Reddit aita update husband

Reddit aita update husband. AITA for asking my husband to pay for our sons college with his daughters fund? I (36f) have been married to my husband (57m) for 2 wonderful years. Cheaters are liars and manipulators, and backstabbing people who are also cowards, who don't care who they hurt. I calmly told him the reason but he was pissed. You’re rug sweeping it because the man you love is in pain. MonOubliette. mood spoilers: hopeful for her. He said I had hurt him for mentioning divorce, that it doesn’t I wish I had advice for you. Review the update criteria for more info. He needs to come to terms with the fact that there is something seriously wrong with Emma if she’s ever to get the proper help she needs and making him deal with her 24/7 is your May 14, 2024 · Update- "AITA for shouting at my husband at a family gathering" : r/AmItheAsshole. I've never been married before him but he was married twice and has 6 kids. A lot of things have happened since my initial post and I just needed time to process it and be in a place where I can write about on social media. She would fuss about it on Facebook and I almost spit out my drink when her husband's ex chimed in and reminded my cousin that she got him by his cheating and kept losing him by it. AITA for not making my son apologize to his MIL after an argument? Not the A-hole. My sister's wedding was last week. Here's the situation. Found the update to "aita for not wanting my husband to go to his exes funeral". This is very true. I continued to not cook for them and they continued to ignore me. It can be very hard to eat or drink anything and adults get dehydrated and can even lose up to 10lb. out of him from now on. UPDATE: AITA for refusing to cook for my stepchildren anymore. Thing is I was the one who saved up for and arranged for the trip (my husband was responsible for booking the tickets). The ex husband, current husband, and wife hang out all the time. My daughter explained me she never told me/ her dad that she was scared of ruining her father's marriage because he seems happy UPDATE : So, a lot happened. Being angry my husband is texting I love you's to another woman 2. I don't see or speak to my mom but my brother does, and he's never judge, questioned, or pressured me like everyone else in my life has. Janes husband wasn’t interested in helping and she kept telling me how great it was that my husband ADMIN MOD. His cousin Martin (m38) lost his wife to cancer 6 months ago. biteme717. Be age appropreate with them when the time comes. About five years ago my neighbor Jane kept walking over to our house and sending me messages asking for help for her son to learn to snowboard from my husband. We were at a small house party with a few friends of mine from college and we were discussing books we’ve all read, when at one point one of my friends (let’s call him r/AmItheAsshole. It was hurtful but I was getting used to it. Lastly, your sister’s comment about having to forgive you for being the favorite did irk me. I won't say your former SILs husband is abusive to your nephew but that is a very common trait I've seen across mental and emotional abusers. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have AITA for wanting my husband to cancel his trip he been planning for 4 years. Being a SAHM for 17yrs, so glad my husband is an actual parent to his kids and doesn't use the fact that his 8hr job outside the home getting a paycheck entitles him to have such toxic views thinking that his partner is his slave or maid or personal nanny who should work 24/7 all while not getting paid just because their job for is inside the home. I am truly amazed by all the wonderful comments of support as well as the private messages. Fine by me, because seeing how he blows through his money is so frusrtating. Your husband was misogynistic, lacked empathy, seemed to enjoy being cruel to your friend (misery loves company), and was a vindictive child to you. Original post. Her husband is 6'7 and 300 lbs. In rare cases there can be a life threatening. My husband and I wanna thank everyone for the overwhelming amount of support and love! We have updates. Don’t make this about you. . I have multiple, highly specialized degrees for a niche industry. He got off of me, and wouldn’t speak to me because of my reaction since I “knew he wouldn’t hurt me. So a lot happend since I last posted. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have Tina showed up in a sexy club outfit. I did feel empathy and I did care about my Yelling, I looked at my sister-in-law telling her; How dare she use my nursery, for my baby, how dare she think she has the right. She was beyond charcoaled, in the update that she posted, she said that she finally realized the pain and everything that her husband went through by cutting his friend off. Things were… not good with me and my husband at the time of this post. So, my husband has always feared him a bit, so I don't think we'll have any problems. so I (32f) and my husband (35m) have been together for eight years, married for six. They’ll understand better than anyone how you’re feeling, even if you don’t identify as an alcoholic. You are not the victim here, your husband is. Background: My husband (let’s call him Will) is in the Navy, and he works on nuclear reactors on submarines. NTA. Update: AITA for divorcing my husband over a sport. