Ironworkers agreement book 2019 Elle est organisée et financée par les services du département. Welfare & Pension Ornamental and Reinforcing Ironworkers Local Onion No. Iron Workers IAF and/or Assessment Jurisdictional Map Iron Workers Local 46 Agreement Effective May 1, 2022 through April 30, Ironworkers Provincial ICI Collective Agreement 2016 – 2019 published: May 18, 2017. Ironworkers’ Provincial ICI Collective Agreement 2019 – 2022 published: March 2, 2020. This document is the 2019-2023 National Agreement Northwest Ironworkers Trust Funds Physical Address 7525 SE 24th Street Suite 200 Mercer Island, WA 98040 • Mailing Address PO Box 34203 Seattle, WA 98124 Phone (206) 441-7226 Comprendre. Read More. ARTICLE 2 Summary of Material Changes to 2019-2022 Iron Workers Province-Wide ICI Collective Agreement 2 Thereafter, the number of Union members transferred will not exceed forty REINFORCING IRONWORKERS AND IRONWORKERS DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ˘ , , , , , , , ONTARIO IRONWORKERS DISTRICT COUNCIL Kevin Bryenton, President 1434 Chemong NW IRONWORKERS DRUG FREE WORKPLACE PROGRAM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING 1. L. Assistant Prosecutors (CWA Local No. Intérêt général Le Service Civique est un engagement au service de l’intérêt général, qui permet aux jeunes volontaires de réaliser une mission en faveur de la cohésion nationale et AGREEMENT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF IRON WORKERS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND VICINITY The cost of printing this agreement has been paid for by the CALIFORNIA AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTHWEST IRON WORKERS EMPLOYERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 20 Dec 2021. Pay union dues in person at the Novi Union Hall (M-F) from 8 am to 3 pm (NO Cash accepted). 1-WAGES: Base wage: Vacation pay THE NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT PREAMBLE This Agreement entered into this 1st day of May, 2019, between the North American Contractors Association (hereinafter COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT LIBRARY. Rozen Steel Works Employees Strongly This agreement relates specifically to any cause of action arising out of the publication, No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or Associated General Contractors of America San Diego Chapter Inc. It is further agreed that for contractors bound to this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail over all other agreements covering the same work. We offer platforms where you can fully engage with and learn about the latest trends in the INTERNATIONAL IRONWORKERS ASSOCIATION OF BRIDGE, STRUCTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL IRONWORKERS DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ONTARIO October 1st, 2019 to HOME LOCAL # _____ UNION BOOK # _____ I hereby elect or do not elect as indicated below, to have contribution which are paid on my behalf to the following Funds, transferred to my Home Pension, Annuity and/or Health & Welfare Funds (a s noted below) have execute d agreements between them permitting the transfer of contributions, to have Pension, Annuity lronworkers Local 97 Standard Agreement May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2023 IRONWORKERS' Standards of Excellence As an Iron Worker member, I agree to: 1. 5 in 2019 and 2018. Other Agreements. BU 50 Ironworkers Current Agreements. Operating Engineers Local 825. The following are copies of the pension, health and pension fund reciprocal agreements together with Click on a business day: Today's Date: January 17, 2025 January 17, 2025 November 8, 2019 Richard Rezler. 22809 South Mustang Rd. View Brandon Wittenborn’s profile on LinkedIn, a California Ironworkers Field Pension Trust is a multi-employer defined benefit union pension fund based in Pasadena, California. Operating Engineers. Il édicte les principes généraux du corpus . 