40m 20m vertical antenna So during the preparation for this contest in 2010 I built a dedicated vertical for 40m. I’ve been using my 40m/30m/20m end fed half wave antenna very successfully on SOTA activations but it requires a reasonable amount of space. docx), PDF File (. 2m long Horizon 150w 40m/20m Trapped Dipole Wire Antenna HF Radio Amatuer $117. Thanks Peter for the inspiration. Listed under the Antennas/Vertical category that is about Vertical antennas plans. Offers improved performance with a low takeoff angle for excellent DX performance. 30m, 23 ft. 2 m, a center loading coil, CHA puck hub, four tent pegs and an SOTA 3-Band Vertical Antenne with Loading Coil by mfhepp. html 40m EFHW Vertical Phased Array; 80m Delta Loop; 160m Delta Loop; Multi-Band. Wide bandwidth means more time operating and less time stuck on a frequency your trap vertical is tuned for. Full size quarter wave radiator for 40 Meters -- thats 33 feet of ruthless radiating power. For 40m, it incorporates a full-size quarter-wave radiator. 3) on 80m and 40m, and 3 till 10m. DX Engineering 40 Meter Fast Taper High Performance Vertical Antennas are self-supporting vertical antenna radiators that operate over the entire 40 meter band with an SWR of less than 1. Add to cart. On 20m-6m (13. End loading, the most efficient form of loading is used for 80m. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 706 0 R/ViewerPreferences 707 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC Here we take a look at building a simple 20M Vertical Dipole purely from RG58 Coax. Frequency band: 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz amateur radio bands (40m/20m/15m/10m) CP5H Five-Band Trap Vertical Antenna Diamond’s new CP5H is a five band (40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M) trap vertical antenna with trap radials. 5 TO 1 . A high-performance 80/40 Meter vertical. 00; Qty: Add to Cart. $329. Antenna, 40 Meter Vertical, 40m, Quarter Wave, Fold-Over, 5,000 W, Adjustable 35 ft. With a nominal gain of 3dBi, it provides a typical VSWR of less than 1. Its light weight, 6. Antenna, Vertical, Rapide2, With Ground Mounted Post, Multi-Band, 40-6 meters, 23 ft. 17m, 13 ft. Element Length: 6. It arrived in ten days via FedEx but it's sometimes %PDF-1. 5kW PEP SSB, the MFJ-1792 is capable of handling high power levels. The antenna is ideal for local communications within 1000-2000 km of your location or for DX depending on how high the antenna is mounted and in what configuration. As for being heard, well it’s a similar story, below is a map showing all the The TZ-V-xx are full sized quarter wave vertical antennas that are excellent performers providing single band performance with superior gain and bandwidth to trapped designs. I already DX Engineering 40 Meter Fast Taper High Performance Vertical Antennas. SIDER POLE: https://hamradiostore. Ideal for long-distance communication, requires radials for optimal performance. On Line Shop; Terms of Sale; InnovAntennas provide Complete EME Antenna Systems including everything you need to be you active. I would love to know the prescribed way to create a simple vertical antenna for 20m using the Buddipole. I purchased about 8 years ago. Antennas, Splitters, cables, baluns, rear splitter mounts, rotators 40m compact fan dipole for 40, 30 and 20m bands; Introduction to the 60m Band Plan (5 MHz) 5. With the 40m coil it is only resonant on 40m. They have been very effective, especially on 20m where I make most of my contacts. ith its size, ease of installa-tion, and reliable perfor-mance, the 40 meter quarter wavelength vertical antenna is a very popular HF antenna. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. For a ground mounted quarter-wave vertical, a minimum of 20 radials, each 32 feet long, should be used. GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands JPC-12 Antenna for Outdoor 4. 73 DE SV2TCB #amateurradio #hombrew #antenna #portable #icom". -you might be able to get a multiwire 40m/20m inv. 95; Description: A Mono GAP is a single band antenna that acts as an asymmetrically fed vertical dipole. GAP Eagle 6 Band Vertical, 10/12/15/17/20/40m. The QX1 Antenna kit, is a small, ultra portable vertical 40m, 20-10m antenna with a male BNC connector and telescoping whip, rated at 20W. I thought it would be interesting to try a vertical so that on busy summits (or in other portable locations) I could just bungee my 6m fishing pole to a fence post and get quickly on the air. M0AWS 40m Band EFHW Phased Vertical Array Antenna View. After a successful experiment with a 1/4 wave vertical for 40m we wanted to build a vertical for 20m too. In some instances, the verticals can be adjusted so that higher bands can be accommodated by removing the top sections of the antenna. doc / . 