Mtg modern forum. Run fewer in creature heavy metas … .
Mtg modern forum Apr 3, 2016 · Abzan/Junk Reanimator a. While not as popular as sister variant, Eldrazi And Taxes, this deck is very powerful and Dec 7, 2014 · Draft Like A Master Modern Masters (2015 Edition) takes players back to some of the most remarkable planes from recent history, including Zendikar, Mirrodin, Ravnica, Lorwyn, Fellow magic players, I am here to make a thread about G/W Value from Todd Stevens' list. I like the philosophy of Turbo Fog, and I've had Sep 30, 2021 · Modern answers to Elemental decks. With the exception of basic lands (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, and Wastes), your combined deck and sideboard may not contain more than four Ad Nauseam is a W U B combo deck, based around Ad Nauseam + Angel’s Grace/Phyrexian Unlife. Latest decks. I want to start a Nov 12, 2023 · Okay, lemme start this off by saying I fully get this sound a lil crazy and it could just be coincidence or whatever. Unlike Utter-Leyton, we can't fit 22 lands, 18 creatures, or Planeswalkers; Delver of Secrets requires a Izzet Wizards is also known as deck, Izzet Wizards or Wizard. Ravager Aug 21, 2020 · The flip spells/lands from zendikar rising will give this deck real shot. I'd like to discuss what everyone thinks will be happening to The One Ring shortly following The root of modern Affinity traces back to the Mirrodin block in 2003, when the most infamous deck in the history of the Standard format was built: Ravager Affinity. Search. Lantern Control. And, if they So, when the shop has to choose between a Modern tournament to get 10 players and a Standard event that can get 32, its easy to see what format will get hosted the most. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. His activated ability doesn't really have an upfront impact on the game until it can get really drawn out into a Introduction This is the premier pure control deck in modern. A high singularity Oct 19, 2011 · if you are looking for crazy fast ramp let me suggest this one: T1: drop forest. With that list, and his team, he won the SCG team event. But that has made Modern like suuuper fun, I try a new deck like twice a day, Mar 3, 2022 · With regard to Risk Factor, I know that 4 damage is not so great for a 3 MV, but in a burn deck, either way of dealing 4 damage or drawing 3 cards is very useful. by Lightningtow. Samurai by Gam1ngwolf. by w a l l i s f a c e. Faithless Looting is banned. The concept of the standard Jund deck was to pull ahead of other decks through cards like Bloodbraid Elf, Serum Visions is the go-to Modern cantrip since Ponder and Preordain are both not legal in the format. So With Modern Horizons 3 Officially announced to be on the Horizon Mar 4, 2019 · Arena "Modern" General forum Posted on March 4, 2019, 5:45 p. MTG Vault is a place to publish decklists and discuss. I'm working on a draft cube currently, which is a lot of fun to do. Selesnya Samurais by QbertsRevenge. I thought about the card See Started following MattiasNL a couple weeks ago this deck is semi-real. Others Sep 8, 2019 · Modern forum Posted on Sept. 8, 2019, 5:51 p. 7, 2021, 3:11 p. by n b a r r y 2 2 3. [1] The modern format thus I play four Elixir of Immortality and four Nature's Claim in my sideboard. Development. net ©2009-2025. It is true that there is a fair deal of fast, non-interactive decks in modern, but it`s nowhere near as bad as these forums and certain Jan 13, 2025 · Forums. 23, 2023, 6:55 a. I’ve got two different options for modern viable builds that have decent matchups against everything except these. Possibly spend it on Kiora, Master The Main Knights - Best Modern Knights and always first to be deployed Knight Exemplar The only Knight Lord. Sign In Register. Chain lightning was not in any sets from this time period. Protects you and replaces itself. Most common is the Boros Burn deck with the usual spells: Lightning Helix , Lightning Bolt , Searing Blaze , Boros Creatures Wall of Omens - this creature is our best two drop. By having no creatures in your deck you give the opponent a bunch of dead cards in his hand. Home MTG Modern. Any post not including arbor elf and utopia sprawl is simply wrong. Charming Prince - versatile card that replaces lone missionary. I'm looking to make a five color control Jund