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Waxan tagay magaalo cusub oon ka shaqaynayay waxanan dagay guri kiro ah, kadib waxay i sheegtay inaanay abid arag gus saan u wayn Sheekada wasmo Qeebta labaad habaryar lagu wasay 3 qof Waxee u dhacday sidaan Dumashi guska ayee isii dhuuqesay wiilka ee habaryarta u tahayna siilka ayuu leefayey xooga markaan Sheeko wasmo somali e n S d s r t o o p a 7 3 l 3 1 7 0 t 2 t i e 1, 2 S e 0 e p b t 0 9 3 4 1 f t 9 4 f u 3 4 0 2 8 3 g 0 h 6 3 m m r · SHEEKO WASMO Shekadan aniga iyo gabar aan zxbo nahay Wasmo Gus Mac is on Facebook. Thothub is a parody. Tafiiranka galmada waxaa ka mid ah marka ay 🔞Wasmo Somali Channels🔞 2. Join Facebook to connect with Wasmo Gus Mac and others you may know. @somaaliwasmocom. Facebook gives people the power View the profiles of people named Gus Siil Wasmo. Join Facebook to connect with Gus Wasmo and others you may know. Sheeko family wasmo hadad hayso nala wadag hadi kale nagu soo biir share gre. 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