134. Power [W] 1200 W GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands for Outdoor 4. vertical and a tuner I may just lighten the load. DX Engineering. In exchange you get pretty solid performance on each band, accepting the The QBV 40m/20m-10m Antenna is a small, portable, vertical antenna kit. Diamond’s new CP5H is a five band (40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M) trap vertical antenna with trap radials. Antenna bandwidth : 40m: 150kHz / 20m: 450kHz / 15m: 800kHz / 10m: 1000kHz : Rated wind speed : 35 m/s : Antenna interface type: SL16-K : Weight : about Superlight SOTA Vertical for 40-30-20m with Loading Coil by mfhepp. 0-7. This item does not qualify for free shipping. 9 : Weight: 2. It is a redesign of the approach of an antenna marketed by QRPguys Xiegu VG4 antenna is a 40/20/15/10 meters 4-band GP type vertical antenna and is made of aluminum alloy with anti-oxidation surface. 5mm allen key * 8mm socket wrench * 6”adjustable wrench SPECIFICATIONS The HORIZON multi band vertical antenna features include: Operating Bands 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, CHELEGANCE KC4 SHORTWAVE 4-BAND VERTICAL ANTENNA, 40M/20M/15M/10M quantity. It consists of high-quality components, including the CHA spike mount, antenna base, four 3. If I hear it I work it. At that height, the 20m center fed antenna is very close to 75 ohms by itself, so I used that as a starting point. 5m. A 43' vertical of heavy duty construction for use on 5 bands between 60m and 17m. chelegance. Not only will the antenna serve me well at Pigeon House, it will make a good low-profile antenna option for Mt Kosciuszko. The name GP4 presumably refers to the claimed four bands as a ground plane. 5:1, and are less than 35 ft. This is the enclosure and winder for a superlight, base loaded vertical antenna, mainly for SOTA operating. Hustler 6-BTV 6-BTV HUSTLER 80-10m Vertical 1kW. 137 MHz 60m AM transmission test; Multi-banding 10m long 1/4 wave 40m vertical antenna for 15m band; Using Petroleum Jelly for temporary antenna connectors; TS990s External Keypad; My second Gap Vertical, a 20M mono. Its ideal for hiking POTA and SOTA activations. 6 pounds, makes it very manageable during the installation process and This antenna is a dipole with lumped-constant loading. 4. 40m compact fan dipole for 40, 30 and 20m bands; Introduction to the 60m Band Plan (5 MHz) 5. 00; Ex Tax: £42. -if not above then just try the 20m horizontal dipole. 163 - KT0NY Over-and-Under DX Antenna for 20m . Antenna This is a multi-element vertical HF antenna I designed. On 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m and 12m, band edges are better than 1. 2 thoughts on “20m Vertical Dipole” Fred Review Summary For : ARRL EFHW 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m antenna kit, made by HFkits; Reviews: 3 MSRP: $70; Description: ARRL has partnered with HF Kits to bring you this easy-to-build four-band antenna kit: an end-fed half-wave (EFHW) antenna. When installing the antenna, the vertical inclination angle of the balun must not be greater than 20 degrees to ensure water The antenna operates across the 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m bands and can handle up to 1500W PEP of power. 100+ bought in past month 400W Shortwave Radio Antenna 8 Band 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m 80m Long Wire Antenna, 1:64 Balun No Tuning. The design was purposely based on a telescoping fibre glass fishing rod as this allows it to be easily stowed away in the car. Skip to. Do I use the red coil with the green #10 tap, one set of arms, and the whip extended to 4 1/2 sections? 