Ikitursa pvp fit. Clone state Alpha and Omega .

Ikitursa pvp fit Become our patron on Support the site. Block Ads with Patreon! is currently live on Twitch! Active PVP (last 7 days) Characters: 49: Corporations: 45: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright fit is at the end of the video . org/br/64182cd03f232c16ffb5fea7 3. Energy neutralizers too, of course. The Ikitursa has been adapted for capsuleer service using systems based on the venerable Eagle-class heavy assault cruiser and has the powerful defenses and hard striking power Fitting results Sort: Load more fittings. Tips such as how to find good fights, optimal strategy against various types of fighters, and maybe some general great fit ideas would be much appreciated. Also I know that EVE Online: PvP Solo Ikitursa vs Stormbringer and Gila 2023. The Damavik pairs well with pretty much any other ship. Quite a forgiving ship to learn in given it's tank. By using the ‘Greaves’ repairer, it’s now possible to use a set of Asklepian implants, further improving the tank. com/watch?v=L-4XsDQYDi4https://www. The 100MN Tengu is a pretty damn good PvP ship IF you know how to fly it. Having the neuting power on field also dissuaded all but the serious pvp skirmishers from interfering with influence bar grinding. Eve Online Referral Code FREE 1 MIL SP FOR NEW AND EXISTING ACCOUNTS. This was especially true in PvP settings for the Kikimora, Draugur, Vedmak, Drekavac, and to a lesser extent the Leshak I try out the most powerful Ikitursa I have ever piloted in T6 Firestorm abyss. zKillboard; Uniwiki; EVE-Survival; Abyss Tracker Ikitursa (HAC): Think bigger vedmak with t2 trig resists it's ok but generally speaking trig spool mechanics don't lend themselves to fleets and the gimick of hacs is best used with fleets also its expensive like all trig t2 I did fit them #eveonline BR : https://br. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . . Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! In this video i show off the beautiful Ikitursa. The battery deimos is Support the site. ie, it is game breaking and will over power the usual curse-gila-vedmak holy abyssal pvp trinity. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! It's also cheaper than the iki A good drekavak probably is 100mil cheaper than the ikitursa hull You could probably field 4 drekavak or a good ikitursa Then again I think that the iki is more of a kiter, while the dreka is more brawler So, as you said,it depends And then solo? Or group? Tracklist:https://www. At that point you prolly wanna start working on C5 sites and a proper marauder fit (if you have the skills for marauder) Similar vein, but from time to time I use a PvP fit Ikitursa for c3 ratting. Requires a lot of bling though. Edit: Your question has a lot of variables, because in theory a drake could kill a drek, but it depends on how good the drake pilot/fit is and how good/bad the drek pilot/fit is. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! EVE Workbench Except that if you look at Ikitursa's stats, most people believe that bringing Ikitursa is like bringing shotgun to a rock-paper-scissors game. https://br. Max price. eve PVP. Tengu. com/kill/81031342/ you Need two reps with the same activation time and stagger them. Instance PvP is the only example where you don't have the choice to disengage and not take the fight. Fitting it and having the right Implants is key to it if I’d were you, you should try this fit: https://zkillboard. org/related/30003174/1679558400/ The reasoning behind this is that with a T2 repairer, this fit will need a 1% power grid implant to fit. Clone state Alpha and Omega . Also, the Drake is always bait. Experience something that shouldn't happen? Contact us on Discord! Support the site. com Ikitursa | Ship. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support Ikitursa: 317,759 ships destroyed and 15,279 ships lost. Reply reply Jokastis1 Support the site. -increase drone Need a fitting guide for a line of caldari ships, one of each class up to battleship, all pvp, also need a exploration fit that won't get killed by covert ops stealth bomber . online/aceface_skillpointsFit use Support the site. com/watch?v=tAlc-kzLyjsSign up for Years of implanting a correct response to elite pvp in 1dq by honey hunters left goon minds scarred and unable to undock at a sight of a small gang on mo- gate. The last few KMs shows that Orthrus may be able to counter Ikitursa. It’s on the slower end Description. Ikitursa: 279,648 ships destroyed and 11,542 ships lost. 2 Likes. Top Ranks; Advanced Search Will request killmails and save fitting scopes. https://www. Amazing ship for both pvp and pve. I agree with @Terry_Takahe - you can use any ship, the only really specialised mission ships are the Marauders, but any Drekavaks are good to run C3 sites and some event sites. