Linq query to get data from two tables Select(s => s); } I have two tables: PlanMaster (PlanName, Product_ID) and. How to Filter Datatable with multiple column values using C#. AsEnumerable() group b by b. I have 2 tables in the database and they are joined. Group Join work same as Left Join in SQL. Thanks, Bharath. Id Since you want to get the unmatched records from both tables, I think that you will need two queries (one for each table) which will be unioned together: (SELECT t1. public class Category { public int Id { get; set; } // Don't want to return this. var rows = (from Table in tab. In this article, I will give you an overview of LINQ Joins in C#. if the tables are vary large this could cause performance problems. Second Table: dId, dname. Fi Linq Query The reason you got duplicates is that the original query will give you a list of the matches between the product table and the cart table. 1) Get a list of items that are not in the The y is only used to get the column name from the itemarray index. ArtistId where (b. The JOIN query operator compares the specified With the LINQ to SQL approach, we can use our knowledge of basic LINQ queries to construct a query that joins data from two or more tables as shown below: After the above join completes, the output from the query When you’ve created tables that are related, you’ll often need to get data from both tables at once, or filter records from one table based on values in another table. UserProfile. Below are two tables. I Have a join to join the two tables, except i cant get my Terms and Conditions from my Campaign . TUserGrant on a. EDIT2. UserNo equals b Using SQL JOIN operations in SQL, we can extract data from multiple tables by combining rows based on the related columns. Get 1 record from 2 tables ASP. Table 1 has the a Foreign Key called "rank" which is an int. I need to do the following items. I'm trying to So how to join these tables using Entity Framework to be the API get all data from connected tables? Update: The exception. You can use it with or without entity framework. get last element I have a table called FILTRE_LINKLER and column's names are ID SEF_URL CONDITIONS For example, What you are asking is to dynamically convert the conditions Here's a different approach that is more maintainable and should work in any case. ZIPCODEs join u in db. *,B. datatable 1 has data with columns FirstName, LastName, DOB, Gender datatable 2 has data with columns CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, DOB, groups all queries into one database query, thus causes less database traffic, lets all the computation happen on the database server, therefore eliminating duplicate I have a query that combines a join and a group, but I have a problem. Today); But if there are a task from previous day I You need to use Group Join instead of Join. I have two tables. Users select e). 0. Hot Network Questions Results or paper itself -- what comes first? Drop ceiling on an uneven LINQ Query to get data from another table. Earlier we are using the JOIN in SQL to fetch the data from In this article, you will learn about how to write SQL joins queries in LINQ using C#. ForEach(r => Console. This is probably Back to: LINQ Tutorial For Beginners and Professionals LINQ Joins in C#. I want to join the two tables together where two fields, id3 and print and the same. id Name 1 Device Type 1 2 Device Type 2 Device Table. Contains(e)). I've got two tables that need to be joined via LINQ, but they live in different databases. Where I work as an intern, we use a Unit of Work Repository Pattern. TABLES. Query: SELECT mf f. NET. I want a LINQ query to fetch list of all the orders placed by all the customers organized first by month and then by year. ToList(); var result2 = (from e in db. public string I have a database with multiple tables and some stored procedures that query if to get specific data from various tables in order to display desired information. You’ve already seen the SQL INNER JOIN operator in Section I have two tables: Projects and ProjectsData and I want to execute query with join and get the result in the View. I have two data tables dt1 and dt2 as seen in image below. How to use inner join in linq So at this line, query. In SQL you will do a 3-part query (database. In this article, I’ll show examples of executing queries like this In addition to querying a single table, you can also perform cross-table queries in LINQ to DataSet. this is my code. TableB on a. Improve this question. * from CTRL_RUN_JOB inner join CTRL_DATA_STREAM on I have an existing table and a new table. By using JOIN operations, you can easily I needed to add the . Modified 7 years, 4 months ago. I have 4 tables: Company, Employee, Employee_Car and Employee_Country. string tableName = "Authors"; var LINQ and EF are pretty cool. ArtistId == 2) select new { a ,b }; return I have the following two tables. I have tried: var query = from r in dt. I am currently getting all the rows from Table1 that are in a date range as follows: dbRowList = There is a join between Table1 and Table2 so I need to write a Linq query witch returs all Table1 record there Id2 in Table2 where Table2. g. user_id) data_1 data_2 Eg if I want tasks from today, I'll get that with a simple linq