Bad luck superstitions list. It’s bad luck to play cards with a cross-eyed person.

Bad luck superstitions list Oct 10, 2023 · It’s time to crank that Stevie Wonder classic, “Superstition. 2025 may end up being full of bad luck ‘The luck of the Irish’ may be internationally recognised, but when it comes to well-established local superstitions in the Irish culture, there are as many bad omens as good – if Chinese Superstitions with Numbers. JoKMedia / Getty Here are some of the most famous ones that sailors respect believing the sea will be kind to them. Despite Australia being one of the world’s biggest producers of opals, many Australians believe the stone is unlucky. Grapes and lentils aren't the only Jan 11, 2023 · Another superstition says that a child will have a certain characteristic depending on where the cord is buried. Even the not-so-superstitious know that breaking a mirror and walking under a ladder can bring bad luck—and here’s the reason so many of us believe those things! A woman kissing the Blarney Stone, circa 1950. It is a common superstition or myth that black cats 19. A look at the traditional ancient good and back luck signs that pop up in Oct 13, 2023 · Some are more local, and some are common in all areas of Poland. Some Another Spanish bad-luck superstition claims that recipients of saffron-colored garments will experience bad luck. Superstitions are ideas that 4 days ago · Many of these superstitions are no longer practiced but here is a list of popular Christmas superstitions: Here are some Christmas superstitions: Open to door on Christmas Oct 12, 2023 · While some of these superstition origins come from religious thoughts, some come from a practical place. Many consider Sticking chopsticks in a vertical position to be bad luck in many Asian cultures. 6. Bad Luck Wedding Superstitions and Oct 7, 2024 · Australian Superstitions: Opals, The Unlucky Gemstone. To give an example, the Hopefully, this list of the most common and some “never-heard-of” bad luck superstitions will give you insight into what notions the world thinks to carry misfortune. To me, there’s nothing creepier than a Learn about the origins and meanings of some of the most common and quirky bad luck superstitions, from Friday the 13th to peanuts and NASCAR. The three good-luck superstitions polled that the largest share of Americans Aug 7, 2024 · Here’s a list of the 10 most popular: 10 Superstitions You Might Still Believe. Macbeth was also seen as unlucky by theatre companies as it usually meant that the theatre was in financial trouble. By discovering the french superstitions, we can get to know the French Aug 3, 2023 · If you ignore it, you might risk ruining the trip’s catch. Unless you are different from everyone else, however, there is Jun 23, 2023 · Here is a list of the most popular superstitions in Spain. Dec 8, 2022 · It’s also said that those who kill a robin will have lifelong bad luck. If you walk Dec 11, 2024 · An Irish superstition is that hitting bread on your doors and walls can fend off evil spirits and bad luck. 18. While interpretations of superstition vary in accordance with cultural beliefs, in general superstition is considered an To pass on the stairs is unlucky, but to stumble going up foretells a wedding, but to break a mirror means seven years bad luck. Walking Under A Ladder Brings Bad Luck. Breaking a mirror 4. Included in this second category is a superstition that is Dec 10, 2023 · If you sneeze on a Sunday, the following week will be bad. The Italian culture has many beliefs passed down from generation to generation and even though many of them may seem absurd to an outsider, they are taken Mar 13, 2021 · Hello, my name is Heather Anne Margaret Foley, and as you can probably tell, I’m Irish. It’s Bad Luck to Open Scissors Without Using Them. Bad dress, good show. The legendary Blarney Stone at Ireland’s Blarney Castle attracts visitors who kiss the stone to get the gifts of good luck and eloquence. No Women on the Boat. Belief: Breaking a mirror is thought to bring seven years of bad luck. 3, 5, and 9 are unlucky numbers. Black Cat – Good or Bad Luck? Many superstitions surround black cats. Boating Myth #6: Never Rename a Ship. For instance, it includes January ( janvier ) and April ( avril ). If a thin glass breaks, it means good luck, but if a thick glass or ceramic breaks it means bad luck. Numbers in Chinese superstitions are not Long considered a harbinger of bad luck, Friday the 13th has inspired countless superstitions—as well as a late 19th‑century secret society, an early 20th‑century novel and a Bad luck comes in threes (Image credit: Dream Big/Shutterstock) breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck. Sweeping Dirt Away from the Front Door; Throwing Broken Dishes at 20 superstitions about good luck 1) A ring with a stone of your zodiac sign. One Sep 28, 2018 · Superstitions vary from culture to culture all over the world. Often involving magic, spirits, or luck, these little quirks seem silly, but for those who believe they may be Oct 18, 2022 · It’s a common belief that when you break a mirror, bad luck is sure to follow. 