20M, & 40M with that particular arrangement. My own issue is that I needed just one antenna that would deliver an all-band solution, certainly for the contest bands of 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m – but I also needed 80m in the mix too. Well, it would be compact if made for 20M or above, and the mechanical parts of this thing would be much simpler than the needs of a tower mounted antenna. Adrian PA0RDA and I once bought a bunch of glass fibre masts with a length of 12. In this solar cycle don't bet on much DX. I have been using quarter wave vertical whips in the past; usually ground-mounted with 4 radial wires. 5Ft) (M10) Shark Antennas S-FM10 Mono Band HF 10 Meter Mini Mobile Vertical Antenna with 3/8x24 Threads, Handles 250W Max A shortened multiband antenna, about 23m long, for 80m - 10m bands with a low SWR (1. the rest were at 20 watts. South America with S9 plus signal on psk and cw with less than 50 watts. 5m 40m/30m/20m vertical Antenna! Watch the Video on my YouTube channel: SV2TCB and make YOUR own. It is resonant on 40m and 20m but a tuner is required for 17m through 10m. It is resonant on the whole 40m band with only a whip length adjustment. End loading, low-loss fiberglass form, high strength 6061 - T6 Aluminum tubing, handles 1500 Watts PEP, requires guying and radials counterpoises or ground screen. 800. 9) ZeroFive Antennas 6 Meter 5/8 Wave Vertical: 1: 2009-01-27: 129. 5 feet (9. 1/4 wave vertical with a pair of elevated radials be on 30m or 40m. You can add Europe as well. GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands for Outdoor 4. Thanks to its flat, horizontal radiation pattern, the HV-4E is ideally suited for DX operation and local interference is effectively suppressed. 2M (0) 20M; Vertical Bazooka Antenna 20 meter band; Vertical Bazooka Antenna 20 meter band Availability: 1; £42. On 20m the antenna is 2 wavelengths long. Over the years I’ve built many multi band vertical HF antennas including multi-element quarter wave verticals like the DXCommander configuration, multiple end fed vertical dipoles all on the same pole and a host of other configurations. 79. Forget it in your urban-rooftop situation. The VG4 is weather proofed and can resist up to level 12 wind gusts. Also a full size quarter Normally, an EFHW antenna made for the 40-meter band as main or principal band will be resonant on 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m, and often with 6m as an additional bonus. 20m 40m trapped squid pole antenna By VK3ZPF. 5 m Antenna Type: Omni-directional Antenna : Design of antenna: Vertical Omni : Show more Show less. 1 Meter(13. 5 out of 5 stars. Added to Cart. I have 2 elements on it which will tune up on 40m, 20m, and 15m without a tuner and most others with Here's another simple antenna to build in the back garden. 161 - Simple Killer Antenna for 40m . Peter G3OJV gives full details. Related Products: Antennas. It is Xiegu VG4 antenna is a 40/20/15/10 meters 4-band GP type vertical antenna and is made of aluminum alloy with anti-oxidation surface. For example, G8JNJ’s “Fat Max” vertical uses a tape measure. The lower end was about 2m above ground and the top of the antenna reached a little over 12m. The performance of this antenna on the 40m band is excellent, if I can hear the DX normally I can work this article documents the author s journey in building modifying and testing a diy short vertical antenna for 40 30 and 20 meters with potential 80m capability initially inspired by parks on the air pota the author explores pedestrian mobile operation and details various experiments to enhance antenna performance the piece highlights challenges swr tuning portability and practical results Here is a simple antenna you can make from wire that covers the two bands 20m and 40m. The options may be chosen on the product page StealthIR 20m-6m Flagpole Antenna Package $ 3,107. org the only real choice I have is using 40m or 80m bands. We recommend purchasing a ring terminal to SO-239 adapter, which Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands for Outdoor 4. On 30m the antenna is just short of 1. An advertisement for the i-Pole by Proantennas on the WIMO Homepage made me curious and I decided to give that antenna system a try too. Inside the coil is a length of RG58 coaxial cable acting as a capacitor. and all but three were on 20 meters. My primary interest was a lightweight portable vertical antenna for 40m, as for 20m - 10m I use my Hustler 4-BTV 4 Band Vertical HF Fixed Station 10M 15M 20M 40M. 00 and 2200. 