Pairs in comsol Assembly + Identity Pairs (2) + Continuity applied to the 3 layers Only the results with 1. ir we do your comsol project +989021145350 The PDE interfaces have the following domain, boundary, pair, edge, and point conditions described in this section and listed in alphabetical order. The stiffness is based on the material properties and the mesh element size on both sides of a pair. The figure below illustrates when a Contact Pair coupling under For any structural contact simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software, you can use Form Assembly to finalize the geometry and automatically or man Contact pairs can be automatically generated during the finalization of the geometry sequence. This represents the value of radiative intensity along incoming discrete directions. #comsol #comsolmultiphysicsComsol s Henrik, so the Identify Pair Continuity condition is relative but the Identity Pair Roller condition is absolute? Thanks, Nagi Hi Nagi, Yes, the continuity condition makes the displacements equal (determined by the solution) whereas all the "copies of boundary conditions" just applies that boundary condition to both sides of the pair. Model Input. Depending on the domain conditions active in the adjacent domains, the constraint is applied either on relative humidity, vapor concentration or vapor mass fraction on boundary pairs. When friction is included for a gear pair, frictional forces in the plane perpendicular to the line of action For any structural contact model in COMSOL Multiphysics, you should finalize the geometry using Form Assembly and create contact pairs. the concentration of the surface of the solid (=boundary between gas and solid) is directly influenced by the If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, enter instead values or expressions for the Young’s modulus, source, E src (SI unit Pa), the Young’s modulus, destination, E dst (SI unit Pa), the Poisson’s ratio, source, ν src (dimensionless), and the Poisson’s ratio, destination, ν dst (dimensionless). I found the "Fracture Flow" interface can be applied on the contact pairs, but it always causes some unexcepted issues. † All the pairs in the geometry appear in the Pair Selection section of the Fluid-Structure Interaction, Pair node. In this demo Identity pair is a pair that connects parts in an assembly using constraints on the equations so that the solution becomes continuous across the border between the parts. Use an identity pair node ( for an identity boundary pair) to specify two selections of boundaries that overlap but belong to different parts of an assembly. Contact pairs can also be added automatically, based on boundary adjacency when . Hello, i just started with Comsol and i have a question. 0a, the identity pair tab shows edge source and edge destination which is correct, but when I try to create one from sracth it shows only boundary source and boundary destination listbox. Contact pairs can also be added automatically, based on boundary adjacency when It can be added to pairs by selecting Thermal Contact from the Pairs menu. Particular functionality may Hello,all I am simulating a pm motor in comsol Multiphysics, I use the rotating machinery magntic, I imported the dxf document. 0 that creates contact pairs automatically instead of manual selection of each boundary Thanks in advace for your help. Anyone have any ideas? Add Contact Pair nodes under Definitions. As of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5. Ordinary features that support this domain type also appear in a pair version among the physics interface’s pair The Continuity node can be added to pair boundaries. r. EDT 2 Replies . Continuity is only suitable for pairs where the boundaries match. #comsol #comsolmultiphysicsComsol s For any structural contact simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software, you can use Form Assembly to finalize the geometry and automatically or man Unless a boundary condition is specified on interior boundaries (such as a contact resistance condition), the COMSOL Multiphysics software ensures continuity in the field variables across interior boundaries. Hi , Im a beginner and i am using v4. Contact Pair 2 (ap2) 1 In the Model Builder window, click Contact Pair 2 (ap2). • Hello- I am looking to use contact pairs in my finite element mesh using Comsol. In the latter case, you will also need to add corresponding pair conditions in This node can be added to pairs. 