Aspergers and overthinking Crypto My IQ is 141 on paper, but in practice and real-life situations, I am an idiot and make a lot of mistakes, mostly due to my ADHD, Anxiety, and overthinking. His son also has an uncanny similarity in these tendencies (also has Asperger’s), so I’m really curious. (of course they could probably become as talented with enough practice and then overthinking in the typical sense causes problems) (btw, referred to aspergers in third person cause I never got diagnosed if I'm wrong with my ideas in this post tell me. When I lived at my parents I used to keep a list of what one mentioned wanting so it wasn't to concering but, since I've moved out, I get to deal with the dreaded albeit Now i’m overthinking because I think the way I communicated my answer with that first conversation we had about it as well as my bluntness may have come across negatively which has maybe turned him off from being 100% open about his experience with it. I replied that I would bring them right out. L. It can be related to a depression if I'm not wrong, atleast, it used to happen to me. Your voice is missing! You are, indeed, overthinking big issues. I have aspergers and I tend to overthink things and anaylize things way too much. The book "The Stress Effect" while repetitive did have some good suggestions. In therapy we had to share our highs and lows for the day and it was Go to aspergers r/aspergers • by Pissed_Misanthopist. Was just wondering when others start to prepare for the holidays. Even if it happened years ago and no body cares or remember. 1. It's invalidating af. Crypto Welcome to Autism Forums, a friendly forum to discuss Aspergers Syndrome, Autism, High Functioning Autism and related conditions. I have Asperger’s (ASD) and ADHD, but have nobody who truly understands how horrible it feels sometimes. - Part 1 discusses obsessive thinking among individuals with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: More about intrusive thoughts in the autistic mind: Obsessive thinking is like a CD in a CD-player Why is overthinking and having “what if” thoughts so common? Like say you do something and you’re ABSOLUTELY sure if it. This is classic Aspergers. Its a vicious circle, don't let it grow. requires overthinking Reply reply More posts you may like r/aspergers. Rumination specifically refers to the repetitive and negative thoughts that can occur when an individual is in a passive or contemplative state, such as when lying in bed or relaxing. I interact better when I’m just going with the flow and not overthinking every word I say. To avoid (too much) overthinking and possibly causing damage (or irreparable damage) to relationships it is very important for us to strive towards establishing relationships based on open, trusting and Go to aspergers r/aspergers. I believe that the question itself offers a hint. Asperger's, high functioning, and low functioning. V. Crypto Saul McLeod, PhD. Overthinking can also lead to negative thinking patterns that can affect your Go to aspergers r/aspergers • by AccurateHawk8340. I do have anxiety mixed with the ASD, so I'm not sure which leads me to these thoughts, but pretty sure overthinking situations is a big part of ASD so your Aspergers probably causes it :) If I'm not overthinking, its because I'm not thinking at all lol Reply reply More posts you may like r/aspergers. Crypto "Overthinking" in the way it's more commonly used seems to be not the failure to stop at a sound conclusion, but the insistence on finding a sound conclusion rather than stopping at the convenient one. Aspergers is a curse Big mood, i think for me my empathy is just too powerful and overloads my brain,i think between that and some social conditioning on things being "cringe" makes it very hard to enjoy a lot of things because its hard for me to watch something serious and deep without either empathy overload happening, or shitty social conditioning making my brain think im cringe for watching it Overthinking and you usually see things in a negative way. A. This stuff just pops up even years later. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 3 comments How much can overthinking overwhelm you and how often is over thinking for you? Archived post. Best. New. Your voice is missing! Do you have any suggestions on how to just stop being in the anxious overthinking mode when it kicks in? 4 kriss72 they/them/their. Go to aspergers r/aspergers • by Yeethanos. Posted by u/Ruofkrof - 10 votes and 4 comments Posted by u/No_Self_8574 - 8 votes and 4 comments And just overthinking has become a necessary survival mechanism to keep up the mask I wear in order to survive, live "in the world" and not completely fall apart. The best definition of it being related to aspergers was from a character of (the Netflix series) Atypical. ADMIN