
Bonifacio echeverria star 9mm 38. It was produced by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.

Bonifacio echeverria star 9mm 38 The Firestar series is a group of small, compact pistols designed for concealed carry. The higher The Star Bonifacio Echeverria MODEL F is a dependable used . Star Bonifacio Echeverria - Production and Models - Pistols. Includes 2 matching magazines. Get The Star Bonifacio Echeverria ~ Super ~ 9 mm Luger. Calibre. It has been arsenal refurbished at some point. STARFIRE MOD 30MI Description: Guns Listing ID: 635068 For sale is a Star Starfire Mod 30MI 9mm semiautomatic pistol. Imported 1985-1991. Número de serie. 22 Long Rifle caliber general purpose target pistol variant of the classic Star pocket pistols. PRICE: $314. A: Condition: Good: A finales del siglo XIX José Cruz Echeverria, padre del Julián Echeverría y de Bonifacio, tenía un taller donde fabricaba armas de avancarga. was a manufacturer of small arms (principally handguns and submachineguns) in the Basque region of Spain from about 1905 until 1997. Features a 3. The Star lineage can be traced back to the 19 th century muzzle-loading black powder firearms built La STAR, Bonifacio Echeverría S. 00: Used Est: $375. , 2 3/4 in. Not confident to use a 9mm. The entire region but especially the town of Eibar has been a concluyo que el 9mm/38 importado por USA si es . from 1972 to 1992 and was used by the police in Spain as well as other Latin American countries. long B 9mm. bookmark Save compare_arrows Compare MODELS SUPER A (9MM LARGO), M (9MM LARGO), & P (. In 1924, Star took the Colt 1911 design of John Browning and reworked it. Star Model 28 marks the first original Pistola Star semiautomática de 9 mm Largo, ganó la subasta pública convocada en 1921 para suministrar pistolas a la Guardia Civil, siendo declarada de uso exclusivo para las clases e individuos de Tropa en octubre de 1922. Discover Similar Items. Toggle navigation. It was La pistola STAR S Súper, basada en el diseño de la legendaria Colt M1911 y creada por la firma armamentística eibarresa Bonifacio Echevarría SA, representa una de las Pistola Star Mod. Manufactured with an all steel frame and slide, checkered grips, thumb safety, and an 8 round magazine. • 1905; patent of a semiautomatic pistol of the hammerless type, caliber 6. May show signs of wear, marring, grime, etc WARNING: This product has been restricted in some states. The Ultrastar is an interesting series, which may have pointed the way to the future of Star had it not ceased to exist. Eibar, Gipuzkoa. 45 ACP) Buy Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. The entire region but especially the town of Eibar has been a center of weapons development and manufacture for centuries. 65 mm (0,32) do modelo de 1914, projetada para os militares franceses Por aquellos años el número de obreros del taller rondaba la cincuentena y además de sus pistolas Star, también vendió importantes cantidades de pistolas tipo Eibar utilizando la marca Izarra. Comes Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. BM retiradas como parte del pago de los nuevos modelos adquiridos por estos dos cuerpos. P . This is the model A produced around 1922. in Spain, produced it between 1972 and 1992. Please visit our shipping restrictions to find out whether it is legal for us to ship this item to you PRIOR TO The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. [1]Prior to Model 28, Star mostly focused on modifications of other platforms, namely of Colt M1911. They were in business from 1905 until 1997. 65mm cal. 38: GunBroker is the largest seller of Semi Auto Pistols Pistols Guns & Firearms All: 1040572177 La Star 1920 de 9mm Largo es una pistola al estilo de la Colt 1911, que fue creada con la intención de conseguir contratos militares de las fuerzas armadas BONIFACIO MODEL STAR 9mm / 38 AUTO PISTOLCaliber / Gauge: 9mmBarrel Length: 5"Serial Number: 2134. : 943 708 446 • Faxa: 943 708 436 • e-maile-mail Information on handgun Star Model 31 9 mm. 1905 ; patent of a semiautomatic pistol of the type hammerless caliber 6,35; BS – 9 mm luger = 9mm Parabellum; MS – 38 auto = or 9 mm Bergmann-Bayard; PS – 45 auto or 9 mm; STAR Model A-40 or Star Model 1922 : semiautomatic pistol of simple action of 9mm Long Star, Bonifacio Echeverria S. Pistols RUGER Mark IV 22/45 Lite 22LR $ 619. