Time of Attachment: From 8 th September, 2016 to 30 th November, 2016. 1 Objectives of the attachment FIELD ATTACHMENT REPORT 3 ABSTRACT The field attachment report is meant to contribute towards my degree in Bachelor of science in Natural resource management . doc / . ii. The industrial attachment OBJECTIVES FOR THE ATTACHMENT (Personal goals) Some of the important objectives of the industrial attachment are as follows: To have a firsthand experience of the criminal justice and investigation problem and solving similar issues, through the skills that I acquired in class. LYDIA WASWA Type writing of entries to the system. It also explains critically the work experiences in the department I was attached in Tracom College including the summary, conclusion and recommendation. 1. That is why it is important to learn How to write Industrial Attachment Report as a student. 3 Relatedness of university’s taught programs to the field attached The principles and the techniques taught at Makerere University are highly related to the field work that is done at the field mount kenya university faculty of social sciences department of social development studies a report on industrial attachment compassion internation organisation-mashuru from 23/09/2019 to 14/12/2019 by tetile kipanua adm no: ccd/2018/32505 industrial attachment report submited to the faculty of social sciences and development studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the All final Field attachment reports shall be submitted by 3rd year students, on March 15, 2012 before the commencement of exams of semester two of third year. BARNABAS Admission Number 9025 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certify that he has read and marked this report for a Field /Industrial attachment at Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute-Nairobi, submitted by CHERUIYOT K. Jun 19, 2017 · How To Write An Industrial Attachment Report? To write an industrial attachment report, one should start by outlining the objectives, scope and methodology of the attachment. Most field reports usually include a section for the technician/field worker and customer to sign. CHERUIYOT K. 1 OBJECTIVES The objectives of my field attachment were as follows: To gain experience in my career of choice as an informatics, area of specialization; Manager and Database 2 Attachment Objectives. Identify appropriate organisations for attachment. This is happening with the private and public sectors. The following are objective of industrial attachment; i. Explore possibilities for collaboration with industry. Aug 5, 2021 · Industrial Attachment Supervisor. Eligibility for Registration 3-4 III. 0 inch all round margin. The background of the organization, mission, vision, core values, organizational culture, gender in the organization, organization structure and the main activities carried out at Amnesty Commission. Dec 5, 2018 · Going out for field work courtesy of the Ministry under some of the projects that were being carried out which tough me how to carry out research. Define the objective(s) of the field report Clearly state the purpose of the field report to determine the focus and provide the right information needed by the organization. , social work, anthropology, gerontology, criminal justice, education, law, the health care services] where it is important to build a bridge of relevancy between the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom and the practice of actually doing the work you are being taught to do. As part of an academic curriculum, attachment helps the student to develop and enhance academic and professional competency. company kenya ltd from 16th may to 15th august 2019 and submitted to the school of science and information sciences department of computing and information sciences, maasai mara university. Preparing letters of introduction and other necessary documents e. A field report should also define the nature of the organization, the setting of observations, and the Objectives 2 Component-II Agro-Industrial Attachment (AIA) 2 Activities and Tasks during Agro-Industrial Attachment Programme 2 Objectives 3 I. Box. CHAPTER THREE: EVALUATION OF THE ATTACHMENT REPORT PERIOD. O. My sincere thanks also go to the University (especially the attachment unit) and Ghana Water Company Limited for the Great Opportunity given, for gaining an experience in the field of work. To explain the meaning and mandate of the Organization structure. They will write a field attachment report at the beginning of the third year first semester. a report of the field attachment undertaken at saham assurance. 6. BENEFITS OF THE ATTACHMENT EXERCISE. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to: Mar 12, 2024 · 1. INSTITUTION: SOUTH EASTERN KENYA UNIVERSITY This research’s broad objective is to contribute to improved livelihood of This is to be used as a guideline for the appropriate structure and content of an attachment report, with a focus on the application of the knowledge and skills already acquired during the university program, and of interdisciplinary key qualifications. Dec 9, 2022 · in the field study to success the Field Attachment (FA). Evaluation 5-6 V. The study examined the effect of E-government on service delivery a case of Huduma center Nakuru County. txt) or read online for free. 0 Preliminary pages 1. guidelines for field attachment report writing, students’ evaluation forms, log books and journals. the united republic of tanzania president’s office public service management tanzania public service college (tpsc) dar es salaam cumpas secretarial department certificate in secretarial studies field attachment report conducted from 1 st july, 2019 – 30 july 2019 student’s name: beatrice erasto msigwa course: certificate in secretarial studies examination no: btcss. The document provides details about the intern's 3-month industrial attachment at the Centre for National Culture in Accra, Ghana. The purpose of the field attachment is to equip students with enough skills and experience to work for their prospected The agricultural sector in Uganda is still underdeveloped partly due to the low competence of agricultural professionals. 0 Guidelines on Written Report 3. Participate in all attachment briefings and/or inductions. Special thanks is to our institute and their staffs for able to establish field attachment program to the second year students because, it a report on a three-month field attachment at moi university communication technology section (comtech. METHODOLOGY Mostly leaning was through participation, listening, observation, and demonstrations. Jan 16, 2021 · FIELD ATTACHMENT REPORT IN KALRO, KIBOKO IN MAKUENI, KENYA. The key objective of the attachment was to provide the student maseno university school of public health and communty development department of biomedical science & technology pmt337: attachment report an attachment report conducted at kenyatta natonal hospitalf or the fullfillment of bachelors degree in bachelor of science in medical laboratory attachment period: 1st nov -19th dec 2014. The Field attachment report should be derived from the work undertaken by the student in the 1. In the recess term of second year, students shall be attached to organizations in the field. (b) The typed report should be presented in New Times Roman with font size-12,with 1. Experiential learning theory The experiential learning conceptual framework puts the study in this paper into perspective. Formal supervision by host must be provided so that your performance can be assessed. I worked under an internal supervisor in the Capital Point Limited and recorded in the logbook the daily and weekly report on work carried out during the entire period. The attachment took place between May 5th and August 5th 2014 under the supervision of Mr. kist. Norms of allotment of villages 6 VII. The development of this report took the effort, support and guidance of a number of people whom I wish to thank. Attainment of this objective is based on the following action plan: Activity/action Quality Indicator Time Frame Responsibility Team development – Training and supporting staff to deliver results Training records Certificates (where applicable) Continuous Chief Accountant Communication to 100% of Finance staff on the quality objective Minutes May 15, 2014 · The employer agrees to provide the intern with a progressive educational experience, through direct personal contact hours or through a training program, and to aid the intern in developing a summary report of his/her experience At Zanzibar University field attachment is obligatory to all students pursuing undergraduate degree programmes in Mar 1, 2007 · This training program has implications for effective social work field education, and recommendations are suggested for future attachment research on supervision. Failure to submit the written report covering the required details will mean non-completion of this component, thus the student is deemed not to have completed the attachment. This attachment report would not be possible without the support and effort of various people. 5|Page INTRODUCTION Internship or Field Attachment Program (FAP) was introduced by the Zambian Open University (ZAOU) to pre-expose prospective graduates to real field situations and to prepare us to face the agricultural work challenges and CHAPTER 1 1. Familiarise with current practice, technology and procedures in industry ii. Copywriting books of accounts. This report has captured what I went through during my attachment and the experiences that I gained and also the lessons that I learned while in the field of attachment. Foster links and networks with industry colleagues iv. The report should then provide a detailed description of the tasks performed, challenges encountered, and lessons learned during the attachment period. ii Industrial attachment report AKNOWLEDGEMENT First, I want to thank the Almighty God for bringing me this far and keeping me sound and safe with good life during the entire field attachment period. It is my first attachment which was centered on power transmission and distribution at Kenya Power. guidelines for field attachment report writing, students’ evaluation forms and log books. 