777. When the antenna is functioning as a dipole on 40m and 30m, the passive element is retracted so that there is zero potential for interaction between the two elements. 5 meter long wire radial is wound on a cord reel and is designed for All Vertical Antennas products from Ham Radio. Performance on 15M is good as well. 37m top capacitance hat and a high-Q coil which is the same as the MFJ-1792 but also features a full-size quarter wave radiator for 20m. But if you really want just one band, you can cut a piece of copper pipe to exactly a quarter wave of 20M, roughly 200 inches long, and add some radials of various long lengths. The radials contribute to the radiation efficiency of the entire vertical antenna system. tall. Telescoping Mast, Metal End Cap/Ground Plate, Hardware, Kit Part Number: DXC-RAPIDE2-PLUS Not Yet Reviewed VERTICAL DIPOLE FOR 40M (AND HIGHER) LIGHTWEIGHT PORTABLE VERTICAL DIPOLE ON A FIBREGLASS FISHING POLE . The antenna is ideal for use with a 6m fiber-glass or carbon-fiber mast. Standing at 7. Instead of a dipole physical length of 65 feet (19. Multi-banding 10m long 1/4 wave 40m vertical antenna for 15m band; Using Petroleum Jelly for temporary antenna connectors; TS990s External Keypad; How to make a stealth Antenna works without a balun is required easy field trip antenna or base antenna. Product is in production Below you will find brief information for vertical antenna BiggIR 40m - 6m, vertical antenna SmallIR 20m - 6m. 5:1, ensuring efficient transmission. txt) or read online for free. The BuddiStick PRO was developed as a portable multi-band vertical antenna for the bands 40m - 6m and is ideally suited for all transceivers with output powers of up to 250 watts. 10m, 8 ft. 20m, 16 ft. The antenna mounted on a 8m fibreglass mast during a SOTA activation. Three of those were at 5w. The multi section element is Built from super strong T-832 Drawn aircraft 40M (34) 60M (7) 11 M (CB) (10) 80M (18) 160M (0) Show All HF. The claimed bands are 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m. What’s more, with proper matching, it also performs very well on the 20 meter band. It covers 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m bands through automatic band switching performed by a single coax cable feed. VHF. 8 out of 5 stars Buy Xiegu VG4 24. It is designed for any outdoor portable applications where weight, portability, and ease of setup is a prime concern. 41 Select options This product has multiple variants. 07 – $ 2,446. It is designed to be used with a 6m fiberglass mast from lambdahalbe. The document also discusses the trade-offs related to different radial For example, a 40m antenna may be usable on 20m, 15m, and 10m, while an 80m antenna may be usable on many of the bands above 7 MHz, even if the resonances don’t line up exactly with the band edges. Horizon 27mhz Aluminium Vertical CB base antenna for HF CB RADIO 5. Antenna Review Summary For : ZeroFive Antennas 40M full size vertical; Reviews: 8 MSRP: 269. The Cushcraft HV-4E is a powerful multiband vertical antenna for the 40, 20, 15 and 10 m bands. currently a trapped 40 & 80m dipole with added wires for 20m, and changing it to be a 20, 40 & 80m trapped dipole The outer surface of the coax braid will often be a suitable alternative. 5Ft) (M10) Shark Antennas S-FM20 Mono Xiegu VG4 vertical antenna is made of aluminum alloy with anti-oxidation surface. To avoid needing long radials I still wanted it to 46 likes, 4 comments - sv2tcb_antennas on September 29, 2024: "2. Search. Note that I now use *three* one-gallon water jugs hung from the underside for the 20m T-Monopole short vertical antenna for 20 meters by AA5TB A 40m Vertical This antenna is intended as a simple, inexpensive solution for the newcomer to experiment across the 40m band (7. Literally is really small and just WORKS. The EFHW Vertical Phased Array is as simple as two vertical half wave wires both of which are fed via their own 49:1 Unun. The approx. 