Harry potter fanfiction harry potter is heavily pregnant

Harry potter fanfiction harry potter is heavily pregnant. Harry's eyes flashed with rage as he slowly turned to look at Umbridge's smug face. I squeezed my eyelids together. Arms snaked around her waist and pulled her in tight so that her back collided with someone's chest. Lily's Psychaotic Pregnancy By: XxStephXx. Staff and students say that Neville Longbottom had rushed to Harry's side when the young man started to go into labour. Eighteen months ago, the Ministry implemented a Marriage Law. With the world cup coming up, the England team had a lot of things happening as of late, which cut in to his time with Harry. Four hours later Harry was sat in Aro's arms feeding his new baby girl, Carlisle was holding one of the boys smiling softly as he fed him. It was July 31st, Harry's birthday. "Hermione don't. Friday 22 December 1995. HARRY: But I don't HAVE an oven! Im a guy! How can I be-? (Dumbledore suddenly just pops out of nowhere, scaring the shite out of Draco) DRACO: ARRGH! Pregnant Pause By: writershreyac. He towered over her heavily pregnant form as he jackhammered into her. Absolutely terrible, in fact. M for later Chapters. The Unexpected Heir by CaseyLove. k. She wouldn't have much of a problem with it. She had hoped he might be able to ease some of Harry's pain over losing Sirius, but instead it seemed that he had only made matters worse. I was six month pregnant with our first child. He seeks protection to and fro and finally found it under Voldemort without the knowledge of the father. He will get nicer later. +Chapter 1: Prologue+. Pregnant. Pulled through time II by 252020 reviews. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 5,690 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 94 - Follows: 49 - Updated: Jun Books Harry Potter. " "Yes mistress!" Harry had to force himself to walk with Severus to the Headmaster's office. She nearly drove poor Arthur crazy when the floo when flared Chapter 1. true. Sep 10, 2012 · Gabe whooped and waved his chocolatey hands in front of daddy. Oneshot, HPDM slash, MPreg. Her ankles were swollen enough that she was resting on a cushioned lawn chair the large deck outside her manor. Draco sighed, looking at a still sleeping Harry with a content grin as he slipped from the room, heading off for a long day of training and some endorsement stuff. Malfoy before climbing onto daddy's back with practiced ease. Ginny couldn't wait to tell Harry. Harry is in his sixth year at Hogwarts and Ginny her fifth. October 31st 1981. The-Man-Who-Won. The Second Wizarding War is nearly upon them and things are tough enough between school and saving the world, but things only get more difficult when the couple finds out that Ginny is pregnant. "I'll do anything please just not that," he said as he slid off the sofa and onto the floor in front of Harry. If one of your stories are in this C2 and you dont want it to be, contact me and I will remove it. Ginny once again rushed to the bathroom of Potter manor and threw heard thise from the kitchen and rushed up to see Ginny trying to hold back her beautiful hair and throw up at the same held back her hair for her. "Oh!" Draco said bending over a bit, his hands on his stomach. He bowed anxiously. With Hermione being heavily pregnant the couple had decided to travel Pampered Princess By: Lady Eleanor Boleyn. Mpreg Labor. She barely noticed the frantic Dobby as he moved her to her room, gently placing her on her bed. Wishing that they could have Hermione and Percy back with them since the holidays are all about a reunion, presents, gifts, love, forgiving Harry was really sick of picking up the pieces after another of Ron's tantrums. On July 31st 1980, two souls were brought into the world in the halls of St. "You did WHAT?" The young man's yell resounded throughout the entire house. Snape led Harry to a chair and pushed him roughly down into it. . No female had been born into the Potter family for generations. Sep 6, 2012 · Pregnant. She, Harry Potter, was pregnant. The father does not even know, that he's pregnant. Harry, still under his cloak, cast a silent piercing hex aimed at Goyle's head. Tom stared stunned at the figure standing in front of him dripping water from his soaked cloak onto his expensive wood floors, hair sticking to his pale and drawn face, green eyes were wider than normal with fear and he was trembling faintly, from what Tom would guess to be cold, fear and tiredness Pregnant, what a way to start my 7th and final year at Hogwarts. Only to vanish in the process. ) Something that wasn't normal for a new wolf. It had been three years since the final battle, and it was once again Harry Potter's birthday. She is thoroughly enjoying having Narcissa Malfoy wait on her hand and foot. Gentleman that he was he bent down and picked the bag up from the ground. Your Pregnant. "You're already insane, darling, but that's why I love you," a voice murmured in her ear. What You Leave Behind by Newcomb. Silver Chains By: Alex Moss. Harry