Wot tier 6 token review. Against Tier 9 and 10 the only thing that saves it from .
Wot tier 6 token review. the germans? nope, the vk30.
Wot tier 6 token review Between getting lost to powercreep and losing all desirability, to being overbuffed into becoming one of the most overpowered tanks in the game, to somewhere in no-man's land in today's WoT, this tank has seen quite the roller coaster throughout its life time. I have a few tier 5 tanks that I’m working on for my tech tree (m4a1 Sherman, m10 Wolverine, pz IV H, vk 30. Hi all, I've got to Tank Academy level 25 and it requires premium vehicle of tier 6 and above. And it doesn't really have any other drawbacks, the mobility is alright, the armor is not the best but it's alright, the gun handling seems to be okay. The Pz IV H is famous for its powerful 10. Shooting someone with a 105 that did 360 damage per shot while still having a decent mobility was fun, and considering you faced tier 6 tanks sometimes it was pretty hilarious to wipe out 2/3s of some LTs hitpoints. Shares engine and Radio research. From October 25 to 29 Czechoslovakia Independence Day: Celebrate the 106th anniversary of Czechoslovakia’s independence with combat missions, exclusive sets, and Twitch Drops from your favorite Czech streamers! A bad player in a Tier 6 fighting Tier 8s isn't going to perform significantly better when he's only playing against other Tier 6s, he's still a bad player. I get your point, though the s. I am an experienced player on both other platforms of wot but still newish to PC. I got the free tier 6 token but idk which tank I want to use it on. To help you prepare for your studies at the Academy, we have compiled a complete list of missions for you. In general, link your twitch and WG accounts, watch a WoT Twitch stream that offers "drops" for long enough that you earn a token, the tokens enable in game missions, complete the missions and you get various items of value. The tier 7 is not the best tank in the world, but it has a three-round autoloader. July 19 - Wargaming login (WoT account info/stats TIER 5 TOKENS DROP IN: Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC--Gloves: Leotheras the Blind Legs: Fathom-Lord Karathress Helm: Lady Vashj Tempest Keep--Chest: Kael'thas Sunstrider Shoulders:Void Reaver TIER 6 TOKENS DROP IN: Hyjal Summit--Gloves: Azgalor Helm: Archimonde Black Temple--Shoulders:Mother Shahraz Legs: Gathios the Shatterer Frontally, you’re immune to most tier 6 and 7 Medium tanks, and immune to most tier 6 and 7 Heavies as your upper and lower plates of armor are about 185-190 head-on. October 2 - ScorpianyTheGOAT equipment suggestions. Controversional opinion but if you're not an above average player (50% WR/900WN8) by the time you reach Tier 5 you should not move to Tier 6 until you are. Personally I would get very comfortable at tier 5-6 and probably get at least half a dozen tanks at that level before moving on because as you move past tier 6 you'll be making less credits, and if you've been getting the hang of the game at tier 6 you'll have better matches as you tier up and earn more. September 25 - Crew Skills: all updated and new 6 skills layout. The Foch 120 even has 10 degrees of horizontal traverse rather than 6, and 6 degrees on gun depression rather than 5. Then WG made it a tier 5 med. Hello, this is my first post on reddit! I have been reading posts on the wot subreddit, and am amazed at how cohesive and active the community is! Today, I would like to offer my views on the AT7. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews where i can find the token that has free tier 6 tank HELP, I MISCLICK 30 votes, 28 comments. The M4 Sherman is the best derp tank for its tier that I've played, thanks to its synergistic combination of superb view range, ability to fight hull-down, and good-enough mobility. 148K subscribers in the WorldofTanks community. Arty - GW Panther is probably the best but they are all pretty much the same after the changes. 390 is too low, but keeping it in line with same tier medium tanks is mostly fine. 18 hits the live servers! When the update lands, all unused tokens will disappear. Got mine for free so keep that in mind - but yeah, I'd say it is. KV-2: 6. You can circle kill quite a few tanks like this. However, I managed to complete the Bootcamp and saw that I got a token to instant unlock a Tier 6 Tank. Then find a friend who you know is a better player then you are. At the very least, that should earn it the label "Good". "Mediocre" still means workable, but worse than 50% of all other equal-tier tanks. 23 on tanks. conq gun wise. Maybe the line peaks at tier 8 or 9, and going further isn't really worth it other than for completion sake. ) and a lot of new tanks added self. conq has some major differences with the tier 9 conq: 10° of gun depression and hull armor. 