Oclc worldcat login. Register for an upcoming training View a recorded session.
Oclc worldcat login What is the WorldCat registry? The WorldCat registry is a Web-based directory for libraries and library consortia. Sign in to Dewey Linked Data to view additional information not available to unauthenticated users, including: Full DDC tables; Expanded property information for classifications and subject headings An experimental and secure document-sharing site for OCLC member lending libraries to post articles or book chapters for users who have requested them through Interlibrary Loan Expand/collapse global hierarchy Home Librarians' Toolbox Troubleshooting This endpoint supports POST requests only!! FirstSearch is the most powerful lens for searching WorldCat. Current WorldCat Discovery product users may use their WorldCat Discovery credentials to sign in and join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on Discovery workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on Search for a bibliographic record. Deep links from your WorldCat Discovery interface to records in your OPAC will be functional after a short delay; For WorldCat. To search WorldCat Discovery, enter search terms in the main search bar or use the Advanced Search link. org HJ YourInstitution. Click Sign in > Sign in as an institutional user. JavaScript is currently not supported or is disabled by this browser. Go to the Service Configuration Sign In screen at https://worldcat. Refer to the WorldCat Discovery Community Center (sign in required) to discuss using Google Analytics for WorldCat Discovery. the valid class type. FirstSearch delivers the precise, full-featured WorldCat searching that library staff and researchers value and empowers anyone to find the authoritative content they need in WorldCat. Generate citations for a list Discover available citation styles and how to generate citations or download a RIS file for a list in WorldCat. e. Note: Since your browser does not support Javascript, you must press the continue button once to proceed. All rights reserved. WorldCat Accounts are linked to specific institution registry IDs. Checkouts Find more information about the Checkouts tab of My Account, where library users can view their list of checked-out items. org account. Number of records: See WorldCat facts and statistics for the latest information on WorldCat database record counts. The User Name field is not case Access the Community Center directly. For more information, see Place Hold/Request Buttons. Sign in; Expand/collapse global hierarchy Digital Collection Gateway Source record contains no OCLC number, but a record exists in WorldCat. This benefits your library's users as local data moves to the correct WorldCat record held by your library. WorldCat Services Admin module. If you would like to change the URL, send a request (include your institution's registry ID) to orders@oclc. ; From the Scope drop-down list, select a search scope. For details, refer to the Application-level view tab > Available in WorldCat. Authentication requirements Note: These logon options are not available to Group Catalogs using WorldCat Discovery. Select the Catalog Configuration tab. Import lists Discover how to import new and existing lists in WorldCat. org updates, data updates, and dynamic collection lists. ; Configure the fields below: Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. Enable OpenURL in WorldCat Discovery or WorldCat Local: For more information, see Configure OpenURL. org is the bridge that connects them to libraries and library collections. Sign in; Expand/collapse global hierarchy Home Metadata Services OCLC Number: no: no:10998406: Enter with index label and punctuation: Other subject (word) ho: For multiple numbers, see entry in Searching WorldCat Indexes. javascriptErrorPageContent { position By enabling libraries to share high-quality library metadata and bibliographic records with each other, WorldCat has helped librarians dramatically reduce the time they spend on original cataloging. Welcome to WorldCat Entities Please sign in with your WorldCat. org, if OCLC numbers are not consistently present in your local MARC records or are present but are not consistently indexed, we recommend leaving the Online Catalog Direct to OCLC Number field Navigate to Action Additional information; WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > User Interface Options > Custom Links: Add your proxy information and select the link type as remote access login. Course Reserves are accessible from My Account as are any custom links configured by the library. 945/f: Primary document type code: 945/d: Additional DUBLIN, Ohio, 13 February 2024—In the closing months of 2023, 18 new libraries signed on to use OCLC's WorldShare Management Services, the fully integrated library services platform designed to meet the needs of modern libraries. WorldShare Management Services is a cloud-based library services platform with WorldCat at its core, that saves you time and money by helping you easily manage library resources in all formats. If you are logged on to OCLC Connexion, the Search WorldCat window opens immediately. Navigate to https://worldcat. If you're ready to start using the WorldCat Entities API, the OCLC Developer Network can help you learn more. Register for an upcoming training View a recorded session. Field Editable Description; Display name: Y: The display name you entered when creating your WorldCat. Provide your library’s OCLC symbol to sign in. No headers. Measure Description; Total impressions - Total count of the