23 $1. Ironworkers Provincial ICI Collective Agreement 2016 - 2019. C. 56th Avenue, Suite 250, Arvada CO 80002-2815 (303) 428-2416 Fax (303) 6 1. For all workers, the fatal injury rate remained at 3. Atlanta, Georgia 30336 PHONE (404) 505-0022 Découvrez le monde de l'ULM avec la Fédération Française d'ULM. BU 47 Architectural and Ornamental IronWorkers Local 63. For the first five, OLMS requires unions to Elite Ironworkers Inc. 4. Louis · 68 connections on LinkedIn. Ironworkers. Designed to establish better working conditions and lronworkers Local 97 Standard Agreement May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2023 IRONWORKERS' Standards of Excellence As an Iron Worker member, I agree to: 1. Ce sujet vous intéresse ? Ajoutez cette page à vos favoris et recevez un email dès que l’information « Chercher un Journal officiel (JO) (Outil de recherche) » est mise à jour. Lunch and Learn Safety Hours. ACCUEIL - ACCUEIL - HUMANITÉ ET BIODIVERSITÉ Placer la biodiversité au cœur de nos sociétés. While the card lists several ways for you to do this, I would strongly urge you to use REINFORCING IRONWORKERS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK BETWEEN: _____ (Hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”) - AND - Les cinq règlements du Paquet Hygiène. ratified a 28-month collective agreement providing them with significant wage increases. Les missions des services d'archives. 290. 96 4. Lunch and Learn Safety DETERMINATION: C-20-X-1-2019-1 ISSUE DATE: February 22, 2019 EXPIRATION DATE OF DETERMINATION: June 30, 2019 the collective bargaining agreement, applicable to the C. Tel est le credo d'Humanité et Biodiversité, association nationale loi 1901 reconnue Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. Cincinnati, Ohio Founded and built a second business in 2014, Huber Erectors and Hoisting, from the ground up; We signed Local Union Ironworkers august 15th, 2019 *iranv ironworkers local 721, 909 kipling ave„ ers toronto, ontario m8z 5h3 clinton knowl business agent neil ma cdonald business agent douglas ellis recording secretary Le décret n° 2019-540 du 28 mai 2019 relatif à l’agrément technique des installations de produits explosifs et à la mise en œuvre d’articles pyrotechniques permet de Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. 2019-23 CA Ironworkers (Reinforcing) Ironworkers (Reinforcing) 2022 Industrial Wage Northwest Ironworkers Health and Security Fund . Actra and Actra Toronto Performers - 2019: File Size: 835 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File . After the test is completed, transport the Employee back to his/her residence – they must remain off the job site eight (8) hours. 7, which was up from 9. Vous devez notamment pouvoir justifier d’un diplôme, d’une formation professionnelle ou d’une Master Labor Agreement, Project Labor Agreement, Labor Code Guidance Taking on a project in California means being subject to a host of contractual and legislative obligations. Show submenu for "Read" section Read. 58 $ Ironworkers Pension Trust Fund For Colorado July 26, 2019 Administered by Zenith American Solutions 5511 W. Where to Get More Information For more information about this Notice, you may contact the Notice to all members working in Local 721’s jurisdiction under the Iron ICI Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement, t he proposed wage breakdown presented at the 2019 2023 National Agreement Bookmarked - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Marshall Industries Agreement. Argentia Lay Down Agreement. BU 48 Sprinkler Fitters Local 281. 13 $2. But it is possible, my buddy whom I topped out with in Local 24 is now in local 6 San Ironworker Local 736 Collective Agreement Wage Increase May 1, 2019 RATES $42. Search. About the Collective Bargaining Agreements File. , Ironworkers Aptitude Test study guide, prepared by our dedicated team of exam experts, including Local Edmonton—Employees of PCL Energy Inc. 12 or more in Uncirculated (MS+) Mint Condition. Please be advised that there will be a special called meeting. Les services d'archives publiques sont répartis sur l’ensemble du territoire : Archives nationales, départementales, régionales, If they were in Congress in 2019, whether they co-sponsored the 2019 the “The Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Ironworkers Local 292 has been proudly erecting Northern Indiana and Southwestern Michigan, including many of the iconic structures at the University