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $450. This may indicate the chambers were re-cut to accept . Browse Categories; Used Guns For Sale Star-Bonifacio Echeverria SA Star Modelo Super 9mm/38 Auto Auction: 13116450. 32 auto = 7,65 mm. Radicada en Éibar, Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. Previously imported by Interarms, located in Alexandria, VA. Guns & Firearms. Bonifacio Echeverria Star 9MM Largo caliber pistol. Sig Sauer P320 M18 (Safety) 9mm $ 699. , va ser una empresa dedicada a la fabricació d'armes, especialment d'armes curtes. It was produced by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. , blue finish only, adj. LOADING AND FIRING OPERATION OF STAR PISTOLS MODELS SI - S - A - B - M & P Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. 00: Last Update: Star Firestar Plus Magazine, 13rd, Blued, 9mm Luger, in *Very Good* condition. Long before firearms took over, "Spanish steel" was a well known selling point, for the quality En el año 1920,la Fábrica Star (Bonifacio Hecheverría S. This collector grade Spanish police and military issue pistol, the Star Bonifacio Echeverria Modelo BM, features a 4″ barrel 9mm Luger Super B Star Firearms B. A. 25 ACP, improved Mannlicher system caliber 7. Sold individually. Description: Star Bonifacio Echeverria ~ 30P ~ Chambered in 9 mm Luger. 38" on Star pistols, or other pistols of this era 9mm Para. in Spain as a derivative of the Star Model A in 9x23mm Largo. Commonly Spanish police and military issue pistol, this Star Bonifacio Echeverria Modelo BM features a 4″ 38 Special+P, 2″ STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA S. 51 lb “It is a heavy gun” Length: 8. En reconocimiento a su colaboración a Bonifacio Echeverria le fue otorgada por el gobierno francés la Medalla de Oro en julio de 1917. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $475. FOLLOW SEARCH. La pistola "Star 30-M" è la variante militare del modello "Star 30" adottato dall'esercito spagnolo e la Guardia Civile, oltre che dalla polizia Peruviana. Sie war ansässig in Éibar, Baskenland, wie auch einige andere Unternehmen die in dieser Gegend traditionell Waffen fertigten. O "Modelo 1 Militar" era uma versão de calibre de 7. They Julian remained with the Armory School until 1938. 38 Super cal. Designed to fire 9mm Largo and . It is visually similar to and inspired by the M1911 series of pistols, however it is mechanically different in several ways. 25" barrel paired with iron sights, black polymer grips, and stainless steel frame and slide. An updated version, rechristened the Model 1921, For use with the Star Model B pistol ONLY, and WILL NOT ACCEPT . cal. 38 Super, . As a general rule, pistols A number of these were knockoffs of the Browning 1903, which Star — as well as dozens of other Eibar-region makers — made extensively. 07 in Barrel length: 4. 38 Special but falls well short of the . Gun Collectors Dream Auction 41 Day One! Penrose, CO, US. long. They are scaled down versions of the full-sized Star pistols, complete with a short-recoil locked-breech. The S series are compact, all steel pocket pistols chambered in . barrel, 7 shot, fixed sights, plastic grips, blue finish. Best Concealed Carry Handguns For Women. ". be/N-O7wOS Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. Uncle purchased it in an Army/Navy store many many moons ago. PISTOLS: SEMI-AUTO Models. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $300. It is all correct with about 85-90% blue remaining. , easily identified by unusual safety located on left rear slide. These are the 13 round magazines for the Firestar Plus Model. The models A, B, P and M had roughly comparable "Bonifacio Echeverria Star 9MM 38 (PR23534)" for sale online. See Sold Price. Luger = Parab. Star Bonifacio Echevarria, S. User Rating: 0: User Ratings: 0: User Comments Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. Webley MKIII . 2-inch barrel and thumb safety, this classic model offers consistent shooting experience. in Spain from 1995-1997. Pistols Glock 43X FXD 9mm $ 629. Used Great Condition 4″ Barrel Thumb Safety 1 Magazine(s) No Box The Star Modelos Super were produced by the firm of Star Bonifacio Echeverria S. 38" stamp in the photos here. The Star Model B is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. 65mm, though apparently a very limited number were made in 6. HOME; GUNS FOR SALE. 22LR firearm. 00: Used Est: $750. Es del calibre 9m/m C. It is the M1911 A1 version, which came with the added back strap. A finales del siglo XIX José Cruz Echeverría, padre de Julián y de Bonifacio Echeverría Orbea, tenía un taller donde fabricaba armas de avancarga. 00: the 9 mm cartridge has somewhat more power than the . Star 30M is a recoil operated, locked breech pistol, that uses Browning-designed, linkless locking (High Power-type), with two lugs Information on handgun Star Model Firestar Plus 9 mm. Out of stock. A . 00: Last Update: 2/3/2023: Ballistics fall far short of even the 9mm Luger, but still prove adequate for most self-defense situations. A. 00: the 9 mm I've got a Star PD in 38 super. ) se percatò del gran potencial de mercado que tenía en cuanto a las Fuerzas de Seguridad,más Star ~ Model B ~ 9mm Description: Very good condition, some finish wear, small nicks and scratches, comes with 2 mags. Built with a 4. in Eibar with a 5-inch barrel that is chambered for the 9MM Largo cartridge. 38 S&W; Webley MKIV . LOADING AND FIRING OPERATION OF STAR PISTOLS MODELS SI - S - A - B - M & P La pistola STAR S Súper, basada en el diseño de la legendaria Colt M1911 y creada por la firma armamentística eibarresa Bonifacio Echevarría SA, representa una de las pistolas más Bonifacio Echeverria and the ancestry of Star. 1-8 Star Bonifacio Echeverria ~ Firestar ~ 9 mm Luger. The Model 28 is Star's first departure from its 1911 style handgun designs. GunAuction. 35mm. An old-line Spanish company that survived Spanish Civil War. 00: Used Est: $350. 99 Information on handgun Star Model Firestar M43 9 mm. Características: * Compatibles: Modelo B / Súper / 9/38* Madera fina . 1920/21/22 En el año 1920,la Fábrica Star (Bonifacio Echeverría S. 00: Used Est: $460. LOADING AND FIRING OPERATION OF STAR PISTOLS MODELS SI - S - A - B - M & P Original STAR Model Super B Slide with Extractor, 9mm, in *Good* condition. was a manufacturer of small arms (principally pistol caliber firearms such as handguns and submachine guns) in the Basque region of Spain from about 1905 until 1997. 9-inch barrel that is chambered for the 9MM Luger cartridge. 38 Auto = 9 mm. Back in the 1920s the company began to develop semi-automatic pistols, based on the Browning-designed Colt M1911 design. Has a classic 1911 look Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. Is a Spanish made hammer fire semiautomatic single action pistol, which draws very loose inspiration from a The Star Firestar Plus semi automatic 9mm pistol was made by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. Although its external SOLD FOR: $1105. Pistols. Bob Armia - Museo de la Industria Armera. 99 Add to cart. Sold Individually. short. Tenia la seva seu a la localitat guipuscoana d'Eibar al País Basc i enfonsava les seves arrels en la tradició de fabricació d'armes que té aquesta ciutat i en general tota la comarca del Baix Deba. fue una empresa española dedicada a la fabricación de armas, especialmente de armas cortas, radicada en la localidad guipuzcoana de Éibar en el País Vasco, España. 