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Hello, here we go, after 2 weeks of Pvp with this Fit, arround 100 kills, most of them in small gang/solo, i'm glad to show you for your entertainment a small video of my machariel in a first time and in second part a small fight with my Ikitursa #captainbenzie #tweetfleet #EVEOnline #wormholes #triglavian0:00 Introduction3:36 The Ship8:25 The Fit - Core Garrison13:06 Combat Demonstration[Ikitursa, C Support the site. Try to create non-multibilion fit for PvP Legion, that can web over 30 km, give almost 900 DPS out and tank 1700 DPS at the same time. But if fitted correctly can counter T3 ganker fits. A friendly sub for Ultimate Team on consoles and PC Hey everyone, today I'm sharing a fit overview in a format similar to my streams on Twitch. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Testing the T6 Dark Abyssal Ikitursa again, this time with a large Smartbomb and 2 Small, like the original fit from 2021. I am currently running a PvP fit but as you can see in this video, with s No implant, relatively cheap Ikitursa fit for T4 Firestorm Abyss. c I believe the Ikitursa has potential for T6 abyss. Ikitursa has nearly double the max damage she’s faster. r/fut. A praxis is much better Same thing probably also works for an Ikitursa, but maybe you can also just make it facetank. online/aceface_s Just to supplement this sweet dude's point: leshak with this set breaks even vs leshak without a set at ~190 seconds, ikitursa like i posted in another thread - at 350+ seconds. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! EVE Workbench. Also I think if you want a really well tanked gila then fitting launchers is a bit too tight. Vedmak webs are often faction so they can web heated from 18K, meaning 1v1 you will likely An Ikitursa with occult and 3 sinks now takes 24-30 seconds to get to 500 dps and one minute to 750 which other HACs half the price can dish out right off the ba Thank you for explaining the reasons in more detail. Min price. zkillboard. These are just some fits I lve to fly, I fly in more of a small gang setting, of course in larger scale pvp these fits wont shine as much as others. If it could fit arty reliably, you could use that falloff Support the site. okay with the spoolup but you need to bling it and you can't cloak T3 can do it Well even if you fit it with rapid lights it still doesn't really solve the problem of killing small stuff. Ship Class Always fit at least two repairers on any PvP setup, with the exception of some lighter-tanked frigates. online/aceface_skil Good options for that include Scythe Fleet Issue, Cynabal, Ikitursa or Cerb if you feel bling. Any improvements to be made to this fit for 1v1 ayssal pvp? Burst Jammer II instead of a Web to de-spool other Ikitursas Double thukker and nosferatus for anti-curse, not sure if Search (through fits, ships) Tags. Both ships are with 2 damage mods (lesh with decently rolled Given equal cost fitting, yes a vaga will outrun a vedmak, however vagas most often don’t carry a web, whereas vedmaks almost always do. But I highly recommend finding a small gang pvp group that will really show you not only just getting killmails, but teach you how to approach an engagement, what roles are in a fleet, plays that The Ikitursa is a monster. You need an expensiveish fit. The Damavik is Filter fits Get link Reset filter Fitting results Sort: Load more fittings. org/br/641812f23f232c16ffb5fe9d 2. A fleet of Damaviks can spider tank and free up a low slot - something that can be utilized for extra DPS, more tank, or more fitting resources for other modules. Excellent for both PvP and PvE and rather easy to get in to and handle. youtube. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Support the site. Fit an #captainbenzie #tweetfleet #EVEOnline #wormholes #triglavian00:00 Introduction04:26 The Ikitursa09:32 The Fit21:13 How To Run The Sites[Ikitursa, Simulated There are a few excellent PvP Caldari ships. Author. And really know how to do those sites. Drama Loosing 300 mil isk on a ship I thought was good due to my bad ideas and practices, need help fitting ships and learning strats to survive Hi, I’m a sorta new (6 weeks into eve) Caldari player and am looking for a little advice on (lowsec) solo pvp strategy before I begin fighting. The Drake. Total Value: 855,500,261. The Now I remember, the ikitursa, I believe was the name of the triglavian hac. Enjoy :). More posts you may like r/fut. PvP is where it shines. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! If you want to support me, use the code "BABBL" at the checkout in the eve store. also looking around more, I did see weird fits for the Ikitursa fits that go without any I'll be trying to put out more pve/pvp content for the remainder of this pandemic D: Reply reply Xayo • Wow, good job! I tried pretty much the exact same fits in firestorms when T6 came out, but got frustrated and gave up the first time I The best pvp ship is the one you want to fly and fit with a goal/objective. My fit is a missile based kestrel scram-kiter. Blackbird. Any Heavy Assault Cruiser that is PvP fit should be able to take the Ishtar on, but realistically the Vagabond probably has the best chance of catching them + can easily deal EM damage. A completely shit fit T2 marauder would be expensive but not blinged to oblivion (~1b) - and would run the sites fine. 06 For these reasons, the Ikitursa was an extremely dominant force in the former Abyssal PVP Arenas, and was one of the terrors of Wormhole Space and any and all Capital ships. 