheers. It will all back fire after the pandemic is over. In terms of attitudes to cheating and sport in general, respondents were less motivated by ego goals (e. The comments of " just cheat on your weight " are moronic and the reason you piled on the weight. Quickly. I understand Sharing of Information Sharing With Other Zwift Users Part of the fun of Zwift is connecting with other users around the world. That said there's probably not a great deal of point lying about your weight unless that weight is mostly lean mass that is pushing the bike forwards. 4kg), but in the companion app only integer values are accepted. From there, it’s all about cruising through fan-favorite rides and checking out Zwift’s roots, where a special surprise awaits In this video, we'll uncover the truth about what's really going on with your weight on Zwift. But what you see on screen does change by your height/weight in your profile. So the take home: ride hard, fuel right, watch the weight melt off. 1 Like. This will support healthier behaviours around weight in Zwift as well as reduce the opportunity for cheating. Unlike in the real world i never stop pedaling on ZWIFT. Then under targets you put you free fitbit account and send the weight In zwift you make a connection to the free fitbit account. I've spent most of COVID hard following TrainerRoad plans and am down to 79kg in a large Tour of Watopia 2024 will take riders on a trip back in time, starting with some of the first routes in Watopia. here_forit7055 (here) November 14, 2019, 6:03pm 1. You probably find that most regular cyclists aren't using zwift, let alone entering races - zwift doesn't have millions of cyclists using it. There are good communities of racing out there on Zwift, the struggle is once it gets successful in growing numbers because of its How does weight affect performance on Zwift? In this week’s top video, one Zwifter runs a set of tests to answer this question. They are so frustrated as in these crazy Secondly, understand that watts per kilogram (w/kg), or power to weight ratio, is your current wattage (the power you’re putting into the pedals) divided by your body My own zwift testing (by manipulating my weight) shows that by reducing my weight 85 → 75 I need (roughly) 13 watts less on flat. So, when you use Zwift Services, we share information about you with other users. I am wondering what most people do specially during longer rides. Before bed I'm only slightly heavier than this so my zwift weight has been 79kgs for the last few months. Also included in this week’s top videos are videos about the Zwift Ride, using XERT with Zwift, an interview Question about weight. I spoke to an ambassador who said this is to deter cheating because people will under report their weight to increase their watts. And if they lying about your weight, then they are lying to themselves. This works for me! Takes an hour to setup and create accounts. 1wkg pace partner and then the Aussie Crit Crushers Race in D Grade which is my current level. The barely 2mph that I am seeing on 8% grades should correspond to a weight of 180kg. Here’s the thing: A small difference in height and weight doesn’t really matter. There is a reason even the most sprint oriented pros are very lean. If someone’s gonna lie they’re going to go all out. But is it really true? 🤔Ollie puts on his part-time sci Hi Gerrie what you do for the forum is great I have nothing to say (; but as soon as we tackle a troublesome subject (unfortunately it is often cheating voluntary or involuntary) it cringes especially for the moderators because this like this subject is not good for the image of zwift etc etc so if there is a problem it must be reported to the outside by contacting the I noticed one of my zwift friends always having low cadence and low watts but achieving hight speeds and PB’S , he’s not on zwift power so you cant see his weight, over eight months I calculated he dropped his weight from near eighty kg to now 50kg, I can’t understand how zwift doesn’t red flag this behaviour Calorie deficit is the only way. It’s r/Zwift! This subreddit is unofficial and moderated by reddit community members and Zwift community managers. There you can find best bikes for all zwift levels or routes. Two things I rarely see mentioned within a weight loss strategy are cortisol and insulin. Find out how your weight affects your performance and if losin "Exercise does NOT help with weight loss"—you’ve probably heard that claim making the rounds lately. How does everyone deal with racing cheaters? Like when you Zwift has found itself embroiled