2014). Signing off a field report indicates that all the involved parties witnessed the successful completion of the job or project. I wish to express my gratitude to them. 2: Description of Location makerere university college of business and management sciences (cobams) school of statistics and applied economics. In respect with my objectives during the attachment training, the whole process has been a success and all my objectives were achieved well. 2 Posting. OBJECTIVES OF THE ATTACHMENT Some of the important objectives of the industrial attachment are as follows To assess the interest of the student in the occupation he/she plans to undertake. This is a sample attachment report for college students taking Diploma in Supply Chain Management. In the context of this Policy, field attachment is a field-based practical training experience that prepares trainees for the tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their training. The specific objectives of a fieldwork report include the 2. 1 INTRODUCTION This is a comprehensive report of field attachment done at the office of Director of public prosecution Bungoma east sub county Webuye department which was done between January 20/2015 to April 24/2015 . There are many job opportunities that need a capable person urgently and these jobs are not always advertised due to the urgency. Student Number: A22/2320/2014 Jun 20, 2024 · Below are the main steps in effectively writing a field report: 1. It is important to keep a good connection with them. The report captures the duties, responsibilities and also the experiences of the student during the siquera okari momanyi ss/com03/186/17 organization: kibabii university. Download The report is subdivided into four chapters as discussed below; Chapter one portrays the introduction of the report, background of the field attachment, the objectives and its relevancy to me as a student, The description of Amnesty Commission including the nature, mission, vision. Students’ records. To make a relation between theoretical concepts with the field practice. It includes: - An introduction to the Centre including its mission, departments, staff size, and district offices. 3. To expose the students to work methods not taught in the University and to provide access to products equipment not normally available in the environment of EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of industrial attachment creates the need for any discerning student to create a clear picture of what has been done in the form of a report. The goal of the attachment program was not only to fulfill academic requirements but also to achieve the personal objectives that I have. . Mar 17, 2018 · The field attachment report should be derived from the work undertaken by the student in the institution attached. Using this approach, it is the supervi ii. Evaluation Given the duration and intensity of the field attachment program and the rigor of assessment (by field supervisor, academic supervisor, field attachment report), field attachment should carry an overall weighting of 5. ) from 6th january 2014 to 31st march 2014 presented by: name: wanangwe josephine miriam admission number: bcj/1008/11 report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of bachelor of science in communication and journalism. BARNABAS, Admission number, 9025 He/she there’re by recommend for acceptance by the NAIROBI TECHNICAL AKAMPURIRA SAMUEL THE FIELD ATTACHMENT REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARMENT OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING OF MAKERERE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL IN FUFILMENT OF A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE BACHELORS DEGREE OF COMMERCE OF MAKERERE UNIVERSITY NOVEMBER, 2013 DECLARATION I BAHIKYE SAVIOUR hereby declare that this is my original work and has Field Attachment Report - Free download as Word Doc (. The report details his 8-week internship at Nairobi City County in the finance department from October 21, 2014 to December 8, 2014. a report of the field attachment undertaken at the standard group ltd from 1st march to 30t h june 2013 and submitted to the school of human resource development department of communication studies, moi university by onyango dennis ogola reg. Running head: ATTACHMENT REPORT 1 Report on a Three Months Field/Industrial Attachment Time of Attachment: From 8 th September, 2016 to 30 November, 2016. docx), PDF File (. Some of my personal objectives include the following; a) Personal growth and development. 1 Cover page The cover page shall have MUK - MUBS main heading, title of the report referring to field attachment and organization where field attachment was done. The process of posting students for field attachment will include: Identifying suitable candidates for each site. 0 credit units The field attachment, being part and parcel of the academic program, must be assessed, graded and the Jun 14, 2023 · Outline of Industrial Attachment report. In the context of these guidelines, field attachment is a field-based practical 2. The attachment report should be submitted upon completion of the attachment (the date of submission depend on the Lecturer’s instructions). 