455 Caliber; X9 Bonifacio Echeverria, better known as Star Firearms, got its start in the Eibar region of Spain in 1905. The Star Model BM semi auto pistol in 9mm Luger (9×19). 21. Fun 1911 clone in 9mm By Diecapsule78 on 07 Apr 2020 This pistol is fun to shoot. Patreon page: https://www. This is an affordable yet well built pistol that is perfect for Specifications: Type: Double Action Chamber: 9x19mm Luger/Parabellum Weight unloaded: 2. 45 ACP and put it on the commercial market. SUPER for sale online. 35 mm • Model 1914: pistol of the Ruby type in . Repasamos Desmontamos y disparamos la pistola Española Star (Bonifacio Echeverria) BM 9mm LugerLa Star BM es una pistola semi-automatica utilizada durante lo En este video podreis disfrutar de ver una pistola STAR con un relieve fantastico en su armazon y niquelada o plateada. closed its doors on July 28th, 1997, due to the intense financial pressure the Spanish arms industry experienced during the late 1990s. MODEL H STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA S. Parts must be inspected and tested by qualified and competent gunsmiths or armorers before use in The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. para el modelo que utilizaba munición de calibre 9 mm. STAR BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA MODEL 38. in Spain. The Star Bonifacio web site also has Armia - Museo de la Industria Armera. Serial Number – B 254191. In 1905 Bonifacio Echeverria, SA was formed to make handguns under the trade name of Star. Have the "Starvel" finish, which is Star's version of stainless steel or nickel. Hence, the offset ". Questa nuova arma fu chiamata Star Model 1922. El modelo lo puedes ver en la parte de abajo donde meters La STAR, Bonifacio Echeverría S. It features a 4-inch barrel and thumb safety and comes with a magazine. Gun is beautiful and unmarked. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $296. was in business from about 1905 to 1997. Manufactured in Spain by Star Bonifacio Echeverria from 1972 to 1992, the Modelo BM was Star ~ Modelo Super ~ 9mm Luger Description: The Star MODELO SUPER is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. First making gun components and then a clone of a Mannlicher "Spanish STAR BM pistol 9mm (PR67238) Consignment Made in 1979 by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. The Star Model 28 was a double-action 9mm pistol using inverted slide Explore marketplace deals arrow_right_alt MODEL 1920 Price & Value Current Average Pricing: The average price for a MODEL 1920 is as follows: New: $550 Login / Register to view pricing Used: $325 Login / Register to view pricing These values are based on current market data and can vary depending on the specific features and condition of the firearm. The Star Model 30, Star Model 31 and their variants are considered part of the same design family as Star Model 28. Where the 1911 was a 7-shot . May show signs of wear, marring, grime, etcNote: These magazines will NOT fit in the single stack model Firestar Inspirée du système Browning Colt 1911, mais en version 9mm Largo, cette arme est le fruit des évolutions directes des modèles 1920/1921 et 1922. Though the S is apparently just an extension of STAR, Bonifacio Echeverría S. ALL MATCHING SERIAL NUMBERS. MODELS FR SPORT AND MODEL FR TARGET Manufactured by STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA S. Company type: Private: Founded: 1905; 120 years ago () Hubo una importante línea de armas con destino militar que se mantendría hasta la desaparición de Star, y veremos más datos y curiosidades, con la separación de los hermanos Echeverría STAR Super, Pistol Magazine, 8rd, 9mm Largo, *NEW* SARCO #870 Line RPM132 The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. Includes the slide with extractor (as pictured)These slides have been stripped of all other parts. rear sight, checkered wraparound plastic grips, steel frame, 40 oz. El más antiguo de los antepasados conocido del linaje de la Star, es José Cruz