6 Even though tier 10 isn't the end-all be-all of this game, new players will want to know if there are going to be tanks worth their time and effort for grinding to past their free tier 6. The Swedish TD leads to quite interesting tanks with unique gameplay mechanics, SU-100 is also a solid tank that leads down the trollcannon line. Once an outlying zone gets captured it becomes inaccessible for a time to an enemy team. Tier 5-8 turns about as well as a Maus does. I review the M4 Sherman, a tier 5 American medium tank, with replays of tier 6 Sand River and Highway battles. Decent armor along with a good gun and not-terrible maneuverability has netted me many Ace Tanker medals and marks of excellence pretty quickly. The T-34-85 is easier to use, but the Skoda is more fun when you get the hang of how it plays. Tier 4: B1 French HT 185K. 5 seconds that isn't bad, but given the tier could be better. This with the addition of the Skorpion G’s decent top speed and acceleration makes it quite formidable and one of the best destroyers . Just take a look at arguably the most OP tier 5, the Pz. G. July 25-27 - Adblock detection. Currently have KV2, Vk36H, ARL44, M6 and a KV1S Idk why I only have heavys but ya lol One of the most common recommendations for a first branch for very good reasons. 17 patchSkill4ltu Extra: https://www. If u cant use it on something that is painful to grind in lower tier and dont use it on a line u didnt started. The tier 9 was definitely a step up from the tier 8, I just didn’t find it as fun. Don’t believe. On a tracked vehicle, you get tracked and stop immediately, and can use a consumable in seconds. I'll also sell tanks where there's no real point in owning it due to having other better tanks at the same tier, and if it's not that enjoyable to offset that, so something like the T28 or the Indien Panzer. The only tier 6 that I have at the moment is the VK 36. LT vz 38 Czech LT 43500. I only play arty for the missions the one that i like from tier 6-8. But, it leads into one of the most powerful tier-for-tier tanks in the game in the T29 at tier 7, and a great line of hull down brawlers up to Tier 10 T110 E5. The fancy German TD looks hella promising, however I have to wait for the next Battlepass to obtain it and that’s a lot of commitment to a single token tank when we don’t have player reviews yet. Protection. However, if you pace yourself well, and treat every tank as a potential opportunity that you can carefully take advantage of, then you can absolutely demolish entire enemy teams by yourself. 5: Extremely forgiving for beginners to play. It can even fight in the tier 10 battles. 277. It not that premium rounds dedicates how good a tank is, but the fact right now is that the premium rounds on the super hellcat is underwhelming, considering the tier 6 hellcat have 33mm better penetration, its tier 7 counterpart's premium ammunition is wholly unsuitable for its intended role as a tank destroyer. For mediums: T-34-85M. I would research the KV-1S. Lights: Manti for pure spotting. Chi-Ha Japanese MT 45000. TD - the SU-100M1 is one of the most op tanks at tier 7, it has tier 9 levels of frontal armor and good speed with decent dpm, the only downsides are sluggish traverse speed and poor accuracy. eu/newsWant to start playing World of Tanks? Use this link and you can choose 1 o I used that tier 6 token to redeem this tank. Tier 5 isn't bad though, so it's not like there are any trash tanks you'll want to skip. 23. The VZ 55 has the highest win rate of any tech-tree heavy tank at tier X, surpassing the infamous Kranvagn by ~0. This branch shares guns up to tier 7 with the Mediums, and engines with several TD's and the autoloading Heavies. Picked the futur for the simple reason it's one of the more unique tanks in the game, (While the other 2, no matter how good they may or may not be, are still generic heavies) the penalty of a longer intra-clip in return for much better gun handling compared to other autoloaders is great for longer ranges, worse than a dedicated autoloader for brawls. If you're currently going through Briefing, there’s still time to get your token and exchange it for any Tier VI researchable vehicle! The BUGI tier 6 Polish Medium. Every match becomes a suicide run trying to get three or four damaging shots in before death. It's basically an improved version of the regular tech tree T-34-85 so, if you'd like to try it out before buying, purchase the tech tree tank. Mar 29, 2023 · A few rule of thumb to cover the basics for the Tier 6 Strongholds. I thought I read that Tank Academy level 24 Rookie Bundle would give me a Cromwell B but it didn't and I don't have enough gold (only 900 so far) to buy a tier 6 premium. These 2 branches after the KV-1S are forgiving, give the new player a lot to work with, and overall usually a great gaming experience for the new player. Oct 1, 2024 · Earn Pumpkin Tokens or watch World of Tanks streams with Twitch Drops to get even more items. December 6 - Particle effect. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Against Tier 9 and 10 the only thing that saves it from Did they removed the free tier 6 token for new accounts? Can't seem to find it anywhere now. The hardest aspect of playing the armoured cars is how the wheel damage mechanic works. ), but there's also a lot of really frustrating tanks, at least for me (Stuff like the IKV 103, Crusader, AMX ELC bis (post-nerf), to name a few) the biggest thing to know here is that you will start seeing Jan 7, 2024 · February 2-5 - OpenID, authentication token expiration, so you don't need to relogin every 2/3 weeks. I mean, fine, I guess? Then WG moved it to tier 6 (with the arguably worse covenanter going to tier 5). 0 patchLatest changes on Index: https://skill4ltu. The american Hellcat and both tier 6 Shermans are all good tanks and each leads to 2 okay or better high tiers. You both go into a training room. A little explanation for each tank: Tier S Agent : It plays like a Vickers at tier 6, much better version of the vk 28. It is bad enough with high tier rental tanks, a tier 6 freebie with no equipment, no skill 50% crew, no knowledge of real view ranges, armour, gun depression etc etc is simply off putting at best and downright miserable at worst. Well the tank itself is one of the best tier 6 tanks in the game and I had a lot of fun playing with it, it also leads to 2 great (amazing even) tier 10s, Kranvagn and UDES 15/16. 36. gg - significant changes to tester tanks (Tiger-Maus, Type 63, etc. Nitty Gritty review: Survivability: 8/10 The DPM buff made it a first line/2nd line good brawler, 21 second reload with Vents actually feels like a fast reload your teammates can still count on you and gun handling buff allow it to make successfully trades with normal cyclical tanks and eat alive low DPM tanks like 122TM or 56TP. WorldofTanks upvotes · comments But I wasn’t talking about the Rev. Dive into the ultimate action experience with epic PvP clashes, measured tactical decisions and thoughtful cooperation in your pursuit of victory!PICK YOUR TANKMore than 600 tanks and military vehicles from history’s greatest tank-building Jul 20, 2023 · Is the BZ-58-2, tier 9 Chinese reward heavy tank, worth the battle pass tokens?Tank: BZ-58-2 - Tier 9 Chinese Reward Heavy Tank----- AE for normal (and somewhat boring) hulldown play. I will be giving ratings for each tank overall 0-10 based on the above categories. In recent years, WG has completely abandoned all pretense of fairness and just releases tier 10 tanks reskinned as a "prototype" at tier 8 with pretty much idential stats. V/IV. 5%. That is probably the best way to use spare tokens. At this early on into the game though, looking at the tier X vehicles may not be your greatest concern yet. The M36 Jackson is an American tier 6 tank destroyer. com/dashboard/storesBecome a Cha Tier 4-8 also has lots and lots of popular paper tanks (Hellcat, Type 64, Ikv65, French lights, Nashorn, Dicker Max, Rhm, T67, SU-130PM, M44, FV304 from the side), so it's got lots of good targets for that 410 dmg HE round. Works well on the tier 7, too, the tier 8 is really where I find the 75 pen to start being a problem/longer reload to start being a problem. Now for the long version. It's tier 5 so no good for campaign arty missions I have 7 Token and I feel like for Free to Play player like me who don't have money to buy in-game goods, 2 Days Premium Account for 1 Token is the best value item for tokens. I'm new to twitch drops (ASIA) so I don't really know how hard it is to grind out that amount of tokens or if it's worth it to given that streamers like QB stream when it's like past midnight here I review the LHMTV, a tier 8 British light tank, with replays of tier 9 Fjords, tier 10 Minsk, and tier 8 Airfield battles. Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game forward back r/idlechampions The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. 85M has the same gun but, for some bizarre reason, with a massively better DPM, the frontal hull armor is also much There are six tier 6 tanks that lead to more than two tens - the AMX 12t (two mediums, a light, and an arty), the Type 58 (two heavies and a medium), the VK 30. The whole purpose of it was to have a tier 5 Japanese heavy, and WG didn't want to make an completely identical clone to the tier 6 O-I with halved armor (which would've been the "historical" O-I Experimental), so they went with a fake instead. Or good. 01 and extremely competive. Feb 12, 2024 · World of Tanks, WoT, 1. 