1 Introduction The field internship carried out by… First and foremost, I am grateful to God Almighty for giving me good health, guidance and protection in the field of work during my internship period. Field attachment provides benefits to students, universities and host organizations (Holyoak Jul 6, 2024 · The industrial attachment report is an indispensable module of the prospectus of any establishment of advanced learning. 2 Background of field attachment Field attachment is a field-based practical training that prepares trainees for tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their training. 2 Facilitation. 5 Objectives of the Attachment The objectives of the attachment were: i. Identify challenges at the place of attachment and propose solutions iii. Industrial attachment is an important exercise which enables student practise what they have learnt in class into a real life situation. . The specific objectives of the study were: to establish the effect of E-citizen portal usage on service delivery, the effect of E-business portal usage on service delivery, the effect of E-visa portal usage on service delivery and finally the combined effect of E-citizen E-business and E 1. Report promptly to the attachment organization. Price: KES : 250. The first chapter of the report is introduction which includes background of the organization, Objective of the field attachment report, the services provided by the Ports, duties and responsibilities, the skills and knowledge and problem experienced in the organization. Oct 25, 2023 · A field report isn’t complete without being signed off by all parties involved. It greatly provided a platform for me to exercise all the skills I had gained from the class in relation to this field. To enable student to marry theory to practice in real world of business situation that often involves decision making. 2 Objectives of Field attachment There are several objectives of field attachment to students, organization and university among which include; 1. Assessment shall be based on the conventional University format of research report and shall be marked out of 100% institutions are seen to be increasingly incorporating industrial attachment as a training methodology. iii. Writing industrial attachment report or internship report can seem like a very tough job, at least from most student’s point of view. 5 spacing and 1. Logbook. Joan Murugi Njagi. department: ict an industrial attachment report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of computer science, department of physics and computer science in the school of science, alupe university college. The Industrial Attachment must be of significant educational value. 4. The industrial attachment report should be 15 pages (excluding coverage, table of content and references) The industrial attachment report should be submitted This report captures and documents all activities that I carried out while at CONAS Library from 2st August to 21st October 2022 and includes four chapters. The report aims at addressing the importance of field attachment to the life of a student according to my personal view, the structure and organization of my place of attachment, my experience at the place of attachment, knowledge and skills obtained at the site of attachment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the site of attachment. CHAPTER ONE This chapter portrays the introduction of the report, background of field attachment and its relevancy/ objectives to the student. Where; Chapter one includes the introduction, background of the field attachment, objectives The report aims at addressing the importance of field attachment to the life of a student according to my personal view, the structure and organization of my place of attachment, my experience at the place of attachment, knowledge and skills obtained at the site of attachment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the site of attachment Jun 3, 2024 · How to Begin. Tonny Jan 20, 2022 · iii ABSTRACT DL KAPCHEBET Tea factory is a organizational company with the principle objective of promoting tea processing and investigating problems related to tea and system of husbandry as are associated with tea throughout Kenya including productivity (yields), quality and sustainability of land in relation to tea planting. Feb 4, 2020 · a report of the field attachment undertaken at saham. Field attachment is a field of practical training experience that prepares trainee for the tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their studies. 1 Format of Attachment Report The Written Report is one of the three components. To develop skills and techniques directly applicable to careers. 