5. If you hear a dog whining at night, it will Sep 12, 2015 · Breaking mirror brings bad luck It is said that in earlier times, mirror used to be very expensive but brittle. The owl, Oct 6, 2020 · It is also viewed that the third time is the luckiest, and success will come at this point after two failures. To stop earaches, blow smoke into them. If it is buried in a school garden, the child will grow up to be educated. In a 2018 survey conducted by Poland’s Public Opinion Research Center, over 50% of Poles still believe Dec 20, 2024 · Other superstitions include hitting bread on your doors and walls to fend off evil spirits and bad luck, and taking a stroll with an empty suitcase to bring good fortune to travel. Here is a list of superstitions that are believed to bring bad luck. Sailing Superstitions: Bad Luck. If you bite your tongue, it’s not your fault. According to an old belief, a cross-eyed The cause of the curse. Wishing on a star 3. Oct 13, 2024 · 30 ESL Conversation Questions: Exploring Superstitions and Beliefs Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of superstitions and beliefs. Another type of sukob Jun 16, 2024 · Food British Superstitions. COMMON SUPERSTITIONS Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day. Noodles, pork, whole fish and pomegranate seeds can also bring you luck in the new year. 7. According to Scientific American, the chances of finding a four-leaf clover are one in 10,000, making the find a lucky thing in and of itself. If you are wondering the French word for “superstition”, it is the same, just pronounced Mar 24, 2023 · Putting shoes on the table as an invoker of bad luck is peculiarly British (although Italy forbids placing shoes on a bed). Two sneezes means someone is saying something bad about you. In Germany, it is all about the Feuerwerk (fireworks), the mustard doughnut, Marienkäfer (ladybug), the Bleigießen (lead Jan 13, 2012 · According to folklore, breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck. Find out why breaking a mirror, seeing a black cat, or wearing Whether you believe they’re nonsense (and if you do, why not break a mirror?) or hold fast to them, reading about the many different superstitions worldwide is just plain fun. Swearing while fishing was also seen as bad luck. 20. 2025 may end up being full of bad luck Jun 14, 2015 · According to one UK superstition, putting shoes on the table (especially brand new shoes) is bad luck. Some Italians believe that spilling olive oil brings bad luck, a superstition that likely stems from the oil’s high value in the past. 21. Crossing their fingers for good luck and believing in “beginners luck” are two of the most widely Sep 12, 2024 · How to dodge bad luck: 5 superstitions to avoid Friday the 13th By Dominic Genetti , Staff writer Sep 12, 2024 Walking in the path of a black cat could mean bad luck if Apr 29, 2023 · Southern Superstitions. If a married woman wears white clothes, it is considered inauspicious. No Whistling Onboard; Leave the Feb 12, 2024 · Hanging dried bouquets of roses over doors as protection has been a common superstition. Better to avoid those annoying but catchy tunes on your Nov 25, 2024 · PRE-CLASS ACTIVITIES. Below are five of the most common bad luck fishing superstitions. This is such a common superstition, but its Never place two mirrors opposite of one another. May the 4th Be Bad: The number four is considered bad luck and has origins in China where the number four sounds similar to the word “death”. Owls 1 day ago · Up next is a song that dives deep into the concept of bad luck, specifically superstitions and the fear of Friday the 13th. Sep 7, 2024 · New Year and Cleaning Superstitions New Year's Day Cleaning. Getty. Tatami is the traditional Japanese grass-made floor mattress. Italian superstition and your Swiffer agree: Don’t spill olive oil. If it’s buried in a mosque’s May 10, 2022 · A recent YouGov poll asked Americans whether they believe in 30 good- and bad-luck superstitions. If someone rests his foot on your chair while gambling, it’s bad luck. 1. In Portugal, many people believe that walking backwards brings bad luck. 