Merced superior court. Rules of Court, Rule 3.

Merced superior court. Court of appeal fifth district.

Merced superior court 03] Information Sheet for Tenants (Revised 6-28-2021) Sep 13, 2023 · SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED 2260 N Street, Merced 627 W. Contact: Phone (209) 725-4101. Lookup court cases, access docket information, case summaries, court documents, lawsuit filings, opinions, and tentative rulings. She was confirmed to the 5th District Court of Appeal in Sept. Salary $142,792. The courthouse was established in 1855, but a permanent building was made in 1857; then, further advancement was made, and in 2007 the courthouse was combined into a single tilt-up concrete building. For Human Services Agency (HSA), please contact HSA directly at (209) 385-3000. m. $18,579. Jan 1, 2023 · Merced County Superior Court Self-Help Center is available to provide CARE Act assistance with petitioning and court related matters. Address 2260 N Street, Room 1202 Merced, CA 95340. Flanagan Merced County Message from the Sheriff. Merced Superior Court 5 | P a g e COURTHOUSE LOCATIONS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS Old Main Courthouse, 627 W. Links to local Drug Court contacts, forms, and additional resources are also provided. Purposes Only) (Info. 4. Salary: $79,768. Small Claims Advisor Tel: (209) 725-4168 Holiday. The Court will hold a final fairness hearing regarding the Settlement at 8:15 a. California Department of Consumer Affairs, Consumer Information Center Currently the Merced County Public Defender’s Office does not charge a fee for Expungement nor does the Superior Court. news Local Rules of Court effective January 1, 2025 posted. 21st Street, Merced 1159 G Street, Los Banos Wednesday, September 13, 2023 NOTE: Merced Superior Court will no longer be consolidating Courtroom 8 and Courtroom 10. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. CARE Court Eligibility The CARE Act is for people with schizophrenia spectrum or other psychotic disorders and provides a less restrictive alternative to state hospitalization or an involuntary conservatorship. David W. 21st Street, Merced 1159 G Street, Los Banos Wednesday, January 8, 2025 NOTE: Merced Superior Court will no longer be consolidating Courtroom 8 and Courtroom 10. The Robert M. Court of appeal fifth district. 1308(a)(1). 01 Public access to court records in Traffic Division, Merced County Superior Court, California. 21st Street, Merced 1159 G Street, Los Banos Wednesday, December 11, 2024 NOTE: Merced Superior Court will no longer be consolidating Courtroom 8 and Courtroom 10. California Department of Consumer Affairs, Consumer Information Center Service or Form Fee; Have a Clerk Search for a File (10 min. If so, no hearing is held and the tentative ruling becomes the ruling of the court unless one of the parties notifies the court and other parties of their intention to appear per California Rules of Court, rule 3. This is 32. Small Claims Small claims court is a special court to help you resolve your dispute quickly and inexpensively. I advanced more at doing more criminal cases because I worked in that field for 3 years and I encountered different types of criminal offenses and how to deal with the District Attorney. Office Hours: Please see the latest operational updates at this link. It is highly suggested that you arrive by 7:30 a. 2025. ). in Department 1 of the Merced Superior Court. 60 AnnuallyClassification DescriptionDEFINITION:Under general…See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Trimble. Address. Los Banos, CA 93635. Courthouse 2260 N Street Merced, CA 95340. Jeanne E. Corman Merced County Superior Court: Monika Saini Donabed Merced County Superior Court: Frank Dougherty Merced County Superior Court: Hugh M. Services are available via telephone, Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8 am and 12 pm at (209) 725-4168, by email to selfhelp@mercedcourt. 21st Street, Merced 2840 West Sandy Mush Road, Merced 1159 G Street, Los Banos Thursday, October 31, 2024 NOTE: Merced Superior Court will no longer be consolidating Courtroom 8 and Courtroom 10. 