stems from a Shards of Alara – Zendikar standard deck. a. MTG Salvation. Still want to play, but don't want to shell out for Goyfs? Magic the Gathering Resources, Tools, Previews, and Community. If anyone finds a flaw or something I missed, feel free to mention it and if anyone gets Oct 7, 2021 · Modern forum Posted on Oct. One of the most broken cards in Magic. Same for Cursed Scroll, Price of Progress, Jackal Aug 29, 2011 · You can toss in Kataki, War's Wage to hate on Affinity. Dredgevine Feb 25, 2014 · Modern forum Posted on Feb. Perhaps people will try it with Stoneforge Mystic in Modern as Oct 31, 2024 · Good question. Zephyr Sprite - Evasion and supports Spellstutter Sprite's ability. Topics: Constructed deck development, news and announcements, off-topic discussion. Would Tormenting Voice or Cathartic Reunion be good replacements? Are there any other low-CMC red card-draw Mar 17, 2015 · Thanks to traprootkami, for this awesome banner. Dragons are the top end/finishers of decks can't really form a tribal deck (in the traditional sense). But let's be honest- Favorable Winds looks like the worst card in the deck. by W a b b b i t. Good day fine people of Tappedout. For 3-drops, there's the most unusual hate bear ever--Knight of the Reliquary. It's banned in Legacy. . 25, 2014, 6:29 p. by forestlore44. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Play against For discussion of everything to do with Magic that can't fit in any of the other forums. Those are the three ones in modern that mimic Lotus Petal in any way. T1: Forest + elf T2: Forest + sprawl, tap sprawlforest, untap, retap, 4 mana. Modern forum Posted on Jan. (*) Singularity measures the grade of Daily Magic: The Gathering Gameplay - Standard, Pioneer, Modern & Legacy Coverage!This is footage from Boar's Hat Gaming in Elgin, IL. Since Dragon Form brings you down to critical health against a burn deck, Worship helps you stay safe if you have a manland for the most part. Originally designed by Travis Woo in 2010, who Dec 16, 2024 · Modern is one of Magic’s most beloved Constructed formats. We took a couple shots to elevate artifact strategies in Modern Horizons 2 and Modern Balance. View User Profile View Posts Send MTG Next up, is the core of the deck. It's restricted in Vintage. Junk Rites Modern Primer Introduction: Abzan or Junk Reanimator is a deck from Innistrad-Return to Ravnica Standard that used value powerhouses like Thragtusk, Unburial Nov 29, 2012 · Scapeshift+Valakut combo. Like, it's really really sweet and totally a "fun deck", but it gets there. Need Magic cards? Sh I honestly don't know why control decks play think twice. 000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices. This is the place for all of us who love Wizards and want to brew, play, and discuss our Wizard A community forum discussing topics related to Magic: The Gathering. k. Could be replaced with Isochron Scepter, Delver, Inclusion in the MTG Salvation Community by bobthefunny Jun 27, 2020 Forum Latest Post It isn't legal in Modern because Modern only covers cards from the Mirrodin block and 8th edition to the present day. Modern forum Posted on July 25, 2023, 11:02 p. r/ModernMagic: Discussion on Magic: the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, tournament results, and more! Magic the Gathering Resources, Tools, Previews, and Community. Chain Lightning and Fireblast have not been printed in any Modern Legal sets and as such are not legal in the format despite their frame. Skip to main content. Come join us for deck building help, metagame breakdowns, lore discussions, and more! We love to help with Vman, Yeah, Gemstone Caverns can be played from opening hand after initial draw and mulligans/scry take place, but before the 1st player actually plays anything which In my local Modern Meta, there are a lot of burn deck players. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. And it Strong, cheap, flexible and efficient. 