I was in group therapy for substance abuse and that made it easier for me to talk off the top of my head without much overthinking. This most recently happened to me about an hour ago. I used to feel like my entire life was just a continual process of overthinking and overanalysing the simplest interaction — and for me, this was a really Overthinking, in general terms, refers to the act of thinking about something too much or for too long. In my country, funny enough, other non-autistic ND people We are registered as a charity in England and Wales (269425) and in Scotland (SC039427). I’ve always struggled extremely hard to make close friends since I am very awkward, which has caused me Asperger's) but because I wasn't really informed about it because I was so early diagnosed, I still believe I am still learning to this day how to deal with some of my issues, especially as an adult in an adult world. but then later you start thinking it didn’t happen and you have to go double check Go to aspergers r/aspergers. Overthinking may feel isolating, but remember that countless others experience the same struggles. Archived post. Are overthinking and underthinking even formal terms in psychology? They sound kind of informal to me. I believe some of my friends were also autistic. Open comment sort options In my country, funny enough, other non Business, Economics, and Finance. Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology . Also would over think if maybe when putting writing in my own words I wasn’t really and was just repeating stuff the way I Business, Economics, and Finance. Pick one new habit from this blog and try it today. How can you stop overthinking every little movement? When I'm in public, especially when I'm sitting or standing, I overthink what I want/should look at, or in what way to place my hands to fit in. but OVERTHINKING can often lead to over explaining and adding descriptions and caveats to every sentence just to ma Business, Economics, and Finance. Sometimes it feels like my mind has somewhat of a delayed reaction and then it goes into overdrive trying to analyze what went wrong and how I can avoid this in the future. r/aspergers For I don't know how long now I feel like I have always had problems with overthinking and getting stuck in a looping train of thought of many different things, mainly to do with my life, whether it be to do with my career, my hobbies/interests, or something that has happened in the past recently. Crypto Posted by u/tobythekiddd - 6 votes and 2 comments Here are a few of my favorite techniques to curb overthinking and make better decisions, faster. How to stop overthinking every fucking thing . 154K subscribers in the aspergers community. Gaus, V. However when it comes to my child that level of drive and passion is just a little too strong. Crypto Disorganization. Does anyone else have overthinking merge with Anxitey? For example I used to scribble out things in my Boy Scout book because I didn’t think I did it right technically. Feb 18, 2024 My son has Asperger's and I can say without a doubt that competitiveness is an issue with him. Me: Yo brain, I heard there’s a problem. I think you are also talking about two other typical Aspergers traits: our tendency to become fixated on topics and to have daydreams about 'em. I use the terms mindstorm and meltdown interchangeably. Like, am I going to be told that I'm "just weird and anxious" after gathering a list of symptoms and reading out loud some of the most embarrasing memories I have, looking like a fool? Posted by u/AspiringBiotech - 15 votes and 5 comments My IQ is 141 on paper, but in practice and real-life situations, I am an idiot and make a lot of mistakes, mostly due to my ADHD, Anxiety, and overthinking. Moderators are expected to uphold Reddit’s Content Policy by setting community rules, norms, and expectations that encourage positive engagement. Me: Wanna talk about it? Brain: No, but here’s 5 indisputable essays I wrote proving an explanation. Even faces I'm bad at memorizing, as I often overthinking eye contact and forget to actually observe and take note of people's faces. but i I think it is possible for NT to overthink situations, just like people with Aspergers We just have different ways of thinking and intensity. Brain: Yup. ) and their general attitude is that i should adapt to other people: always care about their feelings and ignore their transgression, and if I dont do that Ill be reminded of the fact that im autistic and have no friends. A community for people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder Members Online. Posted by u/Extension-Worth844 - 8 votes and no comments My IQ is 141 on paper, but in practice and real-life situations, I am an idiot and make a lot of mistakes, mostly due to my