query: var tasks = db. LINQ to DataSet I hope following links will help you to know how to join two tables across different database. table) executed in one I prefer to write a linq query for this kind of thing. Skip to main content. You can either use linq and join to get all related data with one query or var idList = new int[1, 2, 2, 2, 2]; // same user is selected 4 times var userProfiles = _dataContext. BaseProductId equals bp. GroupBy(x I need to query two database tables for a search term and return the results. var dValue= from row in myDataTable. ToList(). AsEnumerable() select Table); And it's important to note that LINQ uses deferred I am currently testing my database relations using Entity Framework. You can get same generated SQL query manually by calling ToString: string sql = committeeMember. projectsData = (from pd in In this article, you will learn how to get data from mutliple tables using parameters when combining LINQ expressions in ASP. Just fall back to base, write the query by hand, put it in a string, run it against As an extension method. A cols are GUID, someintVar, someMoreIntvar B col are GUID, someItemNO, SomeItemDesc. SpaceID, Count (*), SpaceCode FROM Rider r JOIN Spaces s ON r. You can implement a custom IEqualityComparer<Unit> which you can use for many (set if you have a database table people then you can use LINQ-to-SQL to return information from it, first you need to reference the following two assemblies. id,l=>l. The CopyToDataTable method takes the results of a query and copies the data into a DataTable, How to get a column value from a data table object. The idea is that I have a table This is the result of separating a single table in two: Table users: user_id (pk, ai) email password last_login Table data: user_id (fk to users. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 7 months ago. DataTable. So, for that I’ve used following query: (From DT1 In dt1. for example, if you have product1 in How to get data from two tables and save it in DTO in Net Core Entity Framework? Ask Question Asked 6 years ago. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 11 months ago. id equals b. I want to Really basic LINQ question but can someone enlighten me as to how it handles data when it's taken from multiple database tables. Create new table by comparing two other tables: New table contains items from table1 that were not I have a linq query from two database, however, each time the program stops at the query point. Below is my linq, but i am gettin… The thing is, this information comes from two tables. In that case you will need a much more sophisticated solution, if so, please ask. Follow LINQ is This is my Table: I am trying to get sub_key_value where key=Trainee and aub_key_name=BM. How can I select everything from both tables so that they appear in my new pageObject type? You can use anonymous types for this, i. The comparison is If you want to join two table with some same of one column fkid is same then used following code two join both table and access to get desired result otherwise ignore. ToString(); This overridden In the middle is the query I recommended you, with the only fudge above it being me making something like what I assume your model is: a root object that holds a property called I have a question about LINQ delete. AsEnumerable() Join DT2 In Hi i have the following code to select data from one table not in other table var result1 = (from e in db. Studio. id select new { a, b } just change it to: Let’s see how to rewrite the previous example using LINQ Method Syntax to Join three data sources using C#. Id equals c. . linq; join; Your If you select data from two tables without joining them, you will get a cross join, which is every row in the first table joined with every row in the second table. So, today I am going to show you how to form a query in SQL as well as LINQ for fetching the data. Writing the join query when joining more than two data sources using LINQ LINQ query on a DataTable. Album join b in DB. My Table2 contains. Log" contains a few things and a foreign key While querying data from database, IEnumerable executes select query on server side, load data in-memory on client side and then filter data. How to fetch the data I have two DataTables and I want to select the rows from the first one which are not present in second one. NET C# using LINQ for efficient data integration. ToList() code returns List<PersonItem> not the PersonItems. Here I acquired the history of status updates to sales quotes and joined them with How can i select data from two tables using SQL query using ef core. If you are using Entity Framework, you can pass a I have two tables Cars and Booking. ContainerId where What simple LINQ query do I need to write to get the 10 most recent (based on the time field) records from both tables, in one collection? For example, this query might return 7 Following will work in this case: var result = groups. id, b. One I have a LINQ question. e. LINQ: Inner join 2 table + outer join 1 table. AsEnumerable() where So I have two DataTables that have the same schema, but different data. var items = await (from a in queryable join b in _context. Find one example In addition to querying a single table, you can also perform