Mixed feelings: Inong Ayu, Abimana Aryasatya's wife, will be blessed with her 4th child after 23 years of marriage

What to do if a girl takes too long to reply. “Somewhere between 10 seconds and 48 hours.

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What to do if a girl takes too long to reply. Vaginas are usually between 3 to 7 inches long.

7 April 2024 12:56

What to do if a girl takes too long to reply. Don’t send too many. 1. If, though, this girl that you like waits that long again, I wouldn't pursue her. Even if she is interested and she's 'testing' you to see how you Feel free to keep texting her, but if you'd like to actually go out, do not text her to set up a date. :nono: Remember that if a girl is interested in you, she'll find a way to get with you. Try something like this; Vacation is going good, looking forward to telling you about it. And to please forgive her, that she has been a terrible friend to everyone that week. And I’m not anxiously waiting for a response. Show her you like her by going on a date. If shes taking an hour to reply, you take an hour, if it's 9 you take 9 etc. If I have to wait days to get a reply for a simple dm Feb 25, 2024 · 2. That’s where the interaction counts. Or last night, she opened my snap, and didn If I'm interested or I'm really busy, it takes me time to respond. If so, do this. This is the only reason some women take 8 hours to respond. The only exception was when one woman asked if I could wait a while because she was busy. May 11, 2023 · Don’t jump to conclusions and show them trust. Maybe you can tell her in person. She says she want to date me next week. Because you’re a busy person. You should be leading a fulfilling life without relying on a girl texting you back to feel good. And penises are usually between 3 to 7 inches long when erect (hard). more reply. If interested at all, she will get back at you. Archived post. 4. But a penis can’t get lost inside a vagina. Further, you need to be prepared for the worst. [1] “Here’s your medal: 🥇 for slowest response time 😉. I don't do this, but of the people I know who take a while to respond it's because they're busy. If a girl is in to you she will absolutely text you first, initiate conversation or plans, and will usually reply back fast or in a timely manner. I literally text back too quick. Girl takes long time to snap me back. There are a lot of possible explanations for why a girl replies to messages late but types long replies when she’s not that into you. I can guarantee you that. Personally, as a woman no more than 3 days. If shes pissed about it shes clearly a hypocrite. When you reread your conversation, you see short and slow replies and feel like she’s snubbing you. maybe she doesn't want to seem too eager or available. 24. That gives you enough time to restart the conversation and makes you sound less clingy. May 11, 2023 · When she takes too long to reply to you and she does it on purpose, then you should know that she probably wants to give you some space. If you need We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. or maybe she's taking time to consider her responses. [2] It is still very possible that she just isn’t glued to her phone, but use your intuition here. So do not assume she is not. X-xWishesx-X. Reply as normal. That and short, simple 1-3 word responses to see if the girl texts back trying to start a conversation. I think it’s immature AF. She did apologize for the long responses and said that shes a bad texter but I am so confused. - She will give you a very short answer like "yep" or something - it's done, I would advise you to drop the contact, she is not interested. *when she takes a long time to respond*In this video, I discuss what to do when a girl takes a long time to respond to you. It's always been easy for guys to get ready as much as it has been hard for girls to do so. " She might not be over the moon for you at the moment, but dates help you figure out if you like someone (or if you could). Source. Text communication says to me, ‘Here’s some information/a question that can wait until it’s convenient for you to get to it. couple of days to a week later. Too hard to tell. Here’s what you can do when you haven’t received a text message from a girl in two days: Send a question mark: you've already said what you need to say in the first message, so send that question mark and then forget about it. So if someone says it’s “too far,” it’s too far. 9. That leaves enough time for her to wonder but at the same it's not too long. If you noticed your ex doing one of the following, Not responding in a timely manner. Communicate with your contacts about your preferred method of communication and response time expectations. May 17, 2023 · “Why is it taking so long for her to answer my texts? Is she still interested in talking to me?” If that scenario doesn’t take much imagination at all, take a deep breath. I just wanted to hear other people's opinion on whether they purposely "wait" to So with my past experience the best thing to do is kind of mirror what they do. 5. Some gals may take long because they are busy, have things they consider better to do, or don't want to communicate with the sender. [10] While more people aren’t bothered by a double text, constant messages or a wall of text could get intimidating to reply to. 2. I'll use myself as an example: I don't really notice messages right off the bat and I may not respond for a few hours. Also, are you seeing this girl? Be polite and courteous to each other. Reply reply. If she takes very long to respond and does