ADHD, Anxiety, and overthinking. Controversial People with Asperger's think in small parts A lot of my shitty interactions come from overthinking. Your voice is missing! The overthinking and/or overanalyzing ability works well when certain equation I'm solving has solutions. So maybe I should start experimenting with using it for controlling my overthinking. Examining overthinking in individuals with autism helps us understand its unique challenges and effects on daily life. You have to many problems and you know there's something wrong but there's no solutions. I have to push myself into certain positions, watch everything I do Being extremely careful about what I say, how I Overthinking is not a mental illness, and while overthinking can make you anxious, it is not necessarily the same thing as anxiety. Top. " Anxiety, and overthinking. Any advice about the stress, overthinking, anxiety, overwhelms would be great <3 thank you. Being autistic/asperger's enables an outsiders view of society and trying to examine, understand and put in context takes quite a bit of Overthinking is usually more or less same as exaggeration and/or catastrophizing and thus almost always some kind of cognitive bias. ASD Trusted Source National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Governmental authority Go to source, which Asperger’s syndrome is now part of, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that has a variety of degrees You are severely overthinking this. Dear_one Veteran. Books and programs teach a wide variety of social skills, everything from greetings to compromising on play dates, giving a compliment to accepting criticism. I point out things that I think are fairly obvious but then I always get that overthinking shit thrown at me. Does over-thinking include intrusive or racing thoughts? Obsessively thinking of a subject or switching between them? Aspergers is autism plus a casual interest in anthropology and psychology, because learning to read and imitate people covers our social weaknesses to an extent. Posted by u/No_Tourist_4190 - 2 votes and 1 comment I'm afraid to be overthinking this, though. My parents would often gaslight me regarding my bullying until they have definite proof (you're overthinking it etc. Yeah! I work 40 hours a week washing dishes, and it’s basically 40 hours a week where I can just let my mind wander while staying productive. I was seeing my old doctor for over 25 years, he knew me, he knew everything about me, extensively (or so I thought) of course he didn't see the autism (no one did, not even my long-time therapist before I Posted by u/StankDickJr - 23 votes and 4 comments Business, Economics, and Finance. How People With Autism Spectrum Disorder Think - Part II - People with Autism Spectrum Disorder tend to be rigid and have narrow perspectives. = Doctor . Everytime I find about something it pisses or weirds me out, such as finding rude comments under videos (which aren’t even targeted towards me) I can’t help but stress. (2011). 10 minutes in and I am mush. So 'overthinking' is probably just another word for worrying too much which I suppose is driven by Yes. Overthinking can also manifest as making a big deal out of minor issues and having repetitive thoughts that are hard to control. Also, your edit is perfect example of the problem: you're trying to make sense of anonymous downvotes on Reddit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Today was horrible, i had a really busy Day with 11 different shops and errands to run, and i could sleep stressing over it and trying to plan timing and roads etc. Can anyone else relate Yes, overthinking overthinking overthinking, if I don't stop my brain is going to spin out into the void The only thing that helped me, really, was mindfulness practice. Crypto Asperger’s Syndrome is not classified as an intellectual disability. Crypto And then I realize that I'm overthinking it and just stop. Posted by u/Acerimmerr - 9 votes and 24 comments I have read that the preponderence of people with red hair with Aspergers exceeds the normal population by something like twenty to one (ie, twenty times the percentage of people with red hair have Aspergers than in the population as a whole). Focus on “satisficing. I understand this is because of masking, but I also wonder what the solution would be. Three factors likely explain why some autistic people experience disorganized thoughts: Hyperconnectivity within certain regions of the brain. By understanding its impact and using effective strategies to manage it, you can find freedom from excessive worry and enjoy life more fully. I have very high functioning autism so a lot of people are surprised when they find out, or see me during a meltdown. Mindstorms (Meltdowns) and Ice-Mindstorms (Shutdowns) Meltdown is a term for what happens when we hit total overload. " In reality, it was my own Go to aspergers r/aspergers • by S3OL. It gets to the point where it drives me crazy and that i get paranoid as well. upvotes · comments r/aspergers Posted by u/art3132 - 85 votes and 32 comments Business, Economics, and Finance. 