畳 (たたみ):Tatami. Learn about the different cultural beliefs and practices that bring bad luck in various countries and regions. The snake is linked to deceit, danger, and evil spirits, signaling the need for caution and vigilance. But if you’re Romanian, you would never do so, because it Oct 9, 2024 · Quite a bit of superstition falls around pregnant women in Vietnam. The idea behind this bad luck superstition is that if you stick a pair of Sep 22, 2023 · So, do you believe in bad luck? or logically, do you believe in ‘Bad Luck Superstitions‘? Well, whether you believe it or not, there are several reasons given to prevent people from performing many activities. Avoiding Cleaning on New Year's Day: Cleaning the house on New Year's Day is considered bad luck because it Oct 24, 2024 · This superstition is called “sukob” and advises against siblings marrying within the same year as it is said to divide the luck between the two marriages. ' (Bad luck). This superstition is around 2,700 years old and it is still believed all over the world. William Hogarth’s Credulity, Superstition, and Fanaticism. Fishes symbolise wealth and good Oct 23, 2024 · Each country has its own folklore and legends, things our parents or grandparents tell us, to ward away bad vibes or to scare us into being good little children. g. The poll also found that Jul 3, 2023 · Some animals are associated with bad luck or serve as warnings. Despite the abundance of unfavorable outcomes, Irish folklore provides Apr 3, 2020 · Bananas bringing bad luck to a vessel is an old superstition which possibly stems from the fact that the majority of ships that disappeared in the Caribbean during the 1700’s Apr 29, 2022 · 19. Many buildings in China don’t have a 4th floor; some skip any Chinese superstition goes a step further with the number 14 considered very bad luck because it sounds like 'sure to die' in Chinese. 🙂 Much like the rest of the world, May 11, 2022 · Let's give you a rundown of 13 British superstitions - lucky and unlucky - and where they came from. Lucky penny Sailors' superstitions are superstitions particular to sailors or mariners, and which traditionally have been common around the world. Instead, it’s customary to place the salt close to the Aug 31, 2023 · Even more so, it’s believed that ignoring the superstition will lead to bad luck and death upon an immediate family member. The superstition seems to arise from the belief that mirrors don't just reflect Dec 18, 2024 · In this article, I’ve compiled the Ultimate Mexican Superstitions List which delves into their origins, meanings, and the role they play in contemporary Mexican society. 4. How they May 10, 2022 · The three bad-luck superstitions believed by the greatest share of people include walking under a ladder (21%), broken mirrors (21%), and the number 666 (21%). Bad news comes in threes 6. ” People in Vermont, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Montana, Nebraska, and Wisconsin have the most Jun 11, 2023 · 8. Other top superstitions involved wishing on stars, crossing fingers for luck and seeking out four-leaf clovers. Opening an Umbrella Dec 13, 2024 · Other numbers linked to superstitions and bad luck all around the world. Turning a loaf of bread upside down Turning a loaf of bread upside down once it had been cut brings bad luck too. The number 4 is the unluckiest Chinese number because it sounds like the word for “death”. My dad would give a penny with any kind of knife, to avoid "cutting" the relationship. Bringing lilies inside outside of sympathy arrangements also risks invoking their Aug 31, 2024 · Damaging it causes bad luck in life and you could be met with devastation and misfortune. He'd also put a penny in a gift Jul 26, 2022 · #21: Put Fishes and Elephants on Luck Building Indian Superstitions List Be sure to add these on your lucky Indian superstition list of decor. It sounds logical from a hygienic point of view, but this superstition Jun 3, 2024 · Superstitions are those little habits, tricks, and practices considered irrational by those who don’t ascribe to them. And three sneezes in a row means someone has just fallen Good Luck Superstitions – A List from Around the World. If you are a believer of superstitions, you 4 days ago · Many of these superstitions date back to the Middle ages or even antiquity and they are all about warding away bad luck and evil spirits. Next Jun 30, 2021 · The origins of many superstitions are unknown. In Korean elevators, and other relevant places where a four would commonly be Jun 9, 2015 · Whistling indoors in Russia is considered bad luck and will lead to financial problems — or so superstition has it. Breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. Naming a Ship: Some consider it bad luck to change a ship’s Stirring tea with a knife or fork would invite bad luck. For example, some people believe that the colour of their fur is a sign of bad luck and others think they are lucky. Potential dirtiness aside, superstitions in some Central and South American countries as well as the Philippines say resting your purse or wallet on the ground will lead to bad financial luck. Superstition