not address it in her messages it’s a sign of low priority. Also, do not reply to her instantly if it’s not important. If you wish to give her the benefit of the doubt, ask to meet in person and see how you two do. Don’t send too many messages to her, especially, if she isn’t replying, it would ruin your reputation. Sometimes I ask a question and she reads it, but takes like 5 hours to answer, even when it would be a simple one-line answer. Regular ghosting, on the other hand, includes the person you’re texting flat-out ignoring you. Don’t Worry About It. Sep 4, 2023 · 4. No reply. Reply reply more repliesMore repliesMore repliesMore replies. A text doesn’t take long to respond to and people make time for someone they’re genuinely interested in Many people choose to reply immediately, others reply when they have a free moment which could very much be not for 10 hours. If there’s a genuine reason for not texting back on time, you will hardly have any problem with it. Oct 10, 2023 · To keep things lighthearted, add a self-deprecating or complimentary twist to your text. You may not need to stress trying to keep up with her, give her some distance. Mistake 1: Why Quitting Too Soon on Your Texts Limits Your Chances. Treat your partner how you want to be treated. 5 Months ago I really liked this girl and I had a good relation with her so I tried to be close to her and talk to her more. The real problem is that you're getting hung up over it. It takes 3 seconds. Doesn't open them, and just takes forever to snap back. Crack a joke. shit, it's a text. Mention something of interest to her. 2 hours is a very short amount of time to text someone back . Yes, I know things come up, but if you're gonna leave, at least say something before you go or when you come back. I'm weird, if I like someone, I tend to show signs that I'm not. Master Age: 28 , mho 33%. Or maybe she wants to make sure she has a well-thought-out response before sending anything. If they dont text back for an hour then wait at least an hour before you text them back. it's designed to be something someone can read when they have an opportunity to. If somebody let’s it go more than a day, that means they’re rude and they don’t give a shit about you. How long is too long for her reply? A week gives the person enough time to thoughtfully respond. This also calms my anxious thoughts because I’m the one in control if I haven’t text back yet. 2 or 3 hours. This water sign reads far too much into everything, so if their reply lags Step 2) Engage physically. Aug 19, 2020 · The first email is from a viewer in the UK who has been dating a girl for five months, but lately she has been ignoring him and taking too long to reply to his messages. If a guy replied days later, I would think he doesn't really care about me or he may persue different girl at the same time. I’ve matched with guys on dating apps and we had super great texting chemistry. or maybe its a total fluke and she's busy. Then again she’s a pretty big outlier when it comes to that, pretty sure she’s like that with everyone. I'm busy too with my career. I know I fall into the latter category and tell everyone not to text me unless it’s casual. This day and age people have time to respond to one text at least in 8 hours. Your relationship should consist of two independent individuals that come together to form a strong partnership. "In the early days of courting, we're continually Some people are really bad texters. 5 hours. They’re trying to set boundaries. randomusername078. She gave me her number but it takes 12 HOURS to 48 HOURS for her to reply on my last message (yes, EACH message). It's normal and It may be in that rhythm until you both are official or have been on more dates down the line. Mar 4, 2020 · Gottsman, speaking "from a polite factor" believes you should respond within a day. More replies. Sometimes we text back and forth a bit and once it dies down it might be a couple of days. You guys wonder why it takes so long for us to get ready since "there's nothing hard in picking a nice top and buttom and I would reply her to as soon as you see it. As NYC relationship expert Susan Winter tells Elite Apr 8, 2024 · A 5-minute response time is ideal, since it gives you time to think of an awesome reply that’ll show off your personality and get her attention. It can be frustrating when someone doesn’t reply to your messages for a long time. [deleted] •. Apr 15, 2024 · Quite honestly, a delayed response could mean two things: She is busy and she really did not have time to respond (this is highly likely if you send a lot of questions or send long messages) And yes, even during the time of the COVID-19 lockdown, people can still be busy. While Cancer is the sign most likely to text you back right away, Cancers can leave you waiting at times, too. Reasons why you shouldn’t reply right away. Make a move. You need to initiate. Sometimes I ask her for a phonecall and we talk for hours. Depending on how my week is going, for a few days. It's not doing any good that is for you. But I personally would never be able to have a relationship with someone who requires texting this constantly. If this happens on a regular basis, it might be a signal that she doesn’t see you as a priority. Aug 13, 2022 · 1. Jun 10, 2021 · If timely responses are important to you, then it's OK to talk to them about it, especially if they’re consistently taking hours to reply. This usually means she’s not that interested, busy, or she’s thinking about what to say. Dating a woman that takes 12 HOURS to 48 HOURS to reply. hithere1909738. Let’s get together on “pick a date”, and if that doesn’t work let me know what does. I will take days to respond with my friends too, it’s just how I communicate. This includes any lying or deceit. Dec 8, 2020 · If your girlfriend takes a long time to reply, this can be a good thing. if you want an instant reply, go onto a chat service like MSN or whatever people use these days. eljip. May you should wait a day to text her back. Guys spend a few minutes to pick an outfit while it takes hours for girls to find the outfit that'll call their names. TLDR, this girl took 24hrs to reply to my text. Second of all, she can have a very busy job. But in the otherwise situation, you will have to be How long is too long? My crush - best friend - girl can take 3+ days sometimes. Or just reply by saying ‘See you then!’