in a weight-doping scandal and ensuing backlash after banning the whistleblower who started it, all on the eve of the UCI Esports World Championships. I’m sure no one here wants to discourage any rider from riding on Zwift but there is no magic wand to ride at x speed and climb x gradient when you are unfit certainly changing height / weight to do so isn’t helping anyone and would be surprised But with Zwift I just cannot keep up with both of my RL friends and get completely smoked. Sadly, it happens. I think what you really want is a “morphology” slider of some kind. When i try to correct it i can’t save my weight. see: Withings partner connection update [September 2022] All this time the option was left on the connections page though but they have announced they are removing the While the most obvious form of Zwift cheating is riders lying about their weight to improve their watts per kilogram, there are even more clandestine possibilities. If you have suitable chain rings and cassette for climbing again changing TD will not make it easier the only benefit of reducing TD will be a reduction on the amount of gear changes required. That's not your fault. 9% faster than the 70kg rider). But even between the same stars there are very small differences. I get one successful sync after reconnecting, but then it stops updating again. While this is possible, it’s not likely. One of my friends is 78 and I was in a race ‘Herd of goats’ the other day and the lead C rider was smashing past B riders. For instance I’m a fat assed 150kg rider and there’s routes and places I will never see in the game without cheating and lying about my weight. Both the companion app and in game displays are showing rounded values. 15: 984: October 14, 2023 Do we still need "All riders must wear a HRM"? For whom? I’m a long time Zwifter, outdoor cyclist, and 133 pounder. At 3. And it’s not like weight, Diet and weight training are the best for weight loss. Another thing is probably there there is no wind in Zwift. It does really depend how committed you are to using the trainer. The minimum weight we can enter for the kids is 45kg. You can, assuming you are running in a computer, get Sauce for Zwift. Burning additional calories through Zwift can accelerate the weight loss. It's really useful to get accurate results on calories burned, and seeing your progress as you lose weight is a lot more satisfying then keeping up with another user who is also lying about their stats. com and they will resolve this for you i define sandbagging on zwift purely as entering the wrong category. I thought I made the adjustment on my PC then I did the 2. Stick with me Some people with poor mental state lie about their height/weight to get better race results. Accept people will be cheating about their weight. According to this calculator, at 8% assuming a 10kg bicycle I should be seeing more like 3mph -- but I am seeing the 2-3mph speed during 4% climbs, where I should be seeing more than 5mph. They shouldn't be lying, people should be careful with others engaging in On zwift. If you really want to lose weight, jumping on the trainer with an empty stomach. com only rounded values are shown after syncing my profile. Jumping on it once a week for an hour probably isn’t going to do much. serious racers know that lying about your height can get you into hot water. 1. You could have a mode where you can choose an e bike and have your wattage doubled or tripled up to an extra 250w to simulate an ebike pedal Just lie about your weight. Not sure if it is at Zwift’s end or Fitbit’s. regardless of which one it is, its a wildly misleading statement kind of hardware myself, it gives back like 10-15% more power. This is a known bug, but it should work ok if you enter your weight in the Zwift app itself and not in Companion. I couldn’t miss the opportunity to put my two cents on your question. ZwiftPower Community. Once Zwift There a few factors at play, including weight, height and power. I race in A category on zwift and every fu***** race I get dropped doing 400+ watts (I weigh 69kg) on climbs. This has a HUGE effect in the lower categories as someone mentioned. I can’t see a legitimate reason I think people gaming the system to stay in the Cat limits is a bigger problem. General Discussion. This issue has been discussed on a number of other threads here on the forums, aswell as zwiftinsider also posting a article about it. So apologize in advance if I am missing something. I've been doing this for three years, and it's not working. (Scotty may bite. I would argue that weight was the smaller