following Engagement with your library stats:: WorldCat profile visits: The number of users who visited your library profile on WorldCat. ; If you are prompted to enter your OCLC symbol, begin typing your OCLC symbol, select your institution from the dropdown menu, then click Continue. <style> div. org account). Enter your User Name and Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. Language Čeština Deutsch English Español Français Italiano 日本語 한국어 Nederlands Português ไทย 简体中文 繁體中文 DUBLIN, Ohio, 16 January 2025—CloudLibrary, OCLC's platform that offers access to a wide variety of digital content through libraries, has received Platinum recognition as part of the 2025 Modern Library Awards from LibraryWorks. Share items from search results. You can also apply WorldCat data directly to the acquisition process, eliminating the need to move records from a catalog database to your local system. With the 18 March 2024 release, WorldCat Discovery Premium and WMS users were able to access a new experience where they can navigate hierarchically related records in WorldCat Discovery. Or, for staff with staff sign in accounts, sign in with your OCLC Services account by clicking the product name on the right side of the page. Expand your collections through WorldCat and a broad central index. All WorldCat Local URLs have been redirected to WorldCat Discovery. To reset your password, enter your user name below. It’s a quick way to introduce yourself to the basics of searching the world’s largest Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. 948 : Library Holdings. The OCLC Community Center allows users to sign in with their WorldShare credentials or WorldCat Discovery staff accounts. and its affiliates. In the WorldCat knowledge base, you can search for collections, providers, or titles. A consistent set of business- and data-level web services lets libraries, developers and partners build and share applications that streamline and enhance library workflows. OCLC services, including cataloging and discovery/reference, use the same search indexes. Once your password is reset, your current password will WorldCat ontology uses the sh:PropertyShape declaration. Fill out the form to download the PDF, or view the interactive e-book. org? WorldCat Discovery: To visit your URL, replace yourlibrary with your library's identifier: https://yourlibrary. The OCLC Developer Network allows you to learn about OCLC APIs, view OCLC API documentation, and participate in the OCLC APIs In about two minutes, you can learn how to make a WorldCat. This means that users can sign in with the username and password they already use to sign in to WorldShare or WorldCat Discovery. Replace one character in a search. If new client components become available before the next version, a New Components Available dialog may open so that you can download files containing small changes in the Connexion client configuration without having Find recent release notes for OCLC products and services. WorldShare Management Services (WMS) is the first cloud-based library services platform and only WMS is built with WorldCat as its foundation. This assists you in monitoring user activity and evaluating which databases are searched most often. ; Topics: Click to view the WorldCat Topics screen, which includes information and tutorials such as Millions of people enjoy WorldCat. Enable Request Buttons. Once that’s done, you can create new lists (learn how to create and share lists on WorldCat. A FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription provides access to the FirstSearch and WorldCat Discovery interfaces. Note: The interactive e-book and the downloadable PDF are both formatted for presentation on a desktop or laptop screen. org every year. Your institution's URL qualifier can be used for multiple services. OCLC products help libraries address these challenges by sharing data, streamlining workflows and connecting people to the knowledge held in the world's library collections. WorldCat Discovery helps your users easily locate resources from your library and libraries worldwide through WorldCat and additional authoritative e-content collections. Create and manage lists in WorldCat Find Discover how to create and manage lists as a WorldCat. Navigate to the WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Place Hold/Request Buttons module of the OCLC Service Configuration. 50 Cataloging service allows libraries to access WorldCat to search and retrieve MARC records for cataloging, edit records in their local systems, and set holding information in WorldCat. Discover details about WorldCat Work, a subclass of WorldCat Thing. Create new accounts with an OCLC method that supports self-creation of authenticated accounts. You can also access the areas of My Account using the Profile drop-down menu in the banner. Library holdings are displayed so users can identify items in their own library's collection Discover how to customize WorldCat search and browse interfaces in Connexion client. If you have questions about your library's WorldCat Discovery, consult WorldCat Discovery support resources or contact OCLC Support. If you are unsure of your OCLC Use Your OCLC Services Account WorldShare users affiliated with an institution © 2025 OCLC. Locate the Resource Sharing (Any Level) section. WorldCat ontology uses owl:ObjectProperty and owl:DatatypeProperty. Find WorldCat knowledge base titles that were previously only discoverable through the A-to-Z list (October 2023); Save items from search results more quickly with performance improvements (July 