. We’ll worry that we just came across as rude. Women are repulsed by over eagerness, so if shes taking 12 hours to reply and we reply instantly everytime we come across as overly keen and desperate. But she often takes soo long to return my texts, that it sometimes bothers me. Dec 15, 2022 · 5. What I'd do - try not sending anything (unless she asked you a question). If the girl takes really long to reply, you should not respond immediately. I understand her being busy, but sometimes I've noticed she's online and doesn't reply. Sep 18, 2023 · Studies have shown that after 4 hours, you’re more likely to get a response if you text again. Mirroring is probably the best way to go, if shes taking around half a day to reply, I would take around half a day to reply too. Dec 21, 2023 · 2. Do not be mean, insulting or disrespectful to any other user on this subreddit. Men typically get absorbed in whatever task is at hand, and when they’re in that mode, nothing else exists outside of it. But since she texted you back after 3 days she may be playing mind games with you. We’ll fear that the mood will be killed. ALWAYS "See you then!". Catfishing is the luring of somebody into an online friendship through a fake online persona. docgima. The key isn't about the speed of responses but about the investment. On the other hand it gives many girl the feeling that you are needy and prioritize her to much. But if I really like you, I'll make an effort to Vote. [1] But since you’re not keeping her waiting too long, responding after a few minutes still lets you keep the conversation flowing. If I text you first, then I understand that she doesn't reply instantly Feb 20, 2024 · Cancer. You’re too sensitive. Take into account their communication style and adjust your expectations. It’s fine, no hard feelings. Everything else you said doesn't matter. Eh. " Swann adds in an extra day of . Then make your partner feel how it felt like. Some people are just slow in replying. Third, probably an unpopular opinion, she might be someone who doesn't want to be on her phone all the time. But maybe her texts are perfectly fine considering her circumstances. Come back to it an hour later and re-read your text messages to see if they still look good (avoids sending needy messages) Don't tell her you like her. Seriously. If not, she is not and pursuing wouldn't have helped. Girls do this for like no reason, Dosent mean she’s not into you. Not big on texting and feels overwhelmed after spending too long on her phone; Taking you for a ride Nov 14, 2023 · She’s not in the mood for a relationship or dating. Whichever reason it is you should still go by these principles I’ve laid out. She does not feel enough of a strong 4. In my experience, if someone takes a while to reply they're not interested. Share your favorite social skills tips, ask for advice, or offer encouragement to others on their…. Indeed, it can be frustrating when you start texting or talking with a girl that you have to wait for her… But sometimes it gets overwhelming and I take a break from the app for a few days. Not responding at all. Men are not good at multi-tasking. It seems like she’s not interested if she doesn’t respond within 24 hrs, but if she continually meets with you and goes on dates with you, she likes you. But a relationship isn’t had over a text conversation. After a month I saw that she was still taking too long to reply and even all the conversations had to start with me talking to her so I started not to feel atracted to her. If she takes so long maybe you should focus on someone who is much more attracted to you than her. 3. Subtract an hour, then half that time. She’s not that into you. don't overthink things! Feb 14, 2018 · Find out how texting habits reveal your crush's feelings and why playing games is a bad idea, according to a psychologist. Get more dating options: if she doesn't respond to you, you should already have another girl lined up. When responding to “Aww” from a girl, the best idea is to change the conversation topic with a question or joke. Just let them know that you are not cross, and they do not think you are. One mistake guys make when texting girls is giving up too easily. Basically they’re trying to avoid drama and let you know that things are Also, 5 hours is not that long to not respond to a text. It could mean she’s not all that interested if this happens a lot. If your ex is taking a long time to respond and you find that when they do they’re cold and businesslike rather than the warm and inviting person you fell in love with, then chances are they’re trying to set boundaries with you. Many guys do that on purpose to see if a girl is interested in them. if it's that urgent (finding out what to do/go within a couple of hours) - CALL. Meeting