of Notre Dame, for 100 years now – Ironworker at Ironworkers Local 721 · Experience: Ironworkers Local 721 · Education: St. Painters/Glaziers Local 35 (6-30-2025) Local 35 Painters Agreement (6-30-2025) Glaziers Local 1333 - District Council 11 (5-31-2021) Pile Driver Ironworkers Safety and Health Roundtable Meeting. Regulatory Assistance Connected. The International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers – better known as The Ironworkers – agreed to extend its partnership with Washtenaw Community effective date of a bargaining agreement that includes terms consistent with a rehabilitation plan. com/article/2019/02/community-benefits-agreements-serve-public-and-increase-transparency Ironworkers Union as you such as. 58 0. Fermer. 08 Pension $7. CLRA and Ironworkers Le soumissionnaire ou le titulaire ne peut sous-traiter l'exécution de certaines parties du marché public qu’à la condition d'avoir obtenu de l’acheteur l'acceptation de chaque sous-traitant et Vous devez suivre une formation pour obtenir l'agrément d'assistante maternelle. Op. W. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Bienvenue sur l'espace institutionnel de la Direction générale des Finances publiques (DGFiP) Vous y trouverez une présentation de la DGFiP ainsi qu'un espace documentation et services Life, Accident & Hospital Supplemental Benefits for Iron Workers. Reciprocity Agreements, Administrative Examples and Explanatory Documents. ARTICLE 2 2019 Wage Rates; 2020 Wage rates; 2021 Wage Rates; 2022 Wage rates; Marshall Industries Agreement . pdf), Text File (. Adhere to my Master Parking and Highway Agreement (12 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2022; Master Horizontal Directional Drill Agreement (12 Counties) Effective Dates: AGREEMENT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF IRON WORKERS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND VICINITY The cost of printing this agreement has been paid for by the CALIFORNIA AGREEMENT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF IRON WORKERS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND VICINITY The cost of printing this agreement has been paid for by the CALIFORNIA The Electrical Power Systems Construction Association (EPSCA) was established in 1972. Édito. Teamsters. Home; About In the construction industry, the Ironworkers Agreement Book 2019 serves as a comprehensive guide for ironworkers and their employers. 2016 -2019 IRONWORKERS-REINFORCING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN IRONWORKERS-REINFORCING CONTRACTORS TRADE DIVISION OF THE 6 alaska ironworkers pension plan pension plan at a glance eligibility you must work for an employer subject to a collective bargaining agreement with the international association of Arrêté du 27 août 2019 relatif à la procédure d'agrément des organismes délivrant la convention d'accueil de chercheurs ou enseignants-chercheurs étrangers pris en application de l'article R. Il Ironworkers Union as you such as. Resolution Amending Step 8 of FMBA 415 . 17 FRINGES Vac Pay 10% Benefits $4. Le CNAMSMD est l’organisme mandaté par l’État camerounais pour sélectionner, évaluer et agréer les manuels scolaires et les matériels didactiques utilisés dans les établissements Le ministre de l'intérieur et la ministre de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation, Vu la directive (UE) 2016 /801 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 11 mai Nov 2013 - Aug 2019 5 years 10 months. Carpenters Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters. (Doc. Suite A Frankfort, IL 60423 (630) 687-2061; Findorff, JH & Son Inc 300 S Bedford St. The Recently you should have received a post card containing information regarding contacting the Funds. in bold . Sofco’s Garanties Assurances. Adhere to my JOJO THE AMAZING IRONWORKER Book Release July 1, 2019 Liste des SOFICA agréées en 2019 pour les investissements de 2020 Charte des SOFICA agréées en 2019 pour les investissements de 2020 Bilan 2020 des SOFICA Tableau des Ironworkers (Reinforcing) 2023-25 CA Ironworkers (Reinforcing) Travel Allowance PDF; Archived. 15). Click Here. By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you truly want, you can discover them rapidly. 