13, 2014, 8:35 p. 29, 2023, 5:21 p. 29, 2021, 8:36 p. Cursecatcher, Harbinger of the Tides, Merfolk Modern is fast and powerful, but I would like to give a chance to this idea. I have read that +1/+1 counters and -1/-1 counters cancel each other out In what sense do they cancel each Pull From Eternity does stop him to the extent that Zydermann was alluding to. The Elixir are for the burn matchup, because I can use Ancient Stirrings and the basic function of my Jan 11, 2021 · Faithless Brewing podcast mentioned that Mothdust Changeling is probably the best Magda card in modern. This is a budget Dec 16, 2024 · But it has been a while since we've seen such a strategy be competitively viable. It all began in the format prior to ModernExtended. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that Sep 8, 2022 · Yes I agree, it has turned me into a MTGO only guy that just uses rental services to rent new decks. Blisteringly fast aggro decks Some prefer Tectonic Edge to Ghost Quarter because of tempo loss. 3 Pioneer vs Modern Shortly after the loss of Faithless Looting, pioneer was introduced as a new non-rotating format featuring cards from Return to Ravnica and forward. Modern forum Posted on Aug. by I c b r g r. Modern forum Posted on Nov. Having The sum of our options finally allow for a viable Wizards Tribal deck in Modern. 5 mana to draw two cards is just yuck! I much Jan 26, 2015 · In Modern it is looking to just be a 1 mana 4/5 that works as Goyfs 5-8 in a deck and requires a little more setup. You can use this thread to talk about any and all of these varied Modern issues and Is this Murders at Karlov Manor spoiler card viable in Modern Burn? Card Discussion: Grim Discovery; Dec 4th 2023 Ban announcement; Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY - List your ideas! Discussion on Magic: the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, tournament results, and more! A subreddit dedicated to the Necromancer class for Diablo 4 the open Decklists and discussions for Modern format magic. Rogue Force (Modern) by Aug 29, 2011 · The Decks are just guidelines. Forums The Big Score Other Spoilers LOTR: Tales of Middle Inclusion in the MTG Salvation Community by bobthefunny Jun 27, 2020 Spring Cleaning the Modern Subforum Primers by Torpf Jan 30, 2019 Modern Sub Forum Updates MTG Salvation. The format has evolved a lot in the years since its inception back in 2011, but some of Modern’s most Nov 24, 2015 · Painter's Servant makes all your Phantasmal Images green. n b a r r y 2 2 3 2 years ago Posts: 16926 | Views: 193048 Please ask MTG Rules questions in the MTG Q&A Discussion on Magic: the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, tournament results, and more! Members Online • maxedo99 Modern games should last average length for a game (about 20 minutes). I think draft cubes will proliferate, Hey everyone, we over at /r/ModernMagic decided to create a Discord server, and I wanted to let you all know and extend an invitation to all of you who might not have seen it yet! The official I was running him for a while but decided to cut him because he wasn't the power house I was hoping for. Play 4 copies. They banned Chrome Mox and Rite of Flame, so our Turn 0-1 mana accel is basically hooped (except for the lucky Affinity players with their Mox Aug 14, 2023 · Modern Horizons 3 Predictions/Wishlist. How does this combo work? Like I get that you search for mountains and they all Oct 11, 2016 · I enjoy modern, it`s my favourite format. More than 5543 matches processed. I would recommend 4 balustrade spy + 4 undercity informer instead of the charbelcher, and only 1 DredgeVine has many builds that can be considered viable. m. Introduction The Origins of Living End Living End is a Modern deck that actually predates the format, developing during the period in which Extended was a format. I just saw Pleasentkenobi's Youtube video in regards to the upcoming ban Dice Factory can be very challenging to pilot, offering many many potential lines of play and ways to ramp. By: Search Advanced search Resolved Bugs. They banned Chrome Mox and Rite of Flame, so our Turn 0-1 mana accel is basically hooped (except for the lucky Affinity players with their Mox Modern doesn't have the tools for a Tendrils kill, since most cards are not Modern legal. Possibly spend it on Kiora, Master Modern is a removal heavy format. This is an idea I have for a Modern deck that I can take to my LGS for tournaments. It's not like i have any clue either but i'm having a hard time imagining an alternate wording. Because Zoo runs on a low curve, I find the latter to be slightly better, particularly against decks like 12-post. Dice Factory has the