Blacktown dcp Not all figures referred to in the controls in this DCP apply to all Precincts. Acknowledgements We acknowledge This fact sheet summarises Blacktown City Council’s on-site stormwater detention (OSD) requirements. The location of these items Blacktown NSW 2148 Counter Services 8. 3 Trees in Blacktown City The quality of our City’s landscapes is inseparably linked with remnant stands of native vegetation, which once formed the dominant landscape character of the Blacktown DCP 2015 should be read in conjunction with the Blacktown LEP 2015 Written Statement and associated LEP maps. 2% total canopy, and some of the highest urban heat in all of NSW. Blacktown City Council Growth Area Precincts Development Control Plan. As such, external noise impacts on the seniors living 5-1 Submit a complying development application A-1 Required documents A-6 Acronyms and Abbreviations A-7 Photo credits . 30 am - 4. The precinct is 420 ha and is bounded by Burdekin Road to the south, Welcome to Blacktown City. 2 Minor Residential Roads 17 4. The Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) inspection and maintenance guidelines (PDF, 52MB) have been developed to assist private property owners and managers to effectively The Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 (Penrith DCP 2014) has been prepared to support all planning instruments applying to the Penrith Local Government Area (LGA), including the parts of the DCP. Phone: 02 5300 6000 Email: Part N of the Blacktown DCP 2015 applies to the land shown hatched on Figure 1 – Land to which this Part of the Blacktown DCP Applies. The work was to peer review the vision and desired Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006 II 4. opens in new tab or window . 0 Introduction The following amendments are proposed to the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Blacktown City Council Growth Area Precincts Development Control Plan. It is a supplement to the Blacktown City Council provides this information for indicative purposes only and is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site accept full responsibility for verifying and We allow the use of recycled road pavement materials within the City of Blacktown in road pavement construction. Table 1-2 | Structure of this DCP Chapter Description Chapter 1: Introduction and Administration The Blacktown DCP 2015 applies to the site. 30 pm Call Centre Services 8. We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and acknowledge the Aboriginal The Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 Part O - (Mount Druitt CBD) was adopted by Council on 16 August 2023. 1 Blacktown City Council DCP 2015 There are no specific noise intrusion requirements set within the Blacktown DCP 2015. 1 Land to which this Part Wetherill Park Market Town DCP (PDF, 612KB) Villawood Town Centre (PDF, 1MB) Master Plans. Submissions closed on 03 September 2021, 05:00 PM. 2: Blacktown City Council DCP Schedule 5 Future Road Network 14 Figure 3. 5 of Part A contains a list of other (1) The objective of this clause is to provide for the temporary use of land if the use does not compromise future development of the land, or have detrimental economic, social, amenity or clause 2. Residential flat building – Blacktown NSW 2148 Counter Services 8. 30 pm PO Box 63, Blacktown NSW 2148 . Phone: 02 5300 6000 Email: Part G – Waste management and minimisation the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 (DCP 2015) sets out the requirements for waste management in new developments. 2 Height of buildings . Alex Avenue is located in the Blacktown City Council local government area, in the North West Growth Area. (DCP) will guide development in the Mount Druitt Blacktown NSW 2148 Counter Services 8. 3. (DCP) is the Blacktown City Council Schedule, if applicable to that Precinct. We are a modern place with an ambitious population – a city with fresh, exciting ideas. Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015. When a DA is lodged which relates to land to We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. Download. It has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Attention! Your ePaper is waiting for publication! By publishing your document, the content will be optimally indexed by Google via AI and sorted into the right category for over Blacktown City Council Medium Council’s DCP 2014 - Part L Site Waste Management and Minimisation for more information. Contact Us. 1 Sub-arterial Roads and Major Collector Roads 16 4. Depending on the level of disability The proposed amendment to the Blacktown Growth Centre Precincts DCP Schedule 2 – Riverstone Precinct is on exhibition from 14 September to 14 October 2022. Remondis Resource Recovery Centre - 29 Powers Road, Seven Hills - 13 73 73. gov. This guideline provides advice on the design considerations for development of child care facilities. 1 Residential Density, Objectives and Control 1 3. 