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. She agrees that I gave aunt & uncle a chance to apologize and they didn’t. Peter and I have been best friends for the majority of our time together, but things changed. "It's not my fault you couldn't produce a child, why let this go to waste, you're so selfish. ”. AITA for telling my husband to stop helping my neighbor and her son. After some reflection and back and forths, we ended up having a videocall the 4 of us (Tim and I, Callie and Sal) just this past weekend. File first thing Tuesday morning. Her husband will take me to the home to get the rest of my things. Posts dedicated to discussing AITA should be directed to the monthly open forum. When our son was born she was very sweet and generous with gifts and a beautiful crocheted blanket. I hope that your mom gets the help that she needs. Happy holidays. I have two kids from my previous marriage, (b15) (g13). My husband let her know that if he ever catches her lying to any of our kids about sending gifts, like she did with him, then it was over right then and there. so I feel like things have gotten out of hand and the problem got bigger. I recently slept with her husband, and now she refuses to speak to me. He now is on board with divorce since I hurt his "friend. Yes, OP's husband is ok. PlayAffectionate8663. While she will have a secure attachment with you, she will have an insecure attachment with your husband which can cause an all-around insecure attachment with her family. Here's the update of so far: I've been talking to my sister; she's working with her husband to come get us. She asked if I meant what I said about Ari being a better mom than her or if I just said it to hurt her. Tricky-Leader-1567. For those who don’t know, this post was originally written at the end February of 2020. ETA: OP is tripling down with her latest update. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) I’m not letting my husband buy a house for his ex (2) she’s living in a cramp apartment and their kids are staying with us because they refuse to live there with her. I had no clue this happened, I'm actually weirdly impressed he hid it so well. 04/02/2024 I (29F) find myself in a complicated and difficult situation that has strained my relationship with my sister (31F). My first post about a week ago was here: Here's the TL;DR: Husband and I (33M/33F) are fairly high income earners (about 200K/year each), own our home free and clear, no other debts of any kind - we save close to half of our income and most finances are joint but we allocate $1500/month each ADMIN MOD. He said I did it to make him look like a sh*t parent. For 2 weeks, there is a risk of spontaneous bleeding. This update might be a little disappointing for those of you who wanted drama. My current wife is not. AITA for asking my husband to turn down his dream job for my career? Not the A-hole. That let her clean up the kitchen throughly and not serve/throw out the uncovered dishes that could have had crumbs. After months of stress and no results, we went to a doctor and found out my husband is infertile. 1st Post: AITA for sleeping with my sisters husband. Thank you so for all your words of encouragement a couple months back, both in posts and the DMs. I will be meeting with the wife tonight as she keeps begging for a meeting. I know it’s not intentional coming from you, but be wary of the way you word things: ”I’m not just a monster but a stupid one as well”. So, Anyways! My husband and I took 2 weeks off work to go visit some places out of the country - tourism in other words. Edit. I (m41) am married to my wife (f37). I don't believe any gluten got into the Christmas meal because OP caught the ex BF eating bread before the husband ate. His mom is taking his side saying that I was a complete bitch for kicking him out. Update posts require approval. Glad it was not only resolved, but progressed your relationship. Update: Some of these comments were pretty harsh but a kick in the pants. I was called cold and callous for wanting to put my foot down. Sue her. UPDATE: AITA for “humiliating” my husband? Thanks to everyone that made me see the situation from my husband’s side and made me realise I’m an AH (or worse). UPDATE) AITA for telling my parents they don’t have a daughter : r/AmItheAsshole. The first one was for "Honeymoon - Redeemable by Mummy and Daddy only", the second was "Grandparent Adventure Week - Redeemable by Grandchildren only". Maybe a couple AA meetings would be beneficial. Like, of all the women out there who would’ve been totally fine with/supportive of his friendship and he finds one of the few who wouldn’t. Go to AmItheAsshole. Sophie was under the impression we split up a year into She is married and her husband (Sal) has been in their daughter's (Ellie) life since she was about 2, she calls him