Indiana board of dentistry Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Definitions; 25-14-1-2. by telephone by calling 1-240-454-0887. Licenses must be renewed by 11:59 Search for a License: Welcome to Web Lookup/Verification. Indiana State Board of Dentistry. Rokita, Attorney General of Indiana, Courtney Staton, Deputy Attorney General, Indianapolis, Indiana. CT. Barbara J. Application Procedure; Pre-dental Counseling; Pre-dental Requirements; Indiana University International Dentist Program; Coordinated Curriculum for Doctor of Dental Surgery and Master of Public Health Degrees; Combined Ph. Meier, Judge Cause No. Dentists must hold one CSR in order to prescribe controlled substances in the State of Indiana. Authority: IC 25-14-1-3. Your state dental board can help answer your questions about licensure – and can assist your patients with any complaints they may have about a practitioner in your area. 1. Minutes . Affected: IC 25-1-9; IC 25-14-1. 5 - Dental hygienist students; anesthetics; Section 25-13-1-10. Robert Findley called the meeting to order at 9:00 a. Friday, June 4, 2021 8am to 4:30pm I'm Interested. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES Board of Dentistry at: Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Attn: State Board of Dentistry 402 W. gov. IDA is looking forward to a great year of leadership with Dr. About this Event. 6 - Administration of local dental anesthetics by dental hygienists; Section 25-13-1-10. Code Chapter 25–13–1, and “Regulation of Dentists; Creation of Board,” Ind. Chicago, IL 60611. IN. /D. Please enter search criteria below to start your search (enter data in any field- we will search with whatever information you provide to us- remember less is more!) Below are some links to other entities related to dentistry in Indiana: Indiana Professional Licensing Agency 317-232-2980 Indiana’s agency overseeing all licensed professions and individuals . gov under IC 25-14-1-2. Current Licensure Cycle: March 2, 2024 – March 1, 2026. to 4:30 p. 1-6(c). from the board a license to practice dentistry in Indiana. II. D. Indiana Medical History Museum , 1996-2002. The same year they formed a committee to plan a state dental college. 444 N. Idaho Idaho State Board of Dentistry 208. If you are applying to the Indiana University School of Dentistry’s oral and maxillofacial surgery residency, you must meet the admission requirements and follow the application process outlined on this page. 2 NOTICE: This compilation incorporates the most recent revisions of statutes and Questions about licenses for dentist or dental hygienists in Indiana: Indiana State Board of Dentistry (IPLA): 317-234-2054; Dental Assistants / PLA Title 8 Article 6; Questions about dental insurance: Indiana Department of Insurance: 1-(800) 622-4461 . Sec. Share Indiana Board of Dentistry Meeting. However, we note that these definitions occur in chapters dealing with “Regulation of Dental Hygienists by State Board of Dentistry,” Ind. Washington Street State Board of Dentistry August 2, 2024 I. Indiana Board of Dentistry , 1993-2001. 785. Please read the following information to assist you in renewing and completing the exam. To learn more about the application process and get started on your application, browse the list of academic programs on this page, and find the one to which you want to apply, then visit that program’s “How to apply” Under IC 25-14-1-1. View map How to Apply for a Dental Hygienist License in Indiana Step-by-Step Guide. DENTAL PROFESSIONAL Visit us in-person and register to attend a tour at the School of Dentistry to learn more about the Doctor of Dental Surgery (D. Email – consumerservices@idoi. They give licenses to these The Indiana Board of Dentistry is the regulatory authority overseeing dental practice in the state, established under Indiana Code Title 25, Article 14. Repealed; 25-14-1-1. Washington Street State Board of Dentistry October 4, 2024 I. 6. ARTICLE 0. , Suite 900. 334-269-9990. 22. gov Website: www. Indiana State Board of Dentistry, Appellee-Respondent, Appeal from the Warrick Superior Court The Honorable Keith A. Indiana State Board of Dentistry (317) 234-2054. Support. 334. 5 credit hours. Except as provided in section 4. 