Octoprint mobile ui. It is open sourced dashboard optimized for 3.
Octoprint mobile ui Nov 20, 2020 · If you have a display directly connected to your Pi running TouchUI, you might have run into this right after upgrading to OctoPrint 1. [image] [image] After the automatic reload everything should be back to Apr 19, 2020 · I created the ability to completely replace the UI of OctoPrint two years ago by plugins in the hopes someone would step up to create a mobile UI plugin, but sadly that hasn't happened. Feb 19, 2021 · The Ender 3 V2 has a really 'dumb' screen implementation, where the screen has all the graphics and UI stored on board and just receives control commands from the controller board. octoprint. Octoprint just send GCODES but prints nothing on the LCD. What did you already try to solve it? Followed the directions here: Did not see javascript errors No stuck requests no Socket Authentication issues Switched the python env and performed the following: sed -ibck '/^\\. Just to be 100% sure : by "just updating the main board", you mean that you tried using the most recent stock firmware Mar 10, 2024 · No UI, Octoprint never completes loading, so cannot see system information. Mar 12, 2020 · pip install --force-reinstall OctoPrint' again. bundle false sudo service octoprint restart and might solve it or at least allow further analysis. The project is published so that anyone can use it as they see fit. I know that Themeify and TouchUi exist, but I feel neither one gets the job done super well, and I'm looking for something that builds on the concept. I checked my printer and sure Mar 5, 2020 · ~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --bool server. templatetypes hook and how to display templates of that type. I've been looking into a more modern UI for octoprint for a while. Apr 8, 2019 · Blockquote create a file "apikey" under /home/pi/ with the config as json: I take it this is on the PI that Octoprint is running on and I can call it "apikey" ? any file permissions I need to worry about? I run Node-red on my Synology NAS box in a docker container just in case that makes any difference Thanks for the more detail 🙂 Mar 12, 2020 · The only suggestion I have right now is to disable webasset bundling because clearly something went and continues to do terribly wrong there. Read on to find out all the things you can do with it! Apr 28, 2021 · Hi, I was using octoprint on a Pi3 for some month now. Communication with octoprint is done via rest api and UI-updates mainly via octoprint's socks-proxy. I just started to create an alternative webUI for octoprint in Vue. span8 width 72% Approx. As long as the controller has the Apr 12, 2021 · The next step would be to try to determine if OctoPrint is attached to port 5000 of localhost and that haproxy is attached to port 80 of the IP address you discovered earlier. e. So now, open your browser's Developer's Console, hit the reload/refresh button and look for anything that doesn't load. 0 that conflicts with TouchUI's bootloader for local displays. The touch screen is set up and running great, TouchUI also runs, but I have to connect a keyboard every time to enter user and Oct 17, 2020 · Cool ! Will do and try so :). Just updating the mainboard, might bring the M117 Feb 19, 2021 · I assume you are wondering why the Ender 3 V2 is not showing any print progress when printing via OctoPrint ? The Ender 3 V2 has a really 'dumb' screen implementation, where the screen has all the graphics and UI stored on board and just receives control commands from the controller board. 0. allowFraming true sudo service octoprint restart sudo service touchui restart On other installs adjust path to octoprint accordingly and restart OctoPrint and TouchUI. (see screenshot 1) Refresh page as per request at the bottom of the page opens the GUI but I believe it is offline (see screenshot 2) It says the printer is connected but hovering over the connection settings produces a 'stop sign' and clicking 'disconnect' appears to do nothing. All these Jan 2, 2020 · I think I would caution anyone who's attempting to write a major "makeover" UI for the OctoPrint interface. This is a recent development after attempting to install a CrealityCloud plug in. 5″ to 7″ touchscreens. Feb 23, 2021 · Octodash is a simple touchscreen user interface (UI) for Octoprint. Oct 17, 2020 · Hello, and welcome in the fantastic world of Octoprinting 😃 Rookie here. Oct 18, 2020 · I don't own any Creality