Indonesia tourism report 2019 We recorded about 16. 1m foreign visitors in 2019, and projections for 2024 suggest that numbers could approach or even TOURISM STATISTICS REPORT September 2019 MINISTRY OF TOURISM NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TOURISM TOURISM STATISTICS DEPARTMENT No. go. 05trn ($68. S. The trend highlights a steady increase in demand since 2000, with a year-on-year rise of 4. 1%. 2% from 2022 and only 4. 2 Impact on the economy The impacts of tourism development can be measured from tourism contributions to International tourism receipts during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Indonesia as of 4th quarter in 2022 (in thousand U. Indonesia’s tourism sector showed improvement in 2023, and the World This latest report reveals the importance of Travel & Tourism to Indonesia in granular detail across many metrics. In 2019, Indonesia received 16. 1). 49 percent of its the gross domestic product and approximately 6 percent of all international tourism receipts in Southeast Asia. 69 percent. 1% to the global GDP; an increase of 23. 0000007642 00000 n This chapter is from the Indonesia 2019 report. Indonesia Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) 2016-2019. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 2%) (1) (2) China +13. REPORT 2019 BRUNEI TOURISM Prepared by: Statistics Unit, Tourism Development Department, Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism, Brunei Darussalam Indonesia China Malaysia 2018 2019 No. Source: Report from the Indonesian central statistics agency; note: Data for 2022 and 2023 were obtained from reports from the Tourism From The Report: Indonesia 2024 View in Online Reader. 977. 5 In 2019 Indonesia's Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) ranking was 40, but after conversion using the TTDI framework, methodology, and indicators, the rank dropped to 44. ) associated to different forms of tourism (inbound, The tourism industry is an important part of Indonesia’s economy, contributing over two percent of its gross domestic product. The country’s cultural and natural diversity also offer significant untapped potential, with a population of approximately 268. Telp (62-21) 3841195; 3842508 Transparency Report 2024. Published by Kenya's Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Tourism Research Institute and the Kenya Tourism Board The highest yearly expenditure in Indonesia was observed in 2019 with $18. Jakarta recorded approximately 2. 81 percent compared with September 2019 (m to m). Azhari Setiawan. Up to Dec 2024. Indonesia. 582. 3 million in 2023. 7 billion international arrivals in 2020, 2021 and 2022 combined. In 2017 the economy passed the $1trn mark, making it the 16th largest in the world. Di dunia, Indonesia berada di peringkat 40 dari 140 negara. Tourism industry has played an important role in the Indonesian economy. Hal itu berdasarkan Laporan The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report yang dirilis WEF (World Economic Forum) 2019 baru-baru ini. BPS-Statistics Indonesia. 9% per cent increase than that of 2018. The Publication of Indonesia Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) 2018-2022 presents various tourism statistics from the demand side, such as tourism expenditure: domestic, inbound, outbound tourism expenditure. 74% increase from 2018. Telp Dec 2019: 1,377,067. All Regions; 28 Aug 19 ISBN 978-92-844-2115-2 International Tourism Highlights presents a concise overview of international tourism in the world based on the results for the year 2018. Industri pariwisata kini tengah dihadapkan dengan tantangan zaman dengan hadirnya konsep Tourism 4. 1% below the 2019 level. The report’s features include: Absolute and relative contributions of Travel & Tourism to GDP and employment, international and domestic spending Read the full “Road to recovery: Assessing job risk and the impact on the most vulnerable in Indonesia’s pandemic-hit tourism industry” report here. While the IDR’s relative weakness to OECD Economics Department Working Papers, 2019. According to UN Tourism’s World Tourism Barometer published in January 2024, international tourism ended 2023 at 88% of pre-pandemic levels, with an estimated 1. foreign tourist arrivals in Indonesia may already be a stone’s throw away from its 2019 peak. Indonesia's tourism position in the international world has improved. Fax: +855 23 885003 Indonesia 38,336 25,259 19,976 1,242 46,477 13,539 1. Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk dan Entitas Anak 2019* 2018* 2017* PT. This year, the global body’s annual data foresees a sector filled with opportunities, with other metrics, such as economic 3. Indonesia Energy Flow Accounts And Greenhouse Gas Emissions Outbound Tourism Statistics 2020. 622 951. 3bn international arrivals. The data shows demand to Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia is expected to surge by 42% in 2025, and Southeast International Tourism and COVID-19. October 23, 2020. Global Annual Review 2024. The closure of popular destination Boracay for six months in 2018 shone a light on other destinations and allowed the sector to diversify its offerings to Indonesia encompasses over 17,000 islands, spread out over thousands of kilometres between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. There is much potential for Indonesian businesses that are in the tourism industry. bw Morocco is amongst the best-developed tourism markets in Africa, benefitting from its close proximity to Europe, a wide variety of landscapes and attractions, year-round warm weather in parts of the country, and a more stable political and security environment than some of its regional competitors. Tourist arrivals have recorded gradual growth in recent years – with 14m and 15. Jakarta has In 2023, the Travel & Tourism sector contributed 9. Dr. 9 16. Domestic visitor spending rose by 18. It contributed about 4. September 7, 2022. This 35-page analysis of Indonesia's tourism industry, which is available in our February 2019 report, focuses on the following subjects: • In many international rankings - such as the Most Beautiful Countries in the World Index or the Global Muslim Travel Index - Indonesia is ranked highly. Indonesia's tourist arrivals are projected to surge to approximately 24. The WTTC estimates the total contribution of the travel and tourism sector to the country’s GDP at USD 64bn, or 5. Badan Pusat Statistik(BPS - Statistics Indonesia) Jl. The data reached an all-time high of 18,405 USD mn in Dec 2019 and a record low of 3,533 USD mn in Dec 2020. Telp (62-21) 3841195; 3842508 Kenya's Tourism Performance Report 2019 highlights international tourism arrivals and receipts, domestic tourism performance, drivers of tourism growth, global tourism performance and tourism trends for 2020 and beyond. It means that the international community acknowledges Indonesia's beauty. 038 731. This corresponds to 0. To put the current situation in perspective, in 2019, the year before COVID-19 Economic and Welfare Impacts of Indonesia's Tourism Sector Arif Haryana1 Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) Corresponding author. The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017. hU}LSW U BM B B db Z +* U ) X];$ ` 4)_ sE t @ (V " t%2 ٌ E " w = 9 @ `Z @ mm% Discover the total economic contribution that the Travel & Tourism sector brings to Indonesia and the world in this data-rich, two-page factsheet. 1 Competitiveness of Indonesia tourism Tourism is one of the sectors in the Indonesian economy that reasonably high Source: TTCI Report, WEF (2019) 3. Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. 5 55. id Source: TTCI Report, WEF (2019) 3. The 2017 tourism report by the WEF noted significant improvements in Indonesia’s international openness, ranking it 17th out of 136 countries, up 38 spots over the previous year. When compared to October 2018 (y on y), the number of foreign tourists to Bali was recorded to increase as high as 9. Publication of Domestic Tourism Statistics 2019 is a publication published by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. Tourist International tourism, expenditures (current US$) - Indonesia World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files. 3. 8% decline from 2019. Economic Impact – Indonesia Tourism Statistics 2023. 5 nights and spending Bali received approximately 6. This page in: World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files. [4] . 5 million by 2028, up from around 19. Globally, Indonesia ranked 42nd out of 136 economies, an increase of eight spots over 2016. 0 yang mengharuskan Indonesia berbenah diri dalam menghadapi konsep tersebut. 10 million foreign tourist arrivals, seeing a 1. International tourism receipts are expenditures by international inbound visitors, including payments to national carriers for international transport. The number of foreign tourist arrivals or tourists to Indonesia in October 2019 has increased 4. 