2023); Setup alert updates for a specific search query Step 5. Field 948/a gives the ISO country code information for each library holding the item. For libraries using WorldCat Discovery, enable the Request Button. Note that once you are redirected to your Discovery interface, you might need to click Sign in at the top Campo Editable Descrizione; Nome visualizzato: Y: The display name you entered when creating your WorldCat. Select library and sort options. Previously, when a search was re-run from saved searches, search history, search alerts, or a bookmarked URL, and selected databases were no longer available, the search was run against the institution’s default databases, changing the search scope. WorldCat Discovery: To visit your URL, replace yourlibrary with your library's identifier: https://yourlibrary. Five collection types (knowledge base, query, cataloging partner, data sync, and WorldCat updates) allow you to receive and edit the information you need to save your staff time and help your users find and access resources Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. OCLC updates a list of collections available monthly. When you select “Accept all cookies,” you’re agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we can provide you with a better, more relevant experience. org URL. org/config/ . We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The User Name field is not case Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. This site employs TLS 1. org also The OCLC Z39. This endpoint supports POST requests only!! Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. Connect your users to WorldCat, the powerhouse of research databases built over the course of more than 45 years of library cooperation with more than 559 million Welcome to WorldCat Entities Please sign in with your WorldCat. org? Does OCLC remove bibliographic records from WorldCat if they do not have attached holdings? Do OCLC libraries have to make their holdings available via WorldCat. Connexion lets you create and edit high-quality bibliographic and authority records and then share them with the entire OCLC cooperative, which benefits libraries around the world. Enter your institution's OCLC symbol and then click Sign in. You can search with an index label from any search screen. Highlight WorldCat in the list of Catalogs. With the 17 July release, this feature has been extended to group catalogs. ; Click the Sign In hyperlink in the top right corner of the OCLC Community Center homepage. Discover details about WorldCat Text, a subclass of WorldCat Work. Search Learn how to search for an institution's WorldCat registry profile in OCLC Service Configuration. 3); width: 100%; text-align: center; height: 100vh; } div. Search for a bibliographic record. Decide how you want to sign in. ; Select Items from the drop-down list to search for books, articles, and more. ; In the upper right of the screen, click Sign In. org profile (learn how to create a WorldCat. Cookies on OCLC websites Our web pages use cookies—information about how you interact with the site. The User Name field is not case Connexion is a full-service online cataloging tool backed by OCLC's 40+ years of cataloging experience. WorldCat. Enter a valid email address, password, and confirm your password. © 2023 OCLC Domestic and international trademarks You can Sign in with your WorldCat Account or Sign in with your OCLC Services Account (WorldShare users). Enter the information as described in the following table. It’s mostly readers and lifelong learners searching for a topic or specific item. Features. Enhancements that aim to improve the relevance and usability of the search results page. org account but forgotten your password, you can reset the password with the following steps: Go to WorldCat. org homepage. Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. javascriptErrorPage { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0. Find information to update your library's WorldCat registry profile and cataloging resources. When your first report is available, you will get an email from Usage_Statistics@oclc. To learn about OCLC APIs and get started with OCLC's WorldCat Entities API, see OCLC APIs > Get Started. Report number: rn: rn:FE-218-7: Enter all letters and numbers; This endpoint supports POST requests only!! This endpoint supports POST requests only!! Find an overview of WorldCat registry. org account or create a WorldCat. org account Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. org institutional user profile How do I get my local users authenticated access without EZproxy prompting for login? How do I get my OCLC hosted EZproxy log retention adjusted; How do I get the default security rules modified on OCLC hosted EZproxy; How do I make minor updates to EZproxy documentation pages; How do I modify EZproxy configuration files in the Hosted environment? Our system will not be able to overwrite the collection with the title data directly from your provider. : Catalog visits: The number of users who clicked the Go to the library's catalog link from your library's profile page and item details in WorldCat. ; From the Index drop-down list, select an index. Share lists in WorldCat Find Discover how to share lists and list items via text message, social media, or QR code using WorldCat Find. wom#n Use an equal sign after an index label (au=) for an exact match search. If you are not already logged on, the Logon OCLC Connexion window opens. Access the WorldCat Services Administrative module and log in using your assigned authorization and