00 (5) ZeroFive Antennas 80M full size vertical: 7: 2013-01-16: 1000. Manufacturer: General Product Safety Regulation EU 2023/988 (GPSR) The MFJ-1792 is a high-performance vertical antenna designed for 80 and 40m bands. End loading, low-loss fiberglass form, high strength 6061 - T6 Do you want a simple, inexpensive, and effective HF antenna? If you do, then this easy-to-make homebrew vertical design from Mike Hannah (W9XAX) should interest you. 8 metres tall and weighing 7kg, the KC-4 is easy to install with included mounting clamps and Tools you will require to assemble this antenna: * 2. -This is a single band antenna tuned for the 20 Metres band. Request Stock Alert . I compared antennas on a number of signals and the vertical is consistently a couple S units lower on receive. Typically, the 80m antenna is almost impossible in this back yard, so the 40m is a good compromise. I made one DX contact with La Paz Mexico with a 10-over nine report from XE2HWJ with only 100w to the Review Summary For : GAP Antenna Products Mono Gap; Reviews: 21 MSRP: 119. This antenna is a dx machine, 20M psk31, 30 watts, New Guinea and the Pacific rim. The 40 meter Mono-Band 1/4 WAVE Vertical antenna is a heavy duty freestanding foldover vertical antenna. With permission from Joe Everhart, (N2CX), we have adapted his 40-30-20m portable vertical antenna design using switched toroids for the base loading inductance into a lightweight The QBV 40m/20m-10m Antenna is a small, portable, vertical antenna kit. SKU: CH0010013 Categories: ALL, ANTENNAS, HF ANT. 82 Read more; SmallIR Mark III Vertical Antenna, 20m-6m Package $ 1,896. Antenna parts: • light duty 5 metre squid Adding a Director to a ¼ wave 40M HF vertical antenna . The fibre masts are just tall enough to hold a 5/8 vertical for 20m, the idea of building a 5/8 was born. Antennas: Vertical. SKU: ZHU-4-BTV . Description Where-to-Buy DOCUMENTATIONs DESCRIPTION . 00 (4. Antennas; 20m Projects Receivers CW Transceivers SSB Transceivers Transmitters Amplifiers Dipole Antennas Loop Antennas Beam Antennas In 2006 I operated on 40m with a vertical antenna for a while. com www. Shark HamSticks cover a single band, fiberglass mast measures 24" (10, 15, & 20m) or 36” (40 & 75m) with integral coil and an adjustable (removable) stainless steel whip. co. Fed with 50 ohm coax with no need for a matching unit, this aerial is unobtrusive, has a very low angle of radiation (good for DX) and, depending on the junk Just how awful would a 20m. The vertical angle of radiation is 16 degrees, while the horizontal radiation pattern is omnidirectional with a 360-degree coverage. Wire 1 (radiator) is exactly 20m tall and wire 2 (reflector) is 21m tall. Easy Multi Band Vertical Antenna for HF; 20m – 10m Bi-Directional Slot Fed Antenna; The 20m EFHW Vertical antenna and Yaesu FTDX10 radio combination really does have good ears. 164 - Horizontal Loop Antennas . It’ll not cost too much and it will perform very well. 95 NOTE: This antenna uses ring terminal studs for it's feedline connection. 3 m). HORIZON 100W OCF40LP 40M/20M/10M OFF 40m/20m/15m/10m/6m vertical 11'8" cp-5h multi band hf base antenna Diamond's new CP5H is a five band (40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M) trap vertical antenna with trap radials. The space between them is exactly 10. uk/20m-t2l Horizon 9 Band 100w Vertical antenna 40m/10m plus 11m $379. Ultimately, not a complicated setup. The vertical itself is a simple wire, Converting a 40m vertical to run on 80m / 75m band; ACOM 600s automatic HF linear amplifier; Multi-banding 10m long 1/4 wave 40m vertical antenna for 15m band; Using Petroleum Jelly for temporary antenna connectors; TS990s External Keypad; How to make a stealth amateur radio wire antenna; Marine Vertical Installation with Radials Inspired by Peter VK3YE who recently created the Wadetenna, a 5 metre center loaded vertical for 40m, I built a similar antenna combined with a 4 wire ground plane. 3 kg : Max. 50 Select options; CrankIR 80m-2m Vertical Antenna Package $ 1,525. 95 - 229. 1 Efficient vertical antenna UB-V40 with a height of 11m and variable radiator length. support@chelegance. 137 MHz 60m AM transmission test; Multi-banding 10m long 1/4 wave 40m vertical antenna for 15m band; Using Petroleum Jelly for temporary antenna connectors; TS990s External Keypad; Buy JYR4010-400W End Fed Half Wave Antenna 400W Shortwave Radio Antenna 4 Band 10m 15m 20m 40m Long Wire Antenna 1:64 Balun No Tuning: Radio Antennas - Amazon. 95 £220. With a A Heavy Duty, Self supporting vertical HF antenna for HF 43' long. These antennas are hand made and 100% tested on bench equipment and in the field. 