15 votes, 14 comments. Me: . I actually have high functioning autism, but I figured this post would go better in the aspergers board on reddit. Anybody else feel this way? Perseverative cognition involves inflexible thinking—a characteristic of autism. One thing I have found to help me when overthinking situations is to soak in a hot tub. 144K subscribers in the aspergers community. upvotes 357 votes, 51 comments. Perseverative cognition includes rumination, worry, and getting stuck on a topic or idea. Throughout my whole life I've always struggled with social interaction - it's never been easy to say the least - and it's only made worse the older I get due to the transient nature of life & the fact that I feel as if I'm throwing Business, Economics, and Finance. I'm just going to repost this: Reddit moderator code of conduct: Rule 1: Create, Facilitate, and Maintain a Stable Community. . upvotes · comments r/aspergers I have someone in my life who has Asperger’s, and I’m not quite sure if it is due to the Asperger’s or if it’s a personality trait detached from that. Business, Economics, and Finance. , is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. To give some context, I just turned 30, I am autistic (diagnosed Asperger's at 5 years old) and I work a full-time job (9-5, M to F) with weekends off, which suites me pretty well. Saul McLeod, PhD. Sometimes I can go off in my own little world. I was at work and a customer asked for some plates to serve a birthday cake on. Rigid thinking is not necessarily bad, but rumination, worry, and repetitive thoughts can be harmful. My boyfriend and I are both autistic and when it comes to movies, music or anything visual, we are very different, especially movies, so much so that we hardly watch anything together. How do you deal with over thinking? I have a huge difficulty and I can't stop overthinking about what I do or did in the past. Another parent voiced it very well. I suspect that I have Aspergers with ADHD and so even when I am trying to focus on something specific, I have intrusive daydreams that come and go and they are usually about a small set of topics. 6. The National Autistic Society is also a company limited by guarantee, registered at Companies House (01205298). They also ignore emotions as a source of understanding the Go to aspergers r/aspergers • by allybruh. Here are a few of my favorite techniques to curb overthinking and make better decisions, faster. Like a filmstrip running in your head again and again. My IQ is 141 on paper, but in practice and real-life situations, I am an idiot and make a lot of mistakes, mostly due to my ADHD, Anxiety, and overthinking. I've always thought I had some form of prosopagnosia (face blindness), but I think it's actually just a matter of me being too anxious to look at people, let alone study their unique faces. I mostly overthink non social things. Around september 2022, i went to go see my best friend who ive been talking to online for about two years now to go to a concert and just hang out for a week. Feel overwhelmed by the many possible responses in a social situation, leading to Discover how overthinking manifests in those with Asperger's and learn effective strategies to identify patterns and promote mental clarity in everyday life. I am a learning experience designer for a university, which means I help to Posted by u/Henryplant - 2 votes and 2 comments Go to aspergers r/aspergers. r/aspergers And then she said I was overthinking it but I hardly see it that way. So I'll talk by saying I've I didn't really get the concept of many things when I was younger. Applying It is crucial to recognize the impact of overthinking on mental health and provide appropriate support and resources to promote well-being in autistic individuals. Joined: 2 Feb 2008 Age: 75 Gender: Male Posts: 5,721 Location: Where the Great Plains meet the Northern Pines 09 Sep 2022, 3:50 am I think the bigdomes call it impulsivity. However, it may lead to a cycle of continuous worrying which can be hard to stop. It makes me feel a lot better that this is such a common occurrence; however, frustrating to know. Emotional sensitivity often amplifies these challenges, making it crucial for Explore the connection between autism and overthinking, its impacts, and effective strategies for support and management. true. When I don’t overthink people think I’m cool, if I do overthink I get called a robot and I just don’t know what to say and do. Skip to main content. tl;dr overthinking, lack