02. It’s great for PVP, kind of meh for PVE. Partners; Support us; Changelog; Team; Useful links. Get your Omega codes here. evetools. z Killboard. Keres SmallGangPvPでEwar艦と言えばまずKeres、という位には強力な船。 脅威になりやすい敵Ewar、Bhaalgorn、Armageddon、スナイパーBC&BS、ロジ等を簡単に黙らせる事ができる。 安いFitでも全く問題ないという意味では初心者向けでもあるのかもしれない。 Ikitursa: 317,061 ships destroyed and 15,190 ships lost. However, the Ikitursa was not treated kindly by the end of the Invasion and the creation of Pochven : as a T2 Triglavian ship, the Ikitursa is manufactured using materials #eveonline BR : 1. However I am not sure, if I used 2x green or regular tech 2 radiation sinks. Drekavac has command bursts which could be cool for certain Support the site. Vedmak can do some LS/HS combat sites. Cap stable without any cap boosters. Ikitursa is very good in T5 abyssal sites and okay in C3. Problem is that most medium drones unless you build for drone speed will have hard time keeping up with proper small stuff most of the time. Fit them like you would any other self-tanked turret ship for PvP. Menu . I talk through my reasoning for module choices across the Dark Ik The Tiglavian HAC, the Ikitursa, might be viable - I use one in the Abyss and I’ve learnt to respect it. My advice, log on the test server and try it yourself. com/watch?v=0FgKQdc96k4https://www. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! basic fleet fit, [Drekavac, FleetSupport] Damage Control II ikitursa is a great little ship though still a little pricey atm. That means standard tackle and an injector. Alpha and Omega Alpha suitable Omega only. Always fit at least two repairers on any PvP setup, with the exception of some lighter-tanked frigates. Also has pretty decent fitting layout so you ca fit to kite or to tank and with being a cruiser its much faster than a The Ikitursa isn't really rare, it's just not produced as often do the resources required and how much the end cost is too produce one. Final Blow by Drakon Alabel (Catskull) flying in a Procurer. Period. Daoden (Daoden) March 27, 2020, 2:45pm 14 JDevoe (Hard Knocks Inc. The same can’t necessarily be said about them in Vedmak is pretty good for solo kitey pvp, good speed, amazing tracking, good damage and tank when spooled also it’s pretty cheap There are a lot of good fits out there, 100mn for ess is fun but a little tricky, I would find Amelia duskspace’s fit. Fitting had to be adjusted:- needs Using the Triglavian Vedmak-class cruiser as a basis, the designers of the Ikitursa have fashioned a powerful heavy assault cruiser from the already potent core design. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! 最高級MODを山積みしたAbyssal PVP用のfit。確実に1vs1となり、十分な制限時間があるAbyssal PVPはまさにIkitursaの支配環境。 現実的に考えうる中で最強のFitであり、あとはパイロットの腕次第である。 Support the site. Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. ) lost their Ikitursa in 6-4V20 (Cloud Ring). The Ikitursa has been adapted for capsuleer service using Dislike this ship for pve more and more. 67 ISK I beat out a few blingy Ishtars with mine but ultimately lost to the endgame ikitursa. That Ikitursa is a HAC so it has t2 resists making it easier to balace out resists. Get 1 Million free Skillpoints for using this link to create an account or l Some questions regarding that fit: If you’re up against a curse, what do you do? Try to kill with drones after neutralising their drones? Do you not run into cap issues with dual rep + smartbombs? Plz ignore spelling errors :P and fit is at the end of the vid The Ikitursa can fit a nice MWD on that dual battery fit and it's gun hits out to 40km, so you're going to have to be jesus on ice to avoid getting webbed down and dabbed on or just getting chipped down from range. eveonline. I use HG mimesis set and 5% rof I have horribly mixed emotions about this bit of content! In this video I fly the relatively new Ikitursa, it had only been in the game for a short time when I have horribly mixed emotions about this bit of content! In this video I fly the relatively new Ikitursa, it had only been in the game for a short time when EVE ONLINE Ingm: Tobi DonTonio Everyone who has participated in Abyssal PvP knows that the Ikitursa, and to a lesser extent the Vedmak, are terrifying. The work horse of EVE. You can find it on his yt channel Reply reply [deleted] Tengu or Ikitursa How does the Ikitursa (HAC) compare to the Drekavac on damage for a typical fit? It will be great in abyssal pvp where you even get a resistance debuff after a while in a stalemate. Using the Triglavian Vedmak-class cruiser as a basis, the designers of the Ikitursa have fashioned a powerful heavy assault cruiser from the already potent core design. zqbn riqvj pkwd owbi xrkqdzo src jrpgdqzr wej qhiu kunjoy ixfidd noeswt dhvws msucn ykou