209-725-4168 [email protected] Los Banos Location: The Robert M. Access non-confidential and non-sealed case documents for limited civil, unlimited civil and small claims cases online. Hlth Treatment Court 10:00 Jury Trial Ongoing10:00 Drug Court *1:15 Appellate Calendar 1:30 Jury Trial 2:30 Video Arraignments 1:30 Jury Trial Ongoing Please be advised that a planned maintenance is scheduled for Odyssey eFileCA on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 5:30 am to 6:30 am, PST. Cases are assigned to the Merced Court Collections Division if you appeared in court and were ordered to make monthly payments. Register for Odyssey Public Portal or Odyssey Attorney Portal to view or pay traffic tickets. Gray Davis and became the court’s presiding judge in 2002. Pacific Time on March 3, 2025 at the Merced County Superior Court, Courtroom 8, 627 W. 1159 G Street. 00 - $96,969. Jun 14, 2021 · Access the Superior Court of California, County of Merced Standing Orders and General Orders here. For Court-Ordered payments, please contact Merced Superior Court at (209) 725-4220. Cases are also assigned to the Merced Court Collection Division if you have failed to appear or failed to pay on your case. Oct 31, 2024 · SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED 2260 N Street, Merced 627 W. 1308(a)(1) and Local Rule 3. The following is a list of qualified Custody Evaluators in the general Merced area. Court Locations Merced Superior Court. Who is my attorney? Aug 12, 2022 · In state-court civil litigation cases filed in Merced County Superior of California, courts may issue tentative rulings prior to motion hearings. Download PDF. Merced Superior Court operates a Comprehensive Collection Program pursuant to Penal Code 1463. Schechter (Ret. Merced County Superior Court records show Judy Luna held multiple jobs between 2016 and 2021. She was appointed to the bench by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2022, filling the vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. Jan 18, 2024 · Actually, the vast majority of superior court judges initially reach the bench via gubernatorial appointment. Purposes Only) ASSETS MISSION STATEMENT. 670 and Local Rule 4 08, and are responsible for making timely arrangements with CourtCall, LLC by filing a Request for Telephonic Appearance, NOT LESS THAN THREE (3) COURT DAYS prior to the Hearing or Case Management Conference. Bacciarini Merced County Superior Court: Gerald W. Merced Superior Court operates as a Direct Calendar. 00 Further Proceedings on Claim Opposing Forfeiture The Court notes this matter is trailing a felony, Merced Superior Court Criminal Case # The Merced County Superior Court has a Small Claims Advisor who can help you with your small claims case by providing a free service for legal information and assistance to people representing themselves in a small claims matter. 00 AnnuallyClosing Date: 10/17/2024 4:30 PM PacificClassification…See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. 21st, Merced Ca,) Management Analyst at Merced Superior Court · Merced Superior Court · University of Phoenix · Atwater · 219 connections on LinkedIn. Lo. A family court in Merced County that reviews divorce cases is the Superior Court. Please refer to the California Rules of Code 5. Dec 31, 2015 · Public access to court records in Old Merced Courthouse, Merced County Superior Court, California. 2026; New Year's Day: Jan 1, 2024: Jan 1, 2025: Jan 1, 2026: Dr. 03] Information Sheet for Landlords (Revised 6-28-2021) For Court-Ordered payments, please contact Merced Superior Court at (209) 725-4220. , because the Self-Help Center takes cases on a first-come, first-serve basis. org or smallclaims. Los Banos, CA Below is a list of ADR neutrals available for Merced Superior Court's ADR Programs: ADR Neutral List; Please feel free to call the following resources if you need more information about ADR: Superior Court of California, County of Merced ADR Office Tel: (209) 725-4145. Remote Self-Help Services & Resources Service Availability. Tentative Rulings are provided for the following Courtrooms and assigned If the court has not directed oral argument and notice of intent to appear has not been given, the tentative ruling becomes the ruling of the court. PDF. The governor had appointed Hood, but the judge would still have to go before the voters in the following election. The flat screens are then connected to a public-view of the application that automatically refreshed itself to displace the current tickets being served in each of the various queues. 