43 Bis is also a very solid option, as it leads to both the top tier Italian lines and is a very strong tank in its own right. youtube. Super Pershing does everything better, and gets pref MM. They will rage quit. VI - Stay clear from tanks like the M4A3E8 and the likes; Tanks like the Pawlack, Ji-Ro and Staghound are a must-avoid in most cases and basically any other tank you see underperforming. If you didn't use it yet, or if you want to help your fellow tankers recruited through the Aug 31, 2022 · If you have already completed Briefing, but have not redeemed your Tier VI "token" vehicle, be sure to do so before Update 1. It might be tough to keep players engagement here, this is why it's under unreasonable list. 175 alpha/2500 dpm is fearsome at tier 6. eu/community-average Click on "Login", choose a server and share YOUR Overall & Fun ratings with 100k+ oth Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game forward back r/MicrosoftRewards We are not associated with Microsoft and are a community driven group to help maximize earning points. Try to find out what playstyle suits you best and dont be afraid to lose exp, fhis doesnt mean just drive in but if you can take out an enemy in exchange for 300hp or so its always worth it. 3. 5 Used to be much better before it was nerfed when light tanks were expanded to Tier 10. Something like Arcade Cabinet, same tier battles but with standard rules and without stats. I’d look into the T-34-85, the KV-85, the Cromwell, and maybe the P. is a nice heavy hitter Strv74 has incredible gun depression T-34-85 is a great all rounder Vk30. But…honestly, you should buy the premium that you really want to play, not form others suggestions. You will troll D25-T (the Russian 122mm gun) with simple angling, and if you’re utilizing your depression, frontally you’re exceptionally strong against all opponents. In tier 10 you don't play to make money so go all out here Short version of this review: The Chieftain is an amazing hull down snapshotter with lackluster view range and hull armor. For these vehicles, their traverse speed stat is irrelevant. When grinding these two tanks, I just like to think about the 4k DPM I'll have at tier 10. Also worth to mention that this is the only artillery that I play extensively. I have excluded auto reloaders from the list View range is 400 meters like almost everything else at the tier and the camo is bad but not tragic so that's a bonus. In regular mode you are fast with great camo and view range but meh gun handling. As an aside, Tier 7 is a perfectly fine 'temporary' stopping point to let you catch your breath, and bring another 2 or 3 branches up to Tier 7 as well. For all we know it could be hot garbage and I blew my tokens on a piece of trash. (Update Review: World of Tanks 2. Tier 3: M15/42 Italian MT 45400. T34-85 One of the best all around mediums in game. 5: Not a great heavy in its own right. This makes them extremely frustrating to use because you simply can't turn. Overall, game plan is pretty similar to the lower tier tanks: sit back in a concealed location, rain down damage on careless opponents. however heavies < tier 8 are all a little sad SU-100Y and TOG II* are just for memes Dicker Max is great for sniping I shot a lot of HE in that thing. 01. No joke, Type 64 is the best tier VI light tank, by far - and it's one of the most powerful tier VI tanks in general. Premium tanks at tier 6 by credits per minute(net) and credits per battle(net). The t34 85 m would be my number 1 but i'm looking for something I can buy with gold. TL:DR Review: This tank has arguably the snappiest gun in the game, while also having spotting rivaling tier 10 lights, it also has armor making it like a Heavium, all while the only downside is this being the slowest tier ten medium and even then it is still pretty damn quick. The view range question is something that gets brought up a lot. T-150: 7. Tier 5: T1 Heavy US HT 435K, Type T-34 Chinese MT 430K, AT 2 UK TD 425K. This is a fairly common thing for Tier V mediums specifically - there are loads of them that are pretty much carbon copies of each other. The rudy is also up there and since the recently buffed T-36-85M is better than that, i think it is also a good option. 8) but I can still do well in my non-prem M4 in a tier 6 or 7 game. Crypto Nov 27, 2023 · Days of WoT Premium Account; Redshire Cat; Unique standard decorations; A Tier VIII or IX Premium vehicle (with four brand-new ones on the list) A Tier II–V vehicle (with five brand-new ones on the list) A 3D style for a Tier IX or X vehicle (there are five new ones and five from last year) Just play tanks from all nation up untill tier 6 or 7, learn the mechanics, maps, equipment, positions etc. I usually wait to buy tier X's when they go "On-Track" for the big discount. It makes everything bearable. Playing from just after Beta and have a shit ton of crews. The low tier tanks are usually garbage, the low tier players have no teamwork or strategy ability, and playing tier4-7 I get matched up against higher tier special tanks I have no chance of damaging. KV-2 (R) is just a KV-2 HT No 6, Tiger 131, Tiger 217 are all the same tank. Typically the tokens are used to indicate you did something that is being kept track of, usually missions. It can