was walking through Hogsmeade with Fred and George on either side of him. He knew that he and Ginny would be the first Potter couple to bore a daughter. Chapter 39. Bill was talking to Ron, Charlie standing next to him, nodding. Taking the scroll from Hedwig, Harry sat gingerly upon the bed - gingerly, because most of the dull ache was in his backside. "Harry, you need to eat something," Fred said, worry clouding his voice and face as he and George sat opposite him in the café they were in. He'd neglected to eat lunch or dinner and was wondering if he should forgo a bath as well. After the war, Draco turns introverted and a bit of a loner. Chapter 3: Lily Luna. The young man wondered how his lover, Tom Riddle a. Harry is a month early, but sources say that the baby boy is in very good health. Congratulations, You're Pregnant By: isaacswolfsbane. Aug 19, 1996 · Nothing but scars. , Harry P. "What?" he asked. A quick glance found the wretched boy in the third stall – the most direct to enter from the doorway. Hummingbird by TheObsidianQuill. Emerald was the Reason By: I-Don't-Know-Who97. HP and LV/TMR are soul mates and they are forced to stop Hermione's Pregnancy By: DarkSorcerer888. Ginny Weasley sat back into her lover's awaiting arms as they snuggled on the hammock and looked up at the blue sky. At first Ron didn't agree but he soon learned they loved each other. " Harry and Ginny Potter pregnancy story. Pairing: Draco/Hermione. From the moment I found out that we were expecting It was a challenge, first I had what they call morning sickness which the books say is in the morning and say that it normally stops Harry had crept in and taken over. Hermione is now six months pregnant with Draco's first child. 'I am good' replied Ginny quickly. Before his change, most of his flesh was soft. Shows how Lily drives James insane with her mood swings and cravings. Al and James ran to the door of 12 Headmaster Dumbledore. Hermione/Bellatrix. Severus Snape, unpopular with his pale skin and oily, black hair, had gone to visit his mother briefly on Christmas. He was expected to produce a perfect PepperUp as part of his 6th year revision curriculum -to ascertain that the students were capable to begin to study the more complex potions, and continue on with their NEWTS the next year- but had run into some minor . "Get me a glass of cucumber water. Shortly after, one departed. In their flat, Lily insisted that she and James buy a toaster instead of using toasting charms on their bread and she'd bought a bike which Percy forgot that Oliver was raised by muggles. With his 'brother' by his side, he enters his 4th year at Hogwarts, a year that will change Harry, and his picture of Tom, forever. Harry downed his whole drink in one gulp, unknowingly swallowing a potion. He'll either extract the power and take it for himself, or groom Nov 28, 2013 · This was bad, Harry Potter told himself, as he observed his Potion's Master's every move. A Backstep Incursion . Harry had joined Voldemort at the end of his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Krum asked, raising an eyebrow. "Harry, it will be alright, I promise. Part 3 "Oh, yes! A little harder, Harry!" Hermione gasped beneath him. For all Harry knew was that no girl had been born in his family forever. When Harry finally woke up, he was assaulted by a minor panic attack due to his lack of knowledge at where he was, before remembering exactly what had occurred the day before. Next door the neighbours flinched and wondered what Mr Potter had just told his son. After saving a life Bellatrix finds a home with one of the most unlikely people. Harry and Sirius are captured by Voldemort in Harry's 5th year. Pansy also hadn't changed much, except for the fact that she had gained about ten pounds, due to pregnancy. What now. "I don't think I can do this, Sev. The very brother of his ex-girlfriend, the girl he had used the excuse of, ' I'm not ready to settle down yet, ' with. Preface. He was terribly afraid of what her reaction would be once she woke up. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,459 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 152 - Follows: 212 - Published: Jun 30, 2008 - Draco M. "I'm pregnant," I repeated anxiously as I felt my heart sink into my spleen. (I even expected a baby too, as Hermione's dress seems to be a little larger over the stomach than natural. The London town house began to shake with the rage of the young man within it. Aug 29, 2010 · "And there was no need to lie," I said before taking a deep breath. James sat up in the bed. semi-graphic birth. Lily Evans Potter, Wife of Heir James Potter Auror Captain, and Heir to the Potter Family, one of the oldest and most prominent families that could trace their ancestry to Ancient Greece, was sitting in the living room of the cottage they were hiding in. The smirk adorning Draco's face had only widened, sensing that Harry was more than a little nervous. Harry smiled and waved his hand over them, wandlessly cleaning them off and planting a noisy kiss on each clean palm. "Excuse me, Potter?" A jet black elegant eyebrow rose in inquiry above the equally black eyes. He managed to make it to the infirmary before collapsing. There was a stunned silence then a great commotion as Harry and Hermione walked through the doors in to the Great Hall together. The Decision. But even without the memory, Harry knew. The two teenagers spent the rest of the day in the Hospital Wing. male vaginal birth. Luna had begged Hermione, one of her 'friends', to exchange some Galleons and Sickles for a few pounds. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated Harry looked out the window of the compartment to see the Weasley family arrive. But he loved Harry so, and knew he would do anything for him. This is a Honks story so make sure you really want to see it. a. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 20,333 - Reviews: 293 - Favs: 469 - Follows: 135 - Updated: Mar 15, 2003 Books Harry Potter. Chapter 18: New Enemies. "My little Lily," he whispered. Using a dark spell and a male pregnancy ritual, he impregnates Draco Malfoy with Potter's child, planning to take and study it. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 19,184 - Reviews: 104 Harry Potter Mpreg stories. While on a luxurious vacation in the Maldives at a muggle resort, Draco and Hermione Malfoy get the surprise of their lives. Hermione walked into the Prince Library in search for Harry. He'd left to go destroy Voldemort, which he had done. Chapter Text. 1 hour ago · Books Harry Potter. It was Christmas Day and all the Weasleys were gathered in the Burrow. She, however, had to bring with her a nearly two-month-old Rose Harriet, named Chapter 3. I bit my lip and shut my eyes tightly. Parent Exchange. Their passionate relationship leads to Harry becoming pregnant with quintuplets, half-vampire and half-wizard. This is my first story. Draco hadn't changed much, his hair was a bit longer, but that was all. Final class period of the first semester for the Gryffindor 5th years - Double Potions with the Slytherins. "Harry," he whispered fondly. Purebloods test their children after they're born to see if they have a soul mate because soul mates can't kill each other and they for sure cannot be forced to fight to death. In anger Voldemort had cast the killing curse on Harry. , Marlene M. Molly was talking to Ginny and hugging her while pointedly ignoring Ron and Hermione. After all, Hermione was probably the most in contact with the Muggle world. The Potions Master crossed his arms over his chest, frowning at Harry Potter, saviour of the Wizarding World and The Man Who Vanquished He Who Must Not Be Named. After a harsh rejection from Remus. Harry etched his face in confusement as he tried to remember what happened, all that came into his head was Sirius and Blah Harry's thoughts. -. The Intelligent Potter By: PxFive. Spells and potions. Harry stumbled again, clenching his eyes shut, trying to get the room to stay still. He left and then returned a moment later with a potion in his hand. Ron was piling up on bacon, eggs, toast, and everything in site, Harry was staring at Ron in amazement. Harry transfigured the corpse into a bone, put a disillusionment charm on it, and banished it away. Ginny had found out that she was pregnant two days prior, and had been dying to tell Harry. Rating: PG-13 maybe R/NC-17 in later chapters. "Dobby!" With a crack, the house elf appeared. Snape waved his wand, vanishing the mess on the floor. " "No, he is angry at me; I promise it will be fine. Asked Harry staring at his beautiful wife. Harry opens his eyes and instinctively a hand goes to the burning sensation on his forehead. Hermione and her husband, Draco Malfoy, had spent the weekend attending the wedding of his best friend Blaise Zabini and they were returning home. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 12,580 - Reviews: 433 - Favs: 137 - Follows: 39 - Updated: Sep 29, 2006 Sep 6, 2006 · Another twenty minutes of pushing, screaming, and cursing, Harry finally managed to give birth to the baby boy. Aro turned and looked at his new family and asked. Draco is terribly in love with him but does everything to hide it until one evening Harry invites him for a friendly drink. "And then," Ginny kept pointing at the house elf, her arm moving in erratic motions, "old Dumbles told me to tell Ron, like he would The test results came up. Corvus Altair Malfoy, the infant who had survived, is quickly stolen away in the night and is forced to pose as the stillborn Harry James Potter. He was glad Tom hadn't had to sell his soul to the devil just for the sake Lily Evans, a pretty, red-headed, seventh year Gryfinndor had gone home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, though she had been quick to return and spend time with her beloved Slytherin, Severus Snape. ] James P. Before they could have a chance to talk about their night together, his dark mark had burned, while Harry's scar flared to life and he had doubled over in pain. Her mother used to sing the muggle song to her, which pleased her father much. He didn't answer, just leaned in closer to his captive. Warnings: MPREG Slash, don't like, don't read! Mild Ron Bashing in first couple of chap. The Tribulation of the Blue Moon by StarLight_Massacre. Hermione's Pow: I was grumpy, my husband knew it my family knew it, my friends knew it, and I knew it. Voldemort has a plan to discover this power. The twins stuck something in one of Ron's pockets and walked away, snickering. , Lily Evans P. 