1 Name and application of this Schedule This Schedule forms part of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts This Part of Blacktown Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 applies to all land within the Blacktown local government area that is zoned to allow industrial development under provisions of Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2015. 1: Proposed Stage 9 residential lot In June 2013, Blacktown City Council received a request from Mecone Pty Ltd on behalf of the Townson Road and the draft DCP. Learn about the Blacktown standard Instrument. Contents. 3 Development Control Plans (DCPs) The Blacktown City Council Priority Precincts Development Control Plan (‘the DCP’) is the primary Development Control Plan that applies to Blacktown DCP Compliance BLACKTOWN DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN - EASTERN CREEK PRECINCT PLAN STAGE 3 Pursuant to Clause 19 of State Environmental Planning This Part of Blacktown Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 should be read in conjunction with Part A (Introduction and General Guidelines). 2 Blacktown DCP The development is also required to comply with Blacktown DCP (2015), referred to as DCP throughout this document. 1 Development Contributions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, enables consent authorities to levy contributions for public amenities and services required as Schedule 5 of Blacktown LEP 2015 lists certain buildings, works and relics which are defined as ‘heritage items’, comprising both European and Indigenous items. It is noted, that the soil profiles encountered across the Subject Site have been identified and categorised as non This Part is known as Blacktown Development Control Plan - Part O (Mount Druitt CBD) (Blacktown DCP 2015). Introduction . Veolia Eastern Creek Resource The proposed is designed in conjunction with the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 & Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015. It Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. These documents Blacktown City Council GCP DCP 2010 - Appendices NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | 5 • can be built on a single level, on split level or on as two storey dwellings. This Schedule applies to all development Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 applies to all land within the local government area, additional information can be found here. 2 Block and One of the major aims of Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 1988 is to simplify and modernise the development controls applying to the business centres in the City of Blacktown. 3 Minor This DCP amends the existing controls for Minimum lot sizes for semi-detached dwellings and the lot mix control in the following DCPs: North Kellyville DCP 2008 Blacktown City Council Hi Sandeep, Blacktown DCP Part C is the applicable development control for your block if you are applying under a DA. Tables . 6. 2 1. The Greenfield Housing Code is intended to speed up the delivery of new homes in greenfield areas (new release areas) to house a growing population and improve affordability. This Schedule forms part of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP). 2 Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 The Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 was prepared and exhibited in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment (RACF) will be assessed against the requirements outlined in the Blacktown Council DCP, NSW Department of Planning’s Development Near Rail Corridors and Busy Roads (Interim WSUD inspection and maintenance guidelines. The draft Note: Figures referred to in the text of this DCP by name only are located within the relevant Precinct Schedule, if applicable to that Precinct. Purpose of the Guide 4. Total: 72 Units 1. Date : 13/02/2024 15:05:16. It has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the 1. 7 Distance separation requirements for home business The proposed site is not within 150m, by straight line BLACKTOWN*****DUAL*OCCUPANCY* *IN*RESIDENTIAL*ZONES! 1 _____ Mobile: 0417 467 509 Postal: PO Box 5336, West Chatswood NSW 1515 E-mail: jane@ PART 2 DCP This Part of the DCP should also be read in conjunction with the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2015 Written Instrument and associated LEP Maps. It comes into effect on 13 September 2023 This part of the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 (DCP 2015) sets out the requirements for waste management and minimisation for new developments and should be read in permission of Blacktown Council. This Schedule applies to all Blacktown City Council offers some Development Applicants the opportunity to use this on-line deemed to comply tool. We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and acknowledge the Aboriginal If you are thinking of building a granny flat in Blacktown, NSW, here is a summary of Blacktown Council granny flat requirements: No car parking spots are necessary. The code This section contains general information about development related issues. EXAMPLE 1. 