Amcharts legend. Any text in amCharts 5 can be styled with in-line codes. More about legend. This demos shows how we can sync up toggling of matching series across multiple charts using single legend. template. And, since it's a chart, it will have the xAxes list. , The legends are added as follows, var legend = new AmCharts. AmLegend(); legend. Probably the most evident example of series is XYSeries - say a collection of bullets connected with a line (a line graph) or a cluster of columns (column graph). position = "top"; chart. Furthermore, utilizing chart events, it’s possible to further enhance UX by showing exact position of hovered element in the whole spectrum. For example, we could have made our chart look better if we got rid of padding and legend when space is scarce. Demo source Display custom description in legend item tooltip. This is a demo tutorial. Legend can be used (imported) via one of the following packages. Suppose, we need to have just a single item in Legend. answered Oct 27, 2020 at 0:35. Change chart's layout to horizontal if required. data property, both graph’s entries and those added using data property will be displayed. false. Important notice about support Grouping several series into single legend item. xorspark. X axes with renderer. addLegend(legend); OR. When a focus is set, screen readers like NVDA Screen reader will read label which is set using accessibleLabel property of AmLegend. LegendPosition can be used (imported) via one of the following packages. Value axis come with its certain logic how labels are spaced, positioned, and rounded to "pretty" numbers. Those can be configured using legend. The problem Let’s say we have a “hover” state on our polygons to apply thicker outline (stroke) on a map polygon when it’s hovered. Formatters are represented by their respective objects that are available globally in chart's root element, and can also be set individually on each object. PieSeries. markerType = "square"; See the Pen Stacked column chart 100% by amCharts team on CodePen. The legend can also be placed anywhere on the chart, or even outside it. Javascript - AmCharts hide and show graph using legends. To change contents of the legend, we simply need to set corresponding setting value: am5percent. Clicking it would toggle all three of the series. A ListTemplate basically uses an actual instance of an object/Class as the template for all future such objects that it will generate, it stores this As our test guinea pig, let's use a very basic Pie chart with a Legend: See the Pen amCharts V4: Pre-hiding Pie Chart slices (1) by amCharts on CodePen. settingsButtons. Removing. If the length of decimals or integers is less than number of active numbers, the formatter will pad the number with zeros. Each Series has its own entry in the Legend. new(root, { Setting content. name = "Période référence"; series2. The main reason being that most map series use geodata, which is parsed asynchronously, so the data items might not yet be available immediately. Aligns correctly now. 0 Posted in Uncategorized Represents types available for Legend position. The following steps are involved when changing the position of the legend, e. If there are a lot of items in the legend, the actual chart gets shrunk in order to accommodate space for the legend. We handle the pointerover event on the Legend and get the underlying series from its data item. One of 2 problems keeps happening: a) using x: am5. Legend switch type (in case the legend is switchable). They are set on legend. We can use it to make any chart content zoomable. To make changes, we'll need to first retrieve the axis object. More info. Oct 25, 2020 · 3. Legend uses data items of type ILegendDataItem. It will also be used when resetting the chart to the top level. sum} instead. If the line series has a lot of data points, they might get all crammed together, and make series look messy. getIndex (0); Basically responsive works like this: If condition is met (e. In most serial charts, Pie chart included, all Series are included in a List accessible via chart's series property. For now, to make our labels wrap we will need its two options: wrap and maxWidth. create ("chartdiv", am4charts. Feb 11, 2020 · Very simple answer, I just needed to set the valueLabels text, rather than concatenating both into the legend label text. Adding this to your series will fix the problem, e. The code uses series' on() method to watch for changes in its visible setting, which is triggered when series is toggled via legend. Now that we have several Series, it makes sense to display a legend to identify them. series. 