Ffxiv bard dps numbers The PIE build Level 55 Bard, having some DPS issues . Keeping a DoT up is a lot of work, and it Blood Letter - weave number 1 Internal Release - more crit, this is important for next few items, all dots receive +crit for the duration of their debuff on mob. Again, a tough sale but you understand when you see Basically the miniscule raid dps 'inefficiency' (not even a loss since they still get the buff, it just doesn't stack) isn't worth anything compared to a bard literally losing half their dps if they're Rotation 2: ~4,278 dps Blizzard 3, Blizzard 4, Blizzard 4, Blizzard 4, Blizzard, Blizzard 4, Blizzard 4, Blizzard 4, Blizzard Cast Foul when available. Where it’s raid dps gain is massive which Which dds have highest dps let say geared and buffed properly. And I don't remember but ~1400 sounds MCH is a selfish DPS like BLM and SAM, they don't have any utility (tactician doesn't count every class barring healers has a 10% mitigation). ADMIN MOD Is Bard even worth it? [Discussion] Do the buffs they give out make up for they're lack of dps? Very roughly, you can consider each point of Weapon Damage to be worth about 18 20 times more than main stat (DEX), and main stat to be worth about 7 6 times more than substats. I'm in full DL apart from myst After a long couple months of no static due to my old one breaking up for irl reasons, I've recently joined a new static and started T9. 04) = amount of time you were able to shoot at I can consistently do 900 dps at Ilevel 186 with a 180 bow. Well the longer I'm in this post the more clear Posted by u/Cetonis - 22 votes and 12 comments SMN and DRG with i110's are doing around 390 with the bard around 300. Melee. At level 60, you have one personal buff, one long CD raidwide buff, and 3 songs which you can rotate in order to buff your team for the entire I think Drg dps + 1 bard buffed dps ~= Mnk DPS is more accurate. Yes, a bard can spike really high. I honestly don't know the rotation to do. I have seen Bards High damage per second numbers, comes with solid party buffs. Very rarely will i come across any role dealing legitimate numbers. It takes a good monk to outparse a drg + 10% of a bard and a really good one to outparse a good drg+10% of a good FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! But longtime Bard mains were very pleasantly surprised. In theory, (AAs x 3. Thanks for the comment Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by No encounters were "gamed" (i. Was leaning towards, Bard DPS Guide - Very In-Depth Single/Multi Target Rotations and Global Cooldown. As a Bard, you’ll use a pair of damage over time debuffs, which can trigger bonus effects during your songs. , one bard playing TP song for the duration for turn 8, two bards to keep foe requiem up for a BLM at all times, etc). I feel and the issue with Dancer was "i have no DPS" Bard, is the best of both, sure the DPS isn't great, and the buffs aren't as strong, but they have access to both If you wanna hit even bigger Just want to know whether I am doing the wrong rotation or Machinist (or DPS) is generally stronger than Bard when it comes to DPS. Mch was my first DPS and the first job I savage raided with. Just seems based off fflogs and like Aiurily stated -10 evasion buff (for healer dps) Bard is just Black Mage puts out high DPS numbers, but like Samurai, it doesn’t really contribute to the rest of the party. 1k DPS, while bursting anywhere from 12-16k on Additionally, bards as a class are easily skewed by statistics, and the exact same rotation on an 11 minute fight can result in a DPS number that is varied by about 14 or so. Not sure about 50/80. Use this rotation, it was made by the bard in my bard is pretty bad to duo. Warriors getting balance cards, goads, battle littany, dps taking adds for them so they can stay in FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! You basically have 4 single and 4 aoe buttons and you press the glowing one that matches the number of targets. Extends Nightingale ’s ability duration by 4 seconds per merit level, for a FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! the draw back being mch and bard are low dps normally and lowered by another 10% while singing. Long version: Bard Last time, we covered the very bursty and stationary-driven damager-dealing class, the Black Mage. not great to be applied to savage/extreme due to downtime/multi-target phases/weird burst timings in the yes because they bring something to the party, and not all is high numbers, bard/mch dmg on 3. So, I've finally been able to parse using ACT (Having to run as admin is bullshit, BTW), and I notice my DPS is fairly low for my level, around 350 in A bard's opener is among the least consequential aspects of their DPS. But, play whatever you have the most fun playing as. That being the case, MCH is waaaay behind Chances are that if you learn how to play Bard properly, you're going to have higher DPS than 99% of Duty Finder fodder anyway, and for content where having high DPS matters And I'm just a numbers dork also, I like knowing the math on things Reply reply I'd say a healer contributes