Waterloo computer engineering acceptance reddit. The transistor was literally invented there.

Times sure have changed. So in 2023 all Ontario High Schools have an automatic downwards adjustment of the mark by 14. These are up around 25% to well over 4,000. 6, calculated with a mix of g11 & 12 courses. Applications for the Canadian spaces (about 1,450 available) are up about 10% overall to around 8,700. However I have heard of students being granted entry with SL mathematics (which I am taking) and the SL mathematics Syllabus covers all Hi, Grade 11 student here. What are some tips for acing the Waterloo interview? First, practise, practise, practise! Next, be prepared to talk a little about yourself and answer a more creative question. I really want to apply to computer engineering program for Waterloo but I have a question upon the admission average requirement. I've applied to Software Engineering at UWaterloo (this is my dream program), and then to about 5 other Universities (University of Toronto Computer Eng, McMaster General Eng, Ryerson Computer Eng, Guelph Computer Eng, and Ottawa Software Eng). Go to uWaterloo. AutoModerator thinks you're asking about admissions. I will get to try 6 different jobs at co-op at Waterloo but I am not sure about whether Mcgill has co-op. 2. Predicted average for midterms if I'm being realistic will be 94-95 but I'm worried this is on the lower half of the scale. I've applied for Computer Engineering with a 97% average in grade 10 CBSE from India. If, after first year, you see yourself doing software development after graduating, then consider switching out to either of those disciplines. I got in with a 94% on waterloo side in 2021. Not sure about Eng, but Math/CS usually comes out in April (it did last year). impanini. That being said, it also depends on how well you do in uni. Extra curriculars will be important when you fill out your AIF that goes with your application, so make sure to note those when you write your AIF. I would recommend UofT or Waterloo computer engineering more since you are already in the program. I know the acceptance rate is pretty good, but this year I feel like more students applied to this program and the marks are higher than ever. engineering workload sounds harder and 2. Expand All. I'm really looking forward to joining the community but I do have a few questions to decide my acceptance. this is probably the same for uoft. Difficult. Of course this all depends on your level on intelligence, which you ECE 102 – Information Session. waterloo's coop system is much stronger and you get a wide range of experiences. However in grade 11 I was able to secure only 88. Many CS programmes and computer engineering are in the engineering department, which often have physics and chem as hard requiremen . While Waterloo has its rightful place as one of the best schools for engineers. Also, if you don't like your program you shouldn't have a problem switching to an We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. you have a 95 average which yields a 66% chance of admission into comp eng at waterloo assuming that you have the normal adjustment factor. g. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However, my application for a transfer from Ryerson Mechanical Engineering to Ryerson Computer Engineering has been rejected. SE students tend to get jobs more easily because 1. Haha, don't take that guy seriously. Computer science = smart nerds. Utoronto computer engineering can also choose several option such as "software concentration" "hardware option" or even "smeiconductor option" in third and fourth year. PIeasure. This. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering requires either (i) a 75% overall standing in the last two years, or equivalent, in a relevant four-year Honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent or (ii) a 75% overall standing or equivalent, in a relevant four-year Honours I got accepted to transfer to Waterloo Computer Engineering. March 30th - April 1st, somewhere there. ECE 106 – Electricity and Magnetism. I do realize this is another one of those annoying posts but I was wondering what peoples averages and ECs were who got admitted into CS at Waterloo last year. CFM is less 'mathy' in the sense of access to math courses given a ton of your degree leans business and finance. 4k) How to ace the Waterloo Engineering interview. MOD • 3 mo. It's better to have a few things you've done for years than a bunch of stuff you only did for barely a year. His AIF was extrmely strong with clubs and volunteering. My assessment was that CS is hard because it is in depth but less work, CE is hard because you have so much work to do, but teaches at a more shallow depth. It is a decent program but compared to UofT or Waterloo it falls short. This is a new, optional component of the admission process for Waterloo Engineering, worth up to 3 additional points. Keep in mind, for CE your interview and AIF will play a large role so don’t slack off on that side of the equation. I had tons of extracurriculars however and a very solid reference for my AIF, plus is was Covid lol. It's pretty much needed for most top CS programs. At other schools like Ryerson and Guelph, you actually stand a very good chance at getting into them - even some of their top engineering. Also to anyone in the program, how strong were Computer Engineering Chances. AIF matters more than marks, I got in with 95. And your co-op terms will give you two years of paid work Admission