of self-confidence, perfectionism,autistic inertia and procrastination are really messing up my life and don't know how to get past these things. Go to aspergers r/aspergers. Crypto I think that you may be overthinking this a little :) I think that there will be plenty of NTs who may feel the same about those movies. The Internet's largest community of people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder Posted by u/totallynormalasshole - 14 votes and 6 comments So he could be sat there overthinking asking you out (doubly so) plus, men are cowards when it comes to this stuff 😅 People with Asperger’s syndrome are known to exhibit confusion and difficulty developing sexuality and especially in interacting with romantic interests even if they do want somebody or sex in general. I recently changed doctors. Something's up, definitely, but it could be just my social anxiety disorder mixed with eccentricness. The complete guide to Asperger’s syndrome. Anxiety, and overthinking. Hence, overthinking can be harmful to your well-being. Overall the ability is a burden when it comes to any other kind of questions. Yesterday I was mocked by My IQ is 141 on paper, but in practice and real-life situations, I am an idiot and make a lot of mistakes, mostly due to my ADHD, Anxiety, and overthinking. This has to lead to thinking "ah I must be messed up and have ASPD or something", however, the more I think about it I have Posted by u/kalbanes - 491 votes and 63 comments My question is do people with Asperger's tend to stutter like I do? I've always had a slight stutter but recently it's been getting worse so it got me thinking about it. The Internet's largest community of people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder 100%. r/aspergers For example, overthinking seems to be more common in the neurodivergent population, and what is overthinking if not analysing all the shades of gray of a given scenario/person? Instead of firmly deciding something is black or white (although nothing is) and sticking to it even if presented with facts That's what I don't like about having Asperger's. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adults with autism spectrum disorder Is it an Asperger's tendency to say extremely common sense things in a condescending tone as if no one else could have thought of it? Anxiety, and overthinking. I can't find friends because of Asperger's, I yelled and cried because of Asperger's, etc. Wished the positive experiences would be as persistent as the negative stuff. Curious how this community Do anyone here almost convince themselves they're a monster due to irrational thinking and overthinking childhood experiences . Plus I don't trust that if I'm not in control things will work out. Then I started to overthink how it was made. Reply reply wolfwynd Business, Economics, and Finance. I. Open comment sort options. For example, a couple months ago I saw this old car with a smiley face drawn onto the dusty surface of it. To reiterate: overthinking gives you anxiety (downside), letting go of it gives you panic due to loss control and overreacting to adversities (downside). This is a particular Asperger’s Syndrome, first described by Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger in 1944, is characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and restricted patterns of behavior or interests. Triggers of Experience overthinking as the brain navigates through more potential interpretations of social cues than a neurotypical brain would. r/aspergers I'm spiralling/overthinking, she is probably over it. Learn an instrument, start By definition, children with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) have problems with social skills. A community for people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder Members 12 year old Daughter with possible/probable Asperger’s should we diagnose. Does Asperger and ADHD affects Overthinking? And also how to stop doing it? Archived post. Any advice comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. r/aspergers. Living with autism can present unique challenges, and Go to aspergers r/aspergers • by aeongies_ Cant stop overthinking interaction from months ago . "With regular kids you want them to have more drive and passion in thier game. upvotes · comments r/aspergers Business, Economics, and Finance. 151K subscribers in the aspergers community. Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash. Sign in to reply; Cancel; This would be considered overthinking. Isn't it such a "fuck you" from life that you're more likely to make mistakes, say the wrong thing or be more clumsy cause of autism but because of autism you also tend to overthink mistakes or Remember an important thing: overanalyze leads to anxiety and stress, and stress leads to analyze even more ( to find a solution) . Crypto Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 11 votes and 4 comments Business, Economics, and Finance. upvotes · comments r/aspergers Posted by u/sketre15 - 4 votes and 3 comments 12 votes, 11 comments. There are many reasons why these programs face uphill challenges. In fact, many individuals with Asperger’s demonstrate average or above-average intelligence when This is a massive thing for me, cringing at my past self and worrying about what I have said during the day is a huge issue personally. A psychologist there said she had an aspie patient who spent Adventure Time sees this phenomenon and exposes it for the exercise in question begging that it is: Asperger’s Syndrome is merely the name which we give to a group of people with certain habits and capacities of Overthinking about past life . ” “Satisficing” is a term 14 votes, 15 comments. you can point out famous people who either have admitted to having Asperger’s OR Posted by u/DrWho345 - 4 votes and 4 comments IMO aspies tend to be very good at focusing, allowing one to overthink their immediate problem, while being blind to others in the periphery. It involves analyzing, reanalyzing, and dwelling on thoughts, often to the point where it becomes counterproductive or Welcome to Autism Forums, a friendly forum to discuss Aspergers Syndrome, Autism, High Functioning Autism and related conditions. However, it can often play a role in the development and maintenance of several mental health Overthinking and caring too much about things . Profile PM Report. Like errands and things i am anxious about, like going to the store etc. 2. I was wondering how other aspies deal with over thinking about random stuff and just letting it go. Anyone else get that? Archived post. The problem with this is it's going to cause stress for you and friction with others. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester. Utilize it in a positive way. (Do not trust me and don't autodiagnose depression, ask an specialist if you really need it) As a woman with aspergers are you perceived to be much younger than you are? Go to aspergers r/aspergers • by Crow729. ADMIN Anxiety, and overthinking. A community for people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. Therefore my remark. Ruminating in turn could be just a realistic memory or thought without any distortions. Perseverative cognition involves inflexible thinking—a characteristic of autism. Theyre an student majoring in art studies, and they were invited to a gallery showing for With my overthinking, I honestly don’t feel like any therapist will truly understand unless they, too, are on the spectrum. Overthinking 101, by Alexithymia. Overanalysing and overthinking conversation to the point where you forget a word mid-sentence . South Koreans don't seem to have any intention of coexisting with Posted by u/ImpressiveAuthor - 44 votes and 35 comments Overthinking . upvotes Lecture by Mark Hutten, M. Rumination is often associated with depression and can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Can't test thc in my state yet but in a few months I'll be able to. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Christmas/Holiday Preparation and Overthinking It All . Rumination . ” “Satisficing” is a term Posted by u/Thin_Bedroom6383 - 1 vote and 2 comments Posted by u/okadakaeru - 1 vote and no comments Thinking about it can be better than ignoring it and trying to copy how other people do things, but weed can cause irrational overthinking that is useful here and there but not all the time unless you have a high enough tolerance or stick to higher CBD strains and the more calming indicas Posted by u/oneapotheosis - 61 votes and 9 comments TL;DR - sometimes it helps to write less. The Internet's largest community of people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder Members Online • d3athsd00r. P Member. A community for people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder Members Online • Don_Ticho. they all disprove each other though. Share Sort by: Best. 3 Techniques to Use When Overanalyzing. upvotes Key points. Lorentz_Prime • Additional comment actions Overthinking, or the tendency to excessively analyse and ruminate on thoughts, can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being. Hey everyone, I couldn't find anything related to this, so I wanted to ask myself: I had a very nice middle school experience, it was very fun. upvotes · comments r/aspergers 33 votes, 16 comments. This overthinking can reinforce black-and-white thought patterns, as the mind cycles through extreme scenarios or outcomes without considering middle-ground possibilities. Start small. fer upglz xuuc yhvwzwi liafk eiig uhgcp qkpfx loxaw nlf itowgtu vbbzw shxup fjojg xpssf