8 percent lower than the average pay for other types of government employees and 4. The following tentative rulings shall become the ruling of the court unless a party gives notice of intention to appear as follows: 1. Drop-Box Location Outside the front doors at 720 West 20th Street. Martin Luther King, Jr. Trimble is a judge for the Merced County Superior Court in California. Rules of Court, Rule 3. The division encompasses recruitment and staffing, training and development, benefits and compensation, and safety and risk management. Nov 28, 2024 · Dawson was appointed to the Merced County Superior Court in 2000 by Gov. Falasco Justice Center 1159 "G" Street Los Banos, CA 93635. Mental Health Diversion Court staffing #Veterans Court Staffing Arraignments & PT Arraignments & PT **10:00 Mental Health Diversion Court 9:30 #Veterans Court 10:00##Beh. Effective September 1, 2024, Tyler Technologies will apply a $1. Los Banos. or more) $15: Copies Per Page: 50¢ Forms: 3 copies for 50¢ Feb 27, 2025 · Superior Courts; Judicial Council; County of Merced. Doors open at 8:00 a. , Monday Aug 3, 2022 · Criminal Access case records for Merced County Superior Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. org. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED 2260 N Street, Merced 627 W. The Court Services Bureau provides administrative support for the judicial system in Merced County. Certain records related to the arrest or conviction of cannabis are to be destroyed within two years of the offense (H&S 11361. I learned how to handle Criminal, Probate,Traffic and Civil cases. It is located within. For Unsecured Property Tax, please contact Merced County Tax Collector at (209) 385-7592. In addition, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) and Probation have partnered to develop a robust program for defendants who may suffer from mental illness and/or co-occurring disorders while their criminal Sep 13, 2023 · SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED 2260 N Street, Merced 627 W. For Community & Economic Development, please contact the department directly at (209) 385-7654. Moranda is a judge for the Superior Court of Merced County in California. E-Filing will not be available during this time. This division handles civil, small claims, probate, adoption, juvenile dependency, civil harassments, name changes, unlawful detainers (evictions), elder abuse, conservatorship, guardianship and emancipation matters. Tentative Rulings are provided for the following Courtrooms and assigned Judicial Sep 3, 2024 · Small Claims Access case records for Merced County Superior Courts - access online court records for Small Claims case records, get updates, download documents and more. If the court has not directed oral argument and notice of intent to appear has not been given, the tentative ruling becomes the ruling of the court. 60 - $163,904. 73: $0. Services Traffic Division, Adult and Juvenile Court Collections Unit Oct 20, 2023 · On August 24, Hood was sworn in as a judge with the Merced County Superior Court, returning at the governor’s appointment to the place where he had served in the County Counsel’s office for three years. For court date information, you may contact Merced County Superior Court at (209) 725-4113, or the County Public Defender at (209) 385-7692 for Merced or (209) 710-6030 for Los Banos. One of the most recent records in 2020 lists a job of Supervising Court Clerk and a pay of $26,963. The implementation of the system is in the form of a web-based application that is displayed around the center on wireless flat screens that have web browsers. advisor@mercedcourt. New Merced Courthouse Courtroom 1 Toggle search form and secondary navigation. Jan 1, 2022 · Important: Any recording of a court proceeding held by video or teleconference, including “screen-shots” or other audio or visual copying of a hearing, is absolutely prohibited consistent with the California Rules of Court, rule 1. Employment. Address 1159 "G" St. MERCED SUPERIOR COURT DIRECT CALENDAR Courtroom THURSDAY sh MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY CR 8 8:15 Law & Motion 8:15 Law & Motion 8:15 Law & Motion 8:15 Law & Motion 8:15 Law & Motion 9:00 MSC 9:00 Trial Call - Jury Trials / Unlimited 10:00 CMC Long Cause Court Trials 9:00 MSC 9:00 MSC Civil *11:30 Video Restraining Orders Merced Superior Court Attn: Finance - Escheatment 627 West 21st Street Merced, Ca 95340. Related Links & Resources California Courts Self-Help Proceedings in the Superior Court of Merced County (“Court”) are governed by the California Rules of Court as supplemented by these Local Rules. For Human Services Agency (HSA), please contact HSA directly at (209) 385-3000 . For information about the Merced Superior Court’s response to the COVID-19 virus, please visit our COVID-19 Information Page. The average Merced Superior Court salary ranges from approximately $52,852 per year for Locator to $80,943 per year for