5-2-9(c), an anesthesiologist administering anesthesia or a physician directing or supervising the administration of anesthesia must complete an attestation under Indiana Code § 25-22. But that changes this year, after a long-simmering dispute between dentists and state regulators boiled over, sparking a state investigation and legislation. was created in W _ ^ V by the Academy of Operative Dentistry to elevate the science and practice of Operative Dentistry by conducting examinations to determine the proficiency of dentists who voluntarily apply to the Board for Certification. S. 915. NOTICE: Pursuant to the requirements of IC 5-14-1. Dentists are required to have completed twenty (20) hours of continuing education and In order to obtain an Indiana license to practice dentistry, each applicant must pass an examination that includes the following: (1) All sections of the national dental board Link to the agenda for the meeting: https://www. It ensures dental Limited dental resident permits are available for those enrolled in Indiana graduate dental programs For the most up-to-date information, contact: Indiana State Board of Dentistry View the different dental assisting levels, along with the requirements for each. 3529 dental. Contact Us. Misrepresentation of specialty status is considered a violation of professional conduct and may result in disciplinary action, including fines and license suspension. Complete an Accredited Program: First, graduate from a CODA-accredited dental hygiene program. STATE BOARD OF DENTISTRY DENTAL HYGIENE LICENSURE APPLICATION BY EXAMINATION Before completing and submitting your application to our office, please read All applicants will be examined on the statutes and rules of Indiana related to the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene, universal precautions, and infectious wastes. Pursuant to the requirements of IC 5-14-1. Professional Licensing Agency. Understanding the specific requirements, reciprocity The Indiana Board of Dentistry is the regulatory authority overseeing dental practice in the state, established under Indiana Code Title 25, Article 14. Title 828 Article 0. LICENSURE OF DENTISTS AND DENTAL HYGIENISTS ( PDF - WordPerfect) ARTICLE 2. ) Program Admission. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy The Indiana State Board of Dentistry requires specialists to provide documentation of their training and may impose additional examination requirements to ensure competency. This program offers 7 hours of clinical and didactic education required by the Indiana Board of Dentistry for certification in coronal polishing. (a) A report must be submitted to the board when: (1) a mortality occurs in connection with dental procedures performed in a dentist's office; (2) a procedure performed in the dentist's office results in permanent injury; or (3) a procedure performed in a Indiana dentists and hygienists have for a decade paid a $20 compliance fee every other year as part of license renewals. idaho. Apply for or Renew a License Search for a License or Registration File a Complaint Against a Licensee Statutes, Rules and Guidance Military Service Members & Spouses Meeting Agendas and Minutes Recovery and Wellness Dr. 7 - Administration of nitrous oxide by a dental hygienist or dental assistant; requirements; Section 25-13-1-11 - Practice of dental hygiene; acts performed STATE BOARD OF DENTISTRY . Article 1 - LICENSURE OF DENTISTS AND DENTAL HYGIENISTS National board examination; dental and dental hygiene law examinations; Section 828 IAC 1-1-7 - Clinical examination; Section 828 IAC 1-1-8 - Supplies for examinations; duty to provide (Repealed) The Indiana University School of Dentistry offers a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D. states : Indiana; Ratings & Reviews. [Indiana State Board of Dentistry] begin using the funds as Each of the academic programs at the Indiana University School of Dentistry has its own admission criteria, application process, and application deadlines. Hollar! No Comments Indiana Dental Association | 550 West North Street, Suite 300 | Indianapolis, IN 46202 | 800-562 Indiana Professional Licensing Agency - Board Hearing Room (Room W064) Indiana Government Center South 402 W. Michigan Ave. gov Indiana Administrative Code. org. Email: pla8@pla. The Indiana State Board of Dentistry plays a crucial role in Securing a dental license in Indiana is a critical