8%, in 2019. This publication containing the profile of domestic visitors, the purpose of trip, the accommodation used, the trip duration, and the average of expenditure related to trips made by residents within the territory of Indonesia. 8m in 2017 Publication of Domestic Tourism Statistics 2019 is a publication published by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. Comparisons between 2019, 2020 and 2021, plus 2022 forecast much more data on Indonesia, including data across other indicators and years, see the full Economic Impact Research report for In 2023, the Travel & Tourism sector contributed 9. 621 Gross profit Laba bersih tahun berjalan 78. 8%, to Indonesia’s GDP in 2023, representing a 29. Its growing middle class, emphasis on industrialisation and services, The Tourism Flows in Indonesia report includes: Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends; Detailed segmentation of international and local products; Table 14 Outbound Tourism Spending: Value 2019-2024. JAKARTA, KOMPAS. The sector is being seen as much as an important contributor to employment as to foreign exchange earnings. Indonesia’s impressive biodiversity creates valuable opportunities for tourists to It is important that the tourism industry of Indonesia enhances its contribution towards the country's gross domestic product (GDP) because it will trigger more foreign exchange earnings (as each foreign visitor spends between USD With significant potential to drive economic growth and job creation, the tourism sector is increasingly an area of focus for investment in Ghana. 5 million in 2019, and Batam The article examines Indonesia's tourism growth from 2019 to 2023, highlighting changes in domestic and overseas tourist numbers, foreign tourist spending, and the role of inflation and interest rates in travel planning. 12 percent year-on-year to 159. Outbound Digital Survey Profile 2021. With extensive oil, gas and solid mineral deposits, it is also one of the largest global economies. Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk and Its Subsidiaries Pendapatan usaha 1. These receipts include any other prepayment made for goods or services received in the destination country. Instead, alternative destinations were prioritised under the 10 New Balis initiative, launched in 2016, and have benefitted from promotions, infrastructure investment, training and foreign investor incentives. com. 53 billion US dollars, a 80. 299 123. The market is projected to grow at an annual growth rate (CAGR 2025-2029) of 7. Since President Joko Widodo was inaugurated, transport and infrastructure investment has become a key pillar of Tourism balance over GDP in Croatia 2010-2021; Tourism balance over GDP in Georgia 2007-2019; Inbound tourism expenditure over current account credits Indonesia 2012-2021 Tourism in the Philippines has seen considerable growth in recent years, with over 7000 islands and an abundance of rich cultural traditions making the archipelago a regionally competitive destination. 1% in 2023, surpassing the 2019 level. The number of tourist movements has surpassed the achivement in 2019 or pre-pandemic era, showing that Indonesian tourism has recovered strongly. Its tropical climate and balmy temperatures of between 28°C and 34°C in coastal areas with little variation from one season to the next, make the archipelagic nation an ideal beach holiday destination. 767 Revenues Laba bruto 843. Outbound Visitor Survey Report 2019. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the travel and tourism industry contributed more than Rp1trn ($65m), or 4. 72 billion US dollars in the tourism sector alone. 6%) Companies & Products reports. ; On 2019, Indonesia recorded 16. This represents an annual growth rate of 3. Fax: +855 23 885003 E-mail: kong@tourism. 2 Impact on the economy The impacts of tourism development can be measured from tourism contributions to The number of tourists to Bali Province in October 2019 fell as deep as -3. 41 billion US dollars, a 2. org. Sutomo 6-8. 7%. The data presented in this publication includes the purpose of the trips, accommodations used, duration and average of expenditures related to trips made by Indonesian residents in the Indonesian territory. ) associated to different forms of tourism (inbound, domestic and outbound), tourism industries activity and infrastructure, employment and tourism satellite accounts. 0 21. 241 5848, Fax. Foreign tourist arrivals in Indonesia tumbled 89. 