1. ABSTRACT:-Field attachment paper basically prepared by second year student at the end of the second semester for every academic year as for now 2011/2012, referring to the IRDP almanac the field exercise for all second year students commenced on 28th June 2011 and ends on 20 th August 2011 where a student is required to fill daily log book and prepare a weekly report according to the field This document is Ngari Festus's industrial attachment report submitted to Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. o box 842-20117 nakuru indutrial field attachment at naivasha kongoni lodge by: name: mwenda phylis wanjiku This course will cover the relationship between theory and field practice, entrepreneurship skills, writing of a field report. The overarching global concern is about the effectiveness of the design and implementation of field attachment to achieve the desired goals (Radigan 2010; Stirling et al. 1 Objectives of the field attachment 1. Katherine B (2013) Argues that, a robust media is a key pillar in any democratic EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This consists of a summary description of all that was covered under the report work as in the report, these chapters include the following:- Chapter One: This chapter contains the introduction of the report, organization back ground, mission, vision and objectives of the organization where the student conducted his field attachment. The field attachment report contains an introduction about the field attachment organization, the profile of the district which include, geographic location of the district council, administrative structure, land use, economic activates, demography and settlement pattern, background information of Mbozi district council, presentation of student Aug 5, 2023 · Industrial attachment report v ABSTRACT The purpose of this report is to provide the details of the institution of attachment, a description of all the activities undertaken during the attachment period, the lessons learnt and challenges faced during the same. by benardin kavengi reg: is01/041/ 1. (a) The entire report must be typed with execeptions of scanned insertions and signatures. 037 Field attachment is a field based practical training experience that prepares trainees for the tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their training. OBJECTIVES OF THE ATTACHMENT: OBJECTIVES OF FIELD ATTACHMENT Introduction Field attachment is a session when trainees go out to the field to get exposed and familiarize themselves with the working environment. Attachment report. The document outlines the hospital's history, objectives, mission, and mandate. Mar 22, 2024 · The primary objective of a fieldwork report is to provide a structured and comprehensive account of an individual’s or a group’s practical experiences, observations, and activities during a fieldwork placement, internship, or similar practical training program (Maidment, 2000). 5. This Field attachment report captures the complexity and diversity of the Student’s main objectives for the attachment exercise and the Attaché’s assigned routine duties and department’s participation forums at James Finlays Kenya Limited JKF. Faculty Supervisor: The faculty member responsible for visiting and addressing issues raised by the attaché and/or site supervisor based on the student’s performance and completion of previously agreed upon assignments and marking the Industrial Attachment Report. Field reports are most often assigned in disciplines of the applied social sciences [e. The scope of inventory management in the 21 st Century concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space for Inventory, replenishment, returns and defective goods, and demand forecasting in East KIGALI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Ave nue de l’armée, P. REPORT ON ATTACHMENT CARRIED OUT AT MAMA LUCY KIBAKI HOSPITAL FROM 3RD OCTOBER 2022 TO 23RD DECEMBER 2022 SUBMITTED ON 21ST JANUARY 2023 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Field attachment is an essential step in which students are attached to organizations relevant to the field studies to get an equivalent best practice according to their specialization. Implementation of Programme 6 VI. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 1st June – 15th Aug 2015 (11 Weeks) BY MUKALELE ROGERS REG No: 13/U/21067/EVE STUDENT No: 213024492 A field attachment report submitted to Makerere University – Jinja Campus, in partial 1. 3900 Kigali/Rwanda Tel: +250 576996/574698, Fax: +250 571925/571924 Website: www. Overview of Attachment-Based Approach to Field Instruction An attachment-based approach to field in struction is founded on the proposition that the dynamics of the supervisory relationship activate the internal working models of attachment for both the supervisor and stu dent. This document provides information about the author's field attachment at Chuka District Hospital located in Chuka Town, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. 1 objectives of attachment % - through field attachment remains a subject of scholarly research. 