step for professionals aiming to practice dentistry within the state. This program complies The American Board of Operative Dentistry, Inc. 2024-Dental-Board-Agenda. (a) The state board of dentistry is established and consists of: (1) nine (9) practicing dentists who must have been in practice in this state for not less than the five (5) years; (2) one (1) practicing dental hygienist licensed under IC 25-13-1; and The state board of dentistry (also known as board of dental examiners) is an agency of state government created by the state legislature. Announcements. Hollar served as a member of the Indiana State Board of Dentistry for nine years, including two years as chair. Washington Street, Room W072 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Staff Phone: (317) 234‐2054 FAX: (317) 233‐4236 Staff Email: pla8@pla. Barbara Merlo of Children’s Dental Care of Northwest Indiana offers quality dental treatment to children and teens in Munster, IN. Share Indiana Board of Dentistry Meeting on Facebook; Share Indiana Board of Dentistry Meeting on Twitter; Share Indiana Board of Dentistry Meeting on LinkedIn State board of dentistry; members; districts Sec. Court of Appeals Case No. It ensures dental professionals adhere to high standards. gov or phone (208) 334-3233. mn. Complaint. 5, the name of the Board of Dental Examiners is Be a full-time faculty member at an accredited dental school in Indiana; Hold a dental degree from a CODA-accredited institution; Have a minimum of two years of experience in dental education or clinical practice; Pass the Indiana Jurisprudence Examination; Application Process. Indiana Dental Association. Indiana Conference 1998 & 1999 Early Detection of Dental Caries II , 1995-1999. 2369 sbdinfo@isbd. Over the past 145 State board of dentistry; appointments; districts; examination Sec. The AOD has a Section 25-13-1-10. Gallanosa’s Court Indiana Administrative Code TITLE 828 STATE BOARD OF DENTISTRY Latest Update: November 4, 2024. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES Indiana Administrative Code, Title 828 - STATE BOARD OF DENTISTRY, Article 1 - LICENSURE OF DENTISTS AND DENTAL HYGIENISTS, Rule 1 - Dentists; Licensure by Examination, Section 1-15 - Professional conduct, competency; physical or mental examination Indiana may have more current or accurate information. Need a form? View all forms. Article 6 - DENTAL ASSISTANTS. Board Of Dentistry Phone Number. Code Chapter 25–14–1. Dr. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES Indiana State Board of Dentistry Indiana Professional Licensing Agency 402 W. gov; Questions about HIPAA: Dentist, Dentist-CSR, Dental Anesthesia Permits, Dental Instructor, Dental Instructor - CSR, Dental Faculty, Dental Hygiene, and Dental Hygiene Light Anesthesia license renewals are open. This is a 50 The IU School of Dentistry was created in 1925 from the Indiana Dental College, a private, proprietary school established in Indianapolis in the nineteenth century. gov/pla/files/12. 0800 STATE BOARD OF DENTISTRY MINUTES JUNE 5, 2020 I. pdf Explore the Indiana Dentistry Board's role in licensing, compliance, and regulations for dental professionals. Phone: (317) 234-2054. Browse as List; Search Within; Rule 828 IAC 6-1 - Caries Prevention and Coronal Polishing; Requirements; Limitations The Indiana University School of Dentistry has been advancing oral health in the state and beyond since 1879, when it was founded as the Indiana Dental College. 5, the name of the Board of Dental Examiners is changed to State Board of Dentistry, effective July 1, 1999. State of Indiana; State Board of Dentistry - Agenda; State Board of Dentistry - Agenda. An additional, separate registration is required for each practice address at which a dentist physically possesses controlled substances to administer or Pay application fees to Indiana State Board of Dentistry; Complete local anesthesia training (if planning to administer) Maintaining Your License. The Indiana Board of Dentistry is the group that ensures dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants in Indiana are doing their jobs properly. Attestation for a Physician to Administer Anesthesia in a Dental Office: Pursuant to Indiana Code § 25-22. 5-2-9(c). 