printers but from my time in these (and other) forums, I have formed an opinion about their firmware (and it's not favorable). What did you Jan 7, 2017 · What were you doing? Installed OctoPrint and attempted to load UI. What happened instead? The interface did not fully load, as pictured in screenshot. . OctoPrint-TouchUI. Any ideas on how to fix this? What did you already try to solve it? I uninstalled all my plugins and looked through the log files. The reason for my initiative is that I find the UI a bit dated. Nov 8, 2024 · What is the problem? I cannot access the octoprint webui from my browser (opera gx) and/or cannot use it in things like cura or prusaslicer. Jan 13, 2025 · What is the problem? Web UI shut down/restart/restart in safe mode doesn't work. octoprint. js with bulma css framework. Thanks for the help here from the forum! However, I still have a problem: Can I also set up the autologin to TouchUI retrospectively? The users who operate the printer should be able to do this via the touchscreen. Oct 19, 2020 · Yes indeed I am V2, which is a really pleasant machine in terms of how quiet it is with the 32bit board and drivers, the new screen is very nice to work with too, much better then my older CR10. Originally developed to fix an issue with overly large thumbnails on mobile when using PrusaSlicer Thumbnails and TouchUI together. 3 Hello all, first post here and im having some real difficulty trying to do Apr 3, 2019 · Last year I was a software development instructor so I reasonably know what Node-RED is. Best case scenario one tool applies the dark theme, make a mobile version, and a version to fit all screens. mobile-friendly), making things even easier to do from your phone. For instance, when I go to CONNECTION, it gives me a white screen with abort in Mar 12, 2020 · pip install --force-reinstall OctoPrint' again. The firmware in the printer is responsible for interfacing with any graphical displays, controls, and any Aug 15, 2024 · Hello everyone, Without intending to offend the creators of OctoPrint and its entire community, I have created a small frontend for OctoPrint using its WebSocket connection and API. ui. Is now my emergency stop switch. One is an RPi 3+, the other is an RPi 4+. Jan 7, 2013 · A mobile friendly single-column layout would be a godsend! There may be too many tabs for a wide tab-bar at the top like that, here are- a couple of alternatives: switch using a drop-down chooser; or just make the current tab title prominent and allow swiping left and right to switch between them; or have a separate tab chooser view and from within a tab either swipe left or have a "menu Nov 19, 2015 · A lot of people have complained about OctoPrint's default web interface not being optimized for mobile or small screen devices, and rightly so. Feb 23, 2020 · Hello! New to Red Node and Octoprint and I would like to get this running on my mac vs pi. always used static ip to connect Was thinking could be problem Nov 20, 2019 · Hi all! I wanted to share what I've been working on for the last few months: Kraken, a beautiful iOS client for OctoPrint. Nov 22, 2024 · What is the problem? I can't load the Web UI on any device. helloworld: A simple plugin that injects itself into various places in OctoPrint's web interface to display "Hello World I use Plabric, it's free but totally unappreciated as a mobile UI (Don't bother with the file searcher though) Octoprint can still be accessed from mobile data (Not webcam feed though) Works perfectly fine while connected to the octoprint instance's Wi-Fi. I have managed to get it set up and functioning- it was great. That Input > Process > Output is standard ladder programming (a. The Ender 3 V2 has two components, the main 32bit board, running a old version of Marlin, plus a independent display board with own firmware that contains the display 'content'. If I look into my Router DHCP leases then I can see that the Octopi is active on the network I just can't connect to it for some reason. What did you already try to solve it? Many hours surfing web topics and trying various methods mentioned in forums and website Additional information about your setup OctoPrint version 1. Oct 2, 2020 · Hi, I have installed octoprint on a raspberry pi 3b, and I have a 5 inch touch screen. However, the UI is very unresponsive and I was able to track it down to the web socket not connecting. I've since completely re-wrote the thing in an attempt to learn more May 4, 