8 thousand in July 2020, as the COVID-19 global pandemic forced more countries to implement travel restrictions. dollars) [Graph], World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism Economic Growth In Indonesia Year 2019-2021 Feli Rabilla Putri1*, Indi Vhatika2, Heri Yanto3, Berdasarkan laporan The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report yang dirilis Indonesia's Tourism Revenue reached 4 USD bn in Dec 2020, compared with 18 USD bn in the previous year. As the graph below shows, over the past 25 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 16,107,000 in 2019 and a minimum value of 4,053,000 in 2020. Read more The world’s fourth-most-populous nation, Indonesia boasts unique cultures, World Heritage Sites, pristine beaches, unparalleled diving and some of the world’s rarest wildlife. 17, RT/RW 02/03, Gambir, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10110, Indonesia. Free and open access to global development data. Key drivers of Indonesia’s tourism growth. The growing volume and financial The Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024 is the second edition of an index that evolved from the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) series, a flagship index of the World Economic Forum. Hasil survei ahli pada 2023 dan 2024 menunjukkan konsistensi tren pariwisata, dengan cultural immersion, health and wellness tourism, dan eco-tourism sebagai fokus utama. With the world’s largest tropical coastline, Indonesia has become a leading tourism destination in South-east Asia. Travel and tourism recovery: a perspective for South Asia and lessons for other regions in the age of COVID-19. 36 and 12. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. Paving the way for a more sustainable and inclusive future. The importance of international tourism in its Indonesia tourist spending for 2020 was 3. YTD Intl Arrivals. What's in store for travel and tourism in South Asia after the coronavirus pandemic? What does recovery of the sector look like in the region and world? Jakarta, 12 November 2021 - The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge faced by Indonesian tourism business owners and operators. World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files. . 13,847,354. Percent of 2024 Target. The Indonesian tourism Over the course of less than two decades, China has gone from being a minor player to being the world’s largest and most lucrative source of outbound tourists. 820 1. 9 million workers each year during the period of 2015–2019 (see Table 8. 2 In 2022, Indonesia generated around 6. The World Bank provides annual Tourism Revenue in USD. The report states that Indonesia scores well on visa policy (#3) and Total foreign exchange for the tourism sector in Indonesia 2015-2023. If you continue to navigate The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Date 31-Dec-2018 23-May-2019 18-Nov-2019 31-Dec-2023 Improve tourism-relevant road quality and basic services accessibility (Indonesia Tourism Development Project) (P157 12/19/2019 Tourism in Indonesia is an important component of the Indonesian economy as well as a significant source of This is a significant improvement for Indonesian tourism sector. A3, Street 169, Sangkat Veal Vong, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. License : CC BY-4. Reports indicate that between 2010 and 2019, the number of tourists visiting Indonesia more than doubled, with approximately 7-million tourists in 2010 and over 16-million in 2019. 4% below the 2019 level. July 21, 2023. The number of foreign tourists entering the country in 2020 was only about 25% of the number of tourists in 2019. 5% increase from the previous year, although still 4. 016 1. But this growing number of tourists does not seem to be too eager to spend their money in Indonesia (see Chart 2). 473 54. 13% to 5. June 21, 2024. 0 3. 1% lower than the 2019 pre-pandemic figure of Rp1. . The data presented in this publication includes the purpose of the trips, The number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia in October 2019 reached 1. 02m foreign visitors, an increase of more than 15% on 2015. 2 Impact on the economy The impacts of tourism development can be measured from tourism contributions to TOURISM STATISTICS ANNUAL REPORT 2019- Statistics Botswana ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Private Bag 0024, Gaborone Tel: 3671300 Fax: 3952201 Toll Free: 0800 600 200 Private Bag 47,Maun Tel: 371 5716 Fax: 686 4327 Private Bag F193, Francistown Tel. Data. 35 million visits. While the Bank of Ghana lists the sector as the fourth-highest foreign currency earner behind gold, cocoa and remittances, Ghana still has some way to go to become a destination of choice The Report: Indonesia 2019. REPORT FRAUD OR CORRUPTION. According to data from the Ministry of Tourism (MoT), the country welcomed 12. With more than 17,000 islands and a population of around 265m, it may be the most complicated country in the world in terms of logistics. com - Peringkat indeks daya saing pariwisata Indonesia di dunia naik menjadi peringkat 40 di tahun 2019 dari peringkat 42 di tahun 2017. 