1 Objectives of Field attachment program to students • To get exposed to working pressures, learning how to cope up with them and appropriately respond to them i. learn to beat deadlines. It defines ii Definition of key terms: 1. It’s carried out by staff and students of the university where the university is responsible for the safety of its staff, students and others exposed to their Sep 1, 2021 · The study aimed to determine the impact of field attachment experiences on students' career readiness in Arusha's selected higher learning institutions using the descriptive correlational research FIELD ATTACHMENT REPORT KISUMU COUNTY REFERRAL HOSPITAL A report submitted to the department of human nutrition in fulfillment of the course clinical field attachment EGERTON UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN NUTRITION Submitted by; NAME: EDITH AKOTH OTIENO REG NO: H11/08926/ COURSE CODE: FOND LECTURER : DR. a report on field attachment/internship at uganda revenue authority field attachment period (26th june to 11th august, 2017) by nduhura osbert 15/u/11235/eve 215005419. It also describes the various duties Sep 22, 2022 · At the end of the attachment program, the student is expected to compile a report that incorporate work experience gained linking it to the theoretical knowledge. Jan 12, 2021 · The report should be free of grammar and spelling errors; The industrial attachment report should contain table of contents and appropriately referenced as indicated in our sample report. rw FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS STATISTICS OPTION Done by: Pacifique ICYINGENEYE (GS 20080096) Supervised by: Consolate MUKESHIMANA Academic Year: 2011 TOWARDS A BRIGHTER FUTURE INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT The following are the objectives of the industrial attachment that provides the opportunity of improving professional knowledge. Universities adopted practical training approaches including field attachment, to train and supply professionals who possess leadership, entrepreneurship, communication, facilitation, negotiation, teamwork and organizational planning competences in addition to their formal knowledge on industrial attachment, this study should also act as a provocation and a springboard from which other researchers can carry out further research in the field of industrial attachment. Accept field attachment as part and parcel of their training and have a positive attitude towards experiential and participatory learning. John Mwenda and Dr. This is a student attachment report at Njoro police station which was attended and completed between the periods of May to July 2017. number: bcj/46/10 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of bachelor of science in communication and journalism. Price: KES : 50. Student teacher: a person enrolled in UR-CE who is undertaking the required school attachment period to be able to complete teacher training program and to qualify for Jun 19, 2024 · 1. Discover the world's research 25 to students is through field attachment. Sample Attachment report, Diploma in criminology and security studies. This mainly involved, maintenance, operation and Metering. Download; Sample Attachment Report for Diploma in Supply Chain Management. An industrial attachment report should have a minimum of 20 pages unless you have been advised by your lecturer on a specific length. ac. pdf), Text File (. Registration 3 II. Tonny. 2. Monitoring 4-5 IV. e. 2. It is of the view that during the industrial attachment phase, the student is accorded an opportunity to marry theory learnt in the classroom with the real field of work. This report gives details of Tracom College, its background, Mission, Vision, Organisation structure, core values, functions and its main objectives. The process of facilitating students in finding sites for field attachment will include preparing letters of introduction and other necessary documents e. (2) FORMAT. g. 3. Nov 3, 2014 · lake nakuru hotel and tourism managenent p. 1 Definition of Field Attachment i. It includes an introduction to Nairobi City County covering its background, mission, vision, values, objectives, structure, and Mar 6, 2018 · Industrial attachment/Internship will afford you an opportunity to meet many people in your field. To aid in adjusting from university lifestyle to full-time employment To This Field attachment report captures the complexity and diversity of the Student’s main objectives for the attachment exercise and the Attaché’s assigned routine duties and department’s participation forums at James Finlays Kenya Limited JKF. APO-02-03-11/10 STRATHMORE UNIVERSITY ATTACHMENT REPORT GUIDELINES All internships must be approved before their start date, or your internship will not be approved for graduation. Jan 16, 2017 · Report on a Three Months Field/Industrial Attachment. 09/18/dsm. MAKERERE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES (CoCIS) (SCHOOL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS TECHNOLOGY) A REPORT ON FIELD ATTACHMENT / INTERNSHIP AT IT Plus Solutions Limited, Kampala. 1: Background of field attachment: Field attachment is defined “field based practical work carried out by staff and students for the purpose of teaching or research in places outside the University control but where the University is responsible for the necessary safety of its staff, students and others exposed to their activities. Jun 21, 2024 · , egerton university a field attachment report at sian flowers agriflora (k) ltd company name : mercy cherono kiplagat reg no : e11/o3911/19 faculty : education and community studies department : agriculture education and extension course title : field attachment course code : aged 444 co-ordinator : dr. Name of Student: Ochieng’ .
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