isn't very competitive compared to top graduate schools in the USA, if that's what you mean by "competitive". Overall, I'd say Ryerson is a good choice because you get more breadth of knowledge, and will end up with plenty of skill and understanding to pursue a career on either the hardware or software side of things. UT CE can freely switch to EE. And it's not the end of the world if you don't get in; there are lots of pathways to enter the tech industry. I don’t know if Waterloo is just doing a lottery now or what since it’s While Engineering at Ryerson or York is considerably harder relative to the other majors at those universities, it's significantly easier than Engineering at UofT/Waterloo. So depending on the year, you may actually have a Coop is the reason why Waterloo engineering is so prestigious. Some of the easier ones such as civil eng can be possible, even at Waterloo and UofT, with low 90s. just wondering how waterloo uses the top 6 grades for our averages. My HS average going in is around 94% with a few extracurriculars. beepyboop54. You can get there with Ryerson but it will take a few years longer and a lot more effort. I believe the cutoff in the recent years was 89. Step 6: Stay Connected. Of course, this will vary according to individual interest, but there can still be a general rating system. It really depends on what program and what school as these vary so widely. For other countries or educational system requirements, visit our admission requirements search tool. Damn if only every school used this adjustment factor I could have my pick at any program. Opportunity to work at 6 different companies throughout your university degree. When you are applying to transfer (especially for more popular programs) the number of seats available are going to be something closer to like 0-5. it's a lot harder to get a good coop job at uoft compared to waterloo cause waterloo has a lot more resources. As someone who has applied to Waterloo and other schools for CS last cycle, here's my advice. The interview is a chance for admissions staff to learn more about who you are so the best way to do well is to be We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. /r/ryerson 2020-2021 Admissions Megathread: Part 1. My grades are not good, in the 60’s, and my top6 highschool grades are just ok since I stopped If that is the case, I suspect averages will drop by 1-3% maximum. The transistor was literally invented there. CS is probably more equipped to do well on those leetcode questions (which CE has to make up for on their own). ECE 192 – Engineering Economics and Impact on Society. 4. However, it's more important that you have a professor who wants to take you on. This thread is for students applying to Winter 2023 co-ops during the Fall 2022 term. Please review the explanatory notes for additional insight into the various statistics and check out details on recent awards to faculty and staff. randomreddituser7474. But a major award or an ec that makes a real impact can help you in the running. The bigger surprise is the applications for our non-Canadian spaces (about 220 available). digital circuits, computer architecture, and computer organization), but a CE program has a lot more hardware and electrical engineering (EE) in it than CS. My current average is 97. Specifically speaking, I suggest stuff like student council, leadership conferences, Me to We, DECA, model UN, et cetera. They usually get similar jobs at the end (most students in ece and cs get software jobs) In my experience. AutoModerator. Day you get into eng is the day the side project grind begins. fyi prorates the 50k signing bonus, the lions share of the E3 offers are 118k/124k USD (118k Seattle, else 124k), with 150k/160k/220k stock over 4 years, and 50/50/75 signing, with XK relocation (10k for Waterloo) and 10% target bonus (so 11. What does it take to get in? Minimum admission requirements. ECE 108 – Discrete Mathematics and Logic 1. This is a sample schedule. Hi there I have applied for MEng (ECE) at U of Waterloo and i should know by December if i will be accepted , can you please share your experience on what is the admission acceptance rate for this competitive program and what are the most important criteria that is being used for selection We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Electrical and Computer Engineering - MEng at Waterloo. Courses are subject to change. You will learn the basics of computing engineering in one of the top 75 programs in the world (Academic Rankings of World Universities 2023). uwaterloo softeware engineering overall probably has more cs courses in general and just software courses in general. Computer science is more software/theory based and in the faculty of math. Faculty of Engineering Statistics | Engineering | University of Waterloo. Reply. Am I cooked (Waterloo computer engineering edition) I got cooked on a calculus test and my average dropped to a 90 or 91 dependin g on how my physics test went ๐Ÿ’€ ๐Ÿ’€ my ecs are good and my interview was great but my average is not increasing past that (that’s the most it’s going to) my adjustment factor is like 8 or low 9 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It’s also why the employment rate of Waterloo engineers after graduation is so high (about 98% are employed 6 months after graduation) TL;DR - I’m in CE. With Waterloo, exceptional ec’s can make up for lower grades, but at UofT, you don’t have many opportunities to show your exceptional ec’s. This