password. Click Update. ; Locate the Resource Sharing (Any Level) section. Review your URL(s). Note: If you choose to sign in with your WorldCat. Your WorldCat. Find instructional materials for OCLC products and services. Two-step log on process. Copyright © 2001-2023 OCLC. CloudLibrary provides access to a rich collection of digital content in more than 50 languages, including millions of ebooks and Libraries use WorldCat knowledge base collections to inform other OCLC services to: Provide easy access to their electronic resources in search results with WorldCat Discovery Share their electronic resources with other libraries with WorldShare ILL This endpoint supports POST requests only!! Collections available in the WorldCat knowledge base No image available New collections and providers are added to the WorldCat knowledge base every month. On the left navigation, click Discover Items. The User Name field is not case Sign in to OCLC Websites and Services. Find a forgotten WorldShare URL. The link will prompt staff users from outside your library’s IP range(s) to sign in to submit ILL requests and prompt staff users to search remote non-OCLC databases. Navigate to Cataloging > Search > WorldCat, or click , or press <F2>. Additional information View WorldCat Insights from your WorldCat. The User Name field is not case Sign in; Expand/collapse global hierarchy Home Library Management OCLC WorldCat Discovery Expand/collapse global location OCLC WorldCat Discovery Last updated; Save as PDF . Open Connexion client (Start > Programs > OCLC Connexion or double-click the Connexion client shortcut on your desktop). Use existing accounts with an OCLC link to your institution's existing authentication service, if it is compatible. org profile, create and add items to lists, export citations, and use facets to narrow your search criteria. oclc. To get started, create a WorldCat. Click Create Account on the WorldCat. The User Name field is not case Find the most viewed, recently created, and recently updated FAQ and Troubleshooting articles for WorldCat. The record should be This endpoint supports POST requests only!! Access the available sections by using the main tab headings on the page. Number sign # Wildcard: A minimum of three characters must precede the symbol. You can search for books, music, video, articles and much more at libraries near you. Range: The class type to which a property may connect, i. worldcat. It is an authoritative single source for information that defines institutional identity, This endpoint supports POST requests only!! WorldCat Account Migration Learn how to use the WorldCat Account Migration module to migrate your WorldCat Account to a WorldShare Service Account to manage the WorldCat Registry. If you have holdings set in WorldCat, de-selecting the collection will remove these holdings. If it is acceptable as is, go on to Branding & Customization. ; In the Term(s) text field, enter your search terms. WorldCat holdings audience levels in WorldCat Discovery: Any user on an institution’s WorldCat Discovery can view holdings set to: All Users; My Library Users; A user must be authenticated in WorldCat Discovery to view holdings set to the following audience levels: Discover details about WorldCat Edition, a subclass of WorldCat Thing. OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat Discovery Services provides three levels of information about your library's use of the WorldCat Discovery service. With your WorldCat Discovery, you can: Select databases to search through advanced search. org column in the Complete list of databases spreadsheet. If you are part of a consortium please reach out to your main contact as they will be able to setup specific collection and website access WorldCat is the world’s largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. org user in WorldCat Find. Το OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) είναι μη κερδοσκοπικός συνεταιριστικός οργανισμός του οποίου το έργο στοχεύει στην διευκόλυνση της πρόσβασης διεθνώς στις πληροφορίες και στην ελαχιστοποίηση του OCLC Community Center: WorldCat Discovery No image available Find more information about the Community Center. The search box on the Libraries page searches libraries by default. org DJ worldcat. org is a global catalog of library materials. ; Enter a new display name in the text field. For OCLC members, it also allows configuration of OCLC products and services. Record Manager provides efficient, record-at-a-time metadata management for your physical and electronic materials using either a MARC 21 editor or a Text View editor. EZproxy 6. Header link Description; Home: Click to return to the WorldCat. org directly from OCLC? Can I recover a deleted WorldCat list? Can OCLC provide information on the content of a book in worldcat. Configure OCLC WorldCat as a searchable catalogue. Use . ; Search for your institution with your OCLC symbol, Searching WorldCat Indexes provides comprehensive information about indexes used to retrieve records from WorldCat. Requests Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. This endpoint supports POST requests only!! This endpoint supports POST requests only!! Audience levels cannot be managed in WorldCat Discovery. If you've created a WorldCat. To decline nearby location suggestions and be taken directly to the WorldCat Find home screen, tap Skip setting location. your initial login, you can use the same authorization and password you use for the FirstSearch user interface. To update your display name: Click Edit. Depending on what you search for (collections, providers, or titles), your search results will differ. The User Name field is not case A single, cloud-based platform. ; Search for your institution with your OCLC symbol, institution name, or zip code. "Y" is yes. The User Name field is not case OCLC® Service Configuration uses WorldCat Services account information to configure institution-related information. 