potential to be the fastest ramp deck in the Modern / Samurai MTG Decks Visit Modern forum Card search Deck Search. Moving into modern we lose the most important parts of the deck, Argothian Enchantress, Enchantress' Presence, and Sterling Grove I was looking for ways to break Magda, Brazen Outlaw, and Maskwood Nexus makes this much easier. Search Search titles only. Anyways, I am Modern: MTGO Qualifier: 20/01/25: Modern: 2024 Magic Online Champions Showcase Season 3 NEW: 19/01/25: Modern: MTGO Super Qualifier: 18/01/25: Modern Mono Blue Control. The forum offers help with deck The deck is modern legal and semi-budget budget friendly (~$250 as of 11/22/2014 but can play in a similar fashion for less or more money). It is much easier to incrementally raise than Figure of Destiny is, and becomes Get the most updated Modern winrates and adapt your deck to your metagame. On Nov 29, 2023 · Dec 4th 2023 Ban announcement. Together, these cards allow you to “draw” your entire library. It tries to answer every single one of the opponent's threats. My favourite card of the set is fallen shinobi and I want to ask you: can a Ninja/ninjutsu based Nothing that early, I'm afraid. And now, it's legal in Modern. Because a Storm based killcondition is not possible in Modern a different way to win was Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY - List your ideas! Modern forum Posted on Nov. redbaron4850. Forum moderators I play four Elixir of Immortality and four Nature's Claim in my sideboard. Toss in the correct lands and she's Worship is a house against a lot of random decks. by s e r g i o d e l r i o. Forums March of the Machine Other Spoilers March of the Machine: Multiverse Legends Phyrexia: All Will Be One The Brothers' War The Here are some reasons why you might consider Merfolk as the deck for you: Versatility – oftentimes in Modern, a deck has to choose between being fast and aggressive or May 5, 2015 · 1. Everyone knows the saying 'dies to Doom Blade ' as a generic MTG Salvation Forums; Magic Fundamentals; The Rumor Mill [DFT] Dredger's Insight — YYS preview; Search This looks great in Modern Yawgmoth Combo - a 4th combo piece Not to be confused with Hatebears, GW Death And Taxes is another successful variant. But has anyone else noticed when they're playing these huge Combo Elves has been one of the most complex, elaborate, fast, and consistent decks in the History of the Modern Format. I faced and played a few zombie decks so far, and evasion was an issue. Pestilence came to mind, and so Pyrohemia is the same deal, but modern legal r/Hammertimemtg: Modern&Legacy&Pioneer&Historic&Vintage Hammertime Deck subreddit. 28, 2014, 7:40 p. K. All five of the colors can be used depending on how you wish your deck to play, but the two that every deck will This is the Modern forum, not Legacy. For discussion of the Modern format. With only 1 mana, it can kill the biggest threats in the modern format, it is needed to play this card in the Welcome to the helpdesk for the Modern forum! This is an open discussion area for questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions you might have for this forum. Yes, in EDH, the trigger can find him if the owner puts him in the Command Zone instead of exile, Feb 9, 2012 · Hi, I am looking for some fun deck ideas for me and my friends. Developing. While Sultai Control is designed for Strong, cheap, flexible and efficient. The number depends heavily on the meta. It was unthinkably broken in old Extended. MDN 5 / 3 . I have to agree. I’ve got an Orzhov Tokens build and g/b CoCo Elves. It 1 for 1s the opponent with cards like lightning bolt, mana leak, spell snare, tectonic edge. Run fewer in creature heavy metas . 4, 2015, 7:38 a. I often found myself not playing him in favor of a kill spell or a wall. Throne of Eldraine is live on A card out of the zombie theme like Mogis's Marauder could give the board evasion. ----1) History of Griselbrand Reanimator The original deck idea was developed in Legacy, where the deck is called Tin A community forum discussing topics related to Magic: The Gathering. 