60m/40m/30m/20m/17m Band vertical HF antenna Call for price Description. Unlike the dipole antenna, which is comprised of two quarter-wavelength wires and fed at its center, the My vertical 3 band QRP antenna for portable use on 40m, 20m and 30m . Horizon 600w 80m/40m/15m QRO Trapped Dipole with 1:1 Balun $202. 5 meters to do experiments with vertical antennas. So anyway I decided on an element length of 5ft (Approx 1. Multiband Vertical Antenna Build Guide Well, I always liked the 4BTV and 5BTV vertical antennas. An EFHW for 10m, 20m and 40m is one of my go-to antennas in the field. This gave me a full size antenna for the 40m band. DX Commander CLASSIC HF Multi-Band Vertical Antennas are an excellent choice for DX performance and general operations. It GP4 HF vertical antenna review With little space in the back yard here I decided to try a cheap vertical I saw on AliExpress. 37m top capacitance hat and a high-Q coil. 5Ft) (M10) Try again! Details . The TZ-OCF-40 is an Off Center Fed wire antenna designed to permit operation on the 40m, 20m and 10m amateur DX bands. g8amc. 5:1, with the best SWR typically at This indicates I need to lengthen the vertical antenna itself between the 15m and 20m traps or I might have a “questionable” 20m trap on the vertical. The 20m configuration is a true quarter-wave vertical; one of the toroids is switched in series for 30m, and both are placed in series for 40m. -The low SWR comes thru losses in the end stub lenght adjustment and radials. 5M) of 5/8 inch (16mm) plastic conduit. 6 pounds, makes it very manageable during the installation process and will allow for a simple mast solution. Windom Antenna 10-80; A 40m Vertical Antenna; The Grid Yagi; Quickie Vertical; About Loop Antennas; Antenna Basics Our most popular antenna is the 9 band vertical, but we also have a broad band vertical and we also cater for CBers with our 5. Skip to the end of the images gallery 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m : Max. I have been using my 20 & 40m trapped vertical for twelve months now and the setting up and taking down was starting to take its toll on the wires in and out of the trap. 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m : Impedance [Ohm] 50 : Height: 5. with a manual tuner (MFJ-902). 00 (5) ZeroFive Antennas Custom Insulated Vertical Mount: 3: 2007-06-18 (5) ZeroFive Antennas heavy duty foldover vertical antennas Diamond’s new CP5H is a five band (40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M) trap vertical antenna with trap radials. 0 -40m is not a DX band unless you have lots of space to set up decent antennas. Doing a lot of portable QRP activity for SOTA and GMA I repeatedly ended up on summits with no trees or structures to mount a 40 or 20m dipole QRP antenna like my self built lightweight 20m dipole for SOTA. 20m > 500 kHz, 40m KC-4 4 Band Vertical Antenna (40M/20M/15M/10M) The KC-4 is a robust, 4-band vertical antenna designed for base station use, supporting up to 1000 watts PEP. It is self supporting and in most cases don’t need guy wires. A Vertical Dipole Nashua Area Radio Society. The UB-20MX is the smallest of the beams from 6 to 20m, ideal for the terraced house or other situations with limited space. 13 I didn’t have enough physical space for my favorite 80m loop so I had to do with 20m instead. in height are good candidates for above-ground mounting. Frequency band: 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz amateur radio bands (40m/20m/15m/10m) During the PACC contest in 2009 we missed a good performing antenna for 40m. Antennas are tested SWR LOWER THEN 1. Construction. It utilizes end loading, which is known for its efficiency on 80m. 5 wavelengths, and the lobes off the ends of the wire are becoming more pronounced. ANTENNA DESCRIPTION. Using 32 radials at 32 feet long is preferred and highly GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands for Outdoor 4. 160 - Marconi Antenna for 136 kHz . 0703. 41 – $ 2,874. The antenna requires no radials or additional grounding, as its design incorporates an effective internal counterpoise. 07 Select options This product has GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands JPC-12 Antenna for Outdoor 4. 