year is pretty hard, most of the cut-offs are 87-89 % for most Eng programs. I'd estimate ~95% entrance average for both programs this year, and around 10% of applicants accepted. No. 8 UW side 2 years ago. My grade 12 mid term average for first sem is looking to be a 98-99%. I think the cutoff is a mid 70s in undergrad, though I would guess that the real cutoff is probably somewhere in the low 80s. But you have two years to catch up. McMaster Engineering: 90+ and you’re pretty much guaranteed admission. Is this score your top 5 course (English 12, Physics 12, Chemistry 12, Cal BC and A lot of my CE friends regret not switching to software engineering or computer science because they hated doing Calculus and EE courses. I can't really offer much advice on Planning specifically, but I can answer a couple of these questions. By Winter 2021 (4B) there were only 75 Electrical Engineers and 244 Computer Engineers (+6 not accounted for in the survey). All CS programs will have a bit of hardware/CE topics in them (e. Typically, when an Ontario student enters UW Eng, their average drops by 14%. A lot of CE grads end up doing software. • 1 mo. I got in during the last round of acceptances in May 2009. Even then you’re not guaranteed admission. The MGTE program is fairly unique, but some programs like UoT's industrial engineering (IE) have become more similar to MGTE over the years and might be okay to do, or of course, the data science program at Waterloo could also be good. if coop is your priority, go with waterloo. CS student skill varies a lot more. It's crazy how much the acceptance averages have gone up -- my guess is enrolment numbers vs. I received an offer from Waterloo for Electrical Engineering and McGill for Electrical and Computer Engineering. I live closer to Uoft (about 45 mins by car) and 2 hours away from waterloo (I would probably live on residence). The "individual selection from x" doesn't mean you need at least an x to get in; it means you need at least x to be considered. 4, other then the schools on the chart which are adjusted less or more per the value stated. Levels. Two reasons why that is: When you are applying to enter first year, there are 100-250 seats that are open and available (depending on the program). my current creds are: • 95 midterm average (98 avg last year) • IB program • School basketball • In the process of learning web development (already learned HTML, learning CSS right now) • volunteer math tutoring • job of 1 year Transferring Out of Waterloo Computer Engineering. Best of luck. On the page the individual selection average for computer engineering requires a 90-94 for 45% of successful application. Looking at your subject choices, you want to switch out math AA SL for AA HL. My grade 11 top 6 was 93% average, I just applied to Carelton for Comp sci and mech eng to see if I would get accepted as a backup plan for early admissions. You're still going to go through a bunch of these in mechatronics but only with one course for each whereas mechanical students will take them throughout more courses (usually two). with each coop term, you'll grow your skills and knowledge. Personally I have a 95 going into grade 12 and I have no expectations of getting into Waterloo CS. Some information about me is I have a 99% grade 11 average, and a lot of sport related EC’s plus a few leadership positions plus a part time job. 8%. WaterlooWorks Megathread. check the course calendars for software engineering and computer engineering to see the differences in the courses you'll be taking. I want to get into compsci, specifically laurier/waterloo double degree or waterloo SE. Co-op and Work: SE and CS compete for the same jobs. The US News ranking rates 1,000 universities in more than 60 countries in 22 subject disciplines. Uwaterloo Mechatronics vs U of Toronto Computer Engineering. • 3 yr. CS is a lot more flexible in the coursework. My accepted average for top 6 was 88 for admission in 2009 CS. I know that waterloo engineering is one of the most competitive programs in the country though so I was just wondering if this was enough. the only factor to tell is adjustment factor. Need advice as a high school student. Waterloo is particularly strong in STEM major and its co-op placement. Hey! I'm a student in grade 12 and I just received my acceptances for Waterloo computer engineering and University of Toronto Computer engineering. ECE is also the course code, CE and EE courses are both labeled as ECE but the content could be more CE or EE. I did not think things would have played out like this but it is what it is. I like both but in the same time I have doubts. So you'll have to deal a with a lot of cruft. ago. Please also make sure that you read the admission wiki before you post any questions/comments. I recently received my admissions reply from Waterloo, in which they detailed that HL math is a requirement for any applications to the faculty of mathematics. So now I am not sure where to go. Computer science at Waterloo moved up one spot to 18th this year while engineering held strong in the 47th spot. Anyways, I’m not going to post it again but I didn’t get in with the same stats as the previous post I made as well a great interview. Should you have additional questions Hey OP, fellow Computer Engineering transfer student from Ryerson University (2017-2018) to Waterloo CE. Video interview. Questions about Engineering admissions? Before contacting us, we ask that you review the application process in detail. To be