0a, such as global pair generation so this is still to be done manually, Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. At the same time, I define a continuity boundary condition under the physics node and use the 'copy face' Pairs are available for assemblies (that is, geometries created by not forming a union of all geometry objects as the final step), where there is a need to connect boundaries between parts. Then all items are "assembled, but single lines and points are considered as orphans in assembly mode. Thermal Contact. Continuity has to be assumed on all interior boundaries and therefore, I defined an identity pair. When added to pair boundaries, the Continuity feature is applicable where where is global average strain tensor, and u * is a function that is periodic from one unit cell to another. For any structural contact model in COMSOL Multiphysics, you should finalize the geometry using Form Assembly and create contact pairs. I just want a continuity of variables along the identity boundary, (the identity pair is located in the gas domain), I use the default condition: continuity + magnetic insulation. This part of the contact problem is defined in the Contact Pair that sets up relevant variables and operators to map quantities between the selected source and destination boundaries. Second in comsol documentaions pairs is used between two different contact solids, i. It is built using the gears functionality in the Multibody Dynamics interface in COMSOL Multiphysics. The Wall feature can be overridden by any other boundary condition that applies to exterior boundaries. There are three types of pairs — identity pairs, contact pairs, and sector symmetry Use an identity pair node (for an identity boundary pair) to specify two selections of boundaries that overlap but belong to different parts of an assembly. What I mean is that you should use contact pair boundary condition under your module (let say you are using solid mechanics module) and there you should select which contact pairs you want to select If you wouldn't select it, the simulator You needed to create identity pair first. If the parts have All contact pairs, both manually and automatically created, are defined at: Component > Definitions > Contact Pair. study is reproduced, where we take a look at the influence of four main parameters on thermal contact resistance, and, thereby, the heat transfer: The rest parts of my motor I drew in comsol. This condition is a generalization of the sound-hard and sound-soft boundary conditions. I've actually got two models. In this blog The Electric Currents interface has these domain, boundary, edge, point, and pair nodes available from the Physics ribbon toolbar (Windows users) or Physics context menu (Mac or Linux users). 5 from Tobias Gasch, product developer at COMSOL. (See examples of this by searching @tag:cont See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details. where and T 0 are the prescribed relative humidity and temperature on the boundary. This means that you must use pairs to connect boundaries where a field is continuous, but it also makes it possible to use special pair conditions for applications such as contact modeling, where you can add contact pairs to See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details. See Selection Settings for Generic Feature. In this blog Add Contact Pair nodes under Definitions. Then assign a boundary condition to connect the physics nodes in the two parts in a physics interface. In a multiphysics analysis, a contact problem can also incorporate for example changes in the heat flux or electric current through the contacting boundaries. Thin Layer. In the equation view, I found a "Lagrange multipier for pressure" is added in the depended variables when I applied "Fracture flow" on "Contact pairs". Send Private Message Flag post as spam. e. In COMSOL Multiphysics, the contact search is Identity pairs is for use in COMSOL assembly model when you get many de-doubled boundaries, on some you could have contact pairs, but on others not. Introduction (0:00) Numerical Simulation with COMSOL Multiphysics (1:38) Setting Up Contact Problems (5:49) Live Demo: Adhesion and Decohesion of an Indenting Ball (16:00) Analyzing Simulation Results (38:07) Best Practices for Comsol tutorial In this video, I will teach you how to define a contact in solid mechanics physics in COMSOL multiphysics. HT. Ordinary features that support this domain type also appear in a pair version among the physics interface’s pair conditions. Contact pairs can also be added automatically, based on boundary adjacency. and 2. The continuity of the fields or the fluxes across a boundary pair in the case of using See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details. In this demo example, we show how these settings are used to enable contact in a stamping model. Since there are reflections from the far end, I've used assembly mode and identity pairs to try to launch the wave so that whatever is reflected is absorbed behind the port by a PML. Pairs between different geometry parts can then be automatically generated. This feature analyzes a complex-valued function of frequency given through its real and imaginary Schematic of a heart with two electrode pairs, where each pair is made up of one spherical working electrode and one annular counter electrode (see next image). Is This is a multiplier acting on the characteristic stiffness defined for all selected pairs. Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of a Surface-Mounted Resistor: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Thermal KNOWLEDGE BASE Can COMSOL import topological data, meshes and images? FORUM Creating Contact Pairs; BLOG Modeling Fluid-Structure Interaction in Multibody Mechanisms; FORUM model works with identity pairs but not with contact pairs; KNOWLEDGE BASE A Degenerated Tetrahedron was Created Pairs are available for assemblies (that is, geometries created by not forming a union of all geometry objects as the final step), where there is a need to connect boundaries between parts. 0 the way "create imprints" worked in Comsol 3. The continuity on a pair should be set from a single feature. When I open a file created in comsol 3. When Action is set to Form an assembly, you can select Create pairs, and use Contact pair as To enable structural interaction between the different parts of your model, you will use the Contact Pairs to define Contact boundary conditions in the Solid Mechanics interface. the solid (diffusion) and the gas (convection and diffusion) are in interaction. 5a, this was easily implemented by Draw>Create Pairs. The stabilization forces will then remain for a sufficient number of nonlinear iterations for contact forces to stabilize all adjacent parts after contact is established. 0a. For a pair feature, you do not have to specify the geometric entity level, because it is always boundary level. 9 1 Introduction T his guide describes the Mixer Module, an optional add-on package for COMSOL Multiphysics ® designed to assist you in setting up and solving transport problems in mixers and stirred vessels. Then you need to establish CONTINUITY on them, that is for what you mostly use identity pairs. † To constraint the motion of a gear, you can use Prescribed Displacement/Rotation or Fixed Constraint subnodes. Posted May 8, 2016, 4:16 p. If such user-defined property groups are added, The alternative method is to form an assembly. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for For users of the Structural Mechanics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics This is due to built-in automation of pairs, contact, and continuity features. When you have collision and bouncing you need to define this physics and I'm not sure this is done in COMSOL by default contact pairs, again you have here a multibody simulation demand Now how to better explain the differences betwee standard FEM and a multibody simluation tool such as Modelica ? specially since COMSOL is somewhere in-between. The continuity of the fields or I've seen other threads before discussing the "terminal" boundary condition, which supposedly simulates a terminal hooked up to an outside circuit that can simulate electron flow and induce a voltage drop or some sort of Hi I havent used these new features in V4 yet, but you should notice the the roller condition has sub-nodes. Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual In the following equations F is the deformation gradient matrix. When applied to pairs, Continuity is only suitable for pairs where the boundaries match. Pair nodes using the Gear Elasticity subnode. It may also be set by a Continuity or another Boundary Heat Source pair To help the mesh deformation I want to use identity pair. As the array of cells is a continuous structure, displacement continuity must be satisfied across the boundaries between the cells. After creating the contact pairs in the model under "definition", you should have specify it in the boundary conditions as well. Identity pairs connect overlapping boundaries in different connecting parts of an assembly. † All the Gear Pair nodes are assumed ideal and frictionless. m. For any rotating machinery model in COMSOL Multiphysics, you should finalize the geometry using Form Assembly and create identity pairs. I have just started using the new version of Comsol and I have a small question. Has anyone had any success automatically creating identity pairs for assemblies and getting the imprint functionality to work? I have been unable to get my mesh to line up in Comsol 4. For more information about mechanical contact modeling and guidelines for selecting source and destination boundaries for contact pairs, see the Structural Mechanics Module documentation. While I am defining the identity boundary pair, the source boundary and destination boundary are Hi, I am a new user to COMSOL 4. When Specify is set to Relative humidity, the equation for this condition is. In the other model, COMSOL allows the surfaces to pass through each other without resistance. I am having trouble modeling contact pairs on interior boundaries. 0 Replies Last Post Aug 25, 2021, 12:21 p. It prescribes that the temperature field is continuous across the boundary. are identical, the others are different (as in the pictures that I attached). Use the Periodic Pair node, selected from the Pairs menu, to specify a pair where the periodic condition is applied to the magnetic vector potential. 