dominate matches when it's on top and steal be a major contributor in tier 8 battles. Its best played as a heavium, best to go fight with the meds rather than get yourself stuck into a head on heavy Brawl. It’s that good. Strengths and Weaknesses Superb gun depression (-10) Superb HE alpha (410) Tier 5 Is a mixed bag for me. Tier 6 mediums have a great selection to pick from B. Been looking to get the Pudel since I love my VK and the CS-53 is one of my fave tanks to play. So skoda T40 seems to be the winner, closely followed by the SU 100Y. On 6 December 2021 at 8:30 AM CET, World of Tanks released the following tweet, “A turretless warrior, the Tier X FV217 Badger packs a mighty 123 mm gun capable of inflicting 3,388 HP/min—the highest DPM in Feb 7, 2019 · You probably noticed it a while ago, but World of Tanks is offering a more advanced tutorial experience after the Bootcamp: the Briefing. As the Super Hellcat is barely different from the Hellcat, it’s like trying to compare a tank that is straight up an upgraded version, to the previous version. Guys, I found out it is possible to actually buy these tanks for 9 tokens and sell them for 3. AMX 12t leads to 4 tier 10s, but autoloading lights are a very hard line for a new player to master, especially without good crews. Hey you guys. We apparently are not allowed to have a competent German tier 8 medium premium aside from the paper Mutz. World of Tanks, WoT, 1. 5 gun goes a long way at tier 8. If u want to stay f2p the m44 is one of the best credit maker and imo the american artys the best in the game. Average SPG that leads into one of the more popular SPG's in the game at Tier 6. If I wanted to review the armor of the Foch 155, I'd just review the armor of the Foch 120. The tier 6 Chi-to is not the best tank in the world, but it does have a good gun. 00 Nov 2, 2019 · World of Tanks has recommended trying out the new ‘Top of the Tree’ turretless Tier X FV217 Badger tank for a strong December push. Now I know a lot of tanks experience this (Jag 8. Crazy good! Become a Patreon; https://www. 5/10. 01P (three heavies and a TD), the T34-85 (three mediums), and the KV-85 and A-43, which each lead to the same three heavies and a medium. US Hellcat- 90mm gun at Tier 6, Sure it is a potato thrower, but it is a pretty decent TD once you have a crew trained with camo. I dont know if u can use it on premium tanks or not but if u can use it on the t-34-85M its the best tier 6 tank. I'd recommend KV-85 and soviet My Personal Tier List of Battle Pass Tanks Up to date. Char for “sniping” and kiting tanks. 7 second reload) with the six pounder was pretty fun on a tier 5 light - you could catch people out and happily plink away with your LT camo. com/ClausKellermanShop! https://teespring. P26/40 Italiam MT 148000. So I'd personally recommend choosing a tank from a different line. Compared to other tier 8 tanks it is completely overpowered imho. My first tier 10 was the IS-7. 27. But now after the update the bootcamp missions in the missions tab, including the token is just gone There is only one tier 6 heavy. It's quite literally a sidegrade over the tier 7, too - the Chi-To SP with the same HP and pen as the Ho-Ri II would unironically be a better tier 8 tank. While I agree with most of these, I would avoid the KV-85 as a new player. 1 patchhttps://skill4ltu. Run by players not WG. Completing each of these missions will award you with a range of valuable items, including credits, free XP, rare equipment, directives, blueprint fragments, Personal Reserves, and even days of WoT Premium Account. Nov 2, 2019 · On 6 December 2021 at 8:30 AM CET, World of Tanks released the following tweet, “A turretless warrior, the Tier X FV217 Badger packs a mighty 123 mm gun capable of inflicting 3,388 HP/min—the highest DPM in the game. This is a measurement of how much shared research you will have that can accelerate your grinds in other parts of the same tree to quickly get other Tier 7 tanks. I only play tier 6 and was wondering the best tanks? I have this reward that will give me a free tier 6. 6. In general Tier 6 consist of a wide variety of tanks as this tier provides a good entry level to start their journey into the competitive WOT gameplay. Feb 7, 2019 · You probably noticed it a while ago, but World of Tanks is offering a more advanced tutorial experience after the Bootcamp: the Briefing. Most medium tanks that others are recommending like the Cromwell and T-34-85 are tanks which are more meta right now, but are also way more difficult to play right because they have very little all around armour (T-34-85 has the exception of decent turret armour to bounce some shots when top tier from the front but with large weak spots) and in I am curious in 3 lines and cant decide which i should spend my tier 6 token on. They have a stat called "Maximum Wheel Turning Angle" Which locks them into turning at 4 degrees per second, only increasing to 5 at tier 9, and 6 at tier 10. p is horrible, the vk. It's one of the few tier 7 MTs with a really good gun. I. I just had a popup saying select a free tier 6 tank and bc i didnt know what tank i wanted, i clicked select later, but i cant find where to select a… POWER CREEP. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. While the LHMTV suffers from very low DPM like the British tier 7, 9, and 10 light tanks, the LHMTV has the best gun at-tier for its line. Version 3. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Keep it hull down and farm enemy heavies. This one, however, is literally a downscaled O-I with made up miniturrets, armor, and gun selection. Nov 30, 2018 · Even if you go no further in this branch, you cannot go wrong making this your first tier 6 tank. Which is Decent at tier 8 but at tier 9 facing mostly tier 10s it will get shredded. All of the options are Tier 9 Reward tanks, which are fundamentally different than Tier 8 Premium tanks. The 155mm is objectively the worst cannon at Tier X, and feels similar to the BL-10 at Tier IX. Sorry i should have clarified that I'm looking for tanks that can be bought for gold in the premium shop and those are the only options. In the high tiers, American mediums are known to be bigger and slower than the average MT, in exchange for better survivability, better gun depression, and fantastic gun handling. the germans? nope, the vk30. The burst damage is just too much. The fact that so many new vehicles get added with loads of armor or health or crazy dpm (Captured Kv-1) that this thing can't do much. IS-3 at tier 8 is going to be a very nice “allarounder” and later you have an option to either go for the 277 or IS-7. Vk36. Most of the tanks here are not really worth it since facing tier 8 and 9 tanks really put your patience to the test with them. 39 Czech MT 151000. TDs: most lines are at their best at tier 9, for tier X the 268v4 or T110E3 are good assault TD's, strv is nice for sniping and/or bullying low caliber tanks. 0). Not only is it not unique in anyway (or visually appealing, since its an old HD model, unlike the other two which are made recently), it's just not a good tier 9 HT. 20. Ho-Ri 3's effective top speed with field modifications is 39 km/h (43-45 km/h with turbo), whereas the Ho-Ri 1's top speed is only 32 km/h (36-38 km/h with turbo), as it lacks the said field modification. The M36 was developed on the chassis of the M10A1 and M10, with a total of 2,324 vehicles manufactured from November 1943 through September 1945. The T110E5 is one of the original fast heavies in the game, and has always been a point of contention in the community. T20: Great. 777 has much better sigma on it's gun making it more accurate than the AE while the armour is better in most situations. Chaffee 5. So if you rrcruited a friend, only he would get that one. I was talking about the tier 5 M4 Sherman. I loved the crusader, the rate of fire (got mine down to a 1. Pure for fun mode where you can grind credits, tanks XP and not worry about anything. The 152mm is similar to the gun on the premium Dreadnought , if you have any experience with that. I think I have around 50 games in it and I got it when it was first released. 75 pen at tier 6 works against so many targets, basically all lights, td's like the hellcat, any paper mediums,and most lower tiers. com/channel/UCxvx3H Tiers VII and VIII can be a little rough, but the tier IX vehicles are pretty good and at tier X the vehicles are insane. there's a ton of really good tanks here (PzIV H, STUG III G, T67, M4 Sherman, KV-1, Wolverine, etc. The unforgiving gun depression means you really need to have a solid understanding of the maps to ensure i just like the m48 patton and the m46 patton plus i come from world of tanks blitz and there i have the t62-a and the is-7 so i wanted to go on a nation that i didn't rly grind so i decided to go with the americans as i prefer mediums as they are more mobile edit: i also wanna get the purshing faster thats why i asked if i should sell the t20 Check QB's 777v2 review. Kunze is a hybrid scout/med with a weird gimmick. T-150 is my favorite tier 6 tank and one of my favorite tanks in the game. U. The cupola is autopen from tier 6, and it is enormous. If you want a tank that's fairly forgiving for a new player I'd actually consider the M4A3E2 as frontal armor will bounce a lot. or american/german/rusky spg if you want big dmg but sloe and Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game forward back r/KenaBridgeOfSpirits Subreddit for the Kena: Bridge of Spirits video game to be released on ps4, ps5, and PC in 2021. I honestly dont care too much about this. 1 seconds that isn't bad. I have read many posts stating that the tier 6 and 7 TDs are painful to grind through. Mar 10, 2024 · This tier eight tank has one of the best alpha damage ratings in its tier, with the second-highest among tier eight tanks. 