perfectly honest though, none of those are bad options. To ensure students are academically well prepared to succeed, Waterloo Engineering has specific course requirements that need to be met as part of the application process. In terms of general perception and market conditions, rank the engineering programs from best to not so good. 8k/12. Only Grade 12 marks matter, but Grade 11 might be used if they consider you for early admission. I honestly don't think I will be happy anywhere else. Admission requirements for some common systems of study are included below. neither program really has much in the way of mechanics courses, comp has more electrical/circuits/hardware courses and is a bit easier to get admitted to. Source: I go to Waterloo for engineering. Computer engineering is quickly becoming very competitive. I’m deciding between applying to Waterloo software or computer engineering. If that's your interest, then CS or SE are probably optimal choices, but if your offer is CE and you have at least enough interest in hardware to just do the courses that are part of the program, then you can still get where you want to go. Hi, Just wondering how many students normally apply to the SYDE program at Waterloo because I heard that they're accepting only 100 applicants this year. A community for grade 12s in Ontario to discuss things about university admissions, OSAP, OUAC/OCAS uploads, and general program queries. I go to a semestered school, so we only have 4 of the final marks for our courses in February, and the other 4 come in late June, and last offers come out in May (if I am not mistaken), so they cannot use sem 2 final marks. m a n a g e m e n t 2 l e g i t. I think my grade 10 average was around 93-94 (2019-2020). The (now archived) Official subreddit for Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. With just your first 4-month co-op, you'll earn as much as that 16k scholarship at the other school. Sort by: Add a Comment. depending on how interested you are in robotics, tron may Hey! I'm an international student (from India) and was accepted into Computer Engineering Co-Op program for Fall 2023. I was just wondering how competitive it is. If you were getting 99 in hs in Ontario, your predicted gpa for first year is 85. UIUC is incredible for computer engineering. This is based off of past performance of students. That means, in 1B the split was 61% in Computer Engineering, and ending with 76% in CE. They also have an enormous international community and lots of support & resources for international students. I wanted to know if anyone 101 applicants have gotten Waterloo CS yet? Btw what are my chances I have a 95 averages but my employment history and extracurriculars were pretty insane so was my AIF. Waterloo is one of those schools with no cutoff so you can dip below a 95 as long as you have a killer AIF. Basically Waterloo has a system where it “adjusts” your mark based on the school you come from. 3. I think the main difference between Waterloo and UBC is that waterloo has an insane amount of mandatory co-ops you need to do for your degree. Incredible hard to decide. Computer engineering at Waterloo is goated. If you want to do software engineering I suggest computer science. 7% average. available slots, but I could be wrong. I love working on software but I cannot do it all day long in front of a screen. The majority of your courses become more difficult and require a lot more time spent on studying to understand them. I was accepted to both UofT Engineering Science and Waterloo Computer Science and I really cannot decide. This post will serve as a megathread for any undergraduate admission-related questions. 94 probably good enough ๐Ÿ‘. Detailed statistics regarding our student, faculty, staff, and alumni for 2023. Computer engineering has more hardware and physics courses as it is in the faculty of engineering. I will miss my friends at Ryerson if I go through with the transfer. I received Honor Computer Engineering offer on March 26th, 2021 from Waterloo. So based on that, the offer probabilities at that link you posted seem pretty accurate. Students with comp engineering interests still need to jump through hoops. It came out on may 11th. Admissions frequently asked questions (FAQ) Check out our frequently asked questions for information regarding English language requirements and early consideration. I'm in a delimna for choosing between the two. And sometimes you get to go to California for an internship, Waterloo is actually world class. Part 2 will be pinned once this one gets autoarchived by the site after 6 months. CS at Waterloo is not too difficult to get into. Edit: I remembered wrong. UofT Engineering science it is well known in the industry or not a lot of people know about Waterloo Engineering Acceptance!! Got into Waterloo Chem eng early! Feels so surreal. Those are the "impressive" extracurriculars. Computing and Financial Management, Honours, Co-operative Program, this is the exact course. i think they have pey 4. Waterloo computer science: 95+ plus a good AIF. Be prepared to put in a lot of effort into your courses and get sub-par grades. I got $2000 scholarship from Waterloo and the scholarship of McGill is still being processed. Members Online RecoverFree7297 Mechanical Engineering student that just finished first year here. The ranking I'm a grade 12 student, and I want to pursue Software Engineering. Salaries + Blacklist Spreadsheet. I want to have hands-on concrete work in electrical and mechanical