165 - Ribbon J-Pole for 2m Coil Vertical Antenna 60m / 40m / 30m / 20m Version 1. The 40M and 20M dipoles being full size perform very well indeed, and I regularly get 5 by 9 +10 or +20 reports when running barefoot, both locally and into ZL. RF Choke - Vertical Antenna Ground Isolation - 2025; DL6WU & G0KSC Element Correction for Yagis - 2025; RG-213 Choke Calc Version 3; On-line Shop. vertical and wire antennas on 40m during morning hours. The large diameter vertical element means more bandwidth and high wind handling. 5Ft) (M10) Proxicast Coaxial Lightning Arrester/Suppressor with UHF SO-239 Female Connectors - Pro-Grade Coax Cable Surge Protector for RF, HF, VHF, UHF, CB, Ham, Two The Chameleon CHA BV (Basic Vertical) is a resonant vertical antenna that can be tuned to individual frequency bands between 40 and 10 meters. Xiegu VG4 vertical antenna is made of aluminum alloy with anti-oxidation surface. 8 out of 5 stars. 75 m long CHA B radials, CHA SS17 antenna telescope, length 5. Custom Antennas made to your specification. Covering 40M, 20M, 15M, and 10M bands, it delivers reliable performance without the need for ground radials. Regulars will know about the DX Commanders very cool results which are now filtering through in real world successful contest scenarios. Bandwith on 80m is 300kHz 20m End Fed Antenna 20m end fed half wave vertical antenna End Fed Half Wave Antenna for 6 / 40 Meter an homemade portable vertical antenna with a trap near the mid point of the main element the trap is made with 42mm diameter pvc pipe with 9 turns of wire on it. The 40 Meters band stealth vertical antenna by K7ZB “You’re 30dB over 9 here” So goes the consistently fine signal reports received from around the USA and beyond – on 40 meters at the peak of Sun Spot Cycle 23. The options may be chosen on the product page CrankIR 80m-2m Vertical Antenna Package $ 1,525. Also, I had a cheap TV antenna rotator lying around, begging to be used for 159 - Multiband Vertical Antenna for 80m, 40m, 20m . 2 λ. 5Ft) (M10) 4. Safety information. 3-54 mHz), the UrbanBeam functions as a two element Yagi. de; it may fit other similar masts. 40m, 33 ft. Plastic washing line reels or chalk line holders can be used to roll up 20m & 40m trapped vertical squid pole antenna repair. Being a half-wavelength on that band, the antenna pro-vides an efficient low-angle radiation ZeroFive Antennas 40M full size vertical: 8: 2023-01-26: 269. 2m 1/2 wave. I started as a horizontal dipole but over a few days became a vertical. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands for Outdoor 4. We are offering this design in two kits. It uses a 1. Buy JYR4010-150W End Fed Half Wave Antenna 150W Shortwave Radio Antenna 4 Band 10m 15m 20m 40m Long Wire Antenna 1:64 Balun No Tuning (Silver): Radio Antennas - Amazon. 00; Description: The Zerofive 40 meter monoband vertical is a freestanding high performance antenna. With a vertical antenna system, the radials are the second half of the antenna. The It strikes me that a tapped-coil vertical is the vertical equivalent of a link dipole! The down side to both is that you have to visit the antenna to change bands. It is switch selectable for the 40m band then switched for 20m through 10m bands. I use mostly for cw and psk31. A COFFEE-BREAK QUARTER WAVE VERTICAL FOR 20 METRES: Let’s take a break by building a very simple and yet extremely effective aerial for 20 metres. 95. On the bands 30m, 17m and 12m such an antenna will be far from resonant, with VSWR values of 20:1 to 40:1 or higher at the antenna. The 20m antenna is simple and cheap to make, and has a performance that matches commercial antennas but at cost considerably lower. . 162 - Stub-Directed V Antenna for 80m . KC-4 4 Band Vertical Antenna (40M/20M/15M/10M) The KC-4 is a robust, 4-band. Add to Cart. 9. For maximum efficiency use the largest practicable diameter wire for both the loading coil and the dipole legs. 0 - 01/09/2021 This document was written by Bob Fryer - VK1ERF – www. 100+ bought in past month 150W Shortwave Radio Antenna, 8 Band 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m 30m 40m 80m Long Wire Antenna, 1:64 Balun No Tuning. It is light, solid and easy to install. 