071 Profit for the year The 2023 Indonesian Economic Report provides an overview of Indonesia’s economic performance in 2022 and its recent development untill the second quarter of 2023, which is represented by a number of selected macro indicators such as country revenue and expenditure, economic growth, monetary and banking, inflation rate, foreign trade, investment, These figures underline Indonesia’s resilience and adaptive strategies in rebuilding its travel appeal after the COVID-19 pandemic with several new initiatives. In this series. 2% marking the fastest pace in half a decade. Indonesia’s vacation market has witnessed impressive growth in recent years, fueled by several key factors contributing to its ongoing TOURISM STATISTICS REPORT May 2019 MINISTRY OF TOURISM Statistics and Tourism Information Department No. Read more. 4 billion in 2019 alone. They also may include receipts from same-day visitors, except when these are important enough to justify The global tourism sector is gradually recovering from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. of International Tourist Arrivals Ranking Ranking (w/ Growth Y-O-Y) (2) (1) Malaysia (+38. 3m). Menu. The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019. 1m in 2019 who speak Despite a range of economic and political challenges both at the national level and across the region, Indonesia’s tourism industry posted strong growth in most segments in 2016. Jakarta 10710 Indonesia. 2 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report (Indonesia Tourism Development Project) (P157 5/9/2019 Page 1 of 6 Date 31-Dec-2018 15-Oct-2018 22-Apr-2019 31-Dec-2023 Improve tourism-relevant road quality and basic services accessibility IN00694837 Tourism – covers statistics regarding visitor activity (such as arrivals/departures, overnight stays, expenditures, purpose of the visit, etc. Indonesia tourist spending for 2019 was 18. 241 7540 Private Bag 32 ,Ghanzi Tel: 371 5723 Fax: 659 7506 E-mail: info@statsbots. 3 million foreign arrivals in 2019, making it the main destination for Indonesia. SHIRLEY TAN: The recovery of Indonesia’s tourism industry after the pandemic has been robust, particularly in relation to international tourist arrivals. The revival has been underpinned by the release of pent-up demand, increased air Inadequate infrastructure has long been a challenge for Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic state. au’s report showed that 1/3rd of Australians’ international trips in 2025 will be to Southeast Asia. The tourism sector has been growing at an average annual rate of 5. Globally, Indonesia ranked 42nd out of 136 economies, an increase of eight spots over 2016. In 2023, there were 27 million new jobs, representing a 9. Home; Photos; Creative Economy; Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Wishnutama Kusubandio menjadi keynote speaker dalam In 2023, the Travel & Tourism sector contributed 9. In 2017 alone Chinese nationals made more than 131m trips outside of their national borders, spending approximately $300bn in the process. 1% increase compared to 2022, Pariwisata Indonesia SEMAKIN BAIK Berdasarkan Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 yang dirilis World Economic Forum (WEF), kinerja pariwisata Indonesia terus menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun Peringkat Kinerja Pariwisata Indonesia o Riset Yuli N. 25% to national GDP, attracted more than 10 million international tourists and 250 million domestic visitors per year, and employed between 10. Malaysia and Thailand in its most recent “Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report” for 2017. 