Custodian. The Merced Superior Courthouse in Merced, CA serves as a judicial facility for legal proceedings and cases within the region. Courthouse Merced. Officers of the Court Presiding Judge Judge Paul C. Merced Superior Court is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Doors open at 7:45 a. Se requiere un Número del Colegio de Abogados del estado de California válido. The Merced County Superior Court has a Small Claims Advisor who can help you with your small claims case by providing a free service for legal information and assistance to people representing themselves in a small claims matter. Falasco Justice Center. Office Hours. EACH LOCAL RULE MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CALIFORNIA RULES OF COURT. Tentative Rulings are provided for the following Courtrooms and assigned Judicial This public access broadcast cannot be reproduced or re-broadcast without the express written approval of Merced Superior Court. 87 according to public records. Find out the locations, venues, and officials of the court system in Merced and Los Banos. Merced County is part of Cohort 2 and began accepting petitions on December 2, 2024. Drop-Box Location Near the set of double doors on the southwest corner of 627 West 21st Street. He was appointed to the bench by former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009, filling a vacancy created by the conversion of a court commissioner position. Merced Superior Court Private Evaluator List. It provides a space for court hearings, trials, and other legal processes to take place in an official and structured environment. 2 percent lower than the national average for government employees. Salary information comes from 10 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. 2260 N Street. Nicole Silveira Merced County District Attorney. . The Self-Help Center is located on the first floor of the Merced Courthouse and the first floor of the Los Banos Courthouse. Links to forms and a list of neutral mediators and arbitrators are included. Find the contact information and directions for the Merced Superior Court and its branches. to 2:00 p. Salary: $134,617. Juvenile Division. Self Help Center Tel: (209) 725-4168. 8 a. 21st Street, Merced, CA 95340. Suite A117 Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 527-1185 Merced County Behavioral Health, BHRS Mar 28, 2011 · Search public court records in Merced County Superior Court, CA. Jennifer O. Room 1400. Services Administration Civil Division Limited, Unlimited & Small Claims Finance Division Human Resources Division Court Investigators Division Courtrooms 8-10 Court Collections Unit Judge at Merced Superior Court · Experience: Merced Superior Court · Education: Whittier Law School · Location: Merced · 40 connections on LinkedIn. 21st Street, Merced, CA 95340 Administration . View information about Superior Court criminal cases, including a description of the criminal justice process, contacts, and links to the Pretrial Intervention and Drug Court Programs that can help some offenders avoid incarceration. Previously, Judge Hood served as a Legal Research Attorney at the Stanislaus County Superior Court from 2022 to 2023. –5 p. 150. Dec 1, 2023 · Docket Description: Filed petition for writ of:; Notes: Mandate by atty Eric J Bensston/Los Banos Unified School District wit request to Issue an immediate stay of all pre-trial and trial proceedings in Merced County Superior Court, Case No. 2003 and served there until 2010. 02 & §1179. We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States and this State. California Courts Judicial Branch of California Merced County 2222 M Street Merced, CA 95340 General Information Phone: (209) 385-7434 County Directory Learn about the history and functions of the California superior court with jurisdiction over Merced County. Judicial Officers are assigned for all purposes at the time of filing, unless otherwise ordered, by courtroom as follows: The court provides a public computer in the Criminal office that can be used to browse the following sites: California Courts Website; Superior Court of California, County of Merced; Cases lookup (Can only be accessed from the public computer) A set of instructions are provided to assist you in using this service. Superior Court of California, County of Merced Family Court Services 627 West 21st Street Merced Court CA 95340 (209) 725-4100 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP COUNSELING SERVICE PROVIDERS 11/14/21 Kelli King, LMFT 2937 Veneman Ave. Tentative Rulings are provided for the following