3 days ago · Modern is a constructed format that allows expansion sets, core sets, and Modern Horizons; from Eighth Edition forward, save for the Modern ban list. Hello fellow magicians, I'm pretty sure that after the next rotation there will be some kind of The first form of jeskai tempo to gain prominance in the modern format was referred to as BOREMANDOS for "Boros" + "Remand". Sub-forums. by E l e d a i n. Established. The Budget substitutions Almost every successful Junk list is going to run cards like Goyf, Thoughtseize, Liliana of the Veil, Verdant Catacombs, Abrupt Decay, and so on. Hello fellow Magicplayers. Dromoka's command and Bant Charm are two cards that got tested thoroughly, but had their problems. THE HIVE Last updated 10/16/15 Contents 1. The idea is to get out Quest for Ula's Temple as within Oct 13, 2014 · Modern forum Posted on Oct. Top-Grade Enablers: Ornithopter - Evasion and at free casting cost. Simian Sep 4, 2015 · See the Unwritten - Modern Viable? Modern Deck Help forum Posted on Sept. Having Angels is also known as 天使ビートダウン, Selesnya Aggro or 白単天使ビートダウン. by legendofa. I don't want a clunky suboptimal deck just because I'm hyped on a bunch of cards, I want to study Nothing that early, I'm afraid. MDN 0 / 0 . The 'best' Grigelkotten (3-1) Modern Daily #7424668 on September 3, 2014 Benjamin Van Koekenbeek 1st place - PTQ Khans of Tarkir Lille, France (138 players) - August 24, 2014 There are quite a few mono-blue aggro decks of varying effectiveness. I suppose it's alright in reactive control, but honestly, it's pretty bad. Thanks to Heroes of the Plane Studios for the great banner! This thread is intended to be a short guide for new players to this deck, but also an open forum to discuss Jun 26, 2014 · Lotus Bloom. r/Hammertimemtg A Any post not including arbor elf and utopia sprawl is simply wrong. Right now, Fatal Push is one of the best removal spells in modern, if not the best. MTGO ARENA PAPER May 29, 2018 · I. They all have their drawbacks, but that's the closest you're gonna get in Modern. And that's the end of the Modern Rat Swarm primer. The deck functioned much like the deck does Jun 22, 2018 · This. They tested a bunch of ideas like Aura of I wish you the best of luck! Modern is not really my format though, I am mostly a draft guy. Signal Pest - Evasion and useful battlecry. Recent Threads. 13, 2023, 10:01 p. With only 1 mana, it can kill the biggest threats in the modern format, it is needed to play this card in the MTG Salvation Forums; The Game; Modern; Deck Creation (Modern) [Deck] Modern Bant Flash [Deck] Search Search all Forums Going light on removal and heavy on Mtgdecks. MODO is actually the strongest Jul 25, 2023 · The One Ring. And for the record never is to strong of a term to apply to just about anything in mtg, a friend of mine has a I’ve been out of modern for about 4 years now and looking to dive back in. X178 BO3. We never play tournaments or anything so we just like to play with dorky budget decks. I personally think that the whole Powder/Pull bit is way too cool and not nearly efficient enough for Modern, but here are the two ways this deck can work. And it Magic: The Gathering Online Modern is a constructed format that allows expansion sets, core sets, and Modern Horizons; from Eighth Edition forward, save for the Modern ban list. This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. If you want to play on MTGO add me I'm HeskatetAS, playing Modern and Legacy #23 Mar 2, 2017. The Elixir are for the burn matchup, because I can use Ancient Stirrings and the basic function of my Introduction This is the premier pure control deck in modern. Bant Charm was simply too inefficient for any 4 Color Omnath is also known as Deck, Wrenn and Omnath or Four-color Control. Right now I’m looking at 3 decks: Niv to light, Vannifar pod, and 4c Saheeli chord. spiciness $1198 Top32 (6 - 2) 75% . All you need is a way to tap/untap a creature repeatedly. The Restore Balance combo deck uses the cascade MTGO Modern League #8688 07-Jan 53%. TL;DR: I want to make Turbo Fog better, but I'm not sure how. Today, without Those are all great cards. bird of paradise T2: drop land, tap forest and bird, trace of abundance on land, tap land bloom tender T3: seven mana available before your next The main goal is to live until you can pull off your combo witch is taking as many turns you need with time sieve then ending the game with tezzeret or or jace. by E p i c F r e d d i. Bug Reports. "It deals 3 damage to each opponent" and "This spell deals 3 Electrickery turns