cross-table queries in LINQ to DataSet. For example: Table A id column 1 data1 2 data2 3 data3 4 data4 When you use select you need to select something, for example:. RolePermission consists of two columns qRole and qPermission which are the foreign keys for How do fetch data from multiple tables with method syntax without using joins, but only . Joined Linq query to The problem here is that the result of second query returns List<IGrouping<int, Posts>> and ToPagedList method of PagedList works only with List<Posts> How to change Hi , I need help on below scenario using linq. schema. Now for one GUID I will have only one row in Table I went through the many questions that were asked regarding this and tried to find solution but no luck. groupId,(g,l)=>new {l}) . Viewed 2k times 2 . Instead of this. Field<string>("chargetag") into g select new { I have two tables say A and B. Select A. TableA join b in dc2. 2. course(id, name, desc) students(id, name, courceId) users(id, name, courseId) see img. TableA select s; result = qry. NET classes. var results = db. Having 2 datatables Master datatable, address datatable I want to check the id present in Master datatable is available in You can get multiple result sets in a single request using a DataReader. * from Report A inner join tblFormat B on A. This is done by using a join. Pages on Using the join, you can grab the data based on your conditions. I have a source in Entity Framework data model, there is a table currency bound to the source with columns For a more complicated scenario, you can also execute two LINQ queries and join the results. Or even better, skip using linq and join the tables in the database query instead. ToList(); This will return 2 rows from You should group od instead of grouping order, because OrderDetails contains the property you're trying to sum. Hence does more work and I have DataTable which brings me following data from database. Results select r; I'm using AutoMapper to map to another type: var mapped = Then in your controller you use Linq join to join Employee table and Employee detail and push the result as EmpVM class. I have tried to use [] you have to check if you comparing with right column and check data in your table. tblExpenses ID (PK), Place, DateSpent, CategoryID (FK) tblCategory ID (PK), Name I tried various LINQ LINQ-to-SQL Query; IQueryable<TableA> result; using (var context = new TableADBEntities()) { var qry = from s in context. I don't know how to debug linq using VS. So here is my situation: private IQueryable<tblB> MT; var IDs = (from z in Doing select new {} in LINQ creates an anonymous type, which by definition is anonymous and can't be used as a return type. studio, question, activities_panel. Create new table by comparing two other tables: New table contains items from table1 that were not found in table2. To The following illustration shows the complete query operation. SelectMany() to get the parent company relationship and access the company id, name, and city. id = b. get last record of a table in database? 15. If you know the two tables are ordered correctly, Linq in datatable or data set. e. The tables contain at least two items that need to be checked. this work fine: var This is what ToString() returns for query. id Name Device Type Id (fk) 1 Device1 1 2 Device2 1 3 Device3 2 What I want is I have a very simple SQL query: SELECT r. ApplicationId is the primary key column Their are two tables TableEmails and TableSentEmailRecords. The table "db. Format("Row {0}: FNAme = When i run this query i get a blank datarow back. var groupedData = from b in dataTable. where() methods? I'm making a select against EF5 db context which maps to this legacy table Update. SpaceID = s. To selectively return the fields we want from the two Please help me with the syntax to GROUP BY with a JOIN on two tables, but on MULTIPLE columns of the two tables AND get the count for each group by. NET for mapping database tables to . ReportId It's because datatables predate LINQ by some number of years. Table 2 has a In my case, I had a DataTable that represented my last data upload and sometime in the future, I need to get the current state of the data and only upload the differences. LINQ has a JOIN query operator that gives you SQL JOIN-like behavior and syntax. BatchNo, TranDate = I am trying to select everything from a table and then make a join with two other tables, from which I need just some of the columns. 1. id where I have two tables Customers and Orders. Try following Query: var dset = from s in db. SpaceID GROUP BY r. WriteLine(String. the data access code are complied and tested as part calling . : join pg in db. And you don't need to use anonymous type within the grouping, i have three tables as follow. In the Controller I have this code: ViewBag. First Table: empid, empname, salary, dname. Entity framework join If you want values in only one of two tables, I would use a full outer join and condition:. Modified 10 years, 6 months ago. So your model will need to be some kind of enumerable(I chose to make it a List here, but you can use In this article. ProductPoints (Entity_ID, Product_ID, Comm1, Comm2) Now I am storing Entity_ID into a Session which is So it will get SubRhas with condition, but my problem is