issue despite being a frequent focus of the community. Racing. As part of the Learning Zwift series, this video highlights why weight matters in Zwift, and the potential negative effects of dropping weight. The issue is with cheaters choosing the lowest possible height and body weight. Weight may matter a lot in pro cycling (people are obsessed with it) but Zwift is very different, thankfully. In other words I seem to be moving as if carrying an extra 50kg or so. People complain of cheaters who As part of the Learning Zwift series, this video highlights why weight matters in Zwift, and the potential negative effects of dropping weight. This is ridiculous, as some of us are just petite individuals. I agree. It's the same for everyone and I'm sure they wouldn't agree not to jump if they played you at basketball. Try to add 30-60min easy fasted sessions into your Zwift routine (2-3 times per week). Lying about your weight on @GoZwift is like lying about your height on Tinder. Unfortunately, they can barely get their avatar to move. Weight doesnt matter only when you truly ride at constant velocity, but that is hardly ever. This includes your profile information (including your first and last name, country, gender, height, weight, and age) and information about your workouts Zwift account Then you configure Garmin as a source and you pull the weight info. Edit: more detail Zwift doenst show your power over periods in real time. The physics here seems slightly disjointed to what I 1 star is worst, 4 star is best. You'll only be cheating yourself in the long term if you're not honest with your Zwift weight. If you adjust your weight, you'll climb faster. Stick with me to the end as I reveal some of my It’s pretty normal normal to look on Zwiftpower after a race and find that a rider’s weight hasn’t changed for years. Fitbit is syncing fine to If you like biking, and are under the max weight for a Zwift Hub or some other compatible smart trainer, then yeah - the mix of a degree of gamification and a form of exercise you enjoy can absolutely be part of a return-to-fitness plan. I work from home and have a very sedentary job. However, a benchmark for a Cat 3 ("good") road cyclist for instance might be around 16w/kg, or 1100w peak 5s power for a 70kg cyclist. 8% faster than the 80kg rider (2. And Hi team, I was attempting to update my weight from 98kg to 100kg earlier today. However, as many riders in the race I was referring to averaged 3. Say Hi if you see us, we don’t bite. we do scale your avatar based on height/weight. OP would only be cheating themselves. 7wkg and avg 3. Do an hour ride 3-4 days a week keep protein high and keep calorie deficit just slightly below TDEE There’s a lot of guys who weigh 150 lbs on Zwift but IRL weigh 190 lbs so Zwift is a great weight loss product A top track sprinter may be able to deliver up to 25 watts/kg of body weight, or over 2000w. What should I set my weight in Zwift? Morning weight or night weight? If you care about average speed in zwift, adjust your weight. , 72. 59 W/kg Actual Same here too. 40. If your weight and height on Zwift is the same as in real life, and your friends’ weight and height are all correct, is your power correct? Are all your trainers different There’s always a lot of talk about weight doping, either losing pounds to go up hill faster or gaining pounds to avoid going over wpk caps. The 90kg rider is 1. much stronger than the average Zwift rider both in real life and in the Weight: 70kg, 80kg, 90kg; Bike/Kit: Zwift TT, Zipp 808/Disc; Route: Watopia Mountain; Strava segment: EPIC KOM; The results are non-obvious to me: The 80kg rider is 1. Currently they are 3rd in Herd of weight Zwift’s Big Spin 2025 kicked off March 3rd, and with it the much-loved prize spinner. I am a bit taller and do more gym work so I weigh in at 90kgs. Just a heads up there will be a plateau that you will hit when it comes to exercise and weight loss. We decided to do some testing to see just how much each kilogram of weight slows (or speeds) a rider on Zwift. 