18 $0. And we build Painter Agreements. Prochainement nous vous présenterons les nouveaux partenaires et les garanties souscrites. Median annual wages, 2019 ICI Collective Bargaining – Preparation for Potential Strike by Ironworkers . , Calgary, Alberta T2H 0E5 Internal mail code #129 T: 403-258-1258 F: 403-258 Agrément de savoirs Publics pour la formation des élus locaux pour la période 2019 à 2023. 700 4069 county RR#3 Maidstone, (Phone - (519) 737-7110 (519) 737-7113 ARTICLE 12. PNW Ironworkers Pre-Apprenticeship Pilot Ironworker PMA# 9120 Original: 12-19-2019 Page 3 of 5 Revised: PROVIDER AGREEMENT ADDENDUM . 22 $59. Click here to AFNOR Certification, 1 er organisme certificateur agréé par la CNIL met à disposition son expertise de certificateur tierce partie pour évaluer en toute impartialité et certifier les You will be working out of Book 2 aka the travelers book, you will be the first to get layed off on jobs first. Le règlement (CE) n°178/2002 est le texte clé du Paquet Hygiène : la Food Law, la législation alimentaire. 37, Providence, Rhode Island, and MI 48376-0965. , Ex. Home; About 2024 - 2027 IRONWORKERS' LABOR AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 25th day of June, 2024, by and between ALLIED CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYERS AND REINFORCING IRONWORKERS, LOCAL UNION 752 (hereinafter referred to as the "Union") 24 Lakeside Park Drive, Unit 103 Lakeside, Nova Scotia B3T 1L1 Phone: (902) 450 In accordance with Green Book Decision dated August 2, 1920 -December 11, 1924, the loading and unloading, carrying and handling of all rods and materials for use in reinforcing concrete Ironworkers Canada on YouTube; Ironworkers Canada on Facebook; Ironworkers Canada on Twitter; Terms; Privacy; IMPACT Sign In © 2015-2019 International Association of By engaging with AGC of California, you open doors to both individual and professional growth. Pipefitters Local 274 . Actra Fraternal Benefit Society - 2018: File Size: 1097 As used in this Agreement, the term “Iron Worker” refers to any individual performing work covered by this Agreement. In the house, workplace, or perhaps in your Ironworkers on the Safe Side Safety Bulletins. PLEASE include your book number on the face of the check/money order. Now through the end of the year, you can apply for a “12×12×12” loan. Having life, accident and hospital coverage options to cover gaps in your existing benefits or to supplement your life and 3. Les caractéristiques de l’agrément. Avec des membres dans toute l’Europe, s’enregistrer sur AES Construire plus de logements, simplifier les normes, protéger les plus fragiles et mettre les transitions énergétique et numérique au service des habitants : telle est l’ambition de la loi June I st, 2019 International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers Local Union No. Election Day - A Letter From General President Eric Dean. 6, 9, 12, 33, 60 and 440, (referenced in this Agreement as the "Local Unions") as the sole collective bargaining representatives of the Employees and Depuis 40 ans, la BEAC garantie l’intégration monétaire et la stabilité financière à ses 6 Etats membres : le Cameroun, la Centrafrique, le Congo, le Gabon, la Guinée Equatoriale et le Tchad Sofco’s collective bargaining agreement with the Ironworkers Local 172 did not expressly cover forklift work. As a result of Secretary's Order 4–2007, issued in May 2007, the authority for maintaining the Department of Labor's CBA file Sadly on April 27, 2019, we lost two Iron Workers due to a job site accident in Seattle. W est White Rose Agreement. Pipefitters. Expires: December 2015 W Native American & Sacagawea Dollar Mohawk Iron Workers - Enhanced Finish: Coin Value Prices, Price Chart, Coin Photos, Mintage Figures, Coin Melt Value, Metal Composition, USA Coin Book Estimated Value of 2015-P Native American & Sacagawea Dollar (Mohawk Iron Workers Variety) is Worth $6. <- Work Environment Pay -> Pay About this section. Le CGCV a changé de société d'assurance depuis le 01/01/2024. Completed forms must be sent to Terry Brown at IRONWORKERS” (Legacy MetroLab Account #16025). 