5 – General Provisions. Subscribe Indiana Board of Dentistry - Facebook Title 25 Article 14 - Dentists. The State requires that an applicant must pass an examination All Dentist licenses for the Indiana State Board of Dentistry expires on March 1of even-numbered years. June 7, 2024 . Title 25 Article 14 - Dentists. You can email the state board at susan@dentalboard. us. Indiana may have more current or accurate information. Indiana State Board of Dentistry 317-234-2054 Oversees the licensing, regulations and disciplinary actions related to dentists and dental hygienists 12/30/2024 - Indiana Professional Licensing Agency and Indiana Behavior Analyst Committee Provide Update on Administrative Rules Promulgation; Enforcement of Certain Telehealth Regulations under IC 25-1-9. Language Line Translation Services Now Available (612) 617-2250. PLA. Washington Street Room W072 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: (317)234-2003 Below are the basic Indiana state CE requirements for dentists and hygienists. 5-2. Have questions or need assistance? Give us a call or send us an email to let us know how we can Indiana Board of Dentistry: At A Glance. 5 - INSPECT program report in patient's medical file; Section 25-14-1-24 - Evidence of practice of dentistry; exception Board of Dentistry 335 Randolph Ave Suite 250, St. Robert Findley has been appointed to the nine-member Indiana State Board of Dentistry. Testing 123 Link. Share Indiana State Board of Dentistry on LinkedIn; I'm Interested. The board may recognize dental schools accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the In addition to his work with the IDA and ADA, Dr. 2250 Toll Free: 888. Under IC 25-14-1-1. Next 25-14-1-0. The board’s meeting ag ing board member appointments can be found in the Indiana State Board of Dentistry statute and rules at www. 7, dental assistants or hygienists must have at least one year of office experience to be eligible for the Nitrous Oxide Administration course. Title 828 - STATE BOARD OF DENTISTRY. I. in room W064, Indiana Government Center South, 302 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, and midwest dental assembly may 15-17, 2025; for the public. ADOPTION OF AGENDA III. Case Summary [1] On December 31, 2013, Appellee-Respondent the Indiana State Board of Dentistry (“the Board”) revoked Appellant-Petitioner Arnel J. Join a national leader and earn your dentistry or dental hygiene degree. . Other Governing Bodies . 402 West Washington St. State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Dr. “I considered doing this before,” Dr. find an ida dentist; low cost dental care; common questions; your dental health. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 9:00 a. Test. An additional, separate registration is required for each practice address at which a dentist physically possesses controlled substances to administer or The Board of Dentistry administrative office is receiving multiple calls and emails regarding the new renewal system and the jurisprudence examination. Indiana State Board of Dentistry; Allowable and Prohibited Duties; Have questions or need assistance? Give us a call or send us an email to let us know how we can help. Indiana Dental Examiners Board; Iowa Board of Dental Examiners; Kansas Dental Board; Kentucky State Dental Board; Louisiana Dental Examiners Board; The committee will consider academic record (overall GPA and Science GPA), technical skills, Dental Admission Test (DAT) score, letters of academic recommendation, Kira Assessment, personal interview, personal statement, and exposure to the field of dentistry, as well as motivation, character, personality, and ethics. meeting participants calling the telephone number must enter the meeting access code 610. The 2 ISBD, the state agency governing such licenses, held two hearings regarding her application and she provided supplemental documentation to the ISBD as well. Hollar has served as the president of the North Central Dental Association, and also served as the president on the Indiana state board of dentistry. 4762 Fax: 651-797-1373 MN Relay Service for Hearing Impaired: 800. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We make no warranties or guarantees Switzerland County dentist Dr. You can also view the allowable duties at each level. Walker is a dentist licensed in Indiana. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM . Merlo, DDS, MS Diplomate, American Board Indiana Dental Association | 550 West North Street, Suite 300 | Indianapolis, IN 46202 | 800-562-5646 | Contact Us 80% of Indiana's dentists graduated from the School of Dentistry at IU Indianapolis. The Board comprises nine members appointed by the governor, including six licensed dentists, one licensed dental hygienist, and two Alabama Board Of Dental Examiners 5346 Stadium Trace Parkway Suite 112 Hoover, Alabama 35244. Necessity for License; 25-14-1-1. 9, this playlist houses all recordings (archived copies) of the board’s public meetings. (2) Submit the fees required by 828 IAC 0. 5-2-3. Findley said. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy Our Instructor is a licensed Dental Hygientist (IU school of Dentistry graduate) in the State of Indiana. The ISDA lobbied for state legislation to formalize dentistry and in 1879 formed the Indiana Board of Dental Examiners. ) degree program or the International Dentist Program (IU-IDP) degree program. Box 22 . Applicants must have an active Indiana dental license before they can obtain an Indiana CSR. (a) The state board of dentistry is established and consists of: (1) nine (9) practicing dentists licensed under IC 25-14 who must have been in practice in Indiana for not less than the five (5) years; (2) one (1) practicing dental hygienist who: visit State Dental Boards for current information about Licensing Rules, Regulations and Requirements for Dentists and Dental Hygienists in your State. (828 IAC 6-1 or entity in Indiana. 240. State Board of Dentistry - Agenda. 1; IC 25-14-1-13. pla. National Board Exam: Pass the National Board Dental Indiana Administrative Code. Share Indiana State Board of Dentistry Meeting on Facebook; Share Indiana State Board of Dentistry Meeting on Twitter; Share Indiana State Board of Dentistry Meeting on LinkedIn Regulation of Dentists; Creation of Board. Construction is slated to begin in mid-2024. 440 to join the meeting Indiana State Board of Dentistry - Statutes and Rules. If you are interested in being considered for an appointment as a State Board of Dentistry - Agenda. m. He has been honored by being named a Fellow in the International College of Dentists, the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, and the American College of Dentists. GENERAL PROVISIONS ( PDF - WordPerfect) ARTICLE 1. gov http://isbd. (a) Persons seeking licensure to practice dentistry by endorsement shall do the following: (1) File an application on a form supplied by the board. A "mobile dental facility or portable dental operation" means either of the following: 1. 205-985-0674 FAX. Indiana Administrative Rules. IPLA: Dentistry Licensing Information MISSION STATEMENT OF THE INDIANA DENTAL HYGIENISTS’ ASSOCIATION Section 25-14-1-23 - Practice of dentistry; delegation; procedures prohibited to be delegated; dental students; pharmacists filling prescriptions; services dental assistants may perform; Section 25-14-1-23. Indiana Government Center - South, Conference Center Rooms 4 & 5 View map Add to calendar Save to Google Calendar Save to iCal Save to Outlook. Mara Catey-Williams called the meeting to orde r at 12:22 p. 5. Subscribe for e-mail updates. , Room W072. Average rating: Average rating: Indiana Professional Licensing Agency - Board Hearing Room (Room W064) Indiana Government Center South 402 W. Disclaimer: These regulations may not be the most recent version. Affected: IC 25-14-1-16. Article 7 - HEALTHY INDIANA PLAN (Rule 828 IAC 7-1) Notes. 617. Renewal: Doctor of Dental Surgery (D. Indiana dental hygienists must: Complete 19 hours of continuing education In May 2008, Francis received a degree in dental hygiene from the Indiana University School of Dentistry, and applied for a license to practice dental hygiene in Indiana. The program is four academic years (eight semesters and four summer sessions) in length and requires the completion of 121 required courses consisting of 172. Representatives are available M-F, 8:00 a. You must submit this attestation to the Indiana Medical Attention Dentist Licensees: The Dental Board of California's Sunset Bill, SB 1453 (Ashby, Chapter 483, Statutes of 2024) requires unlicensed dental assistants to complete a Board–approved 8–hour course in infection control (IC) prior to performing any basic supportive dental procedures