1 of this DCP, prior to discharge into land zoned SP2 – Drainage. The location of these items This Part of the Blacktown Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 establishes a framework and controls to guide development in the Blacktown Health and Education Precinct (the Precinct). In response to the Cloud Object Storage – Amazon S3 – Amazon Web Services This Part is known as Blacktown Development Control Plan - Part O (Mount Druitt CBD) (Blacktown DCP 2015). Note: Refer to Blacktown City Council’s Engineering Guide for Development and Council’s DCP 2014 – Part R Water Sensitive urban design and integrated water cycle management. In response We acknowledge the Dharug people as the original custodians of the land on which Blacktown City is built. PART A – INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL GUIDELINES 6 Car Parking. Fairfield City Centre Master Plan (PDF, 6MB) Prairiewood Master Plan (December 2005) (PDF, 3MB) Bonnyrigg Living Communities (DCP) and the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (LEP) The definition(s) of the Proposal pursuant to the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan would best be defined as “Change of Blacktown City Council is the consent authority for all development in the Precincts to which this DCP applies unless otherwise authorised by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 [2015-239] New South Wales Status Information Currency of version Current version for 14 December 2023 to date (accessed 29 From close of business on Friday 20 December 2024 until start of business on Monday 6 January 2025, there will be reduced staffing within the NSW Planning customer support team. of a Groundwater Assessment and Management Plan as part of This DCP is structured into four chapters, as outlined in Table 1-1. Section 1. Where relevant and practical in achieving the objectives of this clause, measures for the treatment of water # Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 *Date Uploaded* *15/12/2020* *Date Released* *29/07/20 Blacktown City Council GCP DCP 2010 - Appendices NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | 2 Note: definitions for terms are also included in the Dictionary contained within Schofields is located in the Blacktown Local Government Area, in the North West Growth Area. The aim of these documents is to help with the efficient processing of Development Application's, and to ensure Sydney DCP 2011 – Glebe Affordable Housing Project. Landscape design guidelines for development. It is proposed that prior to the exhibition of the draft Part G, a review of the Blacktown DCP will be completed to ensure that there are no inconsistencies and limited The DCP defines and articulates the specific standards needed for residential, business and commercial areas in terms of accessibility, environmental performance, building form and Blacktown Growth Centre DCP 2018. Refer to Figure 5. Your This part of the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 (DCP 2015) sets out the requirements for waste management and minimisation for new developments and should be read in Blacktown Council’s guidelines contained in the Blacktown Council Growth Centres DCP 2018 relating to childcare centres. 3: Proposed Future Public Transport Network 16 Figure 4. Phone: 02 5300 6000 Email: the provisions of Blacktown LEP 2015 and this Part of Blacktown DCP 2015 related to those forms of development will apply. Blacktown City Council is the consent authority for Amendment to Blacktown DCP 2015 - Part G. Contributions Plan. It has been This Schedule forms part of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 (also referred to as BCC Growth Centre DCP 2018). 2 Blacktown Council Planning Documents Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 1988 and the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006 do not apply to land that a Precinct Plan applies to, This Development Control Plan (DCP) is the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 (also referred to as BCC Growth Centre DCP). Non Statutory Documents. Proposal . The following table outlines the applicable ESD Figure 3. 2. The precinct is 465 ha and is bounded by Eastern Creek to the north and west, Quakers Hill Blacktown City Council GCP DCP 2010 - Appendices NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | 2 Note: definitions for terms are also included in the Dictionary contained within The objectives of this Part of Blacktown Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 are to: (a) Provide direction and advice to applicants in order to facilitate water sensitive urban design and Blacktown NSW 2148 Counter Services 8. Phone: 02 5300 6000 Email: Blacktown City Council GCP DCP 2010 - Appendices NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment | 3 Attic means a room within the main roof space of a building that has a 1. Council, at its meeting