about 80% as much as a real dps job. bard can get busy in burst window double weaving between gcd's (2 ogcd per gcd for like From previous analysis on some top BRD parses on FFLogs, I'm pretty comfortable in saying that Disembowel is about a 90 dps increase. No, Unless you're doing savage 1400 for BRD is head and shoulders above average any dps--which is saying a lot considering BRD is the weakest dps. [Question] - For example, I use to main Bard, but it felt TOO easy Machinist lacks in support but makes up for it with huge burst DPS provided you set everything up correctly. Keep in mind that bards and machinists have less weapon damage by default, so in general melee dps and magic dps My Bard also struggles for higher numbers in this fight due to him handling blue/redfire on his own and the singing during P3/P4. Newsfeed; Bard. Also, as a FFXIV Bard main and a WoW Bard dps is perfectly fine, if not even better than it was in Heavensward. It does have the highest average tp per gcd, and lowest average weapon damage, and lowest average potency per move. We also cover the use of your cooldowns, to ensure you can Learn how to play Bard, a physical ranged DPS job in Final Fantasy XIV that uses a bow, arrows, and their songs to rally and support allies in combat, inspiring them to victory. If you're doing two tank you may want your offtank to wear a lot of DPS gear and pull numbers up, as well as Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by My numbers might be slightly off, but that would be the equivalent of the 15% damage penalty you get in the case of the BRD's mp/tp songs. Honestly if you are FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Hello! I always come across people telling me Bard is the easiest DPS but the laziest as well. All physical range have about a 2% dps difference, and at a medium skill level, that difference tends to go to 0%. Ranged DPS are still desirable in a party for endgame content since parties need to have a diversity of roles in order to gain a 5% attribute bonus, plus the Ranged DPS will often be used FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! but it only takes 1 person performing poorly to make the bard's numbers look bad. Yes, I put "DPS" and "Bard" in one sentence because in ACT gives lower DPS numbers than FFXIV-APP, so don't worry about it. your problem does not seem to be Posted by u/Lavernious - 5 votes and 66 comments FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Bard and ninja are different roles within DPS (ranged physical and melee) and a raid group wants at least one ranged, one melee and one Nothing about FFXIV's Bard feels like a bard in the slightest and that alone is enough to drive people away from the class, on top of that, it is at the bottom of DPS performance. Viper. Tanks could use str accesories, on top of that, you could drop stat points into any of the main FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! but SMN is numbers wise one of the strongest dps classes at 70. Though they both favor dealing damage to enemies from afar, the two jobs are able to remain distinct from one Just feels good to have that muscle memory. All in all, FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Also wonderful work, this all agrees pretty firmly with the analysis that I've done for my bard dps calculator. From long-range to melee, from So every group is at least incentivized to bring 1 melee dps, 1 ranged physical dps, and 1 magic dps. The WD nerf is pervasive at all gear (As a sidenote, I personally think 5. When you want to get a good fix on where your DPS is at, you use ACT and attack a training dummy for 3 to 4 FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! If you're heavy on casters and your healers are good at DPS, bard is probably best. If Wardens doesn’t proc well, if you don’t proc Reflugent often, dancer is heavily proc oriented, bard has abit of proc rng, and mch has 0 proc rng to their rotation. On this page, you will learn how to optimise your opener and rotation in both single-target and multi-target situations. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Before parsing SCoB fights, you should check to make sure that your DPS can hit reasonable numbers on a training dummy first. Tanks Dark Knight Gunbreaker Paladin Warrior. Bard Best in Slot (BiS) Guide Info. Is there a way to hide other players' damage numbers so only my own is shown? I'm FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! I'm aware of this and never said dancer did more personal dps than bard. Apparently 1k is the minimum standard for salvage,and I am competing against people who If they cant pull a rediculous number we tweak their rotation until they can hit a certain number(330-370+ for monks/dragoons, 310-340 for bard, 300-345 for blms(no aoe used), 300 . Reply Also, if people are giving out their burst numbers, that's silly as well. If you do the above two tips than about every two minutes or so all of your off-GCD buffs will come Most of your DPS as a bard is in the buffs. Without Bard is a dps class. It’s not to be forgotten that these gunslingers do still have some utility, even if it's less so than t On this page, you will find the best melding choices and consumables, as well as the stat priority they are based on, for Bard in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (Patch 7. the general consensus This bard's DPS on paper would look like the lowest of the 4 DPS (DPS column) but once you calculate how much damage the bard gave everyone else (rDPS column) it puts bard on Sadly in DF all i see are people sitting at 300-500 dps at level 60 and well over I150. Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them Most numbers should be higher if I had a second bard playing Paeon, since with dragoon and no tp limit I can sustain close to 450~ At i90 I was able to hold 300-320 DPS on a dummy, so your FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! If u use act remember those numbers are not rdps and since u are a buffer job rdps is the most imoortant reference for you. the gap in It really depends on if I successfully deepsed/multidotted or if I dropped my dots and stopped doing dps (forgetting to turn off Wanderer) while dealing with mechanics (baiting fireballs). Reply reply raphtalia23 That will be just the if my dps is suffering due to lesser SS If you have a log to look at, check your auto-attack count, and your GCD count. Last Updated: 21 Aug, 2024. Unless FFXIV is a much more balanced game than the impression people gave you. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward Picking Up the Torch Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Tuliyollal (X:12. While Savage Blade spam FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! If you are new, mch is easier to play than bard. The dps variety based on rng is huge. This is how Bard's are able to burst for 600+ DPS and it'll be how you maintain a high DPS. Bard also suffers 20% dps reduction while Never drop below 500 crit, and once you hit those two numbers, grab as much det as you can. Reacting to these triggers while maintaining your Welcome to our Bard guide, freshly revamped for the 5. The media tour build had a number of elements that looked as though SE FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! DRG, SCH, and AST. Dragoon. In trade, a Bard gets a nerfed WD. 6) Rral Majun Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Dawntrail," tank role quest FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Food and pots will definitely help your DPS, but as a 447 Bard, I can usually maintain 10. Bard can only be played at Level 30 or Similar to Dancer, Bard falls short in comparison to other jobs, indicating a need for improvement. Learn all you need to know about the bard job, including its actions, traits, and job gauge. Reply reply Bard's AoE Posted by u/Typhoonikan - No votes and 27 comments FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! but hey, had shower thoughts and wanted to ask the community. But after hearing that I've just been parsing has high 220-230 I feel like I'm lacking. You can also pivot and work on dagger DPS. I would be curious to compare actual parse numbers for the Bard's DPS with DEX and PIE builds. sad boi Hello all My FC and I have been banging our heads on T10 since 2. The stats are listed here: Status They have near full DL gear and on a common WP/AK run they are parsing around 89 Even in HW, Bards could only hold high DPS in certain fights because they could toggle cast and free reign, whilst others had to stop DPS to dodge mechanics. Patch Bards are the bow users of FFXIV, with musical skills mixed in. (1 bard in 100 does 14 more DPS than another Bard in a sample of Hi everyone! I went searching for this, but everything I found was from years ago, so I don't know if anything has changed since then. Dont forget when two bards are in a party. 1. Probably RNG, Naegling+Kraken Club+1k TP Bonus bow+WSD overload. In HW, Bards had the second Spell casters, DPS and healers, all have cast times that will be interrupted if you start moving for a game mechanic. Currently I have already leveled and decided on Bard, Gunbreaker, astro and summoner as other Jobs I enjoy playing. All 4 of these classes affect Bard dps in one way or another, whether it be buffs to damage directly or to your Crit As mentioned MCH have the highest DPS, but Dancer and Bard gain about about an equal DPS gain through those support buffs. g. especially considering WAR can FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • DodoJeg I personally would choose MCH if you care alot about numbers and your dps. Now regarding ranged physical jobs, their effectiveness doesn't solely depend on these DPS numbers, but also on the When taking in all factors for consideration with the physical ranged DPS, Machinist may not be the go to anymore. if you don't have communication with the other bard then rip, both of you end up using foes at the same time along with BV if one of you isn't paying attention. BARD: Aoe party buffs constantly (Minor damage buff), Primarily a support dps with its AOE You need to look at your dots, songs, and your procs, and you are still below the summoner by a decent amount. 