involving potential exposure to blood, saliva, or other potentially infectious Indiana State Board of Dentistry, Appellee-Respondent. Section 828 IAC 1-3-1. “We’re a small enough component, Southeastern, by having only about 80 dentists, and then South Central, where we draw the line, that’s also pretty small because we On June 16, 2023, the Indiana University Board of Trustees approved the construction of the Delta Dental Special Care Clinic, which is supported through a $2 million grant from the DDF. Share State Board of Dentistry - Agenda on Facebook Dr. gov/ Illinois Illinois State Board of Dentistry 217. In accordance with the new 2020 Indiana State code provision 25-13-1-10. 1 - Dental licensure by endorsement; credentials. Alvarez, Alvarez Legal, LLC, Indianapolis, Indiana ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE, Theodore E. (PLA) and the Indiana State Board of Dentistry (the Board). 627. Mara Catey-Williams declared a quorum in accordance with Indiana Code § 15-5-1. ) degree program that prepares students for clinical practice or graduate education. board@state. 402 W. 9, recordings (archived copies) of the Indiana Dentistry Board’s public meetings are available here on the Dentistry Examination Requirement: If you are a dentist applying for licensure in our State, please review IC 25-14-1-3. 1. Submit a completed application form to the Indiana State Board of Under IC 25-14-1-1. Washington Street State Board of Dentistry February 7, 2025 I. ada mouth healthy; resources for kids; find a resolution – file a complaint; place a classified ad; shop and donate; advocacy Education: Certificate in Periodontology and Master of Science in Dentistry (M. Degree Program Requirements; Program Costs: Tuition and Fees Indiana Dental Association | 550 West North Street, Suite 300 | Indianapolis, IN 46202 | 800-562-5646 | Contact Us Indiana Professional Licensing Agency - Board Hearing Room (Room W064) Indiana Government Center South 402 W. Board Of Dentistry Email Address. Regulation of Dentists; Creation of Board. All continuing education courses must be approved by the Indiana State Board of Dentistry (ISBD) Share Indiana State Board of Dentistry Meeting. 87D01-1401-PL-42 Bradford, Judge. is it safe to go to the dentist? low cost dental care; find a dentist. State Board of Dentistry; Appointments; Districts; Examination Indiana may have more current or accurate information. Board Minutes & Agendas. Rules filed before month October 13, 2024. D), Indiana University School of Dentistry Diplomate, American board of Periodontology DDS, State University of New York at Buffalo. Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. gov . 2. The residency participates in the American Dental Education Association Postdoctoral Application Support Service (ADEA PASS), a standardized application service, Dr. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 612. (b) The applicant for a license shall provide the State Board of Dentistry Indiana Government Center-South 402 West Washington Street, Room W072 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Phone: (317) 234-2054 Fax: (317) 233-4236 Email: pla8@pla. Authority: IC 4-1-8-1; IC 25-14-1-13. in. 5 of this chapter, to procure the license, the applicant must submit to the board proof of graduation from a dental college recognized by the board. 5; 12/09/2024 - Update Regarding the Indiana Board of Pharmacy’s Interim Rule to Incorporate USP Standards; 10/21/2024 - Indiana Professional Section 828 IAC 1-1-22 - Mandatory reporting. Any self-contained facility in which dentistry will be practiced, which may be moved, towed, or Board of Dentistry, Professional Licensing Agency, 402 West Washington Street, Room W072, Indianapolis, Applicants must have an active Indiana dental license before they can obtain an Indiana CSR. Share State Board of Dentistry - Agenda. Title 410 Article 1 - Communicable Disease Control. This agency governs the qualifications for and the practice of dentistry within the state. through virtual video and audio conferencing. 23A-PL-1122 Decided: September 28, 2023 ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT, Faith E. Board Members Present: Welcome to the Board of Dentistry Please contact us with any questions via email sbd-info@dopl.
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