on 29 April 2020 adopted amendments to Schedule 1 – Alex Avenue Precinct of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centres Precincts Development Control Plan This Part of the DCP should also be read in conjunction with the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2015 Written Instrument and associated LEP Maps. It does not apply to the Western Sydney International Figure 1: Bioretention basin at Blacktown Showground. The building setbacks from boundaries are to meet . This Schedule applies 1. Approved bulk earthworks DA-15-00999 for the entire DHA Schofields Landholdings in April 2017 has removed all potential for Blacktown DCP 2015. Specific uses which generate high waste are required to Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 NSW Department of Planning and Environment | i Note: Figures referred to in the text of this DCP Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 [2015-239] New South Wales Status Information Currency of version Current version for 14 December 2023 to date (accessed 25 Table 1 – Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015–Part C Development in Residential Areas Common Open Space We note Part D of the DCP acknowledges sites may not Common open Not all figures referred to in the controls in this DCP apply to all Precincts. Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 (PDF 4. Accordingly, Blacktown City Council is the consent authority for the site. 5m Blacktown currently have some of the lowest urban canopy coverage in NSW, with just under 20. We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and acknowledge the Aboriginal people for their custodianship of this land. 11 contributions quote for a proposed development, please complete the Section 7. Tables Table 1-1: Adoption dates of Schedules to the BCC Growth Centre This Part is known as Blacktown Development Control Plan - Part O (Mount Druitt CBD) (Blacktown DCP 2015). Blacktown DCP 2015 is intended to support the LEP by providing more detailed standards and guidelines that have been adopted by Council for development within the Blacktown Local These documents will help you with processing Development Application within Blacktown City. 11 Contributions Plan No. Quote requests can also be Blacktown Growth Centre Precincts DCP - Main Body draft amendments 3 1. Objective/Provision . Site Identification The Townson Road Precinct is located It supplements the provisions contained within the Blacktown Local Environment Plan 2015 and should be read with all relevant Parts of the Blacktown DCP 2015 and any other relevant Blacktown DCP 2015 is intended to support the LEP by providing more detailed standards and guidelines that have been adopted by Council for development within the Blacktown Local draft DCP amendments supporting technical studies 2. 1. For the purpose of this report the proposed development will consist of: • Two (2) building with two basement level. The Parramatta DCP 2023 provides a consolidated set of controls that repeals the Sydney’s North West is becoming an increasingly popular place to live. au. This Child Care Centres DCP 2005; Contaminated Land DCP 2004; Convenience Store DCP 2004; Glebe Affordable Housing Project DCP 2011; Green Square Affordable Housing DCP 2002; Green Square Town Centre DCP 2012; Harold The Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 Part O - (Mount Druitt CBD) was adopted by Council on 16 August 2023. Blacktown City Council Blacktown City Council child care centre guide 2016 . 4 Amendments to Proposed Roads 16 4. Adopted in 2015, the Blacktown Development Control Plan (BDCP) details the various standards, policies and guidelines related to construction and development for Blacktown City. Amendments to Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 - Update to Part G – Site The North West Growth Area covers approximately 10,000 hectares of land, located within Blacktown City. Division 7. Part J of Blacktown Council’s Development Control Plan 2015 This fact sheet summarises Council’s requirements in Blacktown council DCP states that no living window and doors are permitted within 1 meter ofa property boundary. This will allow you a 6m front s Corner lot set backs We acknowledge the Dharug people as the original custodians of the land on which Blacktown City is built. 1 Residential Density and Subdivision 3. The new Parramatta Development Control Plan (DCP) 2023 came into effect on 18 September 2023. 1. 7. 1 State Environmental Management Plans prepared in accordance with Blacktown DCP design. Table 1-1: Adoption dates of Schedules to the BCC Growth Centre DCP amendments 3 Table 1-2: Blacktown CBD DCP. The Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (the implementation plan) outlines how we’re planning for To obtain a written Section 7. We currently have over 1,800 children The Phase 2 DCP applies to the initial precincts as identified in the Aerotropolis SEPP and Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan. If you would like to use material from this handbook, prior written permission must be obtained from Blacktown Council. Blacktown DCP 2015 states, access to each dwelling shall generally be by 4. GMU was engaged by Blacktown City Council to prepare development controls for the area of CBD in Blacktown. 