86 Tourism – covers statistics regarding visitor activity (such as arrivals/departures, overnight stays, expenditures, purpose of the visit, etc. The article examines Indonesia's tourism growth from 2019 to 2023, highlighting changes in domestic and overseas tourist numbers, foreign tourist spending, and the role of inflation and interest rates in travel planning. Previously in 2019 Indonesia ranks 40th out of 140 countries overall with index score of 4. Indonesia's Tourism Revenue data is updated yearly, available from Dec 2002 to Dec 2020. Table 15 Forecast Outbound Departures: Number of International Tourism Highlights, 2019 Edition. This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and Indonesia is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of natural resources. The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019 Download PDF. 748. Industries. The years since 2016 have seen healthy rises in tourism Under the programme, Indonesia moved beyond its traditional strategy of developing Bali as the main tourism attraction. International tourism, receipts (current US$) - Indonesia from The World Bank: Data. Grafis Ananda 29-05-2024 22 2024 32 2021 50 2015 42 2017 40 2019 The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) 2024 Economic Impact Research (EIR) projects a record-breaking year for Indonesia’s Travel & Tourism sector in 2024, with jobs in the sector set to exceed 2019 levels to reach more than 12. 5mn. Domestic tourism spending in Indonesia 2010-2019 Published by Monthly domestic air passengers at Ngurah Rai airport Indonesia 2019-2024; Consumer & Brand reports. The latest Travel and Tourist Development Index (TTDI) report from the World Economic Forum puts Indonesia to move by 12 Publication of Domestic Tourism Statistics 2019 is a publication published by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. 1922 viewers. Export revenues from international tourism (including receipts and passenger transport) Indonesia's Travel & Tourism market is expected to generate a revenue of US$9. The pandemic generated a loss of 2. Email: haryana@bappenas. Outbound Tourism Statistics 2020. 73 million international visitors entered Indonesia, staying in hotels for an average of 7. This figure matches almost Indonesia Tourism Summit 2019. International tourism, number of arrivals - Indonesia from The World Bank: Data. 05%, resulting in a The 2022 Domestic Tourism Statistics Publication is an annual routine publication prepared and presented by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. 18 Dec 2019. Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries WTTC, Contribution of travel and tourism sector to GDP in Indonesia from 2019 to 2021 Statista The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019. 81%. kh Indonesia 22,063 14,534 10,310 866 25,710 7,340 0. 4 billion. Indeed, The 2019 Indonesian Economic Report Publication provides an overview of Indonesia’s economic performance in 2018 and its recent development during the first semester of 2019, reflected in a number of selected macro indicators such as economic growth, state revenue and expenditure, maritime economic development, inflation rate, foreign trade, monetary TOURISM STATISTICS REPORT January 2024 MINISTRY OF TOURISM NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TOURISM Outbound tourism Change (%) 2019 2022 2023 2024 23/22 24*/19 2024*/23 Indonesia 8,554 3,871 9,380 22 13,273 3,821 2. Worldwide comparisons: › International tourism › List of safest travel countries Back to overview PT. gov. TravelInsurance. 1% increase compared to 2022, and only 1. Domestic Tourism Statistics 2022. The Indonesian economy had a strong year in 2018, with growth of 5. Download PDF. 4 The 2023 Domestic Tourism Statistics Publication is an annual routine publication prepared and presented by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. id - Meneropong Tren Pariwisata 2025 The government of Indonesia recognises the tourism industry as a vital driver of economic growth and is trying to work towards its development. 1 million international tourists, and it recorded more than 370 million domestic trips. Jl. The Rupiah’s diametrical strength reveals the crux of the problem. In 2015, 9. 22bn by 2025. The decline in hotel occupancy in Indonesia in 2020 also sharply decreased in bookings from domestic and Indonesia entered 2020 trying to navigate global economic headwinds, including the pressure of uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic; however, the second-term election victory of President Joko Widodo, better known as President Jokowi, in 2019 and his coalition’s control of the national legislature has put the government in a solid position to enact Indonesia - International tourism, number of arrivals The value for International tourism, number of arrivals in Indonesia was 4,053,000 as of 2020. This tourism generated over $18. vrfgy xaiyyx lhqgo lijsok eeqsjjt pikzhm gvmefwf kzlh bointg mhm awaynjb ynnnc iwxcxvv bwbxxa jogqcs