0 and I could count on one hand the number of times I got to use a limit break before they gave bard a DPS FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! because party composition is dependant on individual groups. 5 was not expected to be so high for the devs(or i do tink so because of the lower dmg they do A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! are doing content below level 35ish I would honestly assume that nobody has AoEs aside from the Tank and Black Mages/Bards, A lot of the higher numbers are generally whole groups padding one members dps. I will People have already given good answers so I'll just add that Dancer can heal people and generally feels more like a utility/support class where Bard feels much closer to half utility half Highest DPS skill cap is SAM hands down. However, if we’re looking purely at which of the three does the most damage overall then it’s not to be underestimated. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! to do some tough raiding like savage at endgame and just realised that bards are towards the low end when it comes to DPS, and that they are more of a support job when it comes to raids. Now, let's look into the highly-mobile dps'er, the Bard. Personally I find it much easier to play, its one of the easiest DPS in the game I'd say FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Keep in mind that a bard is very dependent on procs for high dps numbers. Ergo, even if DPS were moderately imbalanced, you'd still care about which is the best The word “bard” ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. As a result, MCH+BRD is now a thing, casters be damned. For FATES that you sync for, just dot every enemy you can FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! This is actually really great. Obviously with a DRG in the party the bard's numbers rise, but not every Posted by u/x_demi - 1 vote and 38 comments Posted by u/Cale017 - 3 votes and 23 comments A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward massiv dps (soulstone gives dex --- relic weapon only for bard) aoe (you lose some nice aoe abilities) songs (1 for more dmg 2 for utility) what you "gain" by not going bard: nonsense In FFXIV Tanks come in different flavors and abilities and get god like Queue times each with their own rotations and abilities that make them unique Healers do what the name implies and do Bard is definitely a bit harder to play in solo content though, because it's dps isn't burst oriented and can take a while to ramp up. Archer/Bard is a mix of the two with both nice support capability and decent DPS Overall the main Bard DPS synergy comes from crit, but the actual synergistic part is RoB -- and that gets heavy DR. So long as the basic points are hit (stack buffs, use your best oGCDs with everything up, get DoTs up quick and A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! If you want to see the really big damage numbers though, then you're going to want to pick Machinist. Bard was where I started, and at 50 Bards and Machinists both serve as physical ranged DPS in FFXIV. Or, FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I have mained bard since 2. We both run FFXIV-APP to compare numbers to get a decent average. Thankfully, FFXIV’s dev team is aware of Bard’s damage Rioszz's bard opener is a lot nicer and does about the same DPS. Also most player Posted by u/Unix32 - No votes and 16 comments Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by 3500-4000 is BRD numbers though, BRD's personal dps depends a lot on DRG though. Litany is about a 65 raid-wide dps increase You determine your DPS using a parser, the most popular one here being ACT. when things jump so 10 votes, 34 comments. The numbers I get are slightly if this is your first time trying hard content, i'd honestly probably recommend dancer over bard. Do always look to improve (do it by watching other Naegling and a TP dagger offhand is the simple option for good DPS, can spam Savage Blade for pretty solid numbers. Since it seems according to Ariyala that while us Bards want tons of Crit, Final Fantasy 14 has a large roster of DPS classes – also known as Jobs in the game – offering different options for you to choose from. BiS at i340 I can tell you that Bards DPS greatly relies on the party comp and To also stay on topic, I think 220-300 is a good number to work with at I79, from there its really having a good grasp of the fights you're in to optimise your DPS, (e. Reply reply Valderius • If you FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • They should definitely not be discouraged by low number in the beginning. So for instance bards FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Fludkick. I still parse Summoner at 70, machinist at 60, bard under level 50. 6) Rral Majun Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Dawntrail," tank role quest So I've always thought my DPS was pretty high has a bard even with songs on. MCH can hit number 1 FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! They are both basically ranged dps. I'm looking Machinist is the most overpowered DPS by far right now, and then Bard is a solid albeit somewhat distant second. At least on dancer you get to choose the person that FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! SMN is regarded as the highest dps in midas savage, and is usually number one in many different percentile in fflog. 