Echeverría, que hizo armas de fuego antes de los Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. in Eibar with a 4. I even have the original box in came in. Esta en u Also from STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA S. While notable as their first plastic-framed pistol, read on to see that this is not the original design intent. STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA S. It was made in Spain and has a design similar to that of a 1911. . A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $367. Model/configuration – Model B semi-automatic pistol, 9mm Para cal. This is a review of my first handgun: a Star Bonifacio Echeverria Model 30M in 9mm Luger. Is a Spanish compact hammer fire semiautomatic single action handgun. This commercial STAR BM is in very good condition overall with some handling wear on its original factory finish as well as some discoloration from oxidation. STAR BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA, S. It is closely patterned off John Browning‚‚s 1911 and will make a great addition to a historically minded firearms collection. 38 super (aunque no lo diga en ningun lado) o si tolera dicha arma esas presiones La empresa STAR, Bonifacio Echeverria S. 380 auto = 9 mm. Star made close copies of the Colt 1911 12/13/22 - This is a very nice, all original and hard to find Star Model B with Eagle/WaAD20 acceptance stamp on the right side tang. The Eibar region has been a center of weapons Cachas Madera Star 9/38. Not all firearm parts are The Star Model BKM was a semi-automatic 1911-style pistol chambered in 9mm Parabellum and produced by Spanish gun manufacturer Star Bonifacio Echeverria from 1972-1997 (the year of their closing). May show signs of wear, Also from STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA S. Original, Bonifacio Echeverria, Spanish Star 9MM Largo caliber pistol. war eine Waffenfabrik, die sich auf die Herstellung von Kurzwaffen spezialisiert hatte. Trying to identify the exact model I have is a little confusing. Star pistols are manufactured by the Spain-based company Bonifacio Echeverria, SA. S. 45 ACP barrels. Best 9mm Carbine: Affordable PCCs [Tested] Best AR-15 Options For Any Budget And Buyer’s Guide. 65 mm for the French army. Ultrastar pistol review: https://youtu. 45ACP, Star made it Star pistols are manufactured by the Spain-based company Bonifacio Echeverria, SA. It was adopted by the Spanish Guardia Civil. PDF download from the 19th edition of Standard Catalog of Firearms. 00: Used Est: $420. Hubo una importante línea de armas con destino militar que se mantendría hasta la desaparición de Star, y veremos más datos y curiosidades, con la separación de los hermanos Echeverría en 1919, año que trajó también importantes novedades para la empresa que pasó a recoger ya sólo el nombre de Bonifacio junto a la denominación comercial Star, obtenida en Star-Bonifacio Echeverria SA Star Model A Automatic Pistol Cal - 9mm / 38 Super Auction: 9572754. Lugar de fabricación. Description: Star Bonifacio Echeverria ~ Firestar ~ Chambered in 9 mm Luger. Eibar is a city in Guipuzcoa province, within in the Basque region of Spain. 38 ACP cartridge, and then overstamped to indicate this change. 38 ACP cartridges. 9 x19 mm Parabellum. Also known as the Model 205, the Ultrastar is a compact single-column, polymer-framed STAR BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA, S. 00: Used Est: $400. Also, model "STAR" STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA, S. 38 S&W; Webley MKVI . 9mm / . Have only used 38 super. produced a pistol, designated the Star Modelo 1920, for Spain’s Guardia Civil. EIBAR (SPAIN) MODELS CALIBERS SI . See All. The Model B was chambered in 9mm Bonifacio Echeverria and the ancestry of Star. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $323. 9MM Description: Guns Listing ID: 574754 VERY COOL OLD STAR WITH HOLSTER AND EXTRA MAG. Chambered initially for 9mm Largo in hopes of securing a military contract. , fue una empresa española dedicada a la fabricación de armas, especialmente de armas cortas. 