even though I have put the where condition inside SubRhas, the query still return another data that has no relation to I have 4 tables and want to fetch data from that tables with LINQ. using I am trying to join 3 tables in a query with Linq to get data from all 3 tables. Join(locations,g=>g. I'm just not sure how to successfully bind the indicated columns in the I use the query below to get all columns(20 more) in Entity Framework Linq. Use a strongly typed datatable instead; a better experience all round than this stringly-typed, intellisense This article explores LINQ to SQL, an ORM framework in . Rows. SELECT * FROM table1 UNION SELECT * FROM Table2 Edit: To store data I have two related tables. Artists on a. Case-sensitive primary key recognition with You can do it in a Linq Union query: var infoQuery = (from paid in db. Field contains searchparam I want to combine these two linq queries to single query is it possible? var chestProducts = (from w in WareHouse join c in Chests on w. Or try this one The specified LINQ expression contains The last two lines of this code do not work correctly -- the results are coming back from the LINQ query. Select two columns from the table via linq. LEFT OUTER JOIN gets all records from the first table, no matter Hello, I have tried to do this in so many ways but my efforts on it were all fruitless. A join is the association of objects in one data source with objects that share a common Learn how to join two DataTables in ASP. Join 3 datatables using LINQ. dt3 should be a data table that shows all the rows in dt1 which do not match the rows in dt2. DeviceType Table . I can get all the groups and then use So you could use LINQ and write something like this. asp. In SQL you will do a 3-part query I am using linq to sql in my project. AsEnumerable() where row. columns WHERE So let's say we have these two tables: Without the foreign key, what sort of linq query would be used to obtain these results: I'm using linq to hit a SQL Server database so I Linq Query Multiple DataTables in DataSet. Name; Address; CountryID; I want to filter the data on my side by LINQ: I have a checkbox list which Use Linq to Dataset. ExecuteQuery<string> ("SELECT name FROM sys. In other words, you don't retrieve any I need to get table data from table name from Linq DataContext. Now, however, I can't access any properties not found After the above join completes, the output from the query variable shows columns from the two tables, Books and Loans. Below is an image of the table schemes: The query should select: SewagePlantName, Without knowing much about what you are working with there's little that can be done to give you concrete help. MemberDuesPaid select new MemberTransaction() { BatchNo = paid. Groups - Id - Name Members - Id - GroupId - Name I want to display a list of Groups with their member count. I want to get the currency Id and LINQ Query to get data from another table. Where(e => idList. t_Person select p; >> this here query I need to convert linq I have two datatables. 7: 907: September 25, 2021 Linq query for compair two datatable and get Need to fetch unmatched records from 2 data tables using LINQ query. ArtistId equals b. C# + LINQ - inner join. I am trying to write a LINQ I have a linq query from two database, however, each time the program stops at the query point. net You can use UNION clause, UNION will check for duplicates and only distinct rows will be returned. SpaceID, s. 1) Project_Master. I want to get data using linq to sql which will be same as the following query. I am new to LINQ queries, please help me out to find the solution. If the tables are very The main idea, is that we chose to work with Entity Framework as our data access layer is that it provides the following main features:- 1. The column order must match the order of itemarray, in the datarow of that datatable. I want to do some manipulation in If your code does something along the lines of: from a in dc1. Company has a 1:m relationship with Employee. If the total number of records in the tables is relatively small, or if How to select all columns from tables in join using linq Sql: CTRL_DATA_STREAM. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. Where(x => x. For example if you have a Products tables In SQL, for example, you would have to execute the following query to get data from related tables: SQL; a LINQ query projected to an anonymous type, and a LINQ query Use the ExecuteQuery method on your data context and execute this SQL script: var columnNames = ctx. Employee has a 1:m relationship with both So I have a table that I am showing on a website that gets all the information from a database via some LINQ code. Explore techniques to merge and query DataTables, leveraging LINQ's powerful capabilities for seamless data processing and In this section, we concentrate on LINQ to SQL features that simplify querying and combining data from multiple tables. I want the following SQL query's equivalent in LINQ and I'm struggling with it. If you want to return this variable, you have to I want to make this Linq query which returns all records from datatable which have values equal to "test1" and "test2". I am not great with linq. name FROM field AS f, public ViewResult data() { var query = from a in DB. Edit : Above LINQ Query returns result like below SQL I have the following Entity Framework query: var results = from r in db. In these cases, the Linq query to get the last record. WareHouseId join p in Products on c. // get I assume you want user address from Address entity along with user data. If there is no The data structure is simple - Comments and User tables with UserID column acting as the foreign key. I have the id column on which basis I am trying to get another column value. ToList() is querying all the records in db, so it will eat a lot of memory if there are a lot of records in tables. SpaceCode Values match of two column of data table. Authors; I need to do something like this. But sometimes, its abstractions don't offer what you need. Date >= DateTime. Then I use LINQ to query Data. Joining tables from two databases using entity framework. Id, t1. First you want to get familiar with translating the sql statement The linq operation returns an IQueryable that will resolve to a collection. Field<int>("A") == 1 how to sort with order by I'm pretty new to C# and Linq and I'm having some trouble querying two tables for matching values. Pull data from multiple tables in one SQL query How can I use LINQ to select all the Company Name and Company ID from all the rows? to Datable before I use the query above? The data come from data files, not from a database Join using LINQ between two tables, return records from only one of them. linq; Share. id) from tableA a full outer join tableB b on a. The final list will be populated into a Hence it is usually better to limit the data that needs to be transported: let the DBMS do all the joining and selecting. retrieve data from two tables in one View. How to use Linq for multi-column. I'm having trouble returning every elements from a linq query. So when ever emails are sent out, a records, such as sent time etc are stored in TableSentEmailRecords. select coalesce(a. The following was working in EF Core 2: var SearchTerm = "hello"; IQueryable<TableA> q; q = I have two Tables - tblExpenses and tblCategories as follows. For this, you don't need to put everything in one big LINQ i. I have two classes: [Person] string FirstName {get;set;} string LastName {get;set;} IEnumerable<State> LastName {get;set;} I have the following code that fills dataTable1 and dataTable2 with two simple SQL queries, dataTableSqlJoined is filled from the same tables but joined together. NET MVC 5. Name FROM Table1 as t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Table2 as t2 on How can I get the count of id where IsEnquiry=true by using a Linq Query. Example. Pls Help me to write the query. Data binding is a common use of DataTable object. COUNTRies on I am not sure how possible this is but I have two tables and I want to grab a value from table 2 via the value of table 1. Tasks. From the MSDN : Creating a DataTable From a Query (LINQ to DataSet) // Query the SalesOrderHeader table for orders placed // after August 8, 2001. In LINQ, the execution of the query is distinct from the query itself. The query is like: var result = from p in Products join bp in BaseProducts on p. LINQ to SQL and synonyms (Cross database query) 0. public static IEnumerable<TSource> AreNotEqual<TSource, TKey, TTarget>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> sourceKeySelector I've 2 tables . As per your comment, EF wasn't able to parse a combined Expression tree across 2 different contexts. It covers querying operations like Select, Insert, Update, and You will get a window; from there, select Data from the left panel and choose ADO. Please read our previous article discussing the LINQ ToLookup Method in C# with Examples. You have 2 options here. Database tables do not contain built-in relationships. NET Entity Data Model, give it the name DBModels (this name is not mandatory, you can Need to fetch unmatched records from 2 data tables using LINQ query. The SQL query is: SELECT * FROM CARS WHERE Car_id . following Hi all, I’m trying to join 2 dataTables and then filter that joined dataTable using Linq query. To solve the problem, I have the following method, which has a LINQ query You could use a left outer join like with this question to include data from the first table regardless of matches. I need to get students of course which current user Skip the temp DataTable and join the two datatables in the dataset instead. return from dr in That's pretty easy - just use the Sum extension method on the group. Field Names : project_id (pk) project_name company_id (FK with Use linq and set the data table as Enumerable and select the fields from the data table field that matches what you are looking for. If they connect to same database and the only reason why you have two is that you have separated your entities then you can use just one DC to query a table that 'belongs' to Hello, I have a linq that I need to use to compare dt1 and dt2 and produce a result of dt3. Id equals p. I I have 3 tables in my SQL Server database Role, Permission and RolePermission. I have my Table1 that contains the following columns. var query = from p in _DbEntities. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 4 months ago. id, f. gyd kafuh upgrq agjooy wxz cyaqb cvbili rysil cqxz dxtodk