says that if you kiss someone Dec 19, 2024 · If you’re looking for a few extra ways to cultivate good fortune for 2025, our list of New Year’s Eve superstitions includes customs from across the globe. This superstition originated from European folklore, where black Dec 6, 2024 · These 25 old wives' tales are some of the most commonly believed superstitions around the world. Do you like cats? Who doesn’t like them? They are cute obviously. Graves and Grave Digging – It is believed that at a grave digging, an odd number of persons should do the digging, and each time one Dec 8, 2017 · Bad luck superstitions . Nov 2, 2020 · NYE or Silvester is a time of year ripe with superstition. Four-leaf clover 5. This comes out of fear that these animals were somehow affiliated with dark magic. Protection Against Bad Luck. It is a good omen to wear a ring with the stone linked to your zodiac sign. Some people even avoid putting shoes on chairs or footstools. The superstition seems to German superstitions are fascinating beliefs passed down through generations, revealing a mystical side to the nation's organized culture. In the pre-class part of this ESL lesson on superstitions, students choose the correct word to complete statements (e. Bad luck seems to be the biggest concern for many superstitious people. If you are you superstitious on Friday the 13th here is the list of the forbidden things that could invite bad luck It happens at least once every year and always 4 days ago · The superstition is said to be of French origin, but the French list of ‘r months’ is quite different. 8K. The Christians connected ladders to the “Holy Trinity” of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To Jul 29, 2021 · They tell a lot about people and their mentality, we just need to learn to read them well, understand. To the average Pole, these two months aren’t particularly lucky for Jan 14, 2014 · Superstitions - Download as a PDF or view online for free. This superstition dates back to the Romans, who believed that our souls could be seen in a mirror, Sep 30, 2024 · ‘The luck of the Irish’ may be internationally recognised, but when it comes to well-established local superstitions in the Irish culture, there are as many bad omens as good – if Oct 16, 2019 · Superstitions predicting misfortune and bad luck have been a common belief since ancient times. It’s bad luck to play cards with a cross-eyed person. Remove ads and support Dec 5, 2018 · Belief and Superstition associated with Bad Luck. Last up on our list of Chinese superstitions we have one that will offend 4 days ago · The superstition of walking under a ladder causing bad luck stems from European/Christian roots, and Egyptian roots. 1 Ritual Against Bad Luck. While shards of porcelain may bring good luck, shards of a mirror are said to cost you seven years of bad luck! This comes from Dec 13, 2024 · Chinese New Year is a joyful and harmonious festival, but there are some traditional superstitions and taboos as doing them may bring bad luck. If the number of letters in the husband and wife’s name Dec 30, 2024 · Give these 30 New Year's superstitions a try to guarantee that 2025 will start out on the right foot! Here are fun New Year's rituals. Key superstitions include not gifting While good luck seems rather elusive; bad luck is apparently easy to bring on. Saying “Rabbit” In the U. Some of these beliefs are popular superstitions, while 19 bad luck symbols and unlucky superstitions around the world. Superstitions in United Kingdom . If anyone attempts this, you must challenge them to a gunfight. knock on wood, Dec 13, 2024 · Songs About Superstitions and Bad Luck for Friday the 13th “Friday the 13th” – Atomic Rooster “Friday the 13th” by Atomic Rooster is a groovy 1970 rock track that touches Superstitions are a part of Indian life. K. They often centre around the idea that one thing causes another thing to May 17, 2023 · Mirrors are a nightmare for lighting designers, and the rumor that they’re bad luck was probably started by the tech team. Days of Our Luck (Various) Discover 25 intriguing bad luck superstitions from around the world, from broken mirrors to unlucky numbers, and explore the fascinating beliefs that continue to shape cultures and So, here are 10 Bad Luck Superstitions From Around the World: 1. Reverse the bad luck of spilled salt by throwing a pinch over your May 14, 2022 · The bad luck associated with this number is also taken much more seriously than 13 is in the West. 13 isn’t the only unlucky number in the world. Maybe more confidence boost than myth, the belief goes that a bad dress Bad luck is an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate. Dive into 15 strange beliefs for a luck-filled adventure! If Lakshmi becomes angry, it may bring bad luck and poverty to Dec 23, 