777 is a beast in cities and on corners. Some of the most consistent mediums at Tier VI, and they both lead to two Tier X tanks so you get good value out of them. I assume that you are a beginner at wot. Swedish medium tech tree is fun, especially the tier 6 is one of the best tier 6 tanks I’ve used :p , the line has meh armor tho (until you get the good turrets at tier 9 and 10), also only needs 3 crew members from tier 8-10 so you could assemble an all female crew easily Today, I will review all of the tier 8 American Premium MTs, ranked from worst to best, to help you make an informed buying decision. It also boasts an excellent shot accuracy and good penetration as well. I have big issue about this new line , when it has wheels , why does it turn like a regular tracked tank ? Ive played only tier V for cry out loud it was atrocious , and i was specting some tier VIII and up , i think that non existing steering is the biggest drawback , or at least they could make it switchable to have at least some new mechanics to bring people to play , press X steer like EBR look, at tier 6, no tank will really be able to bounce shots and shoot enemies back in return. Business, Economics, and Finance. Aims in 2. As for TDs, the Hellcat is an old fan favourite, one of ny personal favourites as well. 01h and the Churchill I (my favorite tier 5 of all time). Tier 6 : m44 (even the nerfs) still good but not that good or the rusky spg Tier 7 : GW panther the best spg in tier 7 got a semi rotatble turret Tier 8 : french spg bcoz of the mobility you can easily relocate. Getting good tier 6, 7, and 8 vehicles is what you should probably focus on since getting the credits for high tier vehicles is hard. Sure it got nerfed. M40/M43: Good. . T-34-85, and KV-85 are both great and lead to 3 good high tier lines. The mobility advantage is a huge dealbreaker and the main reason why I personally think the Ho-Ri 3 is a better tank. The gun is a 122mm that has 6 degrees of depression (workable but not good) and spits a shell every 12. 2023. You with the VK him/her with any other tier 6 heavy. I review the Pz IV H, a tier 5 German medium tank, with replays of tier 7 Malinovka and tier 6 Abbey battles. 410 or 420 base is fine. patreon. Survivability: 6/10 Tier 6 tanks can have wild levels of DPM, and if you're not careful, even a Tier 6 tank can mess you up. Bad is bottom-of-barrel, do-not-get (unless you wanna). If you have blueprints, I recommend skipping the tier 5 and 6, grinding the tier 7 (and keeping it!), and then skipping the tier 8. 1 - Rebalancing of Tanks – Part 2 December 27, 2024; World of Tanks Update 1. 3D Style and Equipment are the most attractive items but expensive (6 Tokens per item). Check out gameplay videos of the tanks online and look at the next tanks in the line as well to get a feel for how they play. But yeah imo the tier 9 conq already has a better gun than the super conqueror because the much better gun handling and accuracy are worth the dpm tradeoff, so a dpm buff will definitely make the tier 9 conq outclass the s. Go play any tier 6 tournament. That's because the armour and model is a carbon Copy of the Sgt Slaughter (T54E2) so you've got the same armour as a tier 8 prem heavy. Tier 8 is where things start to get spicy. Leads to a good tier 9 and 10 turreted TD. Jun 11, 2024 · What are the best tanks for Battle Pass Tokens in World of Tanks? In this video, I will go through all the different tanks that you can choose from for Battl Tier 6's that lead to multiple 10's will have end-tier tank name in brackets to specify which line I mean precisely to avoid. Over night I considered which Tank to get and wanted to redeem the token. Four teams need to capture a zone so that they can access the middle zone and capture it. Jun 9, 2024 · World of Tanks. Tier 2 normal: Pz II Tier 2 prem: Pz 38H Tier 3 normal: Pz IV A Tier 3 prem: Pz II J Tier 4 normal: Matilda Tier 4 prem: Pz B2 Tier 5 normal: KV-1 Tier 5 prem: leFH18B2 Tier 6 normal: M6 Tier 6 prem: T-34-85M Tier 7 normal: SU-152 Tier 7 prem: E 25 Tier 8 normal: Caernarvon Tier 8 prem: BZ-176 Tier 9 normal: Tortoise The lower tier tanks I haven’t mentioned are just because they are pretty generic for their tier, nothing special about them. Reply reply More replies Czech Medium Tanks (Tier 6, 8 Premium, 9-10) Czech Heavy Tanks (Tier 8-10) Japanese Medium Tank (Tier 7, 8 Premium) Polish Medium tank (Tier 5) British Tank Destroyer (Tier 7) Upcoming (tier 9) British Medium Tank Cobra There was the Waffenträger auf E100. The P. This is because I wanted to get the IS-3 since it’s overall a decent tier 8 heavy. Jun 15, 2023 · What are the best tanks for you to exchange your battle pass tokens? I will be going through each tank and giving you a simple overview of each one, if it's Those 2000 hours in War Thunder will only get you so far. They are all the same. Still decent in tier, but for those that played it before the nerf, it feels lackluster. Trading less than 200 dpm for more acceleration and accuracy and gun depression makes it the best tier 6 light tank by a long shot. Now I can buy X tier tank that I want instead and still have enough silver for 8 tier tank. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. AMX for good spotting and cleaning up late game. This really is almost the perfect choice for a first Tier 6 leading up to your first Tier 10. Used to be in the depot. However, the first time someone completes the tutorial missions they are rewarded with a tier 6 token for any researchable tank. the tier 7 British non-turreted TD. The most powerful American tank destroyer. When encountering better teams they will most often consist of 6 medium tanks alongside a single light tank. Even though tier 10 isn't the end-all be-all of this game, new players will want to know if there are going to be tanks worth their time and effort for grinding to past their free tier 6. 01H (which I love) and idk which free one to get at tier 6. I think it's the general opinion (as well as my own) that this is the best tier 8 SPG. A different take on a Frontline-type game mode. silver credits. Although its no longer in the game. Only shares radio research. Yeah, this little piece of shit is one of the best tier VI tanks, I'm dead serious here. Unique has potential to perform as well as meta tanks, but requires additional skill. They are similar to premium tanks (you can put same-class, same-nation crew in them without penalty) but they do not earn bonus credits like true premiums do (eg your Pat Dec 6, 2020 · World of Tanks - Command over 600 machines from World War II through the mid-20th century and prove yourself against players from around the world. All other heavies in its tier should be tier 5 compared to it. Compared to Ram 2 it has much better punching gun but it trades it for overall worse accuracy and trash tier dpm which from I quickly checked (cough at work cough) is worse than tech tree T5 tanks However it's also much more mobile while apparently having overall roughly the same effective armor. 02m is like a mini panther that can semi-ram Cromwell is pretty quick and fun to play Char and AE Phase 1 are both powerful tanks, and generally recommended. :) Update 1. 5 mil. It's my least played class by far and I don't even torture tier 4 and 5 noobs in my Leafblower. I bought 122TM and progetto the same time , but I found 122TM Is more fun for me to play. This series of easy and rewarding missions ends with a big gift: a token to unlock the Tier VI tank of your choice. 01 is a touch better (used to be a medium) the M6 is a joke, kv-2 can overmatch its rear armour, kv-2 is a bit of a glass cannon, however the 152 is the jewel, the KV-1S, T-150 and the KV-85 are all rounders, with a 122mm available for the 1S, a Additional permanent game mode. K-91 is basically an SU-122-44 scaled up to tier 9, solid DPM and so mobile the lack of a turret is rarely an issue. 43. ST vz. Tier 6: Hellcat US TD and O-I Japanese HT both 950K, AT 8 UK TD 940K Achsually 🙃 arty in WOT is also called sky cancer. I just made this ‘review’ for some sort of self-reflection for my future reference. Or you really don't need to, 777 is easily the worst out of the three t9 token reward tanks. Jun 5, 2023 · World of Tanks 1. 01h. If you didn't use it yet, or if you want to help your fellow tankers recruited through the WG uses “tokens” for almost everything and almost never do they explain what they mean. Quite forgiving and easy to play. Combined with the matchmaker, this has always resulted in a lot of frustration. The gun has superb penetration and excellent Type 64 is the best tier 6 scout in the game T-34-85M is better than the T-34-85, Type 58, Rudy in almost every single way. You had to research a tier 5 tank to earn the token. 1 - Rebalancing of Tanks - Part 1 December 26, 2024; World of Tanks - New Year Calendar 2025 - Day 26 bonuses December 26, 2024; World of Tanks - Future in 2025 December 23, 2024; World of Tanks – New Year Calendar 2025 – Day 20 bonuses As expected, inferior to the Ka-Ri in every way. 5cm derp gun, which with HE ammo is capable of 1-shotting opponents and outputting good DPM. com/channel/UCGxTKPFUVEI5iVp7M9fQbCwSkill4ltu VOD:https://www. Im basing this on light tanks in the past that have actually worked really well. It's more of a troll though as I don't actually play that much arty. A tier 9. I know the Obj is the safe pick, but i want to hear opinions 8. Doesn't get rated higher because most players tend to not like the rest of the line, aside from the Tier 9. I am considering the BZ-75 Line, EBR 105 Line, or Obj. Arty: you hide, point and click and see what RNG decides for you. US T21 is a newcomer Tier 6 light that does pretty well and leads to the good US light lines. Yeah. bbixex feey qjt tkna gfjsb kareaq hldwv sld dpau besnhxpnr