Courtrooms and assigned Posted 5:49:05 PM. The initial petition and other forms are available at the Merced County Superior Court self-help center, and the tab labeled “forms”. Hon. Directions Physical Address: View Map 2840 West Sandy Mush Road Merced, CA 95341. Also, the court will not provide technical support for Zoom participants. We encourage jurors to take advantage of this program. Merced Superior Court Self Help Center . The Self-Help Center at the Superior Court Building, 2260 N Street, Merced, will assist you in getting the necessary documents completed. The Pretrial Services Unit completes reports at the request of the Merced County Superior Court, providing the Court with information to assist with the release decisions. The Merced Superior Court's digital "ticket" system uses a web-based application that is displayed around the court’s Self-Help Center on wireless flat screens that have web browsers. 550 West Main Street Merced, CA 95340 Phone: (209) 385-7381 Fax: (209) 725-3669. 3. At that hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate. The Human Resources Division is responsible for assisting all Court divisions and employees in employee-related matters. 20 AnnuallyLocation CAJob Type Full TimeJob Number 24-25-03Division…See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. NOTICE: The Self Help Center is closed to the public for walk-in services. Related Links & Resources California Courts Self-Help Dec 9, 2024 · Divorce Courts in Merced County, California. You can find the contact information of Merced County courts for family law and the courthouse hours here: Merced County, CA Divorce and Superior Court Information. Merced County Superior Court: Christina Alcantar Merced County Superior Court: Carol K. CourtCall, LLC may be Pursuant to California Rules of Court (CRC) 10. 00 - $173,867. 5). Nov 1, 2022 · SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED Limited Civil Calendar Hon. Equal Employment Opportunity; Equal Employment Opportunity Supplement; The Right To Work; Si Usted Tiene Derecho A Trabajar; All new hired employees will be required to pass a pre-employment criminal history background investigation prior to employment. 31 MB: Merced Superior Court has amended Odyssey eFileCA allows users to easily open court cases and e-file documents to a number of California courts anytime and from anywhere. View Brian McCabe’s profile on LinkedIn Dec 6, 2018 · The Hon. One of the most recent records in 2021 lists a job of Family Court Services Director and a pay of $94,057. Superior Courts; Judicial Council; California Courts Merced Superior Court. Court Name: Merced County Superior Court Merced Los Banos; Address. 007. Online Services Live Public Hearings The Superior Court of California, County of Merced currently offers a transportation program where jurors can waive their mileage reimbursement and receive passes for local bus transportation services. If there is a conflict between the Local Rules and the California Rules of Court, the California Rules of Court apply. Sheriff's Office ; Information ; Join Our Team ; How Do I California Courts Self-Help; Merced County Law Libary; Nolo Press; Merced County; CA Courts Self-Help YouTube Channel; Becoming a Guardian; Immigration Resources; California Courts Video "Resolving Small Claims Cases" California Courts Video "Resolving Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) Cases" California Courts Video "Resolving Debt Collection Cases" Probate Access case records for Merced County Superior Courts - access online court records for Probate case records, get updates, download documents and more. COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 [Code of Civil Procedure §1179. Courthouse Inscríbase para recibir por correo electrónico información actualizada sobre la Corte Superior de Merced. Assistant Presiding Judge Judge Jennifer O. 00 minimum credit card convenience fee for e-file transactions. , Monday–Friday. Jun 7, 2011 · Search public court records in Merced County Superior Court, CA. Parents may utilize Evaluators that are not included on this list. Jun 28, 2021 · Page 1 of 3 Merced Superior Court Self-Help Center Information Sheet for Tenants. Tentative Rulings are provided for the following Courtrooms and assigned Judicial Posted 9:47:21 PM. Tentative Rulings are provided for the following Courtrooms and assigned Judicial Direct requests for access to judicial administrative records maintained by the Superior Court of California, County of Merced to: Amanda Toste, Court Executive Officer Administration, Room 10 Merced Superior Court 627 West 21st Street Merced, CA 95340. The Merced Superior Court has established official court drop-boxes for receipt of payments and other crucial court documents during non-operating hours and to permit the same-day filing of documents deposited before 4:00 pm. 2. Pleadings filed in these matters may be filed with the Civil Division of the Superior Court located at: Old Merced Courthouse 627 W 21st Street Merced, CA 95340 or. Welcome to the Superior Court of California, County of Merced Civil Division. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Court Calendar; Courtroom Services; E-Filing Merced Superior Court is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Prior to the scheduled hearing of a civil law and motion matter, the court may issue a tentative ruling. 815(13)/GC70631, the court will charge a fee in the amount of $15 for off-site retrieval of files/documents. Superior Court of California County of Merced. Below is a list of ADR neutrals available for Merced Superior Court's ADR Programs: ADR Neutral List; Please feel free to call the following resources if you need more information about ADR: Superior Court of California, County of Merced ADR Office Tel: (209) 725-4145. Questions regarding fees, forms or status of orders should be directed to: Probate Unit of the Clerk’s Office Proceedings in the Superior Court of Merced County (“Court”) are governed by the California Rules of Court as supplemented by these Local Rules. View information about the Merced County Superior Court Alternative Dispute Resolution programs, which include mediation and arbitration and can help parties resolve disputes without going to court. Assistance and/or Questions If you require assistance, you can call the finance office at 209-725-4115 between 8 a. Mar 11, 2022 · With UniCourt, you can access Probate cases online in Merced County Superior Courts , find latest docket information, view case summary, check case status, download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access Merced County Superior Courts - Probate cases with Enterprise APIs. The Superior Court of California, Merced, is a court of general jurisdiction that handles a wide range of cases, including felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, civil matters, small claims, probate, adoption, and guardianship. 2024. January 1, 2025: Local Rules 2025: 113: 1. and 3 p. Their hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a. The petition and supporting documents should be filed at the courthouse located at 627 W 21 st, ST, Merced or can be e-filed. Ash Merced County Superior Court: Mark V. CourtCall, LLC may be reached at: (888) 882-6878. View Blanca Torres’ profile on LinkedIn, a professional For Court-Ordered payments, please contact Merced Superior Court at (209) 725-4220. The Small Claims Advisors will be available at the following locations and times: Merced. Dec 16, 2022 · Merced County Superior Court is a city courthouse in Merced County, California. Courthouse Government Building Public Building Legal Institution Civil Court Judicial Assignments. In 2021 Merced County Superior Court reported 5 employees making more than $100,000 per year; the average salary was $48,439. 2 . A typical day at work at merced Superior Court was very busy, I learned a lot about the California Judicial System. Search online Property court records for free in Merced County Superior Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Los Banos Division Jan 1, 2025 · Access the Superior Court of California, County of Merced Local Rules of Court. Jun 28, 2021 · Page 1 of 4 Merced Superior Court Self -Help Center Information Sheet for Landlords. Stephanie L. Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación una vez que haya sido aprobado. Questions regarding fees, forms or status of orders should be directed to: Probate Unit of the Clerk’s Office Parties desiring to appear telephonically shall comply with Cal. Pursuant to California Rules of Court (CRC) 10. 00: $34,729. 32. Oct 3, 2024 · In addition to the work of the Merced County Superior Court and the Merced County Rescue Mission, Judge Lo also thanked the Merced County District Attorney’s office, the Merced County Public Defender’s office, the City of Merced Attorney, and a number of social services programs. 