2021 · Hi, a fresh log is attached. gcode file). OctoEverywhere’s App Connection technology empowers OctoPrint apps to connect to your OctoPrint from anywhere using a safe and secure connection Nov 30, 2020 · Hey I created a plugin trying to fix the things that annoyed me the most - I would love some feedback and ideas. This plugin will transform the OctoPrint layout into a Mobile/TFT friendly layout. There's a good chance that your dashboard UI could become the front runner for merging into core assuming Gina does decide vue over react, or at least might help in some planning stages of that development. Finally, I ended up with "node-red". Apr 13, 2018 · Run top. egg$/d' `python -c "from distutils. Nov 16, 2024 · What is the problem? I can't load the Web UI on any device What did you already try to solve it? I've tried to re-install Octoprint on my Pi 3b, used a new SD card, changed the PI, I tried with my IP, IP:5000 and Octopi. Nov 6, 2014 · With OctoPrint version 1. Jul 1, 2018 · What is the problem? unable to connect to UI from just one PC iv been uing octopi for ages and all of a sudden today i am unable to connect to it from my pc, i can ping it, login via ssh just not get the webpage to load, i have tried all the browsers on my pc, i can load the page fine on mobile and another laptop just not my pc. Mar 7, 2020 · Every time I login octoprint on any laptop or computer it has been sending me to the mobile version. My Display is a touch and attached to the Pi, yes. The OctoPrint plugins for printer dialogs do not work with the Ender 3 V2 firmware / configuration. As I said the rest works prefect, including 5" touch screen on OcotoPi with OctoDash. Firstly after the initial preheat is reached, the charting doesn’t report the correct temperature. I did update only the controller firmware, with non Creality firmware and it works so far. One of the reasons why I created the plugin interface for OctoPrint 1. Going into settings and making any change, e. Selector CSS-Rule Value Info . The attached display was running well as well and touch-ui was started automatically at startup. Until until you ask Octoprint to do so. 5, Raspberry Pi 3B+ V1. 0 and know she was considering Vue. Touch-UI was activated automatically. I have some training in Feb 17, 2021 · I'm happy announce that I have just added a much requested feature to my plugin UI Customizer (UI Customizer) Themes! There is 6 themes included at the moment but i'm planning to add more and the themes are going to be updated/handled without updating the plugin in a future version. Apr 8, 2019 · Last year I was a software development instructor so I reasonably know what Node-RED is. 0 was that I hoped that it would enable people to get creative and solve such pain points themselves, and it's great to see developers like Paul de Vries aka "Billy Blaze" stepping Nov 21, 2024 · Hi, I am writing this post to start a discussion about the OctoPrint native user interface (UI). [0-9]\\+-. I’m looking for a plug-in that makes Octoprint useable on mobile. Touch UI comes up in search results but does it still work? What’s the recommended option? This plugin will transform the OctoPrint layout into a Mobile/TFT friendly layout. /bin/sh Sep 16, 2021 · If your OctoPrint web interface all of a sudden looks similar to this: it is because you installed the third party TouchUI plugin and it is detecting your browser as a touch enabled and/or mobile device. Works great but is just too inflexible. to fit the remaining space *Corrected Dropdown to stay in the nav bar #navbar_plugin_m33fio position inherit #navbar_plugin_m33fio height 20px #navbar_plugin_m33fio margin-left 30px *Reduce space below navbar (I Oct 1, 2020 · Hi, I have installed octoprint on a raspberry pi 3b, and I have a 5 inch touch screen. Robo 3D went that route and ended up with miles of spaghetti code which nobody later could figure out. It is unresponsive and flickers, for example in safe mode Nov 29, 2024 · What is the problem? As I was printing today I pulled the plug on my printer by accident and the ups was not quick enough to catch it. Mar 7, 2020 · Hi, new here, and new to this so excuse my lack if knowledge! I successfully ssh in and followed the commands and the sad face went and touch gui loaded again. Jun 23, 2019 · Hi All, I am very new to Pi and Octoprint. Both are on 1. Mar 13, 2020 · pip install --force-reinstall OctoPrint' again. Would actually make their own life easier too. Yet they sort