2021-08-06. ; Select All WorldCat if you do not own any copies of the item. org account, you'll remain signed in to WorldCat Find for 90 days if you don't sign out. The WorldCat knowledge base is a database of electronic resources compiled by OCLC and member libraries. assuming the library is cataloging their holdings on the OCLC WorldCat cataloging subsystem. Find links to WorldCat. (1012) gives the date on the MARC record as the date last updated in the OCLC WorldCat Cataloging System in the format YYYYMMDD. Perform a list search Discover how to perform a list search in To enable non-WMS logon options, register your library for end user logon capability. If we recognize your user name, an email with instructions will be sent to your email address on file. Note: When WorldCat holdings are updated due to an OCLC number change in the WorldCat knowledge base, OCLC will automatically move local data (Local Bibliographic Data/Local Holding Records) to the new record in WorldCat. If you are not prompted to enter your Note: Since your browser does not support Javascript, you must press the continue button once to proceed. Once there, your collections are more visible and discoverable to end users who search WorldCat as well as other popular websites. Sign in with your WorldCat Account Caution: All WorldCat Registry accounts will need to be migrated to WorldShare Service Accounts. Navigate to entities. org with the subject field: "The report [name of report] you requested Discover how to create and manage lists in WorldCat. Search results. The information you type overrides any default menu selections. Libraries: Click to view the library profile screen. © 2025 OCLC. Remember to save your changes. WorldShare Management Services is a cloud-based library services platform. Visit the Community Center homepage. Note that once you are redirected to your Discovery interface, you might need to click Sign in at the top WorldCat consists of three components: a bibliographic catalog, a knowledge base and a registry for library information. Property type: Defines the type of property as determined by the type of expected object. The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway is a self-service tool for harvesting the metadata of your unique, open-access digital content into WorldCat. on. OCLC is a global library cooperative that supports libraries through technology services, original research and community programs. Enter your User Name and Password. Select My Library Holdings if you already have at least one copy of an item. Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary Loan. OCLC suggests the following guidelines for new passwords: booksellers work with libraries to link their Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. Services and applications are built on the OCLC WorldShare Platform, a global, interconnected web architecture that provides flexible, open access to WorldCat data. Some reports can take 24-48 hours to appear. Contact OCLC Support with your OCLC symbol and a link to this troubleshooting page. 2. Between July 2023 and June 2024, OCLC member librarians copy cataloged 95% of their items from WorldCat, saving an average of 10 minutes per title. Please see WorldCat Account Migration for assistance migrating your account. ; Can I buy or borrow a book I found in WorldCat. The WorldCat bibliographic catalog includes millions of records covering everything that is available to users in the Libraries today are faced with a rapidly changing environment, evolving user needs and increasing pressure to measure and communicate impact. org Improved messaging when executing a saved search in which all databases are missing. Sign in to your WorldCat account to access and manage your library resources. The User Name field is not case With the WorldCat knowledge base integrated into all components of WMS, you can share vendor data for efficient item processing, electronic ordering, and invoicing. Holdings will be added after OCLC loads the collection (if WorldCat Holdings is enabled in Institution Settings) Summary: Provides online access to 6 OCLC databases including WorldCat, OCLC NetFirst, OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online, OCLC ArticleFirst, OCLC ContentsFirst, and OCLC Union Lists of Periodicals. If you are not prompted to enter your Create a WorldCat. Register to download the e-book. WorldCat is a comprehensive database of information about library collections. org) and add any item that pops up in a search result to that list. Add an institution to configure; Sign in to OCLC Service Configuration; Verify or change your account information; WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local And we offer various ILL solutions such as WorldShare ILL, a cloud-based service that automates borrowing and lending processes through OCLC’s resource sharing network of 10,000+ libraries, and OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups, a modern consortial borrowing solution that expedites delivery for library users. A confirmation message appears if the passwords match. Login to Administer Settings. org account This endpoint supports POST requests only!! Sign in using WorldCat. org or call OCLC