3 From the Mapping method list, choose Initial configuration. Isothermal Domain Interface. How do roller contact pairs differ from regular roller boundaries? Thanks. the solid has an initial concentration c and the gas c2 of the same species. If the parts have The Identical Mesh attribute is used to create a matching mesh on the mating faces of this simple 2D geometry, which was finalized using Form Assembly. The only options for Layer type is Identity pairs being ignored in structural mechanics problem. In the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual, see Table 2-4 for links to common sections and Table 2-5 for common feature nodes. The contact analysis functionality in COMSOL Multiphysics also includes the possibility to prescribe adhesion and decohesion between the contacting objects. One of them is labeled as source and the other as destination. In the 3. When Wavelength dependence of radiative properties is Constant, the Boundary radiation intensity I i should be specified. Within the Contact Pair node, select the boundary of the stiffer part under the Source Boundary menu. Please login with a Note that while COMSOL employees Gets name of in-contact variable that evaluates to zero or one depending on if the pair is in contact. Flow characteristics at the boundary, described in Plane Wave Analysis of Inviscid Flow, are utilized to implement the continuity of the flow and temperature fields. (See examples of this by searching @tag:cont Hi in V4. See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more In comsol 3. You can, for instance, simulate Today, guest blogger René Christensen of Acculution ApS discusses the Partial Fraction Fit feature, introduced in version 6. A contact pair consists of two sets of boundaries, which are called the source and destination boundaries. 925, working on Structural Mechanics 3D model, which is an assembly of 10 different parts. There are two types of pairs — identity pairs and contact pairs. In case of a line contact model, one additional constraint is added to restrict the relative rotation about a line joining the two gear centers. This section contains fields and values that are inputs for expressions defining material properties. Also in multiphysics, a mechanical contact pair could have another definition in i. The boundaries in a Boundary Pair subnode must always appear in parallel pairs. In the latter case, you will also need to add corresponding pair conditions in This node can be added to pairs, or as a subnode of the Fluid and Porous Matrix subnodes under Porous Medium. The standard method failed for the provided repair tolerance. Contact pair requires all frames to be defined by its component. 2 identity pairs are created by default, again ;) Another thing to remember, if you group your geometry with composite object or unions, then the "assembly" mode will only consider the external boundaries of these composed objects, and use standard continuity on the internal boundaries, this reduces drastically the number of "pair" boundaries to handle, for The COMSOL® software provides an easy solution for this problem with the Fluid-Structure Interaction, Pair multiphysics coupling, available as of version 5. Contact Pair 3 (ap3) 1 In the Model Builder window, click Contact Pair 3 (ap3). Constriction Conductance. 5 not yet ready in current 4. It prescribes that the temperature field is continuous across the pair. While creating contact pairs between the domains, I have to select each contact surface on Source and Destination boundaries. By right-clicking the Flow Continuity node, additional Fallback feature subnodes can be added. Use it for modeling structural contact and multiphysics contact. I'm setting up a very simple mode of a cylinder within a rectangular domain (in assembly mode). The current outputs I am getting using contact pairs are completely wrong. Then remove the contact pressure variable from the solve for list in the solver manager. An identity pair (Identity Boundary Pair ()) is a pair that, by default, makes the fields across two connected boundaries (one from each connecting object in an assembly) continuous. EDT Geometry, Structural Mechanics Version 5. When added as a subnode of the Fluid and Porous Matrix subnodes under Porous Medium, it ensures the Hi, I'm working on a problem where I want to launch a surface wave (plasmonic) down a gold rod and determine the power at the other end. The software then treats the geometry as a collection of the geometry objects instead of uniting them. Continuity is only suitable for See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details. Add the Interior Impedance node from the Interior Conditions submenu. Virtually The Fluid-Structure Interaction, Pair () multiphysics node provides a coupling between a pair of boundaries, where one is the boundary of a fluid domain and the other is part of solid structure. 1 0 Replies . For a pair feature, you do not have to specify the geometric entity level, because it is always boundary level. For some reason when I select an interior boundary (see attached fileexamples are boundaries 11 and 15 for contact pair 2 and 23, Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL In the Contact node, you define the mechanical and numerical properties for a set of contact pairs in a contact analysis. 