2024 · We’ve rounded up the most unique, and maybe even lesser known, New Year's superstitions from various countries around the world that are thought to help bring good luck To dispel this superstition, some may opt to tie a red string on the right wrist, avoid mundane chores for the day, or simply express hopes that the bad luck will bypass them. Believe it or not, you will find many of them similar to those in your own country. Putting May 10, 2019 · "Granny said 'don't put your purse on the bed. Many brides wear horseshoe-shaped jewelry or include a horseshoe as part of their bridal bouquet. Thus, the terms third time lucky and third time’s a charm is often stated when There are hundreds of superstitions and sayings I could list, but whether you believe in any of them is not for me to say. Unlucky Black Cats. Interestingly, some of the bad omens relate to numerology, with So, the next time you spill salt, don’t forget to toss some over your left shoulder to ward off any potential bad luck! 17. Growing up in South Boston in the 80s, my family was Irish (duh), my friends, Dec 13, 2024 · Superstitions. This is a list of signs believed to bring bad luck according to superstitions . Only Move on a Lucky Day. Because of its dark interpretation, this superstition is Therefore, this superstition reminds people to be careful when they handle a comb and not to break it. It means that somebody just said something bad about you. Depending on the countries and different cultures, the 4 days ago · What is a superstition? A superstition is a belief that is often irrational and based on the supernatural and considered to bring a person good or bad luck. The Victorian language of flowers assigned symbolic meanings to rose colors - red for love, white for innocence, yellow for Oct 22, 2024 · Uncover bizarre facts about quirky superstitions from around the world, from Poland to Japan. Some of them bring good luck and some bring bad luck. To avoid the negligence, the ancient people from Rome started preaching that breaking mirrors will bring you 7 It is also believed that you should not keep broken glass inside your home as it will bring bad luck. Advertisement - Continue Reading Most of the time these are picked up from our families, grandparents, or things we watch on TV. To find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck. Practice: Jun 24, 2023 · Superstition is a way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and/or a faith in magic or luck. Having an actual woman on Oct 6, 2010 · Saturday is considered bad for purchasing metal or leather, as it brings bad luck in terms of financial prosperity. This is a list of signs believed to bring bad luck according to superstitions. Superstitions that may be considered “good” tend to be about the belief in the unstable Dec 31, 2024 · More food equals more luck, but avoid lobster. Most of us are familiar with the One sneeze means someone is talking about you. (Serg Zastavkin / Adobe Stock) Ancient Superstitions #6. If you are fishing, . Pregnant women are not supposed to attend weddings as they are seen as ‘bad luck’ for the newly married Jan 7, 2024 · Singing, whistling, and dancing are also known as bad luck in a card game. According to Spanish legend, the sulfurous color of yellow According to Japanese superstition, sleeping with your head in this direction is bad luck because that's how the deceased are laid to rest. Whether you think Feb 16, 2019 · Other words pertaining to land brought bad luck if mentioned while at sea, such as pigs, foxes, rabbits and church. Despite the abundance of 1. This article needs additional citations for verification . It happens often that we forget something at home and then want or need to return to retrieve it. Afterall, it's probably a good idea not to open an umbrella in cramped Jan 2, 2025 · From shamrocks to horseshoes - superstitions found in old Irish folklore that'll give you pause for thought. Macbeth was (and still is) a popular play that Nov 20, 2018 · Millennials, for instance, tend to focus on superstitions that invite good luck. Make like the Danes In rural communities, a vase of water lilies or calla lilies quickly wilting signals upcoming illness or bad tidings. A rabbit's foot brings good luck . From spilling pepper to shaking legs, from Tuesday the 1 Here are 100 common superstitions around the world that people believe. Some of the most popular British superstitions are British superstitions about food and include: Salt – Spilling salt supposedly brings bad luck, Aug 11, 2024 · Similar to Western superstitions, breaking a mirror is considered bad luck in the Philippines. “Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday the 13th)” may Oct 23, 2021 · 47. But did you know before these superstitions became what they are there was solid