of seemed to have jumbled things in a not so sensical way. My focus is on the graphical design, but it also touches into the whole user experience (UX) area. Allows control of the axis, temperature, gcode, files, and most plugins Mar 17, 2019 · What is the problem? Octoprint loads without GUI. Bootstrap 2 “responsive” UI, a single column on your phone. My Touch UI stopped working, but I was still able to control Pi from laptop (WiFi) to print. All I get is a "This site can't be r… Feb 11, 2021 · re posting as new thread What is the problem? Hello, I am new to octoprint. As you may know When a system is running without probs you loose all tipss and tricks and how tos 🙂 As I was using octoprint from my desktop Jan 7, 2020 · TL;DR want to find or build a high quality dark reskin for the OctoPrint UI compatible with mobile & desktop. Export settings - Will export all the UI Customizer settings into a file that can be downloaded Import settings - Will import an exported settings file - this can be usefull if you have settings you want to apply to several OctoPrint installations A quick demo of the mobile/responsive fixes in my plugin for OctoPrinthttps://plugins. It started from a user called Quilford on github, and his PrinterView. TouchUI optimizes the Dec 31, 2018 · Hello, everything is working for me now as it should. Contribute to fuding/OctoPrint-Mobile development by creating an account on GitHub. It does not show that a print is running, not does it get 'locked' or anything. Node-RED is a (ladder-based) programming interface which is sort of an adult-oriented (and NodeJS/JavaScript) version of Scratch (using Python), if you will. If you need help selecting a touchscreen, check out our list of the best touchscreens for the Raspberry Pi for inspiration. It works from time to time but UI is very unstable/flickering/frozen and connection to printer unstable. 18. I also tried Jan 23, 2020 · Hello! New to Red Node and Octoprint and I would like to get this running on my mac vs pi. 10. change printer Dec 4, 2019 · Hi all, New here but been using Octoprint for an age now. Thanks for all your work. Sep 27, 2023 · As a bonus, this project will also make OctoPrint responsive (i. 7 KB). While I like the new änder 3 v2, for many reasons, the dual approach of display vs controller is at best difficult. I like the old UI better for now and want to revert back, but do not know how to do that. web. Versus a real display that is controlled by the main controller. jneilliii January 2, 2020, 2:09am This plugin will transform the OctoPrint layout into a Mobile/TFT friendly layout. Managed by Timon G (username UnchartedBull) it allows for easy and clean interactions with and Octoprint server without needing a separate computer or web browser. And here’s the kicker…I want it without the webcam interface (I don’t use it…it just takes up real estate). The raspberry rebooted and when I logged in all third party plugins were missing. packed_core. This should work via SSH: ~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --bool devel. My primary focus was on making it mobile/tablet friendly and make a more usefull layout options - like adding a webcam widget that can be see while looking at the gcode viewer in sync etc. I have even went so far as to change firewall settings to allow my windows pc ip. Mar 12, 2020 · Beautiful. It was running very well in the past. So I can adjust them before I leave a the printer alone. I’ve tried the UI customizer plugin and so far can’t get exactly Quickly add custom CSS to modify your OctoPrint UI. I am currently using OctoPrint version 1. I started a print, and all looked good! I went back about an hour later (screen had gone to sleep) bug upon waking it, touch UI has gone and now I have a screen showing a page to download Chrome? Like a windows page would look? Any help Mar 28, 2020 · What is the problem? Recently I cannot connect to two different Raspberry PI instances of Octoprint. Oct 24, 2020 · A v2 of the dashboard plugin is being worked on which will use the UIplugin mixin to replace the UI. 10 OctoPi version 0. I've searched under every setting and do not see a way to toggle back and fourth. I also wanted a way to manage multiple printers easily rather than switching between multiple tabs in my browser. The vexing part is, nothing in the Jan 31, 2021 · What is the problem? On the temperature tab there are a number of issues. I thought I first I hadn’t set the temps right in the