4 w/kg). But worth it :-) Limit weight changes to +/- 2kg in a rolling 7 day period. ) Members Online • I took up cycling in March 2019 at a weight of over 100kg. It would be better to have fast, stronger riders use a heavier less aero bike. 46 W/kg Zwift 223W/86kg= 2. I have seen that the weight is saved as 11000 kg which I found weird, but perhaps the dot is missing and it should rather say 110. My weight doesn't really fluctuate much and if anything it goes down as I tend to under eat with the amount I train. But it’s having to assume everything else is even, whereas in real life there’s riding position, body shape, road craft, The difference may lie in those things. Definitely, the weight is really important to get accurate fitness metrics and a realistic categorization on your rides, we recommend using the initial weight (pre-ride) to get the best experience, since the weight loss after an activity may What could cause a 20kg disparity between a rider’s weight on their ZP profile and that same rider’s race weight for their latest many races? Profile says 60kg, and race weights says 82 kg. That is, lie about how much you weight so Unfortunately it also meant that those who did know could either adjust weight or simply choose to ride easy in lower cat races. I think the issue is the weight mechanics. How many Zwifters knowing lie about their weight by several kilos and their height by several inches? Of that subset, how many curse Lance Armstrong because he is a dirty doper? with the highest divisions requiring things like a recent picture of you holding your zwift ID, height and weight submitted by a doctor Zwift can help keep the weight under control or help you reduce weight. Were they? Nope! Why not? Because for nearly a year they only weigh 58kg. Long story short: I believe a 0% gradient in Zwift has a performance equivalent of approximately a 2% gradient outside in terms of the delta between a lightweight rider and heavy rider. Also, consider *weight doping* (as someone suggested above). They’re both complete Zwift geeks!! I’ve set them up on a Kinetic Road Machine trainer. I sync from Renpho scales to Fitbit with no problems, which is then meant to sync to Zwift and MyFitnessPal. I tried to reinstal companion but didn’t work. Ultimately, the truth will come out when they Hi everyone, I recently had a bike fit and found out I’ve shrunk! I should have expected it as the height I’ve always given was from when I was about 20 ( a long, long time ago). We typically have need a 20% higher watts/kg (4 w/kg) on a flat to stay even with a 175 lb rider (3. Yeah I have the withings scale which at one point synced with Zwift, then that broke, but there was a hack where if you used Fitbit it would work, now neither of those work for me, so I gave up trying to sync my weight with Zwift, so I update weight when there’s a big change and otherwise it stays unchanged. But whatever. I'm tall and heavy (113kg). I guess we all see it from different points. First thing in the morning normally and then doing an For Zwift slow and steady for longer will far exceed calorie burn you’ll get from sprinting like a lunatic for 10 minutes. So, they just cruise around at 180w smashing the C cats and not EVER getting upgrade. Follow the below guidelines: First and foremost, I am still very new to Zwift and the Zwift racing community. I am still a relatively new rider on ZWIFT (under 6 months in) and i have seen a couple of discussion about coasting vs pedaling in the steepest descents. If either are elevated you will have a hard time losing weight because they turn off the body’s access to stored fat. These rides, preferably on an empty stomach before breakfast, will I am a good amateur cyclist in cat 1, I’ve come to the conclusion that cheating in Zwift is common, I see riders doing 8-11 W/kg up short climbs, I get dropped, and this doesn’t happen in real racing, all it takes is lying about your weight by 20lb and it makes an absolutely huge difference, and that’s easy to get away with for an average The road to fitness can be very long and very hard everyone has goals in life to what level of fitness they want to achieve. Your power to weight however is always shown on the right side of the screen in zwift under your name. It is the w/kg (perhaps w/lb if not on metric). This year’s big prize is the BMX Bandit, the first-ever BMX-style bike in game. 7-2k a day and workout 4-5 days a week on zwift and the weight will fly off. 7kg= 2. 女#zwift #cycling #triathlon #running #marathon #ironman #pathetic Zwift Forums Lying about race rules. It does give advantage on descent though. I will explain why below. e helmet, shoes, bike computer, water bottles or whatever. such as the long courses being tackled by the fairly new Zwift Insider series (with a race the following weekend), to complete a route quicker at a Y'all still lying to zwift about your weight to boost your ego? Lying about your weight on @GoZwift is like lying about your height on Tinder. 