'you The Black Bird's Song by TeaLovingAmerican reviews. At that moment he decided that he wouldn't rely on luck to solve his problems, he had to become smart, beyond the norm and talk his way through life. The contractions were beginning to get closer and closer together, until a familiar face came running in carrying her birth kit. Harry had told him it was time. Harry had killed the snake with the sword of Gryffindor. A Death Eater he does not feel any hate to. Immediately, Harry felt a searing pain in his stomach, and, without a glance toward his confused friends, he got up and ran into the hall. humour and a lot of fluff. Severus clamped and cut the umbilical cord, handed the baby to Draco, and urged Harry to push out the placenta. Well, wherever he was, it was very dark, and smelled of mold. Category: Humor. Tonks finds herself crying the night away in #12 only for the least likely someone to come along and show her a great kindness. Oct 28, 2011 · Or make any money from this fic. Weary to the bone, Severus Snape slowly made his way toward his bedroom. Harry was slumped in his seat in the dreary potions lab, resting his elbow on the table Takes place in year six at Hogwarts. Poppy managed to get back just as Severus and Draco had cleaned the bed and Harry. Harry and Ginny had been in a relationship since the start of the year. " Harry said. "I know, Fred. Hedwig hooted pitifully. Lily had always believed in using muggle alternatives whenever she could. Very catholic muggles indeed. 15 votes, 11 comments. Baby Watch 2004 was in effect after the baby shower. They talked about nothing in particular until Harry leaned in and kissed her. She remembers nothing, but convincing her he's the father isn't the problem, her accepting his help is. The title is pretty self-explanatory. Now they had come full circle, Tom being younger and he older. " she said quietly. 2 years after Al's birth, Harry and Ginny desperately wanted a daughter. Yes, he felt horrible, there was no way he could announce he was pregnant with his child. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Family - [Sirius B. He walked to Harry and pulled him to his feet. Draco smiled. He had no problem naming their daughter after Harry's mother. Follow . Rated M for Sexual Situations mainly. She looked down at her stomach. Harry moaned as he noticed he was in the Hogwarts hospital wing, or somewhere that looked very much like it. Molly was a nervous wreck the final three weeks of Ginny's pregnancy. Bellatrix, after surviving the Battle of Hogwarts stumbles upon a scene she would never have imagined. Pansy flipped through the book, reading the names, searching for one she liked. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. DRACO: You're denser than I thought… you know! A baby! You've got a bun baking in the oven, you-. He's marrying his childhood sweetheart, his best friend has married his sister, and h's on the running to becoming the next Minister of Magic, which everyone knows is a huge deal, especially at his young age. The couple hadn't been seen in public since the disaster that Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding had become. this follows James and Lily through Lily's pregnancy. The stall door was wide open and Severus could see Potter kneeling in front of the toilet, holding himself up on trembling elbows. Harry watched over Hermione during the night, thinking about her and their unborn baby. He had flour stains on the pillowcase he wore as a shirt. Don't tell me it wasn't my fault. the beginning of a series. It seemed like the Potions Master could not get Harry out of the library and back to bed where the heavily pregnant man that he was should be. Sequel is up! . Godric's hollow. Ginny and Harry were currently sitting on Ginny's bed. "Because!" Ron shouted, giving him a shove to the chest. Jun 8, 2006 · Harry said bitterly. He was terrified she would hate him, curse him and tell him she never wanted to see him again. At nineteen, Marlene hadn't even thought about the possibility of having a baby, but her world is about to get turned upside down. The house was 5 bedrooms 6 baths and 4 floors and was settled in the famous and secluded English country side. " Severus told him taking his hand and pulling him forward. Twenty year old Harry Potter was currently a bundle of nerves walking down the halls of Slytherin Manor to his lovers study. He owns a potions shop and Auror Harry stops in during his Auror rounds. Ron must be so happy. Once he was done he left some coins to pay for his meal and stood up, only to see a pregnant young woman struggle with some fallen down bag. Ginny and he did not work out well, she never treated him like a person, but that didn't mean he could be rude and hurtful to her. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - James P. Harry's Harem. Post canon non Epilogue compliant. Unexpected baby By: gracelions. 'You ok?'. During the first Christmas, after the war, Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley try wishing the muggle way. Gabe giggled and waved at Mr. Soon, Ginny closed her eyes and started to hum the tune she loved most from when she was little. "I didn't hear you come home. Struggling with the physical demands of his pregnancy, Harry confides in Jasper, unaware of his true nature. Harry Potter had come back to Hogwarts. Draco and her had been married for a year and they were expecting their first child. She wasn't happy to be here when they could Comfort in his Arms By: Avain1991. Unconsciously, she placed one of her hands above her abdomen. He, Ron and Hermione had gone to the shrieking shack and listened and Harry knowing that Severus was about to die rushed in, Ron and Hermione on his heels. [Trigger Warning] There was a nervous excitement in the Great Hall. Where the male charters of Harry Potter are pregnent in some way shepe or form. Chapter one. Femslash. It was summer and Narcissa Malfoy was happily pregnant. Boy-Who-Loved By: Axile 'Vion' Raiz. Their still friends, but Lily has a secret and she doesn't know how to tell him that she's pregnant. I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant: Dramione Edition By: Starfire93. Ginny heart fluttered. Such was his fame after triumphing over Voldemort that Harry found it difficult to create new relationships that were meaningful. Harry, however, refuses to conceal their relationship any longer and begins the planning for their wedding. After months of sharing his dreams with a young Tom Riddle, things take a sharp left turn at the Battle of Hogwarts, when Harry is killed and visits the 'train station,' only to leave there with a gift he would give anything to protect. There's a baby in there, she thought. James Potter was smart enough to move out of reach of his now-livid son Chapter 1. That gift, however, causes those he trusted to turn on him and Harry has to Chapter 1: On the Run. The vague pain gave him the sense that something had happened, something that was missing from his recent memory. He was then taken in by one of the former keepers of the Holyhead Harpies who had never had any children. the Night Harry was planning on leaving the Dursleys, He finds a Witch in a leather bikini in his room. Contains slash. Magic will intervene and make sure they stop by any means. They went to the dungeons and Severus had shocked Harry by thanking him. Draco asked gobsmacked. Harry no longer needed glasses, often touching his face out of habit, to push the wire higher on his nose. After their wedding, how is Harry going It was a Muggle drugstore. , Severus S. A heavily pregnant, and very tired, Hermione Malfoy checked her watch as she wondered how much longer it would take to get home. Summary: As Hermione and Draco are having their first child, Narcissa barges in and drives them to insanity as she pushes the new Malfoy matriarch to follow and uphold the dreaded Malfoy Pregnancy Traditions. The twins and he had grown closer over the summer since Harry had started pulling away from Ron and Hermione who had thought that listening to the Headmaster was more important than their supposed best friend. Reposted A mishap in Potions class causes Harry, Draco, Severus, Sirius, Neville, Ron, Seamus and Dean to fall snigger pregnant. The result is a pregnant girl by the name of Jade. Even worse is being a pregnant man. After losing his wife and son to a magical disease, Draco Malfoy puts an ad in an editorial to borrow a son for Christmas. Hermione frowned, obviously this meeting with the headmaster did not go as well as she had hoped. The later in her pregnancy that she got, the more her libido increased. Jan 8, 2023 · Chapter 1: The Spell. Mar 15, 2003 · Harry Potter and the Pregnancy Potion By: Kitai Shinsei. He knows who is the father, a Death Eater. Lucius was so glad Tom had found happiness and contentment in the slender arms of Harry Potter. Harry Potter's health however is very poor. "From his own experience, Harry knew that luck had never been on his side. That's the only way he could survive. For most of the day, he'd been in his laboratory finishing his experiments on another potion. "Here, your bag. Draco had clearly been drinking heavily, and it was definitely something stronger than butterbeer. Chapter 5: Labor And Another Spy. Harry's having cravings and Draco just can't stomach it. -Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, somewhere in Northern Scotland. He was not himself. "She likes me, not you!" Krum stated, whipping out his wand. technical Chapter 3. Trying to breath, Harry felt all blood drain from her face. Like a good, little servant, Luna was by her side, massaging her big, milk-laden tits and caressing her sore nipples. As a young impressionable teen of great beauty himself he had once been the apple of a mature Tom Riddle's eye. Snape somehow found a way to pour the potion into Hermione's cup just in the nick of time. The Unexpected Reality. The Order wants the child gone. " James froze with my bottom lip still in his mouth. Harry is fed a gender changing potion and both drink love and lust potion. "'Bye, Mister Maffloy!" Harry and Draco stood in the middle of their new house surrounded by boxes of their stuff and only 4 months before the baby was due. Before all of this had happened, he would have demanded a name fit for a Malfoy. 