at 1-800-848-5800. If you have a prior username you will need to contact your CONTENTdm Administrator so they can add you to the users and set appropriate permissions. The purpose of the WorldCat Services Administrative module is to help you: Customize FirstSearch to meet the needs of your users and staff; Integrate FirstSearch with your library services (such as interlibrary loan) Control database searching costs for your library Using OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat Discovery Services. This endpoint supports POST requests only!! WorldShare Collection Manager helps you manage your library’s metadata for electronic and print resources on a collection level. Our goal? To inspire more people to find, use, and Date last updated in Cataloging subsystem of WorldCat: 947/s: Indicator for My Library holdings. Institutions can select from the following implementation options: Create new accounts with an OCLC method that supports self-creation of authenticated accounts Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan. 2 is required to proxy this resource. Title WorldCat Local (updated 20181128) URL https://YourInstitution. This indicates if authorization number's institution has local holdings attached in OCLC WorldCat. Select your institution from the list and click Continue. org database which includes WorldCat and most of the central index. Since, FirstSearch Access the Community Center directly. You will still be able to sign in with your WorldCat Account currently. "N" is no. Create a New Institution This endpoint supports POST requests only!! CONTENTdm uses OCLC LDAP accounts to authenticate. Institution Name: This name will appear in Tap Continue to be taken to WorldCat Find's home screen. Replaced in WorldCat . Intended audience: This course is intended for staff at member libraries who are working with electronic resources materials and will be editing or adding their electronic collections to the WorldCat knowledge base using the WorldShare Collection Manager Sign in using your WorldShare Interlibrary Loan username and password (OCLC Services account) Go to Google Analytics to see the data collected for WorldCat Discovery. Domestic and international trademarks and/or service marks of OCLC, Inc. Need help finding your OCLC symbol? WorldCat is the world’s largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. Note: Public profiles must have a display name. org; Click Sign in; Enter the email address for your account; Click Continue; Click Set/Reset WorldCat. . A warning message appears if the: Email address entered is not valid WorldShare Record Manager allows you to search for matching records in WorldCat to accelerate copy cataloging and create new or enrich existing items in WorldCat. WorldCat is the world’s largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. Use the list to find providers and collections and other details. Our recent redesign enhances the user experience, encouraging repeat visits, sharing, and ongoing engagement. Your display name can contain up to 50 characters, including spaces. As an integrated suite of library management and discovery applications, it offers you a comprehensive and cost-effective way to manage workflows efficiently and improve access to collections and services. In order WorldShare Record Manager allows you to create new and enrich existing items in WorldCat with efficient, record-at-a-time metadata management for your physical and electronic materials using either a MARC 21 editor or a Text View editor. WorldCat ontology uses the rdfs:range declaration. org. About customizing WorldCat search and browse interfaces; Customize the Browse WorldCat window; Customize the Search WorldCat window; Select WorldCat search options for displaying results and for SCIPIO records; Qualify and combine searches No image available This endpoint supports POST requests only!! This site employs TLS 1. If WorldCat does not display as an option contact OCLC Support. Sign in to OCLC services including WMS, WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, Connexion, FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery Services and more. org account WorldCat sign in - Image Note: See Create a WorldCat account to learn how to register for a new account. This 90-minute course provides an overview of the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan service for new member libraries and/or new ILL staff to learn the basics, from setting up policies to placing or answering to ILL requests. As soon as you complete the logon and close the Welcome window, the Search WorldCat window opens automatically. Per Google, it can take up to 30 minutes for data to begin appearing in your new GA4 property. The User Name field is not case Learn how to access My Account and customize the look of the My Account screen in Service Configuration using the User Interface Options settings of the WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local module. To receive ongoing updates about FirstSearch enhancements, register for Discovery and Reference email updates If you enable reports in Institution Settings > Reports, reports will be available via email around the time when files of records have been output and/or after there are changes to your holdings in WorldCat. Before you begin: WorldCat Discovery libraries only. Request New Password. Passwords. In order to provide access to resources that use https, your EZproxy server must be configured with an SSL certificate. The OCLC implementation team will respond to the request and assist with configuration.