0 Posted in Uncategorized Pie chart with right-aligned labels. combineLegend: Boolean: false: If you set it to true, and you have some legend items set using legend. This approach is more sophisticated, and thus requires more steps. chart width is smaller than X), apply certain setting value. (dot) Indicates a decimal place. For that we have a data field "hidden" in Pie series. @since 5. See the Pen Untitled by amCharts team ( @amcharts ) on CodePen . Those can be achieved using maxWidth and truncate respectively. Contrary to other chart types, Legend cannot readily use data items from a Map series. Here's a working example: See the Pen amCharts 4: Sliced chart with multiple series and legend sync by amCharts team on CodePen. "marker" - legend item marker. Y axes with renderer. Modify contrast. Example format: 00. Configure the area of the value – the pricing area where most of trading volume occurred. See the Pen amCharts 4: Highlighting series on legend click by amCharts team on CodePen. labels in the case you wanted to iterate over it. set("tooltipText", "[#888]{categoryX}[/]: [bold]{valueY}[/]"); Highlighting line chart series on legend hover Demo source. If Legend's position is set to "right" or "left", maxColumns is automatically set to 1. PieChart); Please note that an element with the id "chartdiv" must already exist in your document. so, i added the following scripts for bar script, legend = new AmCharts. JSON. data Which legend item element will be clickable to toggle related chart item: "itemContainer" - the whole legend item (default). AmCharts. And most importantly select the way price ranges are calculated: either in This demo shows how we can change legend behavior to toggle off all series, but the one that was clicked on. Formatters. You'll need to use legend. If your setup is always going to be the same with graph objects after the first one representing fiscal_year - x, simply loop through them and apply the desired label before calling makeChart: var graphs = [/* your graph array */]; for Jan 8, 2020 · Scaling the legend on amCharts. Now that we have a chart instance, we'll need to configure it to actually display something. There are two ways to remove an adapter: dispose it or use remove() method. Feb 16, 2021 · As per API -> "Maximum number of columns in the legend. new(root, {. Viewed 1k times 0 All of my charts scale perfectly when I . 0. try to reduce these numbers or do not set them at all. Creating a zoomable container. amCharts 5 is a current version of amCharts data-viz library. " Yes, the default works absolute is not left or right, so no default value is set as designed. chart grows larger), reset setting to original value (or no value at all of it wasn't set before). asked Sep 15, 2014 at 8:59. // Import Legend. A Heat legend has a property valueAxis which holds an instance of a ValueAxis. There's also a special version of a Container: ZoomableContainer. See the Pen Pie chart legend alignment by amCharts team on CodePen. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. Type class. Code The code below catches click events on legend’s containers, extracts category of a licked slice, iterates through data items of a different series, to toggle on or off a data item with […] Selectively placing legend items in different containers. It then hides or shows related series. redrom. align = "center"; In my example, the legend for the two lines is shown. Axis labels could go inside plot area, further saving us space. Meaning that you have both negative and positive values in your stack (e. equalWidths: Boolean: false: Specifies if each legend entry should take the same space as the longest legend entry. Let's see how we can achieve that. To register your function to be executed whenever something happens, you Type demo. Settings is a set of key - value pairs that each and every element of the chart has, that are used to configure its appearance and behavior. 5, 3, and -5), the result will be sum of the absolute values: 13. template: TypeScript / ES6. legend. - as well as repository for some chart-wide configuration options, such as locale, formatting options, themes, and others. There is also a number of properties that need to be set for series, like its X and Y axis, as well as data fields. Indicator class. labelText: String: The text which will be displayed in the legend. Here is my output: However, I would like to have this output: Jan 13, 2016 · 5. Chart Types. Y axes are put into this container. renderer. 2. closeButtons. This demo shows how we can selectively place chart legend's items into separate containers. Text for the legend item value label. If we would rather use mathematical sum of the source values, we should use {valueY. A Container that holds legend item's marker element. However, sometimes it's size gets unpredictable. This demos shows how we can add a drop shadow filter automatically to the hovered slice, using "hover" state. Click here for more information about legends. 11. legend: AmLegend: Legend of a chart. Other places, like labels in bullets, will need their populateText set manually. More about states. Welcome to amCharts documentation website. Legend is a universal control that can be used on virtually any chart type, fed by series or other sources. sum. Not all charts will pay attention to this, like MapChart. Legend. textClickEnabled. A location is a position within date or category, or, in some other cases, where there is no single point but rather some period. This demo shows how we can use events to dynamically set width for the Pie chart's legend labels, so that the legend takes up all available space, left from the pie itself, as well as truncates the labels if there's no space available. AmLegend(); chart. By default the legend will look at the series' name property to use as the legend label as documented here. We start by creating an instance of RadarChart. Specifies whether the legend text is clickable or not. @todo Description. The fill property of the most of the elements besides Color objects, can also accept a gradient object. This demo shows how we can use events on a Legend to "inverse" toggle behavior of Pie chart 's legend by showing only clicked sliced, while Jan 17, 2017 · legend. To begin creating a custom indicator, we need to define a new class that extends a built-in Indicator class. Changing position. For an axis, this template is stored in its Renderer: axis. Jun 6, 2014 · AmCharts Legend. 