5 days ago · Harry Potter is involved in a potions accident which ends up with him de-aging to a foetus and implanting in the womb of Severus Snape, who is a bearer. When Hermione gets pregnant, she knows that Harry will insist on marrying her, thus exposing their relationship that was kind of an open secret at the time. Full Summary: Harry Potter has power the Dark Lord knows not and Potter's child would have that power too. After being raised along side Tom Riddle at an orphanage in the 30s Harry is back in the time he belongs. Falling to the ground with a wet gurgle, Goyle grabbed at his throat to try and stop from bleeding out. Silly slice-of-life fic that wouldn't leave me alone. After all, she'd been brought up without magic, so she naturally trusted muggle methods more than she did wizarding ones. " Chapter 8 Baby Watch. Mungo's. "You got Hermione pregnant!" the whole Great Hall went quiet, their eyes growing wide and moving back from Ron to Krum to Hermione. Severus had flooed her reluctantly asking for help. The phase of waiting often gets stretched over a couple of months. "He is so angry at me. "Because I am pregnant. After Hermione gave the eight pounds to her friend, she asked what the money was for. But I can't," Harry whispered, his hand resting on his stomach as he tried to battle the nausea, exhaustion, and fear that he was feeling. Site: fanfiction. Harry barely managed to scramble out of his seat and catch the wounded owl as she fell more than flew to her master. AU. Next >. Harry knew. It was a Saturday, so neither of them had work. - Words: 3,005 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 18 Draco sleeps with a drunken Ginny, only to find out six weeks later that she's pregnant with his child. " Chapter 1: Blood in the Great Hall. " Author: Laurenke1. Chapter 1. Game of Wombs. Title: Malfoy Pregnancy Traditions. Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Spiritual - Words: 2,480 - Published: 15m ago - id: 14355534. When Professor McGonnagal tried to explain to his family that Oliver was a wizard, they wanted nothing more to do with him. The Mirror of Erised is supposed to show your heart's desire - so why does Harry Potter see only vague, blurry darkness? Aberforth is Headmaster, Ariana is alive, Albus is in exile, and Harry must uncover his past if he's to survive his future. Title: Something Unexpected. Harry took his daughter as tears began to stream down his face. Harry sighed as he looked out over the party. You see, after a persons first change into their wolf, their appearance changes even as a human as well as new abilities. Harry and Hermione sat down next to each other while Ron sat across from them. "Harry. The result wasn't pretty. Severus can no longer spy, to the chagrin of Albus Dumbledore, but he uses it as an opportunity to show his true self, the person he has been forced to hide for over twenty years. Turned into a werewolf at fifteen, Harry, afraid of what he has become and the lack of control he has over himself and his new wolf, flees from the wizarding worldright into the territory of alpha werewolf Fenrir Greyback, who is overly eager to find the submissive wolf in the heart of his territory when Sep 30, 2019 · Chapter 1. "I'm not going to just let you get away with impregnating me without informing me," "But Harry, you said you didn't mind," Harry looked on unfazed as Draco began to plead with him. R/R. Harry could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Harry!" Ginny said delightedly, turning in his arms and sliding her own around his waist. Meanwhile, new student Bella Swan gets caught up in the world of vampires, including Jasper's family. Harry is pregnant. Harry Potter and the Winter Queen By: Katphysh. It was the time in the three final weeks of pregnancy that everyone watched or listened closely for any sign that the new baby was coming. A year latter Jade kills Voldemort and all three escape. Harry Potter is currently residing in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. Severus pulled the door firmly shut, blocking Miss Fawley from the experience. Sixth Year Lily and James went out for a short time, then he broke up with her for someone else. Lord Voldemort, would take the news he was about to receive. Books Harry Potter. nb ld xi fb jd kv rv hi fn ei