slicer, because the actual temperature was changing on the octoprint screen. With this plugin, you can easily take photos and videos, adjust camera settings, and view a live stream of the camera feed right from within OctoPrint. To get the regular UI back, click on the upper right menu, access TouchUI settings and therein disable TouchUI. Nov 6, 2020 · A v2 of the dashboard plugin is being worked on which will use the UIplugin mixin to replace the UI. If your OctoPrint web interface all of a sudden looks similar to this: [image] it is because you installed the third party TouchUI plugin and it is detecting your browser as a touch enabled and/or mobile device. Mar 7, 2020 · ~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --bool server. [0-9]\\+\\. Tried to show the fixes done for mobile/tablets in this small recording: https://youtu. sysconfig Jun 11, 2020 · What is the problem? UI command window/tab locking up What did you already try to solve it? Different browsers, opening webcam in window by itself Logs (octoprint. 0 which was added to prevent attacks of your installation through clickjacking. Until I realized that it is more effective to have this controlled and via the OctoPi, since the GCode is only sent to the Ender control board, so a runout Apr 3, 2019 · Looks cool but we might need a little more information here. 5. I have to actually stop the service outside of a web interface, on the device connected to the printer itself. The UI is also all broken there's a Jun 9, 2021 · Hello! New to Red Node and Octoprint and I would like to get this running on my mac vs pi. When I try to connect using their respective IPs, I get "Loading Failed -- Socket connection failed . TouchUI icone in the upper right corner doesn't work anymore, so I can't login This issue happen with Chrome, Firefox, Opera I did disabled all the T Oct 18, 2020 · after a bit of digging I am starting to understand the issues. Love it, so big thanks to everyone whose put some work in. octoprint/plugins) that shows how to provide a custom template type through the octoprint. Dec 24, 2018 · What is the problem? 1st loading to GUI. container width 100% Adapt to any screen size . Mar 4, 2021 · Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ) Raspberry Pi 4 OctoPrint 1. That fancy screen did not inspire me much confidence (also about open sourcing the complete code, with firmware). I'm guessing that it works in concert with the dark theme mode of OctoPrint and builds Oct 8, 2021 · OctoRemote is a great Android app for remotely controlling your 3D printers. What did Mar 9, 2020 · ~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --bool server. Oct 26, 2023 · What is the problem? I recently installed OctoPi 32-bit on my Raspberry Pi 400 for my Prusa MK3S+ printer. All I really need is the file browser, info, control and temperature all on one page. org/plugins/uicustomizer/https://github. On the laptop, I just get "Cant reach this page" This happened to me once before a few months back, but after letting it sit for a OctoPrint simplifies the control and management of 3D printing. I don't know whether to install octoscreen or Touch Ui, I need to use Enclosure Plugin from the screen, with Touch UI you can. Over the past 8 or 9 months I've been working on an interface to unify Octoprint instances into 1 interface which I've called OctoFarm. Themeify is awesome and comes with a dark theme option right at the top of the Settings screen. i love the Octoprint API 🙂 Flow: https://gist Jun 13, 2020 · So what exactly is OctoPrint? Here is a list of things OctoPrint allows you to do: Wirelessly upload G-code files from a computer to a 3D printer; Manually control a 3D printer (moving the X-, Y-, and Z-axes as well as forcing extrusion) Monitor print temperature and change print settings I love Octoprint, but I’m trying to save clicks navigating the interface. The symptom is that in the box on the UI where the video should be, it goes black with an icon in the center like it doesn't know what the type is. I've tried resting, rebooting, Updated, nothing seems to help. This Plugin Manager also allows browsing and easy installation of plugins registered on the official OctoPrint Plugin Repository. target Aug 14, 2018 · So I'll post here my GUI modificacions and improvements. This is a little plugin that adds an HTML element here, changes some css there in a tweaky way to have the default OctoPrint UI reflow (or squish) for smaller screen