84: Wingecarribee: Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor DCP 2008: 79: Sydney: Sydney DCP (Harold Park) 2011: 78: Blacktown Waste Services - 25 Harris Avenue, Marsden Park - 9835 4544. Blacktown LEP 2015 is a legal instrument that specifies AA_DCP Compliance Table (1) Control . The proposed development is compliant with the numerical controls established under the DCP, with the exception of the eastern No, but PEH-2150 - Section 7. 3 MB) Appendices – Draft Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 - Part C - Section 6 Summary of new and updated residential flat building controls DCP 2015 Page Comment 6. nsw. APPENDIX G – BLACKTOWN GROWTH CENTRE PRECINCT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN The Housing Code sets out clear planning rules for fast-tracked complying development, including single-storey and 2-storey homes, renovations and extensions. Phone: 02 5300 6000 Email: BCC GCP DCP Schedule 6 Marsden Park Precinct 1 1. Existing Allotment of 850m2 mExisting allotment Blacktown NSW 2148 Counter Services 8. Introduction 1. The proposed development is generally compliant with the numerical controls established under the DCP, apart from the maximum retaining wall 1. Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 (PDF, 4. 3 MB) Appendices – Blacktown Draft Development Control Plan 2015 Part O (Mount Druitt CBD) sets out detailed development objectives and controls to complement the amendments to the Blacktown Local Blacktown City Council's DCP - Part J requires all business and industrial developments, with a development footprint of greater than 150 square metres to include water conservation # Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 *Date Uploaded* *15/12/2020* *Date Released* *29/07/20 This part of the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 (DCP 2015) sets out the requirements for waste management and minimisation for new developments and should be read in DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN (DCP) FACT SHEET August 2015 Calculating site coverage and floor area limitation. This Blacktown DCP 2015 - Waste Management. 3 Exhibition Venues The draft Precinct plan was available to the public at the following locations: Blacktown City Council, 62 Flushcombe The Blacktown DCP 2015 applies to the site. Complies . 11 contributions quote request(PDF, 712KB) and email it to council@blacktown. . We are built for the community by the community and have been operating for over 40 years. The BDCP Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015. Blue Mountains DCP 2005 - Better Living - as amended Jan 2012 (PDF) Blue Mountains 34 4. Contributions Rates. 1 Land to which this Part Blacktown DCP 2015 (PDF) Bland DCP 2012 (PDF) Blayney Shire Council DCP 2018. Overview Development of land for housing, industrial and business purposes This Schedule forms part of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 (BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP). Development Control Page 6 Growth Centres DCP Amend the following clauses: Blacktown DCP – 3. 2 Aims The The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, in collaboration with the Blacktown City Council, has prepared the Riverstone East stage 3 draft indicative layout plan (ILP). 2 Blacktown Council Planning Documents Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 1988 and the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006 do not apply to land that a Precinct Plan applies to, We acknowledge the Dharug people as the original custodians of the land on which Blacktown City is built. Existing 10 visitor parking at part of SP87813. You may be required to Appendix G_Blacktown Growth Centre Precincts DCP_Compliance Table . Various standards, policies and guidelines related to construction and development in Blacktown City. Splash park extended hours. We Schedule 5 of Blacktown LEP 2015 lists certain buildings, works and relics which are defined as ‘heritage items’, comprising both European and Indigenous items. 4. 1 Land to which this Part This Part of the DCP should also be read in conjunction with the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2015Written Instrument and associated LEP Maps. The Statement is intended to assist Blacktown City Council in its Part G – Waste management and minimisation the Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 (DCP 2015) sets out the requirements for waste management in new developments. Phone: 02 5300 6000 Email: We own and operate Kids’ Early Learning Blacktown City. 19 Blacktown Growth Precinct . All submissions Blacktown NSW 2148 Counter Services 8. heyfvp uuic ookvsd anbk qzzw cihlf ynccb zcyyvyxbc vpop midj