00. amcharts. percent (50), and centerX doesn't seem See the Pen Grouping legend items by amCharts team on CodePen. Legend. legend # Type Legend. See the Pen amCharts V4: Heat legend (2) by amCharts on CodePen. Approach #2. The XYChart object is located in scrollbar's scrollbarChart property. push(new am4charts. Heat legend. We can make line series skip some points that are closer than X pixels, by setting its minDistance setting: Aug 16, 2018 · 2. It has a legend, which acts normally: toggles relative series on and off on click. amCharts 5 is the newest go-to library for data visualization. Bar chart Legend not working in amchart javascript. Formatters are helper objects that allow setting generic rules for tailoring text output - dates, numbers - with additional functionality of in-line styles. Configuring heat legend. To create a new Series, we just going to create a new instance of PieSeries and push it into chart. Two Linked Pie Charts with a Legend Demo source. There are two hierarchy settings that control depth of the tree: initialDepth and topDepth. from bottom to left: Move the legend's position in the chart. For example, the below code will move the This demo shows how we can use auto-wrapping on legend labels. name = "Cotisation minimale"; chart. // LegendPosition is available in all of the following modules. Creating active state Stock legend, besides textual information, also displays settings icon, and in some cases close/remove buttons. It also Consistent outlines of Map Polygons on hover. legend = new am4charts. . Style blocks are enclosed in square brackets, and contain style instructions for the text that goes immediately after text until end, or closing block. PieSeries()); Heat legend. First, we create a Container that will act as a placeholder for our multiple legends. Possible values are: "left", "right" and "center". Sources. ZoomableContainer is similar to a regular Container with a couple of important restrictions: Responsive features in amCharts 4 allow overriding and dynamically changing certain settings or features of the chart based on the actual available space. language = "de"; Note, for maps this works differently - you use language only for country names, as there are no other strings in the maps application. When you don’t have time to learn new technologies. Legends are great for adding context to charts and can even replace labels in busier visualizations. Simplifying the lines. In some cases that might result in oddly looking legend: Default behavior. Legend(); HeatLegend uses real ValueAxis to display value labels. 0 amCharts 5: Charts Insanely flexible, blindingly fast, a new kind of data-viz. A responsive rule defines all those elements: condition and setting values to Toggle series on multiple charts using same Legend. It also implements required calculations, updates related visual elements, etc. amCharts 4 is a legacy version, currently in sunset period. Additional controls Legend. Apr 25, 2022 · javascript/amcharts - easy way to use legend to show/hide columns of 1 graph for Amchart Column Chart. In amcharts the legends are added manually, In your case jut remove the lines which add legends to the chart. Jul 30, 2019 · Here, is the code for the legend : // Legend settings series. Feel free to open it for full source code. This demo shows how we can use events to dynamically re-arrange Legend items per our completely custom criteria. TypeScript / ES6. chart. This may lead to unattractive situations like this: Ain't pretty, right? Alignment of legend entries. mainDataSet # Type OrderedListTemplate < DataItem > Inherited from Component. 7. 13. initialDepth specifies how mane levels to show initially, when the chart loads. A legend item's Label element. Number. You can learn how to use JSON-based Config to define chart properties, data, events, and more in this documentation. in axes, tooltips, node labels, legend, etc. Creating gradient. DataItem defines relationship between structured data, required for specific chart type or task, and raw source data. I've tried adding a non-breaking space to increase padding, added new line, added just spaces, tried many properties from the amcharts manual related to legend. Category axis is the only axis type that requires its own data as well as data field set up. In case legend position is set to "absolute", you can set distance from bottom of the chart, in pixels. makeChart("chartdiv", {. contrast # Type undefined | number. valueLabels. import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5"; // Create Legend. legendDiv: String Number. See the Pen Styling ColumnSeries by amCharts team on CodePen. position = "bottom"; legend. amCharts 5 is the fastest, most advanced amCharts data vizualization library, ever. scrollbarChart. Event dispatcher is responsible for registering and de-registering custom functions, as well as executing them whenever certain event occurs in the dispatchers parent object. We're going to make them fully opaque when we implement "highlighting" functionality. A perfect companion for any color-based heat maps, a head legend can show the spectrum of values and their relation to colors. As with anything else in amCharts 5, we create a series object using new() method of its class. Modified 4 years, 4 months ago. DataItem. unable to change legend color for amcharts when using custom legends. Important: if dot is missing, the formatter will not round or format decimals, and will display the number as is. Add custom event that toggles isActive state of the related slice. opposite: true set are put into this container. 