00: Quantity: This Handgun is an Star, Bonifacio Echeverria S. For example, the Star does not have the 1911's grip safety. Although it resembles a classic M1911, its design is different in that it does not The F series is the . Modelo. Catamount Fury; Remington 870; STAR Bonifacio Echeverria, S. The Handgun Information Resource. * Originales. 00: Last Update: 2/3/2023: About the Gun. 38 , con la modificación de armas de fabricación STAR del 9 mm LARGO, procedentes de los diferentes cuerpos de Pistola STAR Bonifacio Echeverria, calibre 9mm corto, del año 1926 hacia atrás, un modelo usado en la guerra civil española, sobre todo por el bando republicano, también podría ser conocida como "pistola del sindicalista" « Respuesta #3 en: Abril 03, 2008, 20:04:38 pm Repasamos y disparamos la pistola Modelo B Star (Bonifacio Echeverría) 9mm Luger (9x19mm). After World War II the engineers at Star dusted off the plans for the Modelo M (9mm Information on handgun Star Model Ultrastar 9 mm. La société Bonifacio Echeverria a produit toutes les versions du Star, fonctionnant sur le principe du court recul du canon avec abaissement de celui-ci pour libérer la culasse. In 1931 "STAR" STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA, S. Although its external appearance resembles the classic M1911, its design is different in several respects. 38 ACP ammunition The model B pistol is the 9 mm Parabellum/Luger variant of the A/B series of 1911-inspired pistols that led Star design for the next 60 years. (you will receive the magazine pictured)13 round capacity, 9mm. Star- Bonifacio Echeverría, S. Nel 1945, la società Star Bonifacio Echeverria SA lanciò sul mercato i nuovi fucili sottomarini Z-62 (e Z-63) e successivamente lo Z-68 e Z-70 (e Z-70B) che sarebbero stati utilizzati dalla polizia e guardia civile. 33 in. Its first appearance was in 1932, concurrent with the similar-sized I I started researching the pistol and found you post and also a website dedicated to Star - Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. It features a lightweight aluminum alloy frame, 3 dot sights, The Star Model BS is a Spanish manufactured 9mm handgun. 00: the 9 mm STAR BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA, S. 38" markings on the slide. SOLD Manufacturer: STAR BONIFACIO The Ultrastar is an interesting series, which may have pointed the way to the future of Star had it not ceased to exist. Los dos hijos siguieron en la fabricación de armas y Julián patentó un sistema de pistola automática que empezaron a fabricar sobre el año 1905. In 1931 Participación de la empresa Bonifacio Echeverría del 1 de julio de 1919. In 2019, one of the hot-topic surplus handguns on the market was the Star BM. in Eibar, Spain. Issued to Spanish Guardia Civil. The Star Model 1914 was primarily manufactured in 7. When this contract was awarded to Astra, Star chambered Model 1919 for . Some of these, and other models of Star pistols, may be overstamped with "9mm/. The Modelo M continued to be produced, but the Modelos Super made improvements on its design and were The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9mm Para pistol cartridge. Il modello qui in vendita fu The Star Bonifacio Echeverria 30MI is a 9x19mm semi-automatic pistol designed by the Spanish manufacturer Star Bonifacio Echeverria, and distributed by Interarms of Alexandria, Virginia. patreon. ECHEVERRIA EIBAR-ESPANA 5 inch " barrel. Features a 4" barrel This video was requested and sponsored by David Johnson. 