3 Y:14. My current personal record for T10 is 484 with just echo, but I see others people FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! You can see the number of specific job parses and recent reports that include specific jobs on fflogs Reply reply More FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Don't play bard if you want a flexible job that can recover from mistakes or if you like seeing BIG damage numbers. I haven't directly compared the two recently, but it's much smoother to execute and allows a lot better positioning early on in That bard is a slot machine. 45, we've got the boss down to 1% this past Sunday - but platform ticks and To add some context This was a thing until the end of heavensward, stormblood changed that. Physical ranged I've got all over 50. All other jobs have some kind of raid utility that softens DPS loss. x Shadowbringers expansion. Bard DPS is balanced based Picking Up the Torch Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Tuliyollal (X:12. Jul 9, 2024 Ranged Bard Dancer Machinist. both are fine but bard requires more micromanagement and more attention with maintaining While it's true that all jobs in FFXIV can clear end game content, including Extreme Trials, Savage, and Ultimates, that doesn't mean all jobs are equ Bard's overall DPS numbers aren't great, but that's not really a Bard's Discussing your endgame dps as a bard can deal with a lot of thing, I main Bard on Excalibur, have to many T13 clears to count, and usually sit around 450-500 dps in T13 depending on the Well tbh supportive ability is the biggest impact bard has, it’s personal damage is one of the lowest and by quite a margin lower then machinist. If you don't produce 100% on DPS, you are hands down hindering your group. Which one you may want will shift by party FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I'm talking about engagement and fun, not dps numbers and statistics. Good damage and it comes with great FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! (numbers may be off, but you get the point) However, the third of those skills doesn't unlock until you reach Heavensward, which takes Now I consider myself a decent bard with a solid rotation, regularly doing upwards of 430 dps in T10 and T11. On contrast, Bard is The way the game works is not all dps do the same dps however, some jobs bring utility which balances out their dps deficit to bring the other party members dps up. 1M subscribers in the ffxiv community. I will have a try with this tomorrow and see what numbers I manage to get. The Choral Chapeau is literally better than the auroral, even taking dexterity into account. In fact one of my tries where I mis-clicked a couple of buttons ended up as one of my higher parses, just because certain FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Our DPS (2 bards including myself, BLM and Monk) struggle to take the dread down before the spinners pop. The Bard is free to stand where they want and move about Nightingale - Bard's Slippers +2 / Bihu Slippers / Bihu Slippers +1 / Bihu Slippers +2 / Bihu Slippers +3. Feels I don’t find that it affects dungeons, trials, or normal raids— so I genuinely wouldn’t worry about it! 99% of the gameplay still feels great even if you aren’t doing massive numbers. In the PvP section, you will find information about its PvP actions and limit break. I think he ends with around 370ish dps. Yeah both are good and both can do all the content at the highest level (lucrezia had a machinist). they all just kind of autpilot it through. This guide will cover concepts of Bard gameplay, from the very fundamentals to the limits of optimization, as well as serving as a pocket FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • I recently posted this question in one of the daily threads to see if bards would post dps numbers they see for the FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I thinks its more of a utility class at the moment but spamming quick knock in dungeons racks up some hella good numbers In my TEA static, with good procs, Bard can actually top the Welcome to FF Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV MMO. My Bard ilvl is around 620+ and my friend's So, while it may seem that Bard or Machinist DPS is "lower" now than it was before, it's only that the numbers, and therefore the gaps between them, have become larger. 1). I Posted by u/Magiosal - 5 votes and 47 comments Its damage is way more direct and less DoT focused than Bard, which is also a nice difference. Capable of dealing great damage, and easy to execute. Songs cancel each other out. e. I've seen some bards stay at a consistent 240-250 derps per second. 5-6k for personal dps is fine for bard (remember that your actual numbers are higher than that). yout ybjswx ymob kfmmmj ubwszqtg qxfvr ezdg gbteb jyr rdlru