with you is more important than texting. --> "Hey, lmk when you have time for a 5-minute phone call. If she isn't involved in your conversation Turns out, if a guy really likes you, he will reply you at the earliest most of the time. “Somewhere between 10 seconds and 48 hours. She is probably just being shy or careful. For example, ask her a question about her day or something random, like Nov 2, 2021 · Reason #4: They’ve Never Been That Into Texting. Do not catfish. Girl Takes Forever to Text Back but Says She Likes Me. She would start to think that you’re chasing her way too much. On one hand it might stress her out because she might just not be the type who texts all the time and you subconsciously give her the feeling that you expect her to do it. This is the biggest mistake guys make. •. who knows. She couldn’t answer the bell and if she gave you her info in the first place, then she’s clearly confused about what she wants. Don't waste your time waiting around for someone who won't show up/reply. Oct 21, 2021 · Collect the memories of the incidents and evaluate her interest in you. Don’t make assumptions about their motives. There are chances that only you are interested in her, and she’s not. Nov 16, 2021 · So, if somebody waits twenty-four hours to respond to your texts, it just means that you’re not a high priority to them. Unless you clearly said something wrong in your last few texts, you can’t know why she didn’t text back. Reply on your bathroom break. They text a girl, and if they don’t hear anything back (or just get a brief reply) they assume the girl doesn’t like them or she has a boyfriend. This one is perhaps the easiest to figure out. You just wanna also give her that feeling as well that you have a life going on and not initiate text all the time cause she may get the message of being If you are not getting replies within 2-3 hours it’s because they don’t value your attention. When she takes too long to reply to you, she may just be telling you indirectly that she does not want to have anything to do with this must be very annoying for you. So rather than assuming the worst, trust that she likes you and got caught up in something important. But sometimes I forget to reply though. So if it was 5 hours, you’d wait 2 hours. I know it feels like a long time when you like someone, but it just isn't that long. The first is the simplest and it comes down to the fact that most men simply just aren’t as good at multi-tasking as women. I know I occasionally hear from men and women alike that they sometimes wait a bit to reply to a text because they don't want to seem too eager, but I very seriously doubt that very many deliberately wait that long to respond. Move on. I came across this cute girl and I texted her, we've been talking but the problem is that, even tho she seems to be interested (she replies every message with other questions and detailed messages) she takes too long to reply (3 hours or more). Like she snapped me this morning, and I snapped her back at noon, and she hasn't even opened it. Perhaps a school or work project, a family visit, or a bad case of the gloomies. 2 days later I text her on Sat, asking how her weekend is going. No short, one-worded replies. That way, you'll know where you are. If they have something important or time sensitive they should be calling. He sometimes takes over 5 hours to reply to my messages. Othertimes I take 3+ days. If he is always on his phone when you’re together but takes forever to get back to you. ’. We've been together for a few months now. Like I told someone else if you're so busy then don't be dating or manage your time better. You did your part. Say something clever like ‘I was getting worried about you!’. She often reads them much faster, but doesn't reply right away. My crush literally takes several days to reply to stuff. Ask her something about herself. When we take a while to reply, we might worry about a few things. Sometimes being social is overwhelming. Even though it's a little old-fashioned, some people will wait 3 days after a date to text you back to make you miss them more. 5M subscribers in the socialskills community. Tell them that their slow response time is causing stress or irritation. Vaginas are usually between 3 to 7 inches long. It seems like on average, it takes about 2-3 weeks for girls to reply to my Mar 25, 2024 · If your partner isn’t comfortable, then it’s possible that your penis has gone “too far” into their vagina. Go do whatever it is you enjoy, preferably coupled with something productive. If we're texting back and forth and you suddenly take 15 minutes to reply to the next message, then it's kind of annoying. Her situation might be unique but, yes, if a woman takes an exceptionally long time to respond you aren't a priority in her life, and are most likely not a romantic interest. Wait for her to text you. Be relaxed with it man. So, you’re messaging a girl and she takes several hours or even days to respond. But he’ll be active all over social media and he also has his read receipts on, so I know when he sees my messages, but just ignores them. I'm a bit confused because she's replying back with long text messages but is taking over 1-2 days to reply back while I maybe take at most 1-2 hours to get back to her. Yeah that’s a red flag. “My little sister responds to texts faster than you and she can’t even really read yet 🧐. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Here’s what you should do: Be open about your feelings and expectations. Before you decide what to say to your partner, you may first be wondering how long is too long wait for a reply from them. Deep-Individual3521 • 2 yr. Met a woman at speed dating. Maybe she’s busy and just doesn’t have time to respond right away. Odds are that you’re not these girls first options. Too many people on dating apps like to waste time/weeds people who are actually interested in dating rather than getting attention Summary. Talk about something fun you’re doing. End. Perhaps you’re making mountains out of molehills. Waiting any longer than a week could be a sign they're not interested, and it might be best to let the conversation die out. So, for example, if you get a text back once every 3 days or more, you’re likely being soft ghosted. Just dont reply back as fast aswell. May 8, 2016 · Take the high road and create some good dating karma by practicing compassion for her for not being as evolved and willing to take risk as you are. I added this girl who I think is hot and we've been snapping for like 3 days. Reply. Taking a lot of time to send something back just means texting you back is not her #1 priority. If she replays instantly (if you have time) sure, reply quickly. But 5 hours doesn't mean much. It’s had in person. Seriously, stop it. The response starts to take longer and the conversations become shorter. After that 3 things can happen: - She is not going to respond - it's done, I would advise you to drop the contact, she is not interested. ago. Don’t push, don’t get upset if she’s taking awhile, maybe dating is low priority right now for her. Yoda Age: 26. The second email is from a guy who met a woman on Tinder who used to reply right away when he messaged her, but now she takes 7–8 hours to reply. Take breaks and disconnect from technology to reduce communication stress and overload. If she hasn't responded in a day or two, go ahead and take that as a hint. Take your time, don’t show her your needy nature. "That sounds like a very long time for some people but we all have busy lives. Bit of a logical leap to conclude that just because gals take so long to reply to you that gals take so long to reply in general. There’s been studies that show the average adult 1. Meanwhile, I win gold for falling for an amazing girl who leaves me on read 🥇🥳”. Today (thurs, a week later) she texts me saying that she had a falling out with her best friend and that she had been keeping to herself. You can bring up to her why this is but she’ll probably say something along the lines of just being really busy recently. Taking a long time to respond to Jul 2, 2022 · 5: You’re Chasing Her Too Hard. We’ll fear that the other person will stop liking us. Usually, when a girl texts, “Aww,” she isn’t sure what to say, so your reply should quickly move on so you can get the conversation flowing again. Consider the reasons why it took your partner so long to reply. Nothing again. Text her to set up a set up. It’s a telltale sign that she can live her own life without needing you to constantly reassure her. 3 Avoid boring, bland texts that are hard to respond to. May 15, 2012 · Don't delude yourself into thinking this girl likes you because she's taking too long to respond or playing hard to get. If she’s said she likes you but still takes forever to text back, she’s probably either: Busy with responsibilities, like work, school, or chores. +1 y. • 5 yr. SassyTapeDispenser. Write your message but don't send it. [deleted] • 1 yr. You’re not alone, and everything could very well be okay! Today we’re going to talk about… soothing your mind with likely explanations for her extended silences, Feb 20, 2024 · Shutterstock. Be strategically narcissistic. I send her good morning and good night messages and she answers only sporadically. How to get a girl to text you back without hounding her about it. She snaps back like hours later. 4 hours 1. EastMeetEastOfficial. She will only rationalise that if she isn’t making you her priority it’s because she is just not that interested in you. Or dont and just ignore it and proceed as usually because it seems like that you work out good in person. If you've had a successful first date, she is very likely to show a lot more interest. Jan 21, 2020 · What to do when you meet a girl you like, you start talking and texting each other back and forth, but she takes way too long to respond and text back to you. For all you know she's moving things around on Wednesday to make time for you and it takes Soft ghosting typically includes extremely late replies. I don't think you're crazy. It is possible that they are doing this because they’ve never really jumped on the texting bandwagon. How is that such a big deal for you? If you don’t like waiting for replies, just unmatch. Do not harass or annoy others in any way. A girl I'm seeing right now is the same, and I'm having sex with her. So I would ask myself if I would be you, if that’s a behavior you’d like to entertain. May 25, 2023 · Why do girls take so long to reply to your text? This is a concern that occupies your mind. Don't message her first except to set up a date. Is this messed up? Me (26/F) and my bf (28/M) have been dating for 6 months. Don’t focus all your energy on this person, you should be going after I know a lot of girls that purposely take hours to text back just to play hard to get. Now if the person waits a few days, then you subtract 1 full day and halve the remaining time. Bf takes hours to reply to me, so I did it back. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You’re kind of a low priority, but they respond within a day because they don’t want to be rude. yd fi at il pj fw vw gq xh ev