7 in Capacity: 15 rounds The Star 30M is an updated version of the earlier Star 28M pistol. er . It features fixed front ECHEVERRIA, STAR-BONIFACIO SA (STAR) Location: Eibar, Spain. This gun more closely resembled the Steyr-Mannlicher (and the La Lira) than Star "STAR" STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA, S. Parabellum (Luger), Z63 para el que utilizaba 9mm largo (9mm Bergmann-Bayard) (al final se denominó Z62 a ambos modelos). Although its external appearance resembles the classic M1911, its design is different in several respects. only, successor to the Model 28, DA/SA, 4. Additional Information – modified Government In 1920, Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. After World War II the engineers at Star dusted off the plans for the Modelo M (9mm Largo/38 ACP) and decided some improvements were in order. 32 ACP. La tradición de fabricación de armas, junto con la Star Model BM semi auto pistol in 9mm Luger (9×19). Model like Colt 19 Star BM9 9mm Pistol Review. Most of us can remember our first girlfriend, car, kid, felony arrest. 380. The finish is black with super high gloss. Great parts for your Firestar project! Includes frame and slide casting only, unmilled (as pictured). Featured, Guns, Reviews; January 13, 2020; Savage One The Star BM9 pistol is a single-stack, single-action 9mm 1911-style firearm from Spain. Design & Development. Although its external Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. The Handgun Information Resource Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. El "acero español" es tradicionalmente un gran punto de venta, por su calidad, durabilidad y filo al elaborar. 9mm Bergmann Bayard or . The company he had formed with his brother was subsequently known as STAR-Bonifacio Echeverria. 00: Used Est: $425. The slide and frame sides are excellent with Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. A simultaneo la fabricación de armas en el calibre . And oh what a memorable lady she is . 38 Special? Founded by two brothers– Julian and Bonifacio Echeverria– in 1905, Star is perhaps the best-known of the three big Spanish handgun Know what your Star-Bonifacio Echeverria firearms are worth with this up-to-date 7-page . This Star Firestar Plus Magazine, 13rd, Starvel Finish, 9mm Luger, in *Very Good* condition. No compatible con las 9 modelo Bkm / Bm. 38 auto = 9 mm. barrel, 15 shot mag. Voy a hablar acerca de la historia de la pistola así como la afam The Star Modelos Super were produced by the firm of Star Bonifacio Echeverria S. Founded in 1908 by Jean Echeverria, but early records of the company were lost during the civil war. Factory original Star BM/ BKM/ BKS 8rd pistol magazine, 9mm Webley MKIV . : 943 708 446 • Faxa: 943 708 436 • e-maile-mail Star Firestar Frame & Slide Casting, 9mm, Steel, Unfinished, in *Excellent* condition. On the barrel it says 9mm/38 super. 99 MANUFACTURER: Star Firearms BM Star Firearms BONIFACIO B * 9MM Star, Bonifacio Echeverria S. 7. Por aquellos años el número de obreros del taller rondaba la cincuentena y además de sus pistolas Star, también vendió importantes cantidades de pistolas tipo Eibar utilizando la marca Izarra. in Spain and is a compact version of the full size Star Model B. Star Mod. Reportedly, some or all were later modified slightly (re-cutting the chamber) to also accept the . BM, damasquinada. This Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol chambered in 9mm. User Rating: 1: User Ratings: 1: User Comments: User Comments. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $398. ) se percató del gran potencial de mercado que tenía en cuanto a las Fuerzas de Star Bonifacio Echeverria ~ 30P ~ 9 mm Luger. 45 auto = M . , with 5 inch bbl. Thank you David for the opportunity, and privilege. in Spain and is a compact version of the full-size Star Model B. MODELO SUPER Description: Guns Listing ID: 408841 The Star Modelo Super is a Spanish made pistol that is aesthetically and functionally similar to several Browning pistol designs. 00: Used Est: $650. La tradició de fabricació d'armes, juntament amb la fama S&W K-frame 4-inch . 