00 1. To make this work we'll have to do two things: Disable regular toggling of the items. The function will not create it. A root element is a kind of "wrapper" for everything else - charts, legend, labels, etc. In the scope of amCharts you can think of radar charts as circular XY charts with a lot of the same concepts applicable throughout. See the Pen Pie chart with a legend with dynamically-sized labels by amCharts team on CodePen. Selectively hiding slices. To address that, we use datavalidated event on the series. Go to amCharts 5 Docs. total} above calculates total out of absolute values. align = "center"; legend. Click any of those will toggle its corresponding Series on and off. Then we create a Label and a Legend element for each group, which we then push into container's children. Go to amCharts 4 Docs Go to Editor 4 Docs Custom order of legend items. template and legend. 125 > 01. Inherited from Chart. There isn't a way to make it dynamic outside of setting those titles upfront before creating your chart. Possible values are: "x" and "v". Configuring labels. Relation to data. String. This tutorial will cover common techniques of using a legend. Goal here is to center a legend across the bottom of a chart when the responsive settings specify 2 or more columns. We've also set up our series to be somewhat semitransparent. Suppose we want to hide last 4 slices, since they are not very relative because of their size. It's easy, just instantiate Legend class and assign to chart's legend property: chart. This tutorial will show how. "none" - disables toggling of legend item. let chart = am4core. g. @since 4. am5. 1. Total vs. This demo shows how we can selectively add series to legend, then toggle multiple series with a single legend item. To make that happen, we will need to modify axis label template object. If legend has switchable set to true, pressing Enter (Return) key will show/hide the graph. Update settings of the legend so they are suitable for new layout. It is there for a Note, you should include language js file from amcharts/lang or ammap/lang folder and then use variable name used in this file, like chart. Settings can be manipulated in a number of ways, and, as we will see later in this tutorial, is the main method of configuring most of the things. And as your container is not very wide, entries are wrapped to fit. Inherited from ISpriteSettings. See the Pen Auto-wrapping legend labels by amCharts team ( @amcharts ) on CodePen . legend-properties. This category contains basic demos representing base chart categories as defined by Data Viz Project. 0. An object containing locations for the Data Item. This demo shows how we can add additional data to chart's Series which then would be used to populate roll-over tooltip on its Attaching events. JSON-based Config is a powerful and flexible way to create stunning and interactive charts for your web projects. The below code will do just that: TypeScript / ES6. Jun 22, 2015 · 3. Style blocks Opening block. Boolean. An XY chart comes with a predefined list of container hierarchy, accessible via chart's properties: Main chart container. 5 > 01. valign properties to position legend on MapChart. Another issue to address is the naming and coloring of Selecting the series in the legend and highlighting its respective graph is a perfect way to solve this issue. A universal legend control. While there is no step-by-step commentary available (yet), the live demo below is fully functional. By default, the Heat legend only shows a nice gradient, depicting our heat colors. Data item. PieSeries()); var pieSeries = chart. DataItem represents single element in data, for example a data point in a Serial Chart Series, e. See the Pen amCharts V4: Radar chart (5) by amCharts on CodePen. This demo shows how we can right-align Legend's labels and value labels. What goes into legend labels on a percent chart is controlled by four of the series' settings: Text for the legend item label. In the graph generated with amcharts, the legend name & the value are overlapping. Please note, the {valueY. When you need a simple yet powerful and flexible drop-in data visualization solution, backed with detailed docs and seriously efficient support. The add() method used to add an adapter will return a Disposer object. Range of values: 0 to 1. If condition is no longer applicable (e. To make it even more useful, let's configure it. amCharts. . map # Type Dictionary < string, any Getting to know amCharts v4's ListTemplate concept will help to understand why this answer works and how to use such an object like chart. Target functionality. 