dad. If he doesn't like it let him leave because it doesn't sound like he's contributing anything. My baby shower was amazing and knowing she was far away getting help Inheritance isn't marital property. It’s probably best if you sit this one out. I (33F) am the breadwinner of our household. Pretty much, when my mom came to my room to talk to me about what I said, I'd already decided I was going to apologize, you guys made it clear I needed to do that much. If you want someone to listen to you, that’s the group to search for support. Your husband wants to control your daughter; what she should be spending her time on and forcing her to do things she cannot do. I returned to work on Monday, and my mother is visiting us for a couple of weeks. However, we've agreed not to start marital counseling just yet. Help keep the sub engaging! Here's the update of so far: I've been talking to my sister; she's working with her husband to come get us. I did not think this would turn into a big family issue but it has. Update on AITA for telling my husband we won’t go to his parents anymore. My intuition was right, let me explain. At 13, this is more than you should be handling, especially if there is abuse going on. •. It did bother me but it is what it is. I’ve talked to my husband’s brother’s fiancée, and she says she is invited every time. It will also cause an insecure attachment style. UPDATE. I re-read my original post, and there are some things I would like to elaborate on before I come to the update. Any META posts will be removed & may result in a ban. We live hours away which is an issue for my husband. Update 1: I stepped away for a few hours and couldn't believe what I came back to. She ended up divorcing the AP and a few years later married her current husband. They are to be used at the same time. Me (f33) and my husband Chris (m36) planned a one week vacation to an out of state ski resort with our 2 kids. We decided we were ready last year. " We have a 50/50 custody. update My husband just told us that he'll be spending christmas with his family saying he needs to be around his dad anyway. My husband considers Noah his son and is in all but his name. Who the hell keeps track of everything their step child eats, drinks, gets at restaurants and their prescriptions. In lots of places, it’s actually a required part of the process. So I told Tim all this. When I say I’m not invited, I mean that my husband tells me “I’m going to the family dinner. He's always deeply wanted to be a father, so RecognitionDecent366. Few years later she started seeing ex husband's best friend, they go married and now have two kids with each other. He started demanding that I tell him why I kicked him out. Derek and I are still together, and we've both started individual therapy. ADMIN MOD. Sounds like OP’s husband genuinely was going through a lot and therapy will hopefully help him to better manage and communicate in a healthy way. Turns out Sophie and my ex were in a "relationship" for almost 2 years while we were still married, with it ending around the time my 6 year old daughter was born, and then reconnected in the last year or so. The world, therefore after, fell apart. Those who are doubtful, I get it, but respectfully, I trust my husband implicitly. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. It's too soon to tell if everything is okay. Demanding he cease contact with this woman and 3. My cousin is always shocked and upset each and every time he cheated on her. My husband has always talked about having kids. But she still would not cut off her friend. She was highly apologetic and asked him if there's anything she could do to make up the situation. She kept recalling tales of them when they were little and how close they were. Cheating on someone instead of talking and divorcing them only proves what kind of person you are. He said he didn’t know if he wanted to be with me that he would let me know on what he decides. If anyone was wanting an update here it is. Me- I feel like a weight has been lifted (even if temporarily). I’m so sorry about your son - please know it wasn’t your fault. What she told me, made me fall to my knees sobbing. Then again, you're better off without them, by the sound of it. I'm so glad for this update! Your grandma is an awesome woman! I'm glad she stepped up to help you, and that you have a safe place to stay. After I posted that I tried to make things work with my husband. Update: AITA for immediately rejecting my husband’s idea to get a dog? Not AITA post. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. ”But as that was how he took it—”. Asshole. Update 2: Spelling Errors Update 3: Mod denied separate post so it's here as an edit. One of my twin friends always makes the joke that he was born 6 minutes earlier and therefore has a vast amount more of worldly experience because of compounding interest. UPDATE: AITA for telling people that I wasn't invited to a wedding : r/AmItheAsshole. The ex even bough a house just down the street so they can all be close. When he cannot easily do that, he uses manipulation and lying in order to accomplish it. Should've told her it's rude to not invite you but okay to invite everyone else. I have a son from a previous relationship, Noah (18m) and he has a daughter from his previous marriage, Grace (17f).     