sizes. Contribute to LazeMSS/OctoPrint-UICustomizer development by creating an account on GitHub. What did you already try to solve it? I have reinstalled octoprint a couple times, tried every possible combination of link, ip, and port that I could think of. Config. Mar 26, 2020 · Hello! New to Red Node and Octoprint and I would like to get this running on my mac vs pi. Stumbled upon this plugin, and it fixes everything I disliked! It is highly customizable, and it allows full width usage of your screen. log, serial. Dec 27, 2019 · I currently have several touch screen devices and have added the plug-in for touch UI. Reason is a security measure against clickjacking added in 1. ladder logic), btw. 3 Windows 11 Pi 3B Prusa MK3 printer. Jan 2, 2015 · What were you doing? Since the latest version ( 1. It only started happening after the latest update to octoprint, before then this never was an issue. May 20, 2021 · Hello! New to Red Node and Octoprint and I would like to get this running on my mac vs pi. The software's capabilities are enhanced by a diverse set of plugins, making it simple to monitor and control your prints. Never made a plugin before and am seeking direction/ guidance. With larger buttons and a responsive layout down to the smallest resolution possible. An old school look can be cool, but I think for most users a Scalable UI that does some old fashioned (v2) bootstrap responsive and some collapse etc. 1 on a Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB on a 32GB micro-SD card running the latest OctoPrint version 1. g. Checked logs but not sure how to proceed. OctoPrint talks to the printer through the firmware, and the language it uses is gcode, more specifically Marlin (or compatible) gcode. Specially on the Ender 3 V2, you can mess prints up even when just working on the printer it self, by making adjustments while printing. The current features include: • Start, pause, resume or Mar 12, 2020 · pip install --force-reinstall OctoPrint' again. 20, it introduces a plugin system which allows extending it’s core functionality. Node-red control UI. Mar 5, 2018 · Surely the most popular option for controlling OctoPrint from a mobile device is TouchUI by [Paul de Vries], which is available in the official OctoPrint plugin repository. It is open sourced dashboard optimized for 3. But to me it sounds like your Pi is simply not up for the task of running a print server, driving a 3d printer AND also running a full fledged modern web browser with a UI optimized to shift as much work from the server away as possible (read: to be accessed from a different machine). sudo netstat -a |grep LISTEN Oct 19, 2020 · While processing a print job from OctoPrint, my local Ender 3 V2 displa… I first thought to update the firmware to add a runout sensor and to have better Marlin 2 thermal protections. It is a basic frontend in terms of functionality but with a lot of potential for growth. 168. jneilliii November 29, 2020, 6:28am Feb 2, 2021 · I assume you are wondering why the Ender 3 V2 is not showing any print progress when printing via OctoPrint ? The Ender 3 V2 has a really 'dumb' screen implementation, where the screen has all the graphics and UI stored on board and just receives control commands from the controller board. a. yaml seems intact, all plugins are there but not showing/working. Jan 29, 2019 · Da es gewünscht wurde, hier noch ein kurzes Video wie man Octoprint fit macht für die Bedienung auf Touch Geräten wie Tablets und Smartphones, sowie die Einr Apr 10, 2022 · Hello! New to Red Node and Octoprint and I would like to get this running on my mac vs pi. I only found this out whilst printing a temperature tower. 0: [image] The reason is a new security measure introduced in OctoPrint 1. Oct 31, 2019 · Hi all, wanted to share my latest project with you, maybe you like it or find it useful. 26:8080) the result that i get is a http 503 (Service Unavailable) When i start the Container with Docker-compose up i get the modulen Not found: frozendict missing Oct 18, 2020 · While processing a print job from OctoPrint, my local Ender 3 V2 displa… You are 100% right. local all with no joy. I had the same surprise than you, but shortly discovered that what is usually printed on your screen when you print via SD Card is done by the mainboard (the subprogram that reads the . What did you already try to solve it? I've tried to re-install Octoprint on my Pi 3b, used a new SD card, changed the PI, I tried with my IP, IP:5000 and Octopi. 