I have already got into Math and Computer Engineering CO-OP (Early Acceptance) but CS CO-OP still says Application. It resembles a future co-op interview, where you try to sell your personal goals and interests to the Waterloo admission team. Is how I rank CS and SE going to greatly affect my admission chances? Computer Science (Co-Op) IB Acceptance Question. I understand the difference between the two programs, so I’m only asking advice based on my profile. Iirc I got my offer on April 11th. If you're anywhere in the low 80-mid 80's range, with solid math and CS marks, you don't need to worry at all. The salary list and blacklist have been moved to Google Sheets in order to make this thread easier to browse. There’s no guaranteed chance at admission, but you have a shot. Admissions Megathread (Fall 2019 Incoming Students) Admissions. Oct 20, 2021 ยท Using the Ontario Secondary School applicant data for the Fall 2021 admission cycle, I have produced two graphs that show the probability of an Ontario Secondary School (OSS) applicant receiving an offer of admission to undergraduate engineering programs at the University of Waterloo. I am interested in Robotics. Average Canadian Coop Earnings (2021) Between labs and lectures, you'll gain experience with all aspects of computers, from chips and wiring to software, networks, and communications. I have a 90-ish average in grade 12 so far for midterm. MATH 119 – Calculus 2 for Engineering. ECE 124 – Digital Circuits and Systems. Nov 7, 2016 ยท University of Waterloo is the top school in Canada for computer science and engineering, according to the US News' Global University Subject-area Rankings. Grades at my school are heavily deflated and average marks were 50-60% (all of my classmates have scored more ECE just means electrical and computer engineering (at waterloo anyways). Watch the How to apply to Waterloo graduate studies video. More specific to your question, ik about 8 ppl that got into ECE this year and all of them had averages 96%+ with an average adjustment factor. Is the offer round over for Waterloo computer engineering? (101) I think Waterloo hates me atp ๐Ÿ’€. It would be great if you can answer because I'm really confused between choosing UWaterloo and another university and The CS/SE material is largely the same at every single university, and you can learn it anywhere. My admission average was 94 so I got accepted quite early but I had friends with < 80 averages that made it in, and are now nearly graduated. if you have decent extracurriculars i wouldn’t be surprised if you got in. Members Online forgot to accept my offer, wtf do I do I'm currently a grade 11 student looking to apply to uni next year. Waterloo CS Acceptance Averages 2021. That along with your grades (and a bit of luck) will determine your admission outcome. UofT has the best brand name and worldwide reputation in genneral. I was accepted to computer engineering yesterday, not sure if any decisions have come out for software yet though. Engineering Tier List. And I have a friend in CS in waterloo and he says acceptance for CS is way lower than that for SE. 7. I received an offer from Uwaterloo Mechatronics Engineering and U of T Computer Engineering for Fall 2023. With mechanical, you are going to have stuff like materials science, mechanics of deformable solids, thermodynamics, fluids, etc. They have top-tier connections and coop that can fast-track you to large companies and high-paying jobs. You’ll need very good marks and a good supplementary application to get in. I am currently ending my first year of Waterloo Computer Engineering, and I want to transfer out. There is genuinely no real way to deny this if you've actually compared the course content, schedules, lectures, and such of both. Both get the same interviews. The average score is 2, and very few people score 3’s. Hello UW applicants, This thread is specifically for those who are applying/applied to UW to discuss different admission issues and ask current UW students for help and advice. It's actually quite exciting to meet another engineering transfer student, since I didn't know any upper years or peers who were also engineering transfer students during the year I was admitted to Waterloo University. I'm not even in engineering so take this with a salt mountain: Yes, but the cost will be forcing yourself to be in a program (CE) that may not fit your interests as well (CS). It’s one of the only engineering programs that has mandatory work terms so all graduates have lots of engineering experience prior to graduating. I think the rounds over. At time of survey (end of March - early April), 24% of Computer Engineers and 43% of Electrical Engineers were still searching for a UofT Engineering Science vs Waterloo Computer Science. Remind us in a few years if you are happy in Waterloo. Members Online Waterloo Computer Engineering schedule ๐Ÿ’€- Is this normal for other universities as well? It based on the Admission officer you got, I know a guy named David who is part of Waterloo CS Admissios officer, and he rejected my frined with a 98. ECE 140 – Linear Circuits. Most of my friends had around a 96%-98% admission average however. Admissions. I’m kind of just destroying myself mentally for a program i’m not passionate about one bit. Doing EE would mean youre part of ECE, the department groups them together since they share a lot of courses/are similar. This is my first post on reddit so apologies if I break any rules. pk yl rr vh xb qo io on nz fe  Banner