5a: - I draw two blocks, one of top of the other. 5a version, where I can select all the parts of the assembly and apply to create contact pairs between different surfaces automatically. The magnets were with the magnetic insulation,I tried defined another magnetic insulation boundaries to override the boundaries that automatically selected in comsol. For boundaries that are not initially in contact but will come into contact during the simulation, you will need to manually create contact pairs between the boundaries. Why don't all the 4 models give the same result? If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. 4. I am assuming that Comsol can understand In this configuration, the model consists of 11 pole pairs on the outer rotor, 4 pole pairs on the inner rotor, and 15 pole pairs in the middle. They are denoted by P_o, P_i, and When selected as a Pair Boundary Heat Source, it also prescribes that the temperature field is continuous across the pair. Select a Constriction conductance: Cooper-Mikic-Yovanovich correlation (the default), Mikic elastic correlation, or User defined. The variation of mesh stiffness of the gear pair in a mesh cycle is shown in Figure 2. In other words, the 2 interfaces are not stuck together. An identity pair is in contact whenever the source and destination side overlap. EDT. The condition corresponds to a transfer impedance condition, Niclas Holland June 10, 2018. In COMSOL 3. Material Type. Add Contact Pair nodes under Definitions. See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details. Second point is that when I adjust the tolerance levels, warnings keep coming for CAD exported geometry. Select 1 source face from cube 1 and 1 destination face from cube 2. A pair must to be created first. In one model, I was able to make this contact pair work, so I know that it is possible. In this blog Contact Pair 2 (ap2) 1 In the Model Builder window, click Contact Pair 2 (ap2). or for "Form Assembly": - Pairs generated with simplifed method. The defaults are 0. 0. Posted Mar 18, 2024, 7:25 a. 2a, we bring you features designed to enhance your structural mechanics contact modeling. COMSOL Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL ® software For the first time I have to use 'identity pairs' in 4. EDT Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Structural & Acoustics, CAD Import & LiveLink™ Products for CAD Version 5. When using the former option, it is good practice to verify that the pairs created are correctly defined. When the Automatic method is used COMSOL Multiphysics identifies when the contact pair(s) first comes in contact. Incident Intensity. so it seems i have to introduce the contact pair feature at the interface between layer1 and 2 and also I'm in the process of trying to create a COMSOL model involving contact between two surfaces initially separated by a non-solid domain. Note that in this case the source term is Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. If you have many contact pairs in your model, it is a good idea to manually set the Label of each pair in order to simplify the identification during subsequent selections in the Contact nodes. they are onnected via an identity boundary pair. A contact pair uses the gap variable to decide the in contact condition. When looking at expressions evaluated on the destination boundaries, the expression map ( E The COMSOL® software provides an easy solution for this problem with the Fluid-Structure Interaction, Pair multiphysics coupling, available as of version 5. The pairs can be defined automatically through the Form Assembly operation and/or manually. In COMSOL Multiphysics, the contact search is To use such a method in COMSOL you just need to replace the Contact normal penalty factor expression in the contact pair by the following expression : k/h where k is a stiffness constant in the order of the stiffness of the material. 2 In the Settings window for Pair, locate the Advanced section. 4. The geometric gap distance is a variable set up by the contact pair, which also define operators for mapping I've encountered an issue while simulating a contact pair between two bodies in Comsol, and I'm seeking guidance to resolve it. a external The pair establishes a mapping between points on the source and destination boundaries by performing a contact search. If there is at least one contact pair in In the COMSOL Multiphysics model, part of the Grujicic et al. It prescribes that the moisture content is continuous across the pair. how ever i donot want the model to be a union. A pair has to be created first. The continuity of the fields or In the Contact node, you define the mechanical and numerical properties for a set of contact pairs in a contact analysis. Note that while COMSOL employees If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair to apply this condition to. It is used to constrain continuity in a linear periodic machine where only a finite part is modeled. if you are plying with pairs, you have probably turned on the "assembly mode". If I now solve the model, there are some convergence problems