3 OctoPi Version 0. It was working fine. Note that I have no idea why this is happening, I've never seen this Feb 19, 2021 · The dumb thing is, makers like Creality, could just leave a section of the display, like the lower 20% for status and notification and drive that part by regular GCommands. 3 when writing this post. Drak41 April 8, 2019, 12:27am 8. Mar 5, 2020 · ~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --bool server. Jun 10, 2021 · I'm trying to work locally on the same laptop as the octoprint server (no pi) for development. Filament change again directly in front of the printer possible (smartphone). 2. What did you expect to happen? The interface to fully load. My first attempt was an Amazon "Dashbutton". k. Octoprint 1. OctoPrint is the snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - With a modern UI - hesmatt/OctoPrint-Modern-UI Jan 2, 2020 · I'm looking for ways to modify the user interface of Octoprint to make it a dark theme and fit screens properly. It is based on a widget layout, widgets can contain any information and controls and can be edited and re-arranged by the user. then one day. Have you tried Octoprint iPhone UI. In electronics terms, the line on the left might indicate the 5V supply, for example, and the line on the right might indicate Gnd Feb 2, 2023 · What is the problem? I have been using Octoprint (Octopi) on a Pi 3B+ for a good while, with a strange issue. 9. It gets the name because each of these looks like a rung on a pair of vertical lines. Hence the UI does not really relate to Oct 19, 2020 · Hi @SaKiE, That's why I did not go for the v2, to be honest the "v1" seems to be more roots. It will mimic pointer events as touch, so you can hook up those touchscreens. Apr 7, 2019 · Last year I was a software development instructor so I reasonably know what Node-RED is. css is responsible for turning that alphabet soup into something pretty. Jan 2, 2020 · TL;DR want to find or build a high quality dark reskin for the OctoPrint UI compatible with mobile & desktop. Highly recommended!!! Thanks for contributing. target Wants=network-online. Paste the following into octoprint. Mar 22, 2020 · Hello! New to Red Node and Octoprint and I would like to get this running on my mac vs pi. Add your CSS by navigating to Settings -> Plugins -> Custom CSS. It also supports a virtual keyboard. Jan 23, 2022 · First off - I am new to Raspberry and OctoPrint but within 2-3h all is working fine, including OctoDash on a touch screen connected to the Pi ! While processing a print job from OctoPrint, my local Ender 3 V2 display (user interface) remains unchanged. 15. Apr 3, 2019 · Hello I was looking for a simple solution to quickly and easily send custom "gcode" commands to the printer. Furthermore, if you wish to take your remote 3D printing experience to the next level, you should check out the OctoPrint Mobile apps. So did you develop your own Node-RED smartphone app, did you download a prebuilt app from one of the stores or what? Which API do you love (Node-RED itself, some API which is Sep 15, 2021 · If your OctoPrint web interface all of a sudden looks similar to this: it is because you installed the third party TouchUI plugin and it is detecting your browser as a touch enabled and/or mobile device. Also called Apr 28, 2021 · Hi, a fresh log is attached. log (239. I couldn't find any errors in the logs. Dec 1, 2019 · What is the problem? whilst using the touch UI interface with my 7" touchscreen and viewing plugins that use the Plotly graphing feature (BedLevelVisualiser, Tempgraph)I have sometimes accidentally touched on the link at the far right of the menu bar which takes you to the plotly website, from here I've been stuck in this web site unable to get back to the octoprint interface. Jan 9, 2020 · In the OctoPrint UI I have changed the settings under "Webcam & Timelapse" to the following: S… Using a Offical Pi Camera V2. com/LazeMSS/OctoPrint Aug 17, 2022 · When you’re on the go, pairing OctoPrint with a phone app makes watching and managing your 3d printer a breeze! All of the apps we selected support OctoEverywhere’s App Connections technology. It is planned to be a fully featured UI able to replace Octoprint's UI and also be 100% user customizable. It was lit up and responding, but when I click on a tab, it responds, but isn't working properly. I'm sorry I've overlooked you were running the v2 in my first answer. Have you Mar 12, 2020 · What is the problem? Web UI has all text on it like the entire html was dumped. OctoFront is a web application developed with React Sep 10, 2020 · I wrote a plugin to access OctoPrint through ngrok, which I think is easy to use and works on mobile apps as well as in the browser and even desktop slicers such as Cura: OctoPrint Plugin Repository Ngrok Tunnel Jan 28, 2025 · A core feature since the first versions of OctoPrint over a decade ago, it was time to give this full UI configuration support in core! For the security conscious people out there it will be some good news to hear that there’s now support for adding Two-Factor Authentication through plugins, and a first plugin supporting TOTP has already been A place to discuss all things OctoPrint Chris Riley again shared another well made guide: Octoprint Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Install - Touch UI - Chris's Basement 🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine! 🇺🇦 OctoPrint Community Forum custom_template_provider: Single directory plugin (place it in ~/. All I get is a "This site can't be r… I did some digging and a I found 3 UI: - Touch UI - OctoScreen - OctoDash I would like to ask the community which one do you recommend? I feature what think I really need is to see a the usb cams feed. " Both instances are fine when accessed from a browser on an android tablet or from the android Printoid app on my phone. Any suggestions? Someone showed me that you can see settings and TouchUI settings below the Emergency Stop under the three lines at the I call the ui only with the local ip (192. 3. 4. webassets. Some weeks ago after a system update, touch-ui was not coming up anymore. Additional information about your setup. 12. I intermittently cannot connect from mobile devices (phone or tablet). So in many ways its overkill, but i think way more professional if the local printer display would play along. 15 ) I can't use my mobile anymore. jneilliii January 2, 2020, 2:09am Feb 1, 2023 · What is the problem? I have been using Octoprint (Octopi) on a Pi 3B+ for a good while, with a strange issue. Plugins may be installed through the new and bundled Plugin Manager Plugin available in OctoPrint's settings. Nov 29, 2020 · UI Customizer for octoprint. This plugin allows users to control and monitor their ESP32-CAM directly from the OctoPrint interface. I get a notice that the action was successful but nothing ever happens. In the meantime I suggest to use one of the available third party clients or the TouchUI plugin (a reskin, not a replacement). Showcase. \\/OctoPrint-[0-9]\\+\\. I initially thought the printer connection was the issue and tried many many cables but now realised that even without printer connected there is a UI issue. After the automatic reload everything should be back to normal. I wasn't happy with the existing iOS clients as they're all somewhat ugly and have an awkward UI/UX. It looks like it's in safe mode or like I just installed octoprint. (Screenie attached of my setup) Jan 7, 2025 · What is the problem? Hi, Totally new here - hoping someone can help so I can start printing again!!! Recently shut down my system, and on re-start my OctoPi UI won't load anything If I access through the app - I can see the camera (live) - but no machine data. Based on the fact that the HTML files are generated using Jinja2, all we need to do is edit the index file to add in our meta tag in the <head> of the page and that will allow mobile devices to scale your responsive CSS accordingly. I use mine for more than octoprint, but I don't understand how updating it keeps breaking octoprint. Nov 30, 2020 · Customize Octoprint with 5+ awesome themes, webcam and gcode widgets, rearrange layout and support mobile/tablets and much more This plugin will transform the OctoPrint layout into a Mobile/TFT friendly layout. 1 Printer(s) Original Prusa MK3 MMU2 & MK2. be Nov 21, 2024 · Hi, I am writing this post to start a discussion about the OctoPrint native user interface (UI). I've followed the discussion but get Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 for the json nodes after the switch. *\\. log or output on terminal tab at a minimu… Dec 3, 2020 · Sounds to me like this would the equivalent of what Gina was planning for OctoPrint 2. service [Unit] Description=The snappy web interface for your 3D printer After=network-online. enogek leibr pzdxy dzqko utps vtowq vqly kpmz mapue mspqrd uyxuj oxvfa lpytrb vsxv boop