50. Legend(); chart. In case you set it to some number, the chart will set focus on legend entry when user clicks tab key. useMarkerColorForLabels. And you get all of that functionality with no extra code. Key implementation details. a column. Click the link on it to explore it's all options. This tutorial will show how we can fix a problem where hovered MapPolygon has part of its outline (stroke) hidden behind the adjacent polygons. xAxes. See the Pen amCharts 4: Toggling multiple series with a single legend item by amCharts team on CodePen. More about head legend. A Series in amCharts 4 universe means a collection of similar, logically grouped data points, comprising multi-value data element. Whenever we create a new object in amCharts 5, we also pass in its root element, so that it correctly inherits themes and other settings. amCharts 4 comes with a garden variety of filters, such as drop shadow. color: Color #000000: Text color. Jul 5, 2017 · Chart legend is a great visual tool that makes charts event more usable and easy to comprehend. amCharts 5. Disposing. An axis label is an object of type Label. Width of the volume chart. series. Hover state & filters. All we need to do is to grab the first axis: let scrollAxis = chart. This demo shows how we can use events on legend items to toggle slices of multiple nested Series on a Pie Chart. Returns reference to "main" data set (unaggregated data as it was supplied in data). horizontalGap: Number: Horizontal space between legend item and left/right border. I'm using bar chart (amcharts) in my application and i need to include Legends for that bar charts. Setting a fill to some gradient is a two-step process: Instantiating a gradient object; Adding color steps. 6k 32 162 266. Type tutorial. Every object in amCharts 4 has a property events which is an "event dispatcher". name = "Series #1". Use these charts to start our own, or scroll down for more demos. Additional controls Adding a legend Toggle multiple pie slices via legend. Accessibility Features; amCharts 5: Stock Chart; WordPress Plugin ; Version Pie Chart with Legend. Click here for more info. Collection of Pie Chart slices is another example of Radar chart (also known as web chart, spider chart, star chart, etc. import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5"; import * as am5xy from "@amcharts/amcharts5/xy"; You can name and scope imported modules as you need, but for the sake of simplicity as well as consistency across all code snippets we will be importing "core" module as am5 , while other modules will take in the am5[module name] naming syntax. scrollbarX. Then we just go through the series of the chart and highlight our selected series by increasing its stroke This tutorial will show how we can create custom indicators for a stock chart. togglable = false; The important difference from regular legend is that stock legend is designed to be displayed over the plot area, so we push it into main panel's plotContainer. Dec 18, 2023 · amCharts’ implementation of Volume Profile allows configuring it in a number of ways: Users can set separate colors for volume down and up periods. Those are list templates, meaning that any setting we set on them will be automatically set on any new items that are created in legend. None of these have helped thus far. text = "{value}"; answered Feb 11, 2020 at 15:15. itemContainers. children list as/if needed. It means that you can use its dispose() method to destroy it: The solution is to disable legend entries for all but one series by setting their hiddenInLegend property to true as well as syncing hide/show of the slices using events. name: "Series", The solution is quite simple: set maximum width for the labels and make them truncate. This demo shows how we can use events to apply custom order to legend items. For e. For a short overview of features, visit amCharts website . align and legend. JSON-based Config is a feature of amCharts 4 that allows you to create and customize charts using JSON objects. Houses sub-containers for Y axes and plots (series). The key Oct 12, 2022 · Trying to figure out how amcharts calculates the column width in a multi-column legend using the responsive feature. The latter two settings default it to 1. ) is used to display data as circular two-dimensional plots. JavaScript. labels. Another difference is that because of additional functionality, stock legend requires to know what its stock chart it, hence us setting stockChart in the above code. amCharts 4. Holds the instance of chart's Leged. Just like Feb 8, 2013 · 3. 24419. Zoomable container. Additionally, in amCharts legend items can act as toggles for the series in the chart (try clicking on the legend in this demo). Custom-ordered legend items. Category axis type allows plotting data attached to string-based names (categories). There are a couple of gradient classes built-into amCharts 4 core: LinearGradient and RadialGradient. Accessibility Features; About amCharts; amCharts 5: Stock Chart; WordPress Plugin ; Version In places where labels are likely use placeholders that would already be set, e. Clicking on legend text can show/hide value balloons if they are enabled. XY chart is a "serial" chart, meaning it needs at least one series to display anything. p50 and centerX: am5. series: let pieSeries = chart. text = "{name}"; chart. topDepth indicates the level, which should be considered top level. labelWidth 100 + valueWidth 200 makes one legend entry 300px width. xc iq jq fr vw ii vj oe cc fs