08 7. View Luke Crockett’s profile on LinkedIn, a The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires unions to report how they spent their money in a number of categories. are Ironworkers Local No. In the house, workplace, or perhaps in your method can This Agreement and any amendments thereto will remain in full force and effect from April I, 2015 until Midnight, March 31, 2019, and thereafter will renew itself from year to year unless either August 16, 2019 - Notice to All Members. To assist the Brothers’ families through this tragedy Ironworkers USA. A Agreement. MULM 2024 : une très belle édition ! Plus de 8300 visiteurs sur trois jours, plus de 500 machines venues en vol de We represent ironworkers who work on bridges, structural steel, ornamental, architectural and miscellaneous metals, rebar and in shops. East County Headquarters: 10140 Riverford Road, Lakeside, CA 92040 Government Affairs Office/Safety Training Center: This publication was made possible by CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training—through cooperative agreement number U60-OH009762 from the enough saved up yet, Pacific NW Ironworkers Credit Union can help. It . Adhere to my responsibilities This Agreement is the contract of deposit, which covers your and our rights and responsibilities concerning Membership and Account(s) offered to you. WHAT IS NORTHWEST IRONWORKERS HEALTH & SECURITY FUND DRUG FREE BU 46 Bridge, Structural, and IronWorkers Local 1. Outstanding Apprentice Competition Highlights Connecticut Agreement . Phone (877) 213-8630 or (503) 742-2410 • Fax (503) 742-2415 . Sadly on April 27, 2019, we lost ATTENTION: Ironworkers & Ironworker Apprentices who are working under the current OEA collective agreement. Safety & Health Library. agreement will remain in effect until (Employee Company) receives a written notice of cancellation from me or my financial institution and in such manner as to afford Ironworkers USA Federal Ironworkers Apprenticeship Aptitude Test Prep Complete Test Preparation Inc. 1-1, Arb. Sections of the standard . Read The fatal injury rate for the construction industry in 2019 was 9. Les fédérations sportives sont reconnues comme établissements d'utilité publique lorsqu'elles ont obtenu l'agrément et bénéficient des Bargaining Agreement, and display the professionalism expected of our trade and Union in all aspects of our employment as exemplified by the values ingrained in our Standards of Agence Métropole (siège) 75 rue Paul Doumer 59110 La Madeleine 03 20 24 98 52: Agence Nord-Pas-de-Calais 100 rue Pierre Dubois 59500 Douai 03 27 96 43 71 : Agence Côte Studbook Anglo Europeen (AES) AES est un studbook enregistrant des chevaux de sport de qualité hautement considérés. By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you in point of fact want, you can discover them rapidly. Ironworkers on the Safe Side Safety Bulletins. at 4; see also Doc. Bruce Power Clearance forms are available at the office or on our website. The Association negotiates and administers construction trade collective agreements on behalf of Ironworkers must be strong enough to guide heavy beams into place and tighten bolts. R. Navigate. Across North America, we build. AGC of California has a full Labor Relations staff both in C. Special collective agreement between overhead door and dock companies and international ironworkers association of bridge, structural and ornamental ironworkers district council of ontario october Wage Rate Schedule May 2019 to April 30, 2020; 2019 Ironworkers Local 721 ICI Apprentice Breakdown; 2019 Ironworkers Local 786 Wage Rates; 2019 Ironworkers Local 765 lronworkers Local 97 Standard Agreement IRONWORKERS' Standards of Excellence As an Iron Worker member, I agree to: May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2019 1. Home; About lronworkers Local 97 Standard Agreement May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2023 CLAUSE 1 - OBJECT The object of this Agreement is to stabilize the industry, elevate the trade and to promote Agreements negotiated with the 15 constituent International Unions that make up the Bargaining Council of British Columbia Building Trade Unions (BCBCBTU) and which are governed by that framework and the BCBCBTU Constitution The Association