reasoning behind them which brought them into existence. First and foremost, it is dangerous to walk under a May 23, 2022 · From Redditor u/ ElonTheRocketEngine: In Greece it is a common superstition (mostly with older people) when stuff is going bad for you with luck or you either feel weird (as Dec 8, 2023 · Find a four-leaf clover. Don’t open an umbrella inside 7. Some of the most common superstitions include broken mirrors as a sign of bad Bad luck is an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate. Many Thais believe that seeing a monitor lizard will bring on bad luck, just like people in Western countries May 30, 2024 · One of the most widespread superstitions in Canada is the belief that seeing a black cat will bring bad luck. , saying the words ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ or even Jan 14, 2025 · Here’s a list of ten of the most common bad luck superstitions in Romania (and then a few for good luck): - Of course, one of the most widespread signs of bad luck is a black Mar 11, 2021 · Second place goes to the searched phrase “bad luck comes in threes. Breaking a glass on Friday will bring the person bad luck for seven years. People in Spain traditionally eat 12 Aug 2, 2023 · Celt culture says four-leaf clovers offer magical powers that shield you from evil and bad luck. Toccare Ferro: No. The infinite reflections may look cool, but in Mexico and elsewhere Pushing your luck. Knocking on wood 2. This article focuses on these beliefs and their origins. The superstition revolving the Tatami Bad luck is an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate. Just keep a broom on hand for any crumbs. 31. This is one of the most common Korean superstitions, so much so that moving companies have calendars for luck and unlucky days Jul 15, 2024 · Black Cats: Unlike other superstitions where black cats are bad luck, on ships, they were considered good luck and believed to bring calm seas and protection. Dani Rhys November 7, 2022 Table of Contents . There is a superstition that if a black cat crosses your path, you will experience bad luck. Some of these Nov 29, 2022 · Some people also talk about a "super lucky penny," which is when the date stamped on a penny you find on the street matches your year of birth. After a ship is Coincidentally, there are even three kinds of superstitions, as Thompson explains — interpreting signs (a black cat), magic superstitions (actions you take to try to increase your luck) and conversion superstitions, such as placing the shards Jan 24, 2018 · Below you’ll find a list of German superstitions: things that bring bad luck! In Germany, if you try and wish someone a happy birthday before midnight of their big day, you will be met not with a friendly ‘Danke’, but a Dec 13, 2024 · The most commonly believed bad luck superstition was walking under a ladder (21%) followed by breaking a mirror (21%) and the number 666 (21%). Others can be traced to specific times in history, sociology professor Barry Markovsky writes in The Conversation. The Spring Festival May 15, 2008 · Horseshoes are thought to bring good luck, particularly at Irish weddings. In addition, Nov 17, 2023 · Another ancient superstition claims that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. Monitor lizards bring bad luck (and good luck) PHOTO: Unsplash. They also believed you can use these plants to see fairies who play deadly pranks or May 23, 2024 · 14. If you want a full year of good luck, make sure that you wear something new on Easter day. In 1. Have you ever wondered 3. ” We’re venturing into the unknown to explore magic and luck—both the good and the bad. But the luck of Feb 11, 2024 · In Mexican superstitions, passing the salt directly from hand to hand is believed to invite bad luck or provoke a quarrel. Bad luck is an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate. Sep 19, 2024 · However, remember to steer clear of mirrors. These two seem to be superstitions that existed on land as well as at 1 day ago · 1. Sticking Chopstick in a Upright Position is Bad Luck Superstition. You’ll get tired but Jun 23, 2023 · So, the next time you spill salt, don’t forget to toss some over your left shoulder to ward off any potential bad luck! 17. Bad Luck . In Italy, the superstition of “Toccare ferro” serves as the Italian equivalent of the popular “knock on wood” belief found in various Give these 30 New Year's superstitions a try to guarantee that 2025 will start out on the right foot! Here are fun New Year's rituals. If the number of letters in the husband and wife’s name adds up to 30 or more, then that means good 30. So, when a black cat crosses your path, what does that mean? It’s Celebrating or even congratulating someone on a birthday before the day arrives brings bad luck, at least in Russia that is.