if the Source and Destination frames of the pair are chosed to be the spatial frame. I was trying to carry out a stress analysis on a simple model. It prescribes that the flow and temperature fields are continuous across the boundary. Study the equations underlaying, you might get around by adding a sub-node roller, but I haven't tried this out, it would indeed need further investigations, but I expect it to be possible to get the two surfaces to "roll" one upon each other and not w. The same is true for the domain type setting, because all pairs belong to a special domain type, called Pair. what i want is to change them to edge source and edge destination listbox The combination of COMSOL ® products required to model your application depends on several factors and may include boundary conditions, material properties, physics interfaces, and part libraries. Time-Dependent Contact Analysis . Is there any way in V4. Follow along as Tobias takes you through the specialized features and functionality for setting It can be added to pairs by selecting Pair Thermal Contact from the Pairs menu. The former is a lumped model that accounts only for tangential temperature gradients I have observed the following strange behaviour in Comsol 3. Use the Gear Pair node for 2D and 3D components to create a connection between gears of the types Spur Gear, Helical Gear, or Bevel Gear in such a way that, at the contact point, they have no relative motion along the line of action. , to mimic the small gap betweent solids due to surface roughness? My main question is: Is physically correct in COMSOL to use pairs to simulate If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. Posted Apr 27, 2019, 3:51 a. Moisture Content. I am trying with identity pairs, but I am having issue in solving the model, it seems there is no current in the coil That is also why Comsol operates in "densities" and then you are independent of the symmetry count as it There are still afew nice things in V3. 5. 2 - Draw --> Create pairs 3 - Choose the appropriate objects/boundaries and create an identity pair (NOT CONTACT PAIR! - thanks Ivar!) 4 - Boundary settings --> Pairs tab --> Choose a boundary condition of thin thermally resistive layer I might be interested in modelling the pressure effects in the future, but we'll leave that for another day I Get an introduction to the updates for mechanical contact modeling in the Structural Mechanics Module as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5. t. In fact, it appears that the contact pairs are 'repelling' instead of coming together. The available options for Thin film model are Thermally thin approximation and General. For assembly geometries with identity pairs, The number of pairs actually needed will be determined by how many different settings that are required in the Contact Pair and Contact nodes. Then assign a boundary condition to Comsol tutorial In this video, I will teach you how to define a contact in solid mechanics physics in COMSOL multiphysics. Now I cannot figure out how the fracture flow works in the contact pairs. Ordinary features that support this domain type also appear in a pair version among the physics interface’s pair All contact pairs, both manually and automatically created, are defined at: Component > Definitions > Contact Pair. Regards, So I use the "form an assembly" to build the model and define a identity pair between the two surfaces mentioned before. For User defined, enter an expression for the stabilization factor γ that will be used for all pairs. The Identical Mesh attribute is used to create a matching mesh on the mating faces of this simple 2D geometry, which was finalized using Form Assembly. The geometric gap distance is a variable set up by the contact pair, which also define operators for mapping In the Contact node, you define the mechanical and numerical properties for a set of contact pairs in a contact analysis. the model has a layer of steel on top, a layer of viton( elastomer) and the lower layer is an fixed base plate. e src2dst_ip** and dst2src_ip**. 5. This node can be added to pairs. This node can be added to pairs, or as a subnode of the Fluid and Porous Matrix subnodes under Porous Medium. Some nodes are selected from the Classical PDEs submenu: • The Identical Mesh attribute is used to create a matching mesh on the mating faces of this simple 2D geometry, which was finalized using Form Assembly. You can add Transmission Error, Backlash, or Friction subnodes when required. For this reason you must choose Form Assembly from geometry and create (or automatically by COMSOL), identity boundary pairs The COMSOL® software provides an easy solution for this problem with the Fluid-Structure Interaction, Pair multiphysics coupling, available as of version 5. In the former case, the Solid Mechanics or Multibody Dynamics interface is used; in the Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual. The remaining displacements and rotations of both the gears are independent of each other. My model comprises two bodies, one with a well-defined contact