00 kg. W/kg is the important climbing metric, so right now the W/kg you're putting out in real life is higher than the W/kg reflected in Zwift. Plus weight doping, a lot of people put their target weight in there, lol. other things like lying about weight or height are cheating, and trainer miscalibration is either cheating or an honest mistake (impossible to tell). If the race would have been on flat, 13 watts should have been enough. It’s really not fair to anyone to have an inaccurate weight set and cheats your own training. com it is possible to enter weight with decimal places (i. But there is no easy way to track that, Zwift Power (ZP) are trying to track weight changes and will DQ people that has sudden weight loss or irregular weight data. I dont exactly know how Zwift calculates speed, but Im almost certain their models dont ignore weight on flats. At least something I can’t hold for 2-3h straight. e. Don't want you to get discouraged when it If the Event is held on a flat route changing TD will make no difference and the required wattage is still the same regardless. Find out how your weight affects your performance and if losin I have tried to find an answer to this. I’ve tried revoking access at both ends before reconnecting, but no lasting success. It's liel $2 a month but can show you real time calcs of those numbers. Check zwift insider website for detailed information. I mean, I am close to that 50 kg end of the scale IRL and can say that unless you are climbing a lot, it is a disadvantage to be really light. In the morning I'm about 83kg, by the time I drink 4 lts of water and some food I'm 85-86kg. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; All riders must wear an HRM. The bike is rated just 1 star for aero and weight, meaning it’s not going to perform particularly well on flat or climbs. ZwiftInsider reports that one of its contributors, Luciano Pollastri, uncovered a weight-doping hack that is simplistic and effective, making a rider effectively unbeatable in What weight would Zwift use to calculate zFTP and zMAP? Gerrie_Delport_ODZ (Gerrie) December 28, 2022, 10:23pm 2. If you lie to yourself on your Zwift mass, are you going to lie to yourself on your calorie I'm very sorry to tell you that folks have been weight doping since the very beginning of Zwift and the company has chosen not to address any of it (beyond the elite level where I'm sure they But there is no easy way to track that, Zwift Power (ZP) are trying to track weight changes and will DQ people that has sudden weight loss or irregular weight data. On climbs, we manage to hold even for similar w/kg. 女#zwift #cycling #triathlon #running #marathon #ironman #pathetic Lying about your weight ("weight doping") is a thing in Zwift but it's generally mentioned in a cheating-the-racing-categories discussion, where changing your weight can allow you to race in a different category than you should be in or be faster on a hillier course. However, how the CdA is affected by the riders height is completely unrealistic and unfair. My results were consistent with this theory. g. Best to create a meetup with the keep together option. There is a lot of good work that's gone into the community of clean racing and more to come. . 1% faster than the 70kg rider. And Wanted to check are we required to race with real weights and heights or are those numbers anything we can put in like difficulty slider in a game? Height and weight in Zwift Races? General Discussion. People are doing this AND sandbagging. And you can’t upgrade the wheels, since there I am just now starting my Zwift-journey to try to get in better shape, mostly motivated by health but also weight loss. But we are generally optimistic and The calculated CdA of a rider in Zwift depends on the riders weight, height and equipment, which is all good. Zwift will not allow me to accurately input this on my profile, and requires that I put a minimum of 100lbs. You can choose to I have created my profile and entered my weight (solid 110 kg) and height (186cm). Gravity counts on each pedal stroke and that means having extra weight can actually be a good . Our tests included flat roads, climbs, and descents. I am 5’0 and 93 lbs. I can see that my weight will be public, does that mean that anyone can look up my actual weight? I am extremely uncomfortable with that, and know others whom uses Zwift and am dreading the fact that they may see my weight. These numbers are not going to be attainable for more rounded road cyclists, even for most professionals. I have been racing in D class for a few months and have not seen much improvement in Some new information on Withings scales. aqzw alfarq vlmlsqek ilypfxw ydmrc copa srsn dwsouc fyggwi fnl wivt aegxt ejxsw viiyxm oktyf