21st Street, Merced 2840 West Sandy Mush Road, Merced 1159 G Street, Los Banos Thursday, February 27, 2025 NOTE: Merced Superior Court will no longer be consolidating Courtroom 8 and Courtroom 10. Parties desiring to appear telephonically shall comply with Cal. The highest reported pay was $175,854. Benefits of a Post-Disposition Dismissal Results in a new entry in the court record showing a dismissal of the case and it will result in a notation on your "rap sheet" that your conviction has been dismissed per 1203. Phone: (209) 725-4119 The court provides a public computer in the Criminal office that can be used to browse the following sites: California Courts Website; Superior Court of California, County of Merced; Cases lookup (Can only be accessed from the public computer) A set of instructions are provided to assist you in using this service. Aug 4, 2024 · Search online Small Claim court records for free in Merced County Superior Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. 21st Street, Merced Thursday, October 27, 2022 10:00 a. 22CV-02223, with the stay to remain in effect pending final disposition of this Petition. The Merced Superior Court’s digital "ticket" system is similar to those you might see in retail establishments and office environments that use paper-ticket dispensers. p e s r n o d o t S 6 u l c 6 o 4 a i 9 u e 0 g m n L e 0 6 3 6 a a 2 8 m i a a r m u l f 1 h 6 l r t i 5 i g t M c g 22CV-00068 The People of the State of California v. Posted 5:49:28 PM. Order, you would go to Merced Superior Court (2260 N Street, Merced, Ca on the 2nd Floor) * If you are wanting to file a Temporary Civil Harassment Restraining Order you would go to: Merced Superior Court Civil Division (627 W. For Unsecured Property Tax , please contact Merced County Tax Collector at (209) 385-7592 . A tentative ruling is a preliminary ruling that states how a court intends to rule on a motion, and courts may modify or reverse civil tentative rulings prior to issuing final rulings, hence the term “tentative. No hearing is held unless one of the parties contests the tentative ruling by complying with California Rules of Court, rule 3. Falasco Justice Center 1159 "G" Street Merced Superior Court Trial Court Operations Fund Balance Sheet (Unaudited) For the month ended Mar Fiscal Year 2010/11 2009/10 Governmental Funds Proprietary Funds Fiduciary Funds Total Funds Total Funds General Special Revenue Capital Project Debt Non-Grant Grant Service (Info. Home; Online Services. Merced County Superior Court records show Leonardo Torres-Pena held one job between 2016 and 2020. Hyler is scheduled to be arraigned on January 21, 2025 at 8:30 a. Jamieson Courtroom 9 627 W. 225 regarding requirements for custody evaluators. Merced Location: Merced County Superior Court. Search. Merced, CA 95340 . Birthday: Jan 15, 2024: Jan 20, 2025: Jan 19, 2026 Merced Superior Court in Merced, California. Oglegree Jr. This public access broadcast cannot be reproduced or re-broadcast without the express written approval of Merced Superior Court. Tel: (209) 725-4124 Fax: (209) 725-4125. Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Benefits Total pay & benefits David Foster: Court Commissioner Merced County Superior Court, 2022: $168,466. Learn about additional court resources by watching a short video in English, Spanish and Hmong. Find Your Court; Newsroom; Self-Help The Riverside Superior Court routinely purges court records pursuant to Government Code Section 68152. Fax (209) 725-4102. 62 for Donald Shaver , Court Commissioner. However, Saini-Donabed was ready to challenge Hood after he was named to Merced Superior Court last summer. Filter cases further by date of filing, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Nov 13, 2018 · Public access to court records in Juvenile Division, Merced County Superior Court, California. ” Jan 8, 2025 · SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED 2260 N Street, Merced 627 W. How do I contact the Merced County Superior Court? Administration - (209) 725-4101; Civil Limited / Small Claims - (209) 725-4109; Criminal Division - (209) 725-4113 Dec 11, 2024 · SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED 2260 N Street, Merced 627 W. 445 I Street Los Banos, CA 93635 Phone: (209) 710-6070 Dec 27, 2024 · For information about the Merced Superior Court’s response to the COVID-19 virus, please visit our COVID-19 Information Page. Court Executive Officer Amanda Toste. Merced County is located in the Central Valley of California, north of Fresno and southeast of San Jose. Judy Luna worked as a Family Court Services Director for Merced County Superior Court and in 2020 had a reported pay of $68,763. 80. urgte jtby yvhorm nprbg fjcvmcis wrl kldje jbjig gnlm zwcdygbo rebd jwh tvbrcz qockjau rctu