5Ft) (M10) The MFJ-1793 high-performance vertical antenna for 80, 40 & 20m. The traps are tuned to resonance at the desired A Heavy Duty, Self supporting vertical HF antenna for HF 43' long. Add To Cart. Thanks to Stuart M0OVG @ G8AMC radio club. With a power rating of 1. KC4 is a 4-band, 1000-watt resonant vertical antenna for base station use. This document describes how to install and use the SteppIR vertical antennas and provides advice on choosing between ground mounted and elevated installations. The antenna features a 1. At heights of 30' to 100' (10 to 30 meters), it will work well, as long as its physical length is longer than 0. uk/spiderpole-12m. Each Mono Gap is rated to handle the legal power limit and provide continuous coverage under 2:1 across the entire specified band. 12m, 9 ft. While the match is good the pattern is not ideal for DX. BigIR Mark IV Vertical Antenna, 40m-6m Package $ 2,324. Availability: Accepting Backorders. £264. Full 20 meter band coverage is available by simply telescoping the tubing to On 40m, where the antenna is 1 wavelength, the pattern is still maximum broadside to the antenna, but with a little bit more gain, and the lobes are a little narrower. It is light, solid, of high-quality materials and components that were easily assembled. 0 Review . Diamond Antenna W8010 Long Wire Dipole Antenna for 80m/40m/20m/15m/10m, 63' Long, 1. It is resonant on 20m without the added 40m coil, but requires a tuner for the other bands. The Xiegu VG4 is a 4-band ground plane antenna made of weather-resistant aluminum alloy. 82 Read more A high-performance 80/40 Meter vertical. This is the body for a 3-band, base loaded ham radio antenna for 40, 30, and 20m. 2kW Max Power Rating GOOZEEZOO Radio Antennas JPC-12 HF Antennas for Ham Radio with Slide Regulator 7MHz-50MHz All Band Hf Vertical Antenna 40m-6m 8 Bands JPC-12 Antenna for Outdoor 4. The document describes how to make 40m antenna traps using 42mm PVC pipe with 15 turns of insulated wire wound around it. 00 sold out. https://www. A built in Heavy duty foldover is the same one 20m n 40m Vertical Antenna - Free download as Word Doc (. vee on that roof. 00 Add To Cart. Thanks to Steve (KM4SLW) and his friends at "Ham Radio Portable" for this efficient, lightweight, inexpensive vertical antenna for the 20 This is an easy to build and easy to carry and packable shortened 20 thru 40 meter vertical antenna. It would have pretty low take off angles for DX use. One leg has a link with an extension to lower the resonant frequency to 30m (fed rather off-center), then the other leg has a link and enough wire to make the whole antenna resonate on 40m (fed a little bit off center) when the 30m Chelegance KC4 4-Band HF Vertical Base Antennas are versatile and powerful 4-band HF vertical antennas designed for base station use covering the 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10 meter bands and provide the operator seamless multi-band Field Day antenna. 6Ft High 4-Band Base Station Vertical Antenna, SO239 Connector, for HF Transceiver: Radio Antennas - Amazon. 8m), the physical length is 30. Quick Compact Vertical Antenna . pdf), Text File (. com Dimensions 14x14x120cm Weight 7kg Maximumpowerhandling 1000wattPEP(CW500W,RTTY300W) Antennaimpedance 50Ω antenna system. digitalshack. 2MHz) when only restricted space is Back at my QTH I run the IC-705 or an IC-7100 using a Hustler 4BTV vertical antenna (with many ground radials), and the noise floor on 40m or 20m is consistently S6 to S7, so I only hear the loudest of signals, with the waterfall Shorter vertical antennas, such as Hustler's BTV series, Hy-Gain's AV-14AVQ, AV-18AVQ, and similar antennas with trap or coil loading under 30 ft. The antenna cost me AU$120 plus $128 shipping. Aluminum Tubing, Kit See More Specifications DX Engineering 40 Meter Quarter Wave Fold-Over Vertical Antennas DXE-40VE-1TB QX1 40m, 20m-10m Vertical Antenna kit – $25 BNC Antenna Mount/Adapter – $25 . Specialising in new & used Ham (Amateur) Radio, Commercial Two-Way Radio, Marine & Aviation equipments. G4NSJ – 20m vertical aerial antenna. I'm planning a trip and looking for the minimal package. 2020-07-12 Well, I've now logged ten QSOs with this "completed" antenna in its 40 and 20 meter configurations pictured above. The DS1 Antenna is a small, portable, vertical antenna system for 40m thru 10m. The InnovAntennas VertiGo - 43V. Beams from 6 to 20m and from 6 to 40m. I was planning on bringing a 9:1 matchbox antenna (earchi) as well but if similar results can be had using the 20m. MFJ-1793 80/40/20m Vertical Antenna, * Bands: 80, 40, 20m, My antenna is a full wave 40m delta loop which also matches well across 20m. 1.
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