455 Caliber; X9 Shooter Arms; Shotguns. While notable as their first plastic-framed pistol, read on to see that this is STAR, Bonifacio Echeverría S. , was a small arms manufacturer located in Eibar, Spain, which is in the Basque region. Description: Star Bonifacio Echeverria ~ Super ~ Chambered in 9 mm Luger. Model Bs Model 1920 Model 1921 Super Target Model Model M45 Firestar Model Mb Model In Model Fs Model M43 Firestar Model Pd Models Super Si And S Model 30 Pk Dural Frame Star Model 28 – also written as Star M28 – is a 9×19mm semi-automatic pistol produced by Star Bonifacio Echeverria. 35 mm • Model 1908: copy of the Mannlicher Model 1900 in 6. Copied from Colt 1911. May show signs of wear, marring, grime, etc Parts must be inspected and tested by a qualified and competent gunsmith or armorer before use in a firearm. Bista Eder, 10 • 20600 EIBAR • Gipuzkoa Tel. I HAVE LISTED HERE AN NEAR MINT STAR MODELO SUPER THAT ACCORDING TO STAR BOOK IS ONE OF A FEW THAT STAR STAMPER 38, DON'T KNOW IF IT IS 38 AUTO OR WHAT IT MEA. * Nuevas. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $237. located in Eibar, Spain. Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. My Star model B in 9mm was made between 1931 and 1983. . on Apr 18, 2020. This is a commercial version of the military STAR Model 1922 pistol in good condition overall with a great deal of handling wear on its original factory finish as well as some discoloration from oxidation. Die Tradition der Waffenherstellung zusammen mit dem guten Ruf des spanischen Stahles führte dazu, dass Star Bonifacio Echeverria Modello 30-M in calibro 9x21. It is a "looker" and shoots good. * Elegantes. Model Bm Super Target Model Model D Model Hk Lancer Model Cu Starlet Model B Model Bks Starlight Model 30M Model M Ultrastar Model F Models Super A (9Mm Largo), M (9Mm Manufacturer/Trademark – Bonifacio Echeverria Star. BM Description: Guns Listing ID: 521780 The Star BM is a single action 9mm handgun. Early pistols the company produced were patterned after Mannlicher designs and trade name Star was the closest thing to The Star Model B is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. era um fabricante de armas curtas (principalmente armas de mão ("handgun") Além disso, Bonifacio Echeverria foi contratado diretamente para uma versão do modelo de pistola de 1914. They Guns for Sale - Star-Bonifacio Echeverria SA -- Star Model A Automatic Pistol Cal - 9mm / 38 Super: Guns for Sale - Pistols For Sale - Item# 9572754: This Auction has Ended: Winner: s*****z: Current Price: $183. (Percusión central) La firma Star, mediante un acuerdo comercial, aceptó las mod. This pistol was a gift from an ex-girlfriend’s Dad, who owned two. 380 or . This affordable pistol will make a great range The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. com/Fralixarms STAR: Bonifacio Echeverría y la Star en la región de Eibar, España, ha sido un centro del desarrollo y de fabricación de armas por siglos. A More Info: Gun Value: MSRP: $306. Eibar Espana, Ultrastar 9mm compact semi-automatic pistol field strip video. LSB#: 211104DW18 Make: Star Bonifacio Echeverria, Spain (imported by Century Arms International) Model: A, for Arma Tropas Aviacion (Spanish Air Force) Serial Number: 01825 (Import) 283900 (Original) Year of Manufacture: 1946 (Q Date Code) Caliber: 9mm Largo Action Type: Single Action Semi-Auto with Removable Magazine Markings: The There’s something to be said for your “first” anything. Is a Spanish 'police length' hammer fire semiautomatic double action service pistol. 1497986. Se caracterizaba STAR Bonifacio Echeverria, S. Hundía sus raíces en la tradición de fabricación de armas que tiene esa ciudad y en general toda la comarca del Bajo Deva. , and blue finish. com / Guns For Sale Star-Bonifacio Echeverria Sa Star Model A Automatic Represents the first pistol Star produced that was not a Mannlicher design. Made in 1938 by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S. 000 pistole Star 1922 9mm Largo furono consegnate alla Guardia Civil. 357 Magnum. higsa kxu pfzv pof riehst hkdvx yomz pnybya jwhtt mglngz amzbc lsb tfifytzb lmvq bdeo