Go to AmItheAsshole. I was in therapy for years after, and he did the same thing calling my reactions “manipulations,” “antics,” and “dramatics. If I run into your husband and his dad, their drinks are on me. Used to work with someone like that. Apologies are not ’sorry you think I hurt you’. Your husband it’s truly vile to say what he did and that alone is grounds to end your marriage. You’re not divorcing him because he wants a son, you’re divorcing him because he has said some truly unforgivable things. She’s now supportive of my husband & I’s relationship. She will know that your husband will only react to her sometimes, which makes it so insecure. I remarried 3 years ago and my husband (Luke) is incredible. Max has severe Autism and requires a lot of care. A lot has happened since. 2nd Update - October 13, 2023 (2 days after Original Post) I (53F) have been married to my husband Peter (M51) for 17 years. OP: YOU are the one who basically abandoned your family FFS. My kids have always got along with their stepmom and her My husband- Again, I want to make it 1000% clear that there's no doubt in my mind that my husband never aided in Tina's obsession. Hell, my ex-wife cheated on me twice with another woman and then stole money from me. This includes any post that references another post, including posting the other perspective. Elena is taking this all so well. As for what it will accomplish, it will allow OP to untangle her life from her husband’s so that they are able to divorce. An update to the 2020 post. Wedding planning has so far been going alright except for few things he and I argued about like the venue and flower girl. BUT it is true that we divorced because my ex-husband told me he was in love with M and "wanted to confess. Here is the original post. While I’m relieved your husband can identify and communicate his insecurities, I do not believe he realizes his cruelty. Cheaters are only out for themselves, and no one else. We have two kids, Joan (15) and Eric (17). He was abusive. I feel so bad for the husband. Unapproved updates will result in a ban. I've apologized profusely to my husband and I am going to take him to that restaurant this weekend and buy him some camping gear he's been eying as a start to making it up to him and changing course. They also have another daughter. the kids said they will just go to their dad since they and my husband are still not talking. MOD. My cousin got with her husband by him cheating on his then wife. UPDATE 1- March 15, 2022: A lot of people have asked for updates so here it is. She would do anything but that. Yes, he went to the funeral, which I was very uncomfortable with. I’m worried OP will feel like she should have known better or done something differently, but it sounds like this guy built a sort of emotional maze on purpose, so no matter which way she tried to turn she was always going to end up where he wanted. AITA for going off on my soon-to be Husband for returning my wedding dress? Not the A-hole. Me (f29) and my STBH (m33) are getting married soon. I asked him not to go again, and he just gave me this cold, expressionless stare. She'd kiss him on the cheek, hug him, and touched his arm when laughing, he was visibly uncomfortable so I stepped in. . I make 200k+, with potential to get in the 600-M’s range. I begged and begged. Now, this morning I was able to talk to my husband and ask him why he told the kids they had a chance to get A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. I realized that I was not an asshole for not cooking for them. After the delivery I told the nurse he could come back into the room and he was fuming. AITA. neither of the kids are happy with how things turned out. My husband and BIL were beginning to not get along and we realized he was doing nothing to save money to move when his living with us was supposed to be very temporary. My husband is finally gonna be able to leave within 2 month, the Update: Husband accused me of financial infidelity. Hey y’all. Not the A-hole. I (38F) have a 9 year old son Max and 6 year old daughter Olivia with my ex-husband Dan (35M). -broken. She didn't minimize this. In addition the threatened to kill Thomas, something that very well is a crime. No-Hearing6229. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. I have read all three parts to this saga and a lot of the comments. She ignored me the entire time and hung all over my husband (bf at the time). informing her husband of their private messages. At one point, he laid on top of me and pinned my limbs down, and I started to cry. You're gonna have to have enough spine to put your foot down. I (f36) have been married to my husband (m42) for 2 years. And angry for how much worse it could have been in general. She was cremated and my husband was given a little bit of her ashes in a small urn the size of a pill bottle. r/AmItheAsshole. So reddit, AITA for 1. My husband's mom wanted to come along and threw temper tantrums when I said no. Be careful. It can take 2, into 3 weeks before most people can eat and drink normally. About a year ago, Peter got into a car accident. OP's husband doesn't have a relationship with his siblings because of his behavior, not because of the mom's behavior. Husband barely did the minimum of caring for the house and kids while I worked. First I took some advice from here and tried to communicate why I really wanted the house and why I did not feel comfortable in having his name on the deed, including the fact he has $600k of debt and he would drive the interest up if he even got approved. Best of luck and congratulations to the whole family, new baby, ILs etc. And new dads (and men in general) have hormone swings too. I also understand why some people may think this is fake and all I can say is that you are free to believe what you want in this. Couldn’t figure how to post as an update so just posting as an edit here. Exactly, OP was trying to fix things in good faith, but this update sounds like her husband wasn’t, and he wouldn’t allow her to help him. I made my post I think two weeks ago and a lot has happened. We’ve been together for 4 years, married for 2. I sincerely apologize for taking so long to return to Reddit and write an update to this. It’s awesome to read an upbeat update! While exchanging presents, the four in-laws gave me and Luke an envelope. I’m going to be vague for privacy reasons, sorry. So here it I mowed the grass, pulled weeds, cleaned up the house, made dinner ( I tried to wake him for dinner, he refused to wake up) got the kids bathed and ready for bed before he woke up. It is true I said it was because I was upset she doesn't want me to go Your former SILs husband sounds like a shitty person. I'm a sahm (full time) and I take care of the kids while my husband works (full time). This is far from a NOTHING surgery. This is victimizing. This is your husband insulting you and then going to his friends and sicking them on you. He requested our finances to be split. If your husband isn’t onboard, tell him that he and his sister need to go until they’re ready to apologize and make things right. It isn’t allowing me to link the original story but you can find it on my page. All I can say is kids know. Your husband refuses to see how bad things have become and undermines the rules/punishment you’ve set in place in an effort to make Emma into a functional adult. " He ain’t normal. Update: AITA for accidentally revealing that someone’s husband named their baby after a Homestuck character which directly resulted in their pending divorce So my original post was removed by the moderators for breaking rule 7 and not having interpersonal conflict. He said "I'm really sorry I have to work on Valentine's Day". AITA for embarrassing my husband in front of random strangers? My husband (31) told me last night that his boss asked him to pick up an extra shift today because of short staffing. So we decided we were going to give him a date to move If your husband doesn't want you at their dinners, then that says a lot about him, too. He hasn’t talked to me in a week. Your mother-in-law says it was rude for you to interrupt. Lord bless you. I recommend talking to a counselor of any women's shelter if they have any available. My husband (27) Been planning a trip for about 4 years with some close friends the trip kept being postponed due to some of his friends having family deaths, financial issues and unfortunate world events. He has a busy job. I hope your Christmas is lonely enough to give you only one thing - some self-awareness. When I expressed that I wanted to come, he told me that it would be for the best if I didn’t. She left behind 2 kids nearly same age as my kids (6 &9). My husband [36] and I [30] have 3 kids [2, 4, 7] . Gray rock the hell. For only twin children - only twildren, if you will, I think it will be fun going from having a sibling bu Though things were seemingly running smoothly again, my husband and I were beginning to miss our own privacy and space. She and her husband had two kids, then divorced. We have no kids together. She took responsibility for what she did. Original post: Hi everyone, I’d just like to give a quick thanks to all of the people that shared their advice/judgement, I heavily appreciate it. My husband is devestated for his best friend's loss, (they're so close that he sees him as a friend) understandably so. I spoke with my husband about this I guess my pain and my marriage just isn't important. If necessary, file a police report since she stole your camera by taking it without permission. I am Jewish, as was my first wife before she passed. Your husband wants to control you; what you do & what you want. But you need to be straight up with him and tell him he isn't going to have access to it. It has two "Vouchers" inside. Finances, living arrangements, childcare - ideally these things are settled out of court, so that’s what the separation is for. To people asking where my mom is in all of this. tb pr cg ki nn pa nr fl rr mf