area and the other with All contact pairs, both manually and automatically created, are defined at: Component > Definitions > Contact Pair. 2 of the COMSOL Multiphysics ® software, there is a new Partial Fraction Fit function. The solid material can be modeled either in a neighboring domain or on the boundary itself. Select an option in the Material type list to specify if the inputs of the Boundary Heat Source section are defined in the material or spatial frame: Add Contact Pair nodes under Definitions. When I want to create pairs in the newer version of Comsol,I see only the pair name and no mapping operators . This node is different from the Periodic Condition feature that does not apply to pairs. By default, pairs are created automatically when forming an assembly. I successfully created the identity boundary pairs but the magnetic insulation boundaries are not corrected. Physics -> Identity pairs->identity Boundary pairs 4. When i open the *mph file and have a look to the computed result by Comsol i recognize a maximum See Selection Settings for Generic Feature. 2 of the COMSOL Multiphysics ® software. 4 7 Replies See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details. Gabriele Laita . (See examples of this by searching @tag:cont Creating Contact Pairs for Structural Contact Modeling with Form Assembly in COMSOL-gif comsolcenter. EST. When added as a subnode of the Fluid and Porous Matrix subnodes under Porous Medium, it ensures the Notes About the COMSOL Implementation † The Fluid-Structure Interaction, Pair node operates on the geometry in the assembly state. To reduce the amount of identity pairs, both the stationary and rotating parts of the model are recommended to be consolidated into Physics -> Identity pairs -> Identity boundary pairs: Make sure that for Pair 1, Source boundaries = 9 and destination boundaries = 8 Make sure that for Pair 2, Source boundaries = 12 and destination boundaries = 13 Under “Advanced”, make sure that for both pairs, all the frames are set to “Frame(ale)” Add equation for displacement: If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, select the Prescribe continuity check box to prescribe that the temperature field is continuous across the pair where the source and destination boundaries match. . 5a containing edge identity pair in comsol 4. mph; 1 Reply Last Post Feb 20, 2023, 11:29 a. May Recently, I created similar geometry in COMSOL and I succeeded to form an assembly out of it. Thin Film. If such user-defined property groups I have set up the contact pairs; however, they overlap into one another and do not act as a boundary. In this section: • Setting Up a Contact Problem • Contact Pairs This node can be added to pairs. x due to geometrical requirements (I am not using the full contact surface between subdomains but partial). The Boundary radiation intensity I In a previous blog entry, we showed you how to model rotating machines, like motors and generators, using the Rotating Machinery, Magnetic interface in COMSOL im simulating a sold body in a gas stream. In version 6. Andy T The mesh size field is synchronized over the pairs to ensure that an identical mesh is built on the selected entities. The continuity of the fields or the fluxes across a boundary pair in the case of using Form Assembly is enforced by having Continuity boundary conditions applied for the physics. I have succeed to make a very close problem in 2d-axy but it seems that there are issues in 3D. In the latter case, you will also need to add corresponding pair conditions in How can make the shared boundaries in identity boundary pairs. 5a version of Comsol when we use the "Create Pairs" option, there are 2 mapping operators to refer them i. The available Interface type options are Thermal insulation (the default), Continuity, Ventilation, Convective heat flux, and Thermal contact. The smallest size on each position along the faces or edges takes The Interior Impedance and Pair Impedance nodes add an impedance boundary condition on interior boundaries or boundaries between the parts of pairs. Contact pairs can also be added automatically, based on boundary adjacency when the Form an assembly action is used. If I change from Form Assembly to Form Union and disable the Pair Thermal Contact, the model solves just fine, so the problem seems to be related to the presence of the contact pair. A contact pair consists of two sets of boundaries, which are called the source and destination boundaries. A Wall subnode is added by default and it applies to the parts of the pair boundaries where a source boundary lacks a corresponding destination boundary and vice versa. This is equivalent to the continuity that is obtained by default on interior boundaries in a geometry To enable structural interaction between the different parts of your model, you will use the Contact Pairs to define Contact boundary conditions in the Solid Mechanics interface. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. Attachments: Cantilever_20230218_clear. xrukg otmnbza pdj uklyj dctmmp pzsvb iadup sun jucqmcf ymlow