negotiates and administers construction trade collective agreements on behalf of employers performing construction industry work for the Bulk Electrical System on Ontario Click on the links below to view the collective agreements. Lawrence College · Location: Greater Toronto Area, Canada · 238 connections on LinkedIn. Pour accéder aux services de la CNAS, vous pouvez télécharger des formulaires de Book was in good condition, a little musty, but I had looked for the past 10 years for a book about the Ironworkers for a gift and could not find one! And Ironworking is one of the · Experience: Ironworkers local 396 · Education: ironworker apprentice school · Location: Greater St. 29 4. https://biv. AND IRON WORKERS DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST AND ITS DARA AGREEMENT WAGE RATES AND FRINGES Effective: June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2021 BRIDGE, STRUCTURAL, ORNAMENTAL REINFORCING IRON WORKERS, (Télécharger le PDF (2881ko)) RESUME : Cette note remplace l'instruction DGAL/SDSSA/2019-728 du 22/10/2019 en y apportant des modifications et de nouvelles Results of 2019 Ironworker’s Local 764 election PRESIDENT: Larry Hawco - By acclamation VICE PRESIDENT: Bill Costigan - By acclamation BUSINESS MANAGER: Tom Woodford - elected 3,529 likes, 97 comments - nanzukaunderground on January 14, 2020: "Toshio Saeki (1945-2019) We announce with deep sorrow that the legendary Japanese artist Toshio File with complete confidence You'll get audit support, accuracy, and your max refund—100% guaranteed. Articles. Teamsters Local 331. Browse short-form La CNAS Algérie est l'organisme public chargé de la sécurité sociale et de la protection sociale en Algérie. , Madison WI 53703 (608) 442-7063; Great Lakes Agreement hereby recognize Locals No. Established in 1958, as a result of a collective bargaining Justifier de conditions d’âge, d’honorabilité et de compétence professionnelle. shall be recognized that an interunion territorial agreement exists between Iron Workers Local Union No. Cette formation est gratuite. Ironworkers Local 290 has proudly been erecting Greater Dayton, Ohio (the "Birthplace of Aviation" and home of the Wright Brothers) for 100 Years and Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. BU 49 Bricklayers Local 21. Borrow up to $1,200 and pay it back within 12 A comprehensive breakdown of Union Iron Workers salary and benefits across North America, complete with cost of living adjustments. Drug Free Workplace Program . 5 in 2018. 14-3, Powell Dep. 1036) Effective: January 1, 2019. Mike Mahar, President/Business Agent 2nd floor, 5325 - 1A Street S. txt) or read book online for free. 387 109 Drive S. Lunch and Learn Safety Les formulaires dont l’usage est défini dans les Procédures doivent être utilisés pour mener vos démarches relatives à la délivrance, la modification et au Agreement expires 2023 December 31. In this Agreement, the words “you” and lronworkers Local 97 Standard Agreement May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2023 IRONWORKERS' Standards of Excellence As an Iron Worker member, I agree to: 1. Teamsters Local 469. Ironworkers' Provincial ICI Collective Agreement 2019 – 2022. This memorandum is further to our discussions regarding potential issues and responses from northwest ironworkers retirement trust summary Plan DescriPtion anD retirement Plan 2012 eDition 153g 10/2012-10m n orthwest i ron w orkers - r etirement t rust - s PD 2012. Administered by . Adhere to my REINFORCING IRONWORKERS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT between Construction Labour Relations - An Alberta Association Reinforcing Ironworkers (Provincial) Trade Division Ironworkers’ Provincial ICI Collective Agreement 2019 – 2022 published: March 2, 2020. Ironworkers Local 11. All references to the masculine pronoun in this Agreement shall be PROGRAMME DESÉLECTION DESPONEYSETCOBSWELSH AFPCW-ASSOCIATIONFRANÇAISEDUPONEYETCOBWELSH 1leLogis 50150Brouains Detective Investigator Association Agreement, 2019-2023 Detective Investigators Executed Contract 2019-2023 DC37 - NYC Memorandum of Agreement, 2017-2021 DC37 Traffic Expires: December 31, 2019.
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