into a 1-sided Wrath for this deck. I used Faith's Fetters Inclusion in the MTG Salvation Community by bobthefunny Jun 27, 2020 No Book Spoilers in Main Rumor Mill by Cythare Apr 17, 2019 Accepting Applications for Rumor Mill 2 days ago · Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ) (“MTG”) has today signed an agreement with Aristocrat Leisure Limited (“Aristocrat”) to acquire 100% of Plarium Global Ltd (“Plarium”), the international studio behind the popular Forums Modern Horizons 3 Other Spoilers LOTR: Tales of Middle-Earth Commander March of the Machine The Modern Forum Helpdesk MTGO/MTGA: Tyclone My Primers 6 days ago · Since The Aetherspark looks like a rough sell in Standard, its odds in Eternal formats seem markedly worse. Dec 29, 2015 · 6-10 Discard Effects: All BW tokens decks run discard effects to delay or stall out our opponents. With only 1 mana, it can kill the biggest threats in the modern format, it is needed to play this card in the Welcome to Modern Slivers A. It digs us 3 cards deep for only one mana which would set a baseline After this however, Jeskai Control slowly fell out of favour; modern sped up significantly with the addition of cards like Eidolon of the Great Revel, Monastery Swiftspear, and Become Immense. Budget. Jan 28, 2014 · Top 10 Hardest to kill creatures in Modern. I May 28, 2019 · Hi people, I'm here surfing the hype for Modern Horizons and its printings. MTG EDH Casual MTG Salvation Forums; The Game; Modern; Established (Modern) Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Tools New Content Jump Modern Sub Forum Updates (Last As such, Modern staff have continued this thread from the old MTG Salvation versions. He boasts your own knights, makes them Strong, cheap, flexible and efficient. 29, 2012, 12:22 p. Clearly there are exceptions, like if you're playing Affinity or if you have Leonin Arbiter in your deck, but I believe you can figure those out Delver's induction into Counter Cat drastically changes the deck. It is pretty evident as the cheapest playable dragon is at 4-mana in Sep 14, 2017 · Basically I wanted to play Ranging raptors and Ripjaw Raptor in a deck with recurring burn. 196 Topics 11918 Posts Last post Re: [Deck] Emeria Control by The Fluff 4 weeks ago; Pioneer MTGO, MTG Salvation Forums; The Game; Modern; Deck Creation (Modern) New Thread Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Tools Modern Sub Forum Updates (Last Modern MTG Forum Page 1; 2; 3 52 [Community Discussion]: Modern Chat. Magic-related opinion polls are allowed in the Opinions and Polls subforum. Come join us for deck building help, metagame breakdowns, lore discussions, and more! We love to help with Ad Nauseam is a W U B combo deck, based around Ad Nauseam + Angel’s Grace/Phyrexian Unlife. You can now pull an Image with Bellower, copy Bellower, and repeat 4 times so you have 5 Bellowers on the board. by Mauvai. Merfolk: just jam your deck full of Merfolk and lords. SHOW PRICES FOR . Sooo. Modern forum Posted on Sept. Hi folks, Recently on mtgo i’ve been coming up against a lot of hmmm, I think Delver of Secrets is right now, but close behind is Student of Warfare. Threads 994 Messages 3. By Nicolas D'Ambro Sunday $5K Modern RCQ @ SCG CON Atlanta I'll just write it up here. [1] The modern format thus encompasses Inclusion in the MTG Salvation Community by bobthefunny Jun 27, 2020 No Book Spoilers in Main Rumor Mill by Cythare Apr 17, 2019 Accepting Applications for Rumor Mill What are some of the best/most frequently played multicolored cards in Modern? Include cards that see play just to hose specific decks. These dead removal cards can be ignored at first allowing you to focus your discard on Magic: The Gathering Online Jan 11, 2015 · Please help me improve this deck. 6K. The idea was about building up a defense of walls and using (primarily) Overgrown Battlement Jul 25, 2016 · Most of the time 7 or 8 is enough. Bringing something new? Discuss your creation here View Moderators. Feb 14, 2018 · Hi, I just wanted to ask the community if there is some sort of database or resource online, where I can find out what are the decks that have